Trump at Church in Las Vegas: Spirit-Filled, Prophetic Intercession Covers Our President

This is an unprecedented, historic and special season for Christians as we rally around an administration that is so zealously honoring of God.

I was deeply moved as I watched President Trump along with his team including White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany engaging with passion in a vibrant, Spirit-filled, prophetic church.

Deeply moved? No, that's woefully understated. The Spirit of God was burning and blowing through me as I watched. There was a tremble within that suddenly activated as I watched our President and those who surround him in the midst of a cyclone of Holy Spirit activity in Las Vegas. Tears filled my eyes.

“This is your third time here, that means you’re a church member. I don’t care what anybody says. I love my president,” Pastor Marc Goulet said.

President Trump, encouraging and exhorting the pastor and staff, declared that he'll be back to the International Church of Las Vegas many times.


I know many are already smirking and arguing that this was nothing more than an attention-grab. A photo-op.

First of all, I don't care, and I'll tell you why in a moment.

Secondly, if this was your reaction, and you consider yourself a true disciple of Jesus, you have no option but to repent.

As Believers we are to make judgment on others when done according to Scripture. What is inappropriate is a judgment of motive. Clearly, we are mandated to judge fruit. We are to carefully and lovingly analyze situations God brings before us.

“Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!” (1 Corinthians 6:2–3, ESV)

However, we don't have the license to judge motive. Such a judgment results in gossip, division and accusation. We align ourselves with the enemy. He is the accuser. In fact, Revelation 12:10 reveals he accuses Christians day and night before the Lord.

Others may say they have the gift of discernment and it's that gift that allows them to judge President Trump's motive. News flash: there is no such gift revealed in the Bible as the gift of discernment. It's not there. When people declare they have this gift it's usually an excuse to operate in some good old-fashioned charismatic witchcraft. Gossip. Manipulation.

“…to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.” (1 Corinthians 12:10, ESV)

The gift they are probably referring to is the discernment of spirits, or to “distinguish between spirits.” This is the gift that comes in handy when taking someone through deliverance. We know what spirit is manifesting (or hiding) and we are able to confront it with spiritual intelligence. This gift has nothing to do with judging the motives of someone else. This is God's job and his alone.

Now, the reason I said that I don't care whether President Trump's appearance was merely an opportunity to grab attention (which I don't believe it was) or not is simple: this man, in unprecedented fashion for a sitting President, has surrounded himself with authentic, fiery, devoted and uncompromising lovers of Jesus.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Mike Pence, Kayleigh McEnany and the many reputable and anointed pastors and Christian leaders who have remarkable access to him.

Simply, this is the most Spirit-driven administration America has probably ever seen. More striking is the night and day (dark and light?) comparison between such an unashamed embrace of Jesus and the wickedness so many of the liberal left represent.


I want to encourage you to watch some of the videos from yesterday's church service. You'll witness powerful decrees, intercession and exhortation in an atmosphere marked by extreme Holy Spirit activity. I've wanted to visit this church for years, and I was thrilled to see our President placing himself and his team in the midst of that whirlwind.

We can all vote for anybody we desire. That's the American way.

That being said, I'm stunned that any person who names the name of Christ would even consider for a moment allowing the nefarious agenda that the left is aggressively promoting to become rule in our nation.

Like him or not, Donald Trump is be far the most pro-Christian, pro-church, pro-faith President America has ever had. Stop and think about that. The left? This year most probably represents the most immoral, anti-God political advance in our nation's history.

Have you witnessed the brilliance of Kayleigh McEnany as she runs her press conferences? As phenomenal as she is on her own merit, I'm sure she would agree with me that her poise, wisdom, boldness and effectiveness in her position is mostly the result of a weighty and unusual anointing of God on her life. She is in her position as a result of Donald Trump authorizing her, commissioning her and entrusting her as the spokesperson of the highest office in the land. If we remove Trump, our nation's next spokesperson will most certainly be anointed by a very different spirit indeed.

Consider Vice President Mike Pence. Again, like him or not you have to respect his fervent devotion to Jesus. I shudder to even ponder the comparison between this godly man and the current Democratic Vice Presidential candidate.


I didn't vote for Donald Trump four years ago. I wrote in Ted Cruz. I absolutely will be voting for him this time around.

I have watched this man transformed before our nation's eyes. He is a story of redemption, and at age 74, it's a story that is still being written. He's much different than he was in 2016. He'll be even better in the years ahead.

Is he perfect? No way.

Do I hope for the sanctification process to ramp up in his life? Sure.

Do I believe God has anointed him for this hour. Absolutely.

I'm disheartened by professing Christians who are wholesale rejecting President Trump simply because they believe him to be rude, arrogant or a jerk.

Listen closely: I'd rather have a flawed yet growing Christian who may be considered a jerk than someone who clearly exhibits rotting (and dangerous) fruit like many of those on the liberal left. There's no comparison.

In fact, many misunderstand the traits that mark many leaders, including those in the church. A mega-church pastor once said that he'd never hire a staff member with a strong spiritual gift of mercy. He explained that those people all too often refuse to make the tough and necessary daily decisions because they are too concerned about people's feelings. That may sound harsh and unloving to you, but the truth is that too many pastors refuse to lead with boldness today. So they compromise the mission to appease a few.

It takes an in-your-face fighter, anointed by God, to lead churches and nations today. Yes, we must be loving in our approach, but we can't be passive. I believe if more pastors followed Donald Trump's “You're fired” approach we'd have healthier churches and we'd be much closer to revival. Again, we can do so with love and tenderness while also being strong and decisive.

When is the last time you heard about a pastor following this mandate in Scripture?

“It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you… And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you.” (1 Corinthians 5:1,2 ESV)

Isn't it interesting that Scripture calls those who are dismissive of sin in the camp arrogant? Today we'd presume someone who expelled them from the church to be unloving, harsh, accusatory and arrogant. Yet, that's exactly what God demands.

Brash leadership isn't by default ungodly. Yes, it can be, of course. We simply cannot look at someone who is offensive and deem them to be unrighteous or unfit for leadership. Often times godly leadership demands an offensive, aggressive and unapologetic approach. Donald Trump, while quite imperfect, exemplifies this.

So, just to make my point vividly clear, no I don't care about his aggressive, brash and sometimes irritating demeanor when he is making the tough godly decisions for our nation.

Am I saying Donald Trump is ready to lead a church? No. He's not. Yet, with refining he would make a modern day apostle unlike the world has ever seen. For now, I do believe, as a man in progress, even with all of his rough edges, he is clearly the right choice for the next four years.

Originally published by The Stream.

Killing Children: How Can Christians Vote For A Pro-Death Candidate?

If your candidate supported killing children under the age of two for any reason, would you vote for him or her?

I'll never forget something a remarkable pastor who was deeply invested in the prayer movement and in justice for the unborn told me. At a citywide pastor and church leader gathering in Detroit a call for prayer requests was made as the meeting was coming to a close.

This pastor simply asked the room of spiritual leaders, “Please keep us covered in prayer as we contend against abortion in Detroit.”

What happened next stunned him speechless. A prominent pastor brashly retorted by saying, “Sir, you must know that many pastors in this room support a woman's right to choose.”

Pure, unabashed wickedness.

How this man and others in the room who have aligned themselves with the slaughter of children can call themselves Christians, much less pastors, I don't know. Like the pastor, I'm speechless. I'm also sickened, grieved and enraged. You should be too.


I was again nauseous after Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris trumpeted her and Joe Biden's faith during the debate last night.

Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey tweeted:

The Washington Post reported, “Kamala Harris… voted last year against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would punish doctors who fail to provide medical care to a child born alive after an attempted abortion.”

Allow me to propose the question again: If your candidate supported killing children under the age of two for any reason, would you vote for him or her?

Look forward into time I can see this scenario playing out sooner than later. If people like Kamala Harris are in opposition to saving the lives of children who have been born after a failed abortion, that same murderous spirit will easily support the right to kill others.

The moment a toddler becomes an irritable inconvenience to the mother or father they are but a lethal injection away from peace and quiet. In fact, if they were to adopt the methods of abortion “doctors” they would have the option of ripping off the child's arms and legs, sucking out its brains and disposing of it in the trash. More progressive people might try to make a buck by harvesting the child's organs.

If my writing that disturbed you, perfect. You should be disturbed.

If you think my prediction is ridiculous, that's okay. My point wasn't to prophesy the future of destruction in America. My purpose was to make something vividly clear:

Killing children, toddlers who are breathing, laughing, walking, talking and a precious and valuable part of humanity is no different than killing those who are unborn.

It is exactly the same.


No difference whatsoever.


A “Christian” who supports a mother's right to choose has exposed an alliance with a murderous, demonic spirit who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. If they have the right to choose to slaughter their child before birth, then, by extension, they are supporting the right to slaughter their child after they are born.

Is it possible the barbaric culture we now live in is exponentially worse than during the time children were sacrificed to Molech? Absolutely.

History is filled with barbaric cultures. One of the worst, though, has to be the ancient Canaanites. As was customary in that culture, parents offered their newborn children as sacrifices to their god Molech. Most depictions of Molech include large metal statues of a man with a bull’s head. Usually these statues had outstretched arms to hold the baby sacrifices.

During the sacrificial process, the Canaanites would light a fire inside or around the statue to heat up the statue as hot as they could. Then they would place their newborns into the red-hot arms of Molech and watch the children sizzle to death.

During this gruesome event, the Canaanites would play flutes and bang on drums to drown out the sound of their shrieking children. No wonder God ordered the Israelites to destroy them.

So, again, the question is, would you vote for someone who supported killing children?

Apparently many professing Christians plan on it this upcoming election day. In fact, I was stunned to hear Jason Upton, a renowned worship leader and musician, make an absurd statement:

I believe Ruth Bader Ginsburg was ProLife in her own way.

Someone who was directly responsible for the horrifying death of millions of children is “pro-life in her own way?” This was an irresponsible remark by Jason. Shockingly, many other well known ministers and worship leaders voiced their agreement with Jason's statement. This is why we can't be too surprised when Christians are leaning left and rallying behind pro-death politicians.

I asked a simple question on Facebook today:

Approximately how many professing Christians do you know who are voting for Biden? I'm writing an article and I'm trying to get an unscientific pulse on the situation.

I hope the responses disturb you.

  • Right now my mom is voting for Biden. I can’t comprehend how/ why she would do that as a born again believer. ~Kathryn
  • Unfortunately a lot. ~Janet
  • Oh goodness I have lost count but it’s a huge number all across the Country. ~Kerri
  • Lots. ~Melodie
  • Over twenty. ~Michael
  • Over twenty here too. ~Aimee
  • Maybe 5 or 6. ~Chad
  • I know quite a few supposed Christians who are voting for Biden. ~Amy
  • I go to a liberal seminary and I would say the vast majority of my fellow classmates and in particularly the teachers are voting for Biden. ~Aaron
  • I know about a dozen, but I'll never understand how they can make that choice – on the Life issue alone. ~Timmerle
  • Christians voting for Biden-Harris? None. ~Don
  • Professing is the correct term…. ~Tim
  • Way too many! One is too many!! ~Bev
  • Lots. Rachelle
  • I would say probably at least 20% of the people I know are voting for Biden. ~Karen


First of all, this has not been proven to be true.

Secondly, if it were true it wouldn't matter.

If a politician made a campaign promise that he or she would kill every young child that was not appropriately secured in a car seat or booster when in a car, would you vote him in? Of course not. Why? Because the politician would be exposed as a demented sociopath that probably needs to be locked away in prison or safely secured in a hospital for the mentally ill. He'd be an extreme danger to society.

Yet, if the promise of the political sociopath became law you can be absolutely certain that deaths of young children would plummet, not increase. In fact, it would probably be quite rare for police officers to pull out a revolver to terminate children during traffic stops. Parents would be obsessively careful to ensure their children are perfectly strapped in no matter how short their commute might be.

Absurd, right?

Allowing mothers to kill unborn children is an absurd strategy to bring the abortion statistics down. Vile even.

There are many other arguments that are equally pathetic. Many would say the election isn't only about abortion and that there are other equally important issues. What they are actually saying is they are okay with children being ripped out of wombs as long as the economy is strong, the poor are taken care of and universal, affordable health care is available.

These same people will most likely be among the first in line to endorse the anti-Christ, someone who will offer peace and safety in exchange for their soul.

Make no mistake, a vote for a pro-death candidate is a vote for Molech. An endorsement of someone who promotes killing children invites an invisible yet powerfully destructive spirit of death into your home. Don't underestimate the supernatural implications.

I'll say what few will: if you vote for a candidate who is in support of abortion, your supposed Christianity is suspect. You can't presume to be saved. You are truly in great eternal danger.


If you have considered even for a moment voting for a pro-death candidate, I implore you to repent. Then, go deeper in God than you ever have in your life. Pray with fiery passion. Devour the Word of God. Fall in love with Jesus. Become a passionate radical for God. Invite the Holy Spirit to consume you.

If enough do this, revival just might break out and America may shift from being a barbaric nation to one that truly promotes life.

Originally published by The Stream.