The State of Revival Church : What Next?

The vision is HOT and I am boldly calling you into position.

Revival Church Logo Dark 2x1p14I am gripped by a consuming mandate that is so much bigger than me it’s laughable.

Revival Church is a key gathering point for the entire regional church of Detroit—and the need for highly devoted people is skyrocketing.

We need you.

We are looking for people who really believe that revival can come to Detroit—but we aren’t looking for people who are waiting on the sidelines for something to happen. It’s time to work.

This need of fiery people includes 1000 people who won’t take no for an answer when presented with the possibility of revival. God gave me the job of gathering 1000 people to join together on Friday nights to pray for Detroit. See where we’ll be next Friday at

**MY GUESS IS if you are in this region, and you are reading this, you are included in the 1000. We’re calling every leader, every pastor, every intercessors in the entire region to pray with us every week.

The importance of the region of revival minded Christians gathering together is so extreme.

capture-000000017WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Everybody MUST watch this video. It’s about the call to rock Detroit with fire! Go to and watch the video on the bottom left corner.

The State of the Church

I am humbled by what God has done in such a short amount of time. The culture that’s been developed at Revival Church is stunning!

>>One friend regularly comes from Chicago because she can’t find anything like Revival Church in her city of millions! Detroit is going to draw the masses just like this!

It’s rare to find a church that’s made up of so many people who have devoted themselves to revival. The cost is so high, and the reformation requires so much.

Our worship experience is rare and very special. TheLab School of Fire is growing fast and transforming a lot of people.

Our leadership team is unparalleled. We are blessed. It’s hard to believe we started in my living room just two and a half years ago.


  • I am actively dreaming and allowing God to radically expand the vision of Revival Church.
  • We must see another wave of people flood into position and refuse to allow anything to move them out. It’s time to lock in and refuse to let issues, unfulfilled expectations or frustrations shut you down.
  • I’m boldly asking for another 150 people from the region to discover their role at Revival Church—and simply come every time the doors are open.
  • I’m boldly asking for everybody to financially invest into this mission radically. Some can give hundreds and I’m convinced some can give tens of thousands of dollars.
  • I’m seeking ways to impact a much broader region…well beyond the Detroit Metro area.
  • I’m looking for 100 new students at theLab School of Fire. They must be trained in the DNA and vision that God has imparted into this regional ministry of revival. This will require thousands of dollars for marketing.
  • I’m looking for my leadership team to expand significantly with people who are burning with the vision and who will serve humbly and feverishly (just like our current leaders!).
  • It’s time to get our message on as many media channels as we can. Detroit must hear the sounding of the alarm to gather and advance the Kingdom in Detroit.

Powerful Insight

I received some rock solid insight regarding church development from Ed Young, and I wanted to pass this on. This is very much what we are applying at Revival Church. If you are a leader, this is for you:

  1. Draft impact players.
    One of the most important skills as a leader is to have discernment. Draft people who are influencers. Draft yes men and women (i.e., people who are yielded and encouragers). Look at the spouse of your impact players. You better go spouse hunting because they are one. How do these people spell relational relief. Check out Facebook. Check references.
  2. Develop double vision.
    If you have a church of 20 people, pastor like it is 40. If you have 200 people, pastor like it is 400.
  3. Change.
    Change > Conflict > Growth = the spin cycle of success. If you aren’t careful as a leader, you can get as a contemporary church become as predictable as a traditional church.
  4. Build a big shallow end in your church.
    You better have a place where you can rapidly plug in new attendees and new Christ-followers. The church grows from the outside-in. Start reaching people, and make a big place for them.
  5. Put on your shades.
    The vision should be so bright, so hot that people have to wear shades. Make people feel and know the vision of your church. Don’t assume that people know the vision. Talk about the vision. People don’t give to need; they give to vision.
  6. Las Vegas
    Las Vegas has nothing to say, but they know how to say it. We have everything to say but don’t know how to say it. Most of us do a horrible job in promoting. We should be the best promoters in the world.
  7. Consult other leaders before you consult the consultant.
    Talk to people who are in the game and not the consultants.
  8. Pay now or pay later.
    You have to pay your people well. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. What is well? I have no idea, but you’ll know if you ask questions. Put money in the hands of people that you know will be generous and bring the tithe. Where your treasure is, so your heart is. If you are going to err on the side of a poverty mentality or prosperity mentality, err on being generous.
  9. Have a good HATtitude.
    What kind of hat do you wear? If you can’t put on the hat of enforcing the rules, you are doing something wrong. Sometimes you need the vision hat. Sometimes you need the corporate hat.
  10. Deal regularly and rapidly with staff infection.
    When you see a shark on your staff – deal with it. If you have to sit down with a staff member and motivate them more than twice, you don’t need them around you.
  11. Watch the leaves.
    People will leave your church. Don’t tell me how many people are coming to your church; tell me how many people are leaving your church. If you are doing the right things, people will leave. Even a third of the angels left heaven.
  12. Become childish.
    One of the most important things in the church is your children’s ministry. Put your best energy, best time, best money, and best volunteers with the children.
  13. Pick up special deliveries.
    Pyramid your church with special days (big events). It must have a meaning behind it and not just gimmicks.
  14. Tweak out!
    Create a climate of critiques. Small tweaks take you to giant peaks.
  15. Investigate what you delegate.
    People don’t do what you expect; they do what you inspect.
  16. To go out, you have to get under.
    I have to get under the things that God has placed over me so that I can get over the things that God has placed under me. This is about authority issues. It is about honor.
  17. The message is the main thing.
    Worship elements, videos, and other things are important, but the message is the main thing.
  18. Become a rescuer.
    Church is about souls. We do all of this because people need the Lord Jesus Christ. We are rescuers.

See you tomorrow for burning prayer at 10pm and then Sunday at Revival Church!


Check out the BRAND NEW promo video for theLab School of Fire in Detroit

Watch this video and then send it to everybody you know who is marked for revival!

imageThe next session starts April 28th, and you can avoid a late registration fee by registering by the end of March.

The testimonies of radical transformation are seemingly endless. God is changing and maturing hungry people very, very quickly. It’s an accelerated season.

Visit and fill out the application.

You can watch the video here: 

Here are some testimonies from past students:

Encounter after encounter, realm after realm, breakthrough after breakthrough. Words cannot even describe it. My life will never be the same. –Ruth

The school of fire has completely changed my life. I have been marked, set free. –Valerie

I am so awakened beyond where I've ever been before spiritually! There is this volcanic eruption of the Holy Spirit exploding all of the time. I am so ALIVE! -Jill

theLab begins in 40 minutes : Corry Robinson Sunday at Revival Church

We are calling for 1000 revival remnants to gather every Friday night from 10pm-midnight!

image9 Two extremely special announcements regarding the Detroit revival movementConsider this quote by Evan Roberts, the hero of the Welsh Revival, as he shares the simple formula for revival:

"Congregate the people who are willing to make a total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s promises. Hold daily meetings.”

We are taking serious steps to fulfill this simple yet costly mandate.

Head over to for tonight’s event and future events!

CORRY ROBINSON AT REVIVAL CHURCH THIS SUNDAYimage thumb8 Two extremely special announcements regarding the Detroit revival movement

FIRST: This Sunday night at Revival Church, Corry Robinson will be releasing prophetic decrees and sharing dreams he has had regarding Detroit. Prayer begins at 5pm and the service is at 6pm.

Corry has a deep burden to see God raise up Nazarites out of the inner-cities to become burning and shining lamps, who will stand and hear the voice of the Lord, and herald the message of the Coming Bridegroom God.

Watch a video HERE.


Two extremely special announcements regarding the Detroit revival movement

theLab Events have launched! Monthly meetings begin in partnership with The Crossing and Revival Church next month!

imageConsider this quote by Evan Roberts, the hero of the Welsh Revival, as he shares the simple formula for revival:

"Congregate the people who are willing to make a total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s promises. Hold daily meetings.”

We are taking serious steps to fulfill this simple yet costly mandate.


FIRST: This Sunday night at Revival Church, Corry Robinson will be releasing prophetic decrees and sharing dreams he has had regarding Detroit. Prayer begins at 5pm and the service is at 6pm.

Corry has a deep burden to see God raise up Nazarites out of the inner-cities to become burning and shining lamps, who will stand and hear the voice of the Lord, and herald the message of the Coming Bridegroom God.

Watch a video HERE.




I have had a clear vision for a monthly regional revival strategy in Detroit since I arrived. theLab Prayer Events and theLab School of Fire were the first two pieces of this mandate, and now theLab Events are sponsoring BRAND NEW monthly revival events! The monthly event is called simply REVIVAL FIRES. That’s the purpose of our sounding the alarm and gathering the people.

Brian Simmons felt extremely impressed that monthly meetings hosted by The Crossing and Revival Church were critical, and that we should be prepared for extended meetings. The spirit of revival is here!

With our great friends Pastors Randy and Deb O’Dell at The Crossing Church in Farmington, theLab and Revival Church will be serving this great vision the first Friday of every month.

March 2nd we will be at The Crossing in Farmington for a powerful revival service, led by the Revival Church worship team, and then we will remain and launch into theLab Prayer Event there from 10pm-midnight.

We will be releasing and activating the 10 Principles of Finney's Revival that Brian Simmons wrote about on The Elijah List. You can see that article here:

You can go to for a map and directions to The Crossing.

What racial problems in Detroit? : The most important event

Detroit City Strategy: The most important event of the week is NOT our Sunday service.

slide2-900x580As much as I LOVE Sunday night services at Revival Church (and, yes, I mean LOVE!), they are not the most important events of the week.

For those that are interested in city-wide revival, transformation and real unity there is no match for Friday night’s prayer events that travel the city of Detroit.

*Tonight is extremely special. After Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons minister the fire of revival at The Crossing (the conference starts at 6:30pm), we’ll take over and continue in burning groans and cries of intercession!

10pm TONIGHT: The Crossing 31590 Grand River Ave.Farmington MI, 48336

Detroit: theLab Friday Prayer Events—A movement unlike any other

theLab is an apostolic and prophetic movement in the Detroit region that is working WONDERS. In fact, it has been so powerful that a school of ministry has been birthed out of it! theLab School of Fire is shocking and rocking a lot of zealous, emerging history makers!

Since January, 2011 theLab has been in around 50 different churches in the Detroit region. That means that 50 churches have been rocked by the life and fire of the Holy Spirit in unusual fashion.

The grace that’s on this movement is remarkable. Astonishing. The call is for EVERY pastor, leader, intercessor, revivalist and burning man and woman of God in Detroit to gather together every Friday night from 10pm-midnight. This is a city movement of fire for the entire city church of Detroit. I’m sounding the alarm. Who will respond?

Joel 1:14 – The Message® (MSG)
Declare a holy fast, call a special meeting, get the leaders together, Round up everyone in the country. Get them into God’s Sanctuary for serious prayer to God.

What racial problems in Detroit?

Since before I moved to Detroit I’ve heard about the severe racial tension that plagues this region.

Since a growing team of burning revivalists and I have been traveling the city every Friday night for over a year, both in urban and suburban churches, my testimony is:

I sense no racial tension whatsoever. None.

We pray in fire together. We love God together. Black. White. There is unity. There is no division. NONE.

And, it’s extremely easy. No working things out. No focus on past racial violations. Just freedom.

Off the Radar

I know what you are probably thinking. I’m not seeing all of the other churches and ministries that are steeped in division and racial strife.

I know they are out there, but the prophetic word is this:

They are off the radar.

The next move of God that is drawing very near in Detroit DOES NOT include them—unless they simply repent, pray, humble themselves and join the movement of revival in Detroit.

Repentance will put them right back on the radar of God’s city church mission in Detroit. It’s that easy.

I will make this as clear as I can—division, jealousy, bitterness and resistance in any form, whether it’s racial, theological, relational or otherwise will take us off the radar. We will miss the outpouring. The fear of the Lord should be striking every one of us right now.

Those who are divisive and resistant are simply being replaced by a fresh army of revivalists and a new city church of power in Detroit.

I believe the days of attempting to unite the old guard in Detroit is over. Seeking cohesion between the pastors here is an honorable mission, but that season is coming to an end as a willing remnant takes their place. This simply means that the mission is switching from reconciliation to advance. It’s time to take steps.

The good news is that at any time, those off the radar can willingly step right back onto it. It’s that easy. But, the pillar of fire is moving, so they better do it quickly.

The spirit of revival is all over me- find everybody you can and get them to Revival Church Sunday

I have been trembling all day as a burning spirit of revival has landed on me—Get everybody you can to Revival Church Sunday at 6pm.

imageIt’s just after midnight as I’m writing this and I am burning—yearning for 6pm to arrive at Revival Church. Something has landed. God is visiting us.

theLab is usually where it all begins. It’s the engine that drives our ministry, and both last night as we were praying at 10pm in a church in Detroit and today during class God interrupted us. A shift has come.

We are undone, trembling, shaken and bracing ourselves for the shock that is about to hit.

Let the religious resistors to revival know that what they fear the most is about to happen. A move of fire and glory, signs and wonders is nearing Detroit.

Unbelief in the church is coming to an end. The Bible is true. God is here.

What God is about to do will look absolutely foolish to our natural minds. Don't resist when God violates our human order.



Tomorrow night I will be bringing a message, Quenching the Wrong Fire.

I’ll just say this for now: The Holy Spirit is welcome at Revival Church.

He has no restrictions, no boundaries, no limits. His tangible, raging fire must engulf us!

We are going to gain to understand what a MOVE OF GOD is. When God arrives we won’t be able to stop weeping and trembling under his weight!

People will flood the altars! Repentance will spread through the city! Tears will pour through the streets! People will run in mass from the bars and strip clubs and businesses and schools to the churches.

The God of the Bible is tragically foreign to the most of the modern church and there is a necessary fire that must consume it.

It’s coming. And quick.

See you in 17 hours.

A 1000 person army in Detroit : Tonight at 10pm

theLab is burning TONIGHT at 10pm!

Spread the word and sound the alarm! We’ll be encountering God tonight at theLab!

Drive save and come burning hot TONIGHT at 10pm! (FYI, we don’t ever cancel for weather, so bundle up and come on out!)

Head over to for a map and directions.


Are you one of one thousand who are being gathered in Detroit?

Every Friday from 10pm-midnight we are responding to the most important call of the week—to travel to a Detroit region church and pray with groans of intercession that shock the atmosphere!

This is a key army in the strategic mission of city transformation and full-blown revival in Detroit.

Don’t sign up. Show up. We’re looking for the zealous and faithful warriors who will bring their fire on the road with us each week.

If you plan on coming I’d love to meet you! Contact me at [email protected]!


First of three audit classes at theLab School of Fire Saturday at 10am

A Spirit of Insignificance is one of the most powerful messages of freedom you’ll ever hear!

theLabXPad200x150Tomorrow (Saturday) at 10am at theLab School of Fire in Madison Heights you are invited to join our students and staff for a day of freedom!

We’ll be in the auditorium for four hours of deep prayer, ministry and teaching on breaking free from a spirit of insignificance.

The cost: $25

Day and time: Saturday 10am-2pm

The place: Revival Church (Central Church) 1529 E. 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071

You can pay with credit card online at or simply show up and pay with cash or check at the door!


theLab School of Fire makes three of its classes available for people to audit.

Along with tomorrow’s A Spirit of Insignificance, you can prepare to join us for Becoming Unoffendable and Six Enemies of Fulfilled Destiny.

All other classes and sessions are closed to the public.


Start to prepare for the next session: Apr 28-Jul 21

The tuition is $500 for everybody and all applications are due by March 28th. A late fee of $50 will be assessed for all applications submitted after this date.

You can apply TODAY at!

Special event TONIGHT at theLab : School of Fire begins tomorrow

imageThe fastest way to discover what this revival movement in Detroit is all about is to attend theLab Prayer Event Friday nights!

TONIGHT we will be in our brand new host church praying in fire from 10pm-midnight!

In 2011 we were in at least 40 different churches in the Detroit region. What a movement of unity and revival it has become!

I consider Friday nights to be the key to this movement…you could consider it our primary weekly service… and TONIGHT we’re at our home base in Madison Heights.

I’d like to invite THE ENTIRE REVIVAL CHURCH COMMUNITY to join us TONIGHT at 10pm!

LOCATION: Central Church 1529 E. 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071

theLab School of Fire

I can’t wait! The engine that drives the Detroit revival movement is theLab School of Fire. We are back in session starting TOMORROW morning!

*Today is your last chance to apply. NEXT SESSION there will be no student or minister discounts, so you might want to pray fast and see if the Lord might have you jump on board with us now.

The cost is $500, and students (between the ages of 18-25) and ministers receive a 50% discount! This school is valued at between $1500-2500 based on comparisons to other similar ministries, and we will soon increase our tuition to match that. So, for $250, you can’t go wrong!

Head on over to RIGHT NOW!

Gold dust manifested again at theLab : Gathering the entire Detroit church every Friday night

10pm Friday nights are a wide open slot on the calendar to gather the church of the Detroit region.

imageWhat would it be like if every Christian in Detroit gathered together every Friday night to pray for revival? Can you imagine that?!

That means, if you are in this region, you are a critical part of this vision!

I hear people say all the time, “John, I can’t imagine anything that could keep me away from encountering God at theLab on Fridays. What else could there be?”


Last night theLab was at an amazing church in Attica and the King of Glory revealed himself!

Suddenly gold dust started showing up all over people’s hands and clothes. Visible evidence of God’s presence was everywhere!

Check out a video on my Facebook Timeline at

This was the second time this happened in this particular church!

At Revival Church and theLab we’ve experienced gold dust, oil on people’s hands and the visible mist of God’s glory. It’s a sign of God’s glory!


So, by all means, help spread the word to the Detroit region church: Every pastor, leader, intercessor and Christian hungry for revival is called to gather in a different church each Friday night from 10pm-midnight at theLab!


Has God been speaking to you about going deeper? Lives are being rocked and equipped at theLab School of Fire!

The next three-month session begins Saturday, January 7th at 10am.

Apply today at!