Joseph Prince, false-grace and the risk of millions falling away
Millions of current Christians are at risk of spending an eternity in Hell—and few are saying anything about it.
The leading teacher of what I believe to be the most dangerous, widespread heresy in the church today is the extremely popular pastor and teacher Joseph Prince.
Understand, I am extremely careful when it comes to dropping names—the fear of the Lord is all over me even as I write this. In fact, I can’t remember another person I’ve mentioned by name in this fashion in the last several years.
As I said, the fear of the Lord is on me, and when that happens, it sometimes propels me into caution, and at other times into risk. I understand this message put me in the category of risk. However, it’s a risk that’s easily worth it since literally millions of people’s eternities are at risk. I absolutely believe the core message that Joseph Prince teaches will result in shocked, church going, professing Christians entering Hell one day. It’s that serious.
I believe the hyper-grace message could be the end-time deception that will cause millions of people to fall away from God. ~Sid Roth
Jude 1:3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
While we should desire to talk about unity, our common salvation, I don’t believe we can do so on this matter. False-grace is an eternity and salvation issue. It’s not minor, it’s major.
Regarding naming the name of Joseph Prince, Chace Gordon said:
When I first stumbled into the false grace teachings of Joseph Prince, I was deeply grieved over it and sensed a tidal wave of heresy coming to American shores. I felt America was blessed that he was from Singapore, or the pervasive deception would have been even deadlier in America than it currently is, because it gave us time to counteract the error by teaching the Word before he became an American superstar and the false doctrine would expedite the demise of church influence in preserving the culture. I knew of NO ONE (initially)who was speaking out against this false doctrine on a large stage, only quiet murmurings of resistance, or the typical grumblings of denominational critics who despise prosperity, big churches and the Word of Faith movement.
I do not know Joseph Prince personally (although I know many close to him and some of his elders before him, both living and dead), but I became intimately acquainted with his message, and within a few week period, I wrote a detailed refutation of his book “Destined to Reign” and submitted it to fellow ministers whom I have relationship with, and to friends who accepted his teaching and propagated it themselves. My notes eventually became widespread, not because I led a public campaign attacking Joseph Prince, but because it was being privately distributed by other ministers who were also greatly disturbed.
During that time, before publicly denouncing him, I even contacted Joseph Prince Ministries and submitted a copy of my notes to them for them to respond to or correct any false conclusions I may have come to regarding his doctrine. After the typical form letter response, I finally received an email from one of the associate pastors who responded to none of the content itself, only stating that they did not wish to debate for the sake of Christian unity…but none of the grave concerns that I had communicated were addressed or any of the blatant errors apologized for.
Finally, I started to get contacted by pastors who had received copies of my notes given them by friends of friends. I started hearing testimonies of church splits and the like; but I still knew of few who were publicly taking a stand against this message. I did, however, hear of numerous private confrontations by respected ministers, who challenged him on his doctrine but he refused correction. If anything, Joseph Prince dug in his heels and even increased his outlandish unbiblical comments.
It became clear to me that there was grounds here for marking him publicly, as the heresy was widely publicized, damage to the body of Christ was ongoing, even impacting people within my own church congregation, and repentance was refused.
On a positive note, I believe the tide is being turned. When I first became involved with the hyper-grace message controversy, I heard more horror stories than anything else. Now at least, I'm hearing some positive testimonies in the mix of solid grace teaching to counteract the false hope and empty promises of cheap grace.
This is what burns in my spirit day after day. I know I’ve been given a serious mandate to sound the alarms necessary to awaken people out of a slumber that will result in an eternity in Hell.
I ask God often to keep reawakening me to the mandate that originated in an encounter I had with Hell 23 years ago. I will never be the same after that fateful night as the forces of Hell overtook me.
God said very clearly, “John, many in the church will be shocked to find themselves in Hell one day.”
Now, 23 years later, I believe we have stumbled upon a great end time deception that can in fact result in what God warned me about. Church going, hand raising, tithe paying professing Christians who are convinced through false-theologies that they don’t have to deal with their sin…wonderful people who will die in those sins if we don’t warn them.
The fundamental deception in hyper-grace is that all of your future sins are forgiven in advance. ~Dr. Michael Brown
I strongly encourage you to watch the interview of Dr. Michael Brown by Sid Roth here:
Reggie D. Byrum said:
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16 In the view of the hyper-grace camp, why would we even need to do this? Why should we approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy, if past, present and future sins have already been forgiven, if God does not see the sins of a Christian and if Christians do not need to confess or repent of sin?
What is so sad is that people believe that dealing with sin is a negative issue. It is not! It’s glorious! What a privilege to serve a God who will get into our personal space and set us free time and again!
It’s not complex. If we sin and do not repent, we can’t presume to be in Christ Jesus. But, if we do repent, we are in Christ Jesus!
There are so many scriptures that make it clear that sin is a serious issue both before and after making the decision to follow Jesus. How much more clear could the following verse be? This is a salvation/eternity verse, and it’s applicable to Christians:
Matt 6:14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
It’s clear. If we sin (refuse to forgive) we cannot just ignore it. We ourselves won’t be forgiven. Sin will remain in us, and our eternities are threatened.
Honestly, it’s extremely easy to see the clear heresy that’s in his book—if only we have eyes to see.
I’m going to include a lengthy study by Pastor Chace Gordon below. Before I do, read what he wrote to me earlier today:
When I first wrote the notes refuting Destined to Reign, they were circulated widely and did not have my name attached to them. I was contacted by an elder minister who received an anonymous copy after going through a church split over Joseph Prince. He tracked me down through the person who gave it to him, and told me the story of how he was on a pastors cruise with a handful of copies of my notes on Destined to Reign. He asked another respected minister who was on the cruise what he thought of Joseph Prince. The respected minister defended him adamantly, saying “I've know Joe and ministered in his church every year for 18 years! There's nothing wrong with him!” After taking a look at my notes including quotes from the book, the respected minister exclaimed, “That's heresy! I never read the book but I will now!” The rest of the story is that minister on the cruise ship went on to become one of the ministers who confronted Joseph Prince in person over these matters. Joseph Prince refused to listen; but this man of God is now an outspoken voice against the false grace message.
This was very interesting to me as a highly respected national leader and a good friend mentioned that senior Christian leaders had attempted to bring Joseph Prince under church discipline for his teachings, but he refused to comply.
by Pastor Chace Gordon
Quotes from “Destined to Reign”
Quote #1:
“I distinctly heard the voice of the Lord on the inside. It wasn’t a witness of the Spirit. It was a voice, and I heard God say this clearly to me: ‘Son, you are not preaching grace.’ I said, ‘What do you mean, Lord?…’Every time you preach grace, you preach it with a mixture of law. You attempt to balance grace with the law like many other preachers, and the moment you balance grace, you neutralize it. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. You cannot put grace and law together. He went on to say, ‘Son, a lot of preachers are not preaching grace the way Apostle Paul preached grace.”
Excerpt from the Foreword, page vii
NOTE: Paul taught grace and law side-by-side throughout Romans chapters 5-6 for the express purpose of preventing doctrinal confusion. In fact, the book of Romans uses the word “law” 78 times while only using the word “grace” 24 times. Hence, teaching the law is often necessary as a basis before one can even begin to teach grace! The heart must be convicted and humbled with the law before grace can be received.
The word “law” is referred to in Paul’s epistles 148 times in 108 verses; the word “grace” was used in Paul’s epistles 99 times in 92 verses. Thus demonstrating that his “grace preaching” was a doctrinal balance of both law & grace.
It is true that the apostle Paul had more to say on the subject of grace than any other New Testament writer. It even states in Acts 20:24 that testifying to the gospel of grace was the purpose of his life and ministry; however, he, and other New Testament writers, went to great length to keep the grace doctrine from being twisted and perverted as we must do as well.
(See Jude 4, Romans 5:20-6:2; Romans 6:14-16; II Corinthians 6:1; Galatians 1:6-10; Hebrews 10:29-31; II Peter 3:15-18)
Here is a side-by-side comparison of “grace teaching” versus “law teaching” throughout the Bible:
Usage of words in whole Bible (KJV):
The Bible addresses the law approximately three times as much as it addresses grace!
The word “law”: used 523 times in 459 verses
The word “grace”: used 170 times in 159 verses
Conclusion: The Bible as a whole has FAR MORE to say concerning the law than concerning grace.
Usage of words in the New Testament alone (KJV):
The New Testament addresses the law nearly twice as often as it addresses grace!
The word “law”: used 223 times in 172 verses
The word “grace:” used 131 times in 122 verses
Conclusion: While the New Testament has more to say on the subject of grace than the Old Testament, the New Testament STILL has FAR MORE to say concerning the law than concerning grace.
Usage of words in the gospels (KJV):
The gospels address the law eight times as much as they address grace!
The word “law”: used 41 times in 35 verses
The word “grace”: used 5 times in 4 verses
Conclusion: Even though Jesus Himself ushered in the dispensation of grace to the church, the gospels have FAR MORE to say concerning the law than concerning grace!
Usage of words in the Book of Acts (KJV):
The Book of Acts addresses the law twice as much as it addresses grace!
The word “law”: used 22 times in 21 verses
The word “grace”: used 10 times in 10 verses
Conclusion: The record of the early church has FAR MORE to say concerning the law than concerning grace!
Conclusion to it all: There is no Biblical precedent to suggest teaching the law undermines the teaching of grace. They are complementary doctrines. In fact, the doctrinal teaching of the law is foundational to receiving the doctrine of grace!
Quote #2:
“It is entirely His [Jesus] effort and His [Jesus] doing. Our part is to believe on Him and receive all that He has accomplished on our behalf. Sounds ridiculously simple, one-sided and unfair? Well, my friend, that is exactly what makes grace, grace! Grace is only grace when it is undeserved, unearned and unmerited.”
Excerpt from foreword, page x
NOTE: This statement is confusing on several points:
(1) It confuses God’s grace with a distorted view of God’s mercy. It also assumes that God’s mercy cancels out God’s justice. There is nothing “unfair” about God giving us His grace; but there is something infinitely merciful. How can an infinitely merciful God extend grace to the sinner and not violate His infinite justice? Through repentance.
Repentance is the place where justice and mercy kiss. Without justice, mercy becomes cruel. If the president of the United States, as an act of mercy, decided to pardon our prison population and loose them on society, the innocent would suffer as a result. However, if a wicked man is truly penitent and puts his faith in God, he can qualify for pardon because he ceases to be a threat to society. Though the penitent, formerly-wicked man does not deserve pardon, he can receive mercy without compromising justice. Hence, the criminal does nothing to earn his salvation; yet qualifies for mercy through genuine repentance.
While grace is not something we earn through good works, it is something we must qualify for through repentance.
(2) It assumes grace is exclusively for the undeserving. It is not. According to Luke 2:40, Jesus grew in grace. Under the above definition, we would have to assume that Jesus “growing in grace” as a child means He was sinful during His youth. This is total heresy and an increasingly common heresy in today’s culture. While this may seem to be splitting hairs, this small error could lead someone down the path to destruction.
(3) It assumes the operation of grace is the same as its initial impartation. It concludes that since receiving grace was effortless on our part, walking in grace after it’s received must be effortless as well. But receiving a free gift by doing nothing to EARN it does not automatically mean you do nothing to USE it!
Ephesians 2:8-9 tell us we are saved by grace and not by works; however verse 10 tells us that we are saved UNTO good works! Which means, we don’t do works to earn salvation, but once we are saved, by grace—we do good works! It’s not effortless!
The key difference is this: doing good works on your own apart from God will not save you; however, after you are saved, you do good works because now you are participating with God! Grace is what enables that participation. You still have responsibility. You still have effort. The difference is, you are united with Christ and He gives you the strength, a.k.a. grace, to do alongside of Him, what you could never do on your own.
Quote #3:
“Do you realize that most people believe that one needs to work hard to achieve success in life? The world’s system of success is built on the twin pillars of self-effort and diligence. There are always some “laws” that you have to abide by, and some “methods and techniques” that you have to keep on practicing before there can be any results. Most of the time, any result that you may get will start to fade once you cease to follow through with the prescribed methods and steps. We have been taught to focus on achieving, on doing and on relying on our self-efforts. We are driven to ‘do, do, do’, forgetting that Christianity is actually ‘done, done, done’.”
Chapter 1, Page 4
NOTE: Grace doesn’t do away with the Biblical virtue of hard work (See Proverbs 18:9; 20:4, 13; 21:25-26; 24:30-34; 26:13-16; Matthew 5:16; 25:14-30; II Thessalonians 3:10; I Corinthians 9:19; 15:10; II Corinthians 6:1; II Timothy 2:15). Diligence is still a necessary part of the Christian experience (See John 8:31; Hebrews 11:6; II Peter 1:4-10) and your results WILL fail when you stop being diligent! (See Galatians 1:6-10; I Timothy 1:5-6, 19; Hebrews 3:6). “Achieving” is not an evil concept especially when God has provided incentive and guidelines to obey (Deuteronomy 28; Matthew 25:14-30; Philippians 3:14-16; II Timothy 2:3-7; I Corinthians 9:24-27).
The Bible tells us to “do, do, do” because though Christ’s redemptive work on the cross IS “done, done, done” Christians still have a lot left to do (see the Sermon on the Mount, the Great Commission, the Book of ACTS, the book of Titus (whose theme is GOOD WORKS) and the Book of James (whose theme is being DOERS of the Word)!
Grace is incompatible with works of self-righteousness (See Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:21; 5:4); but grace is also God’s power working THROUGH you and me because we are cooperating with Him! (See Ephesians 3:7; Philippians 4:13; Romans 6:1-11; Colossians 2:6).
Quote #4:
“Under the new covenant, we don’t have to keep on asking the Lord…for forgiveness because He has already forgiven us.”
Chapter 1, page 7
NOTE: While it is true that if you repent of something once, it is not necessary to repent of the same sin twice; however, if you sin again, you must repent—again. “The modern fallacy that judicial forgiveness covers ALL sins, past, present, and future; that God does not impute sins of believers to them; and that God never condemns a saved man for any sins committed, but charges them to the Lord Jesus Christ, is one of the most unscriptural and demon-inspired theories in any church…He will forgive all sins that are confessed to Him, but this does not give the saved man a blank check to continue in sin and live as he pleases without any fear of being held accountable for his sins after he has one time been saved. Salvation does not include freedom to live in sins of all kinds. It does not guarantee immunity from hell if one goes back into sins and dies in them.”
–Finis Dake
If Christians had a “blank check” to sin and never had to ask forgiveness after they are saved—why did God tell so many believers to repent in hundreds of scriptures, in both old and new testaments? Why did Paul go to many of the churches that he planted, that he witnessed their conversions, and that he laid hands on to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit—why did he go to these churches and admonish them to repent—if their sins were forgiven past, present AND future? Why did John write to believers in I John 1:9 and encourage them to confess their sins if they stopped walking in the light (I John 1:7)? Why does the book of Revelation warn that your name can be blotted out of the Book of Life if one-time repentance is a blank check for everlasting forgiveness? Why did Peter say that if a Christian backslides into sin after being delivered—his outcome becomes WORSE?
The truth is grace does MORE than cover our sins or empower us to ignore our pesky consciences. Grace empowers us to stop sinning and walk in the light (I John 1:7). I suggest that we don’t sin when walking in the light—we sin when we walk away from it!
Here are several sample scriptures that are examples of how eternal life can be lost and that the saved die again when they commit sin:
Genesis 2:17; Exodus 32:32-33; Leviticus 18:24-30; 26:13-39; Numbers 25:1-8; Deuteronomy 4:23-31; Joshua 7:, 10-12; Judges 2:1-23; I Kings 14:22; II Kings 17:1-17; II Chronicles 36; Isaiah 5:24-25; Jeremiah 2:5-37; Lamentations 1:8-9; Ezekiel 13:1-23; Hebrews 12:28-29; Psalm 69:28; Revelation 3:5; Matthew 7:21; I John 4:8, 12, 16, 21; Galatians 1:6-8; Mark 11:25-26; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Luke 8:13; John 6:66; II Corinthians 5:17; Romans 11:16; Acts 1:20, 25; Colossians 2:8-19; Jude 12-13; II Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:16; Philippians 3:7-14; I Thessalonians 3:8; James 5:19-20; & II Peter 1:4-10.
Here are several other sample scriptures that reveal eternal life is not an eternal possession now and will not be until the end of a life of holiness:
Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-29; Mark 16:15; Matthew 12:31-32; Acts 5:3, 32; 7:51; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29-30; Matthew 19:28-29; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:21-23; Romans 5:21; Galatians 6:7-8; I Timothy 1:16; I Timothy 4:8; I Timothy 6:12, 19; Titus 1:2; 3:7; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; 3:7; I John 2:25; Jude 20-24; Daniel 12:2; John 5:28; Matthew 25:46; Matthew 7:13-14; etc.
Here are several more plain scriptures that demonstrate men have to continue to the end to be saved:
Matthew 10:22; Romans 6:21-23; Hebrews 3:6, 12-14; 6:11-12; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; Hebrews 10:23, 35-39; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29-30; Matthew 19:28-29; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:21-23; Romans 5:21; Galatians 6:7-8; I Timothy 1:16; I Timothy 4:8; I Timothy 6:12, 19; Titus 1:2; 3:7; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; 3:7; I John 2:25; Jude 20-24; Daniel 12:2; John 5:28; Matthew 25:46; & Matthew 7:13-14.
Here are a few more scriptures that demonstrate the promises and covenants of God are conditional:
John 5:14; John 8:31, 34; Revelation 2:4-5, 10, 13-16, 20-25; 3:1-4, 11, 15-19.
Here are several scriptures concerning faith and faithfulness to the end to be saved:
Acts 14:22; Romans 1:5; 16:26; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38-39; Romans 3:3; Romans 11:20-24; I Corinthians 16:13; II Corinthians 1:24; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 1:23: I Timothy 1:19; 4:1; II Timothy 3:8; Hebrews 3:6, 12-14; 4:11; 6:11-12; 10:23-39; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13.
Here are several scriptures about saved men falling into sin and becoming lost:
Luke 8:13; Romans 11:11-24; I Corinthians 10:13; I Timothy 3:6; 6:9-10; Hebrews 6:4-6, 11; II Peter 3:17; Galatians 5:4; Romans 14:4; Jude 20-24; Romans 11:22; Acts 1:25; II Thessalonians 2:3; & Revelation 2:5-6.
Quote #5:
“John 1:17, KJV—‘For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Have you noticed that truth is on the side of grace, not the law?’”
Chapter 2, page 12
NOTE: The point of truth being on the side of grace goes to show that grace must still be tempered with truth. Are God’s laws “lies” because they were in the Old Testament? Is “truth” sided AGAINST the law because of its connected usage with grace? NO!!! It only shows that LIKE THE LAW, GRACE must still be partnered with TRUTH!
Quote #6:
“Grace is personal and came as a person—the person of Jesus Christ. The law is hard, cold and impersonal. You cannot have a relationship with two pieces of stone. But grace is gentle and warm. Grace is not a teaching or doctrine. Grace is a person and you can have a relationship with a person.”
Chapter 2, page 12
NOTE: Grace—Jesus. Law—stone. Grace—warm and fuzzy. Law—hard and cold. Grace—person. Law—doctrine. Grace—good. Law—bad. Interesting use of metaphors; but however you try to distinguish the law from grace you must still recognize that Jesus THROUGH GRACE FULFILLED LAW, as opposed to through grace God looked past His state of lawlessness (how many modern preachers would foolishly characterize grace today).
Quote #7:
“Therefore, when you know and believe that Jesus has fulfilled completely the righteous requirements of the law, the devil cannot use the law to condemn you every time you fail.”
Chapter 2, page 15
NOTE: The idea suggested here seems to be that a revelation of Christ’s fulfillment of the law removes condemnation; however, it also infers that this revelation will do nothing to prevent ongoing failure. The main problem with this statement is it leaves the believer condemned to failure while promising a removal of condemnation for his failure. Must we settle for such cheap grace? Can we not believe for grace to do more than help us feel better while we fail? Let’s instead believe God to not only remove the sense of condemnation, but to remove the failure that brings the condemnation!
Quote #8:
“I told my minister friend that I actually do not agree that grace should be a topic in a Bible school’s curriculum. Grace is not a topic—grace is the gospel…Grace is not a theology. It is not a subject matter. It is not a doctrine. It is a person, and His name is Jesus.”
–Chapter 3, page 24
NOTE: (Sigh.) Is this not a self-refuting paragraph? Is this not a topical & theological book on the doctrine/subject matter of grace? While there is nothing terrible or wrong with making an association of grace with the person of Christ Jesus, let’s go ahead and make the association of Christ Jesus and the Word made Flesh as well. You see, studying the Word (even the Old Testament—GASP) actually brings us closer to the person of Jesus. I suggest that a chief bi-product of this intimacy with the Word made flesh is sound doctrine concerning grace. I would also suggest that a person who teaches doctrine without acknowledging it as such smells “fishy.” Sort of like saying, “I am the great and powerful Oz so…ignore the man behind the curtain!” or “Since my doctrine on grace IS Jesus Himself—don’t doubt Jesus by questioning me!” Nice catch-22.
Quote #9:
“So when they [preachers] see sin, they preach more of the law! That, my friend, is like adding wood to fire because the strength of sin is the law. Sin is strengthened when more law is preached! But the power to have dominion over sin is imparted when more grace is preached!”
Chapter 3, page 26
NOTE: First, let’s properly understand the context of “the strength of sin is the law” taken from I Corinthians 15:56: “The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.”
Is this verse in any way implying that the law makes people sin MORE, as the author suggests? What is this verse saying?
First, let’s look at the first part of the verse: “the sting of death is sin”. What is this saying? Simply put, sin makes death painful. No problem there. The sting of death is sin. Sin is the sting of death. In short, sin stings.
Now the second part: “…and the strength of sin is the law” or, in other words, “and the strength of [the sting of death] is the law.” So…the law makes the sting of death, a.k.a. sin, hurt more.
Now, is this in any way saying the law makes people sin more? No, it is saying the law makes people hurt more because the effect of sin is made apparent in their lives. No different than spanking a child. Does spanking a child make the child sin more, even though the scriptures recommend it? You might make the case that giving a spanking provokes a child to sin (if not properly applied), but the purpose of the spanking is for the child to associate their sin with pain. No more, no less. The purpose of the law is the same: to associate sin with pain.
So, preaching the law may be adding wood to the fire, in the sense that the person living in sin who hears it feels its pain to a greater degree, but the sting of sin must be felt before the salve of grace is applied to any purpose. The law can be prescribed like pouring alcohol on an open cut: its purpose is not to stop the pain, it’s to treat the wound. The law and grace work together and this is a necessary partnership—because the greater problem of sin is not that we FEEL it; it’s that we keep doing it! Grace is then applied and preached to restore the sinner AFTER the sinner not only escapes the pain of sin (felt more intensely through the law) but flees sin itself! The law brings necessary pain to the unrepentant; then after repentance, grace converts the sinner and the pain of sin, condemnation, and the sin itself, is fully dealt with and removed from a person’s life!
Quote #10:
“They say that God gives you the gift of righteousness, on the condition that you keep the Ten Commandments for the rest of your life to remain righteous. Now, is this a real gift? Come on, when God gave you the gift of righteousness, it was a real gift. Stop trying to earn it with your own works. God’s gifts to us are unconditional!”
Chapter 3, page 28
NOTE: The gift God gave us was “righteousness” itself. If you sin, you reject the gift. It is a ridiculous and dishonest proposition to suggest that since we were given the gift of righteousness, we are righteous whether we are righteous or not (See the entire book of I John). Obviously, God’s gifts ARE conditional in the sense that if He gives us the gift of righteousness, we should BE righteous, and not just assert that the gift means we have an unconditional claim on righteousness.
Quote #11:
“My friend, righteousness is a gift because of what Jesus has accomplished on the cross for you. All your sins—past, present and future—have been washed clean by His precious blood. You are completely forgiven and from the moment you received Jesus into your life, you will never be held liable for your sins ever again.”
Chapter 3, pages 28-29
NOTE: Unconditional forgiveness. Herein lies the root of error that leads to so many heresies. All of this quote is true save one important point that makes the difference between a truth and a lie: righteousness is a gift because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross for you. All your sins—past and present—have been washed clean by His precious blood, and because of grace you don’t have to have a “FUTURE SINS TO BE FORGIVEN” category! But if future sins happen, your prescription is not denial, it’s found in I John 1:9.
Quote #12:
“…when believers don’t understand that righteousness is a gift, and that it is about ‘right standing’ and not ‘right doing’, they will depend on their own efforts to earn this gift.”
Chapter 3, page 34
NOTE: Right standing implies right doing. The debate, I guess would be, is right standing compatible with wrong doing? I don’t think that’s the kind of right standing God had in mind.
Quote #13:
“My friend, those who believe that God is sometimes angry with them are still living under the old covenant of the law and not under the new covenant of grace.”
Chapter 4, page 38
NOTE: So the cross was to convert God the Father from his temper problem against sin? There are numerous New Testament examples that God still gets mad at both sin and sinners, through Jesus example, through the epistles’ doctrine, and through prophetic warnings of the coming wrath of God. One only needs to read the book of Revelation to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God still gets angry; and if one reads Revelation 2-3 in particular, they will see that He still gets angry at church people from time to time, even among those He loves who live prior to the tribulation!
Quote #14:
“Schizophrenic teaching that tells you that God is sometimes angry and sometimes happy with you based on your performance is unscriptural and will make you a schizophrenic believer. It’s time to get out of confusion and to start seeing your God for who He really is.”
Chapter 4, page 48
NOTE: There is nothing schizophrenic about experiencing a range of emotions for people you love when they perform well or perform badly. Evidently, the cross not only converted God from His temper problem it saved Him from being schizophrenic and acted as an anti-depressant for mood swings and anxiety. Now He has only one emotion all the time (at least while the church is here, then after the rapture He will explode in uncontrollable rage after 2000 + years of happy, happy, happy.)
I realize no one would actually ascribe to believe the above paragraph; however, I’m trying to make the point that we sometimes go too far in our analogies about how happy God is with us that we begin to paint an illusion of the nature of God that is very different from His true Person.
Quote #15:
“Soon after the tragedy of September 11 had taken place, some believers publicly declared that God was judging America because of its sins…Come on, when Christians attribute such events to God’s judgment, terrorists would be the first to say, ‘Amen! Preach it!’ Can you see that something is amiss when both believers and terrorists agree on the same thing?
Chapter 5, page 49
NOTE: The devil believes in God and divine judgment, why shouldn’t some of his followers? Can you also see that something is amiss when believers and secular humanists agree to scoff/belittle/patronize the notion of divine judgment?
Quote #16:
“Thousands of people died [referring to 9/11], and many families, friends and loved ones were thrown into grief. How can that be the work of our loving Father? Read the Bible for yourself. It says that God is ‘not willing that any should perish.’”
Chapter 5, page 49
NOTE: Reading the Bible is always sound advice…in fact, let’s start by reading the rest of the verse cited above: “[God is] not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” This verse is in II Peter 3:9, which ironically, is a New Testament verse in the middle of a large passage of scripture dedicated to warning believers about divine judgment. The theme being that in the last days many would scoff at the coming judgment of God, and that if men don’t repent, even though God wills to save, even though God wills that none should perish, men will still perish as part of divine judgment.
The classic argument being that these verses refer to a future judgment exclusively, and that we are in an interim period where God has (please pardon my crude theological paraphrase): “lovingly decided to stop being judgmental because of the cross (but will have a relapse after the church is gone and judge again in the future).”
Nevertheless, one would be right in saying these verses refer to a future judgment, they do—but not exclusively. So one must ask the question: In this “Age of Grace” (or “justice-free Shangri-La” as the Age of Grace is often described), do men still perish? They do. Is the command to repent still applicable to us? It is. Did God decide to wink at us and ruthlessly judge everyone else by a different standard? He did not. In fact, I Peter 4:17-19 tells us that divine judgment not only still applies to us, it begins with us!
Jesus did not die on the cross so the Father would stop being judgmental. He did not die on the cross to deliver us from consequences to bad behavior. He died on the cross to provide a way of escape to those who would repent. Though we repent, if we sin again (as II Peter 2:19-22 tells us) consequences are reinstated.
We cannot have a loving Father and an unjust one at the same time. A loving Father punishes evil (or refuses to sanction it), to preserve righteousness in His children. The Bible instructs natural parents to discipline (and punish, if necessary) their children. Good parents do that. Hebrews 12:5-29 tells us that God the Father chastens those He loves. Revelation 3:19 tells us that Jesus rebukes and chastens those He loves. I Corinthians 5:1-5 tells us that a church was to surrender one of their members to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit might be saved. There comes a point when wickedness MUST be judged to preserve righteousness.
One might ask, “how can God be just and merciful at the same time?” It is simple. God is just in that He punishes wickedness. He is merciful in that He forgives and pardons the penitent who turn from their crimes. If they turn back to their sin, they must renew themselves through true repentance once again. They are not given a lifetime pass.
Quote #17:
“I have also heard some believers pronouncing, ‘If God does not judge America for all its sins, God has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.’ Well, let me say this with honor and respect: If God judges America today, He has to apologize to Jesus and what He has accomplished on the cross! My friend, God is not judging America (or any country in the world today).”
Chapter 5, page 49
NOTE: Proverbs 19:28-29 says the following:
“An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity. Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools.”
Divine judgment is throughout the Old Testament and was a common theme in nearly every book. That theme was continued through our Lord Jesus in the Gospels when He declared judgment upon men, cities, nations and churches who failed to receive Him. In fact, Jesus rebuked the religious leaders in Matthew 23:23 for NEGLECTING to teach judgment. Many of the judgments Christ pronounced took place long after the cross. The epistles teach and warn concerning divine judgment as well. Hebrews 6:2 lists “judgment” as a foundational doctrine of Christ, the MILK of the Word for babes! Yet we arrogantly or presumptuously mock the importance of it and say, “Nah, it doesn’t apply to us!” FOOLISH!
Quote #18:
“You will never find an example of God punishing a believer for his sins in the new covenant.”
Chapter 5, page 57
NOTE: Please see the following examples of God punishing believers for their sins in the new covenant:
(1) Ananias & Saphira—Acts 5:1-14(2) The Galatian church—Galatians 6:7-8
(3) The promiscuous church member at Corinth—I Corinthians 5:4-5; II Corinthians 2:6
(4) Christian brothers who maintain certain sins—I Corinthians 5:9-13
(5) Hymenaeus & Alexander—I Timothy 1:19-20; II Timothy 4:14
(6) The younger widows—I Timothy 5:11-15
(7) Sinning brothers—I Timothy 5:20
(8) Believers who become lovers of money—I Timothy 6:9-10
(9) Demas—II Timothy 4:10 (see also Colossians 4:14 & Philemon 24 for confirmation he was not only a believer, but a one-time preacher)
(10) Huge segments of the seven churches in Asia (Revelation 2-3)
Also note God’s divine judgment illustrated in the death of Herod (Acts 12:23), Elymas the sorcerer being struck with blindness (Acts 13:8-12) and God’s use of civil government to punish evil (Romans 13:1-6).
Quote #19:
“Did Jesus die on the cross to free us from committing sinful actions or harboring sinful thoughts? If He did, then allow me to conclude with reverence that He failed. You and I know fully well that we can still be tempted with sinful thoughts and tempted to commit sinful actions, and there will still be times when we fail.”
–Chapter 5, pages 58-59
NOTE: To be blunt, this is a most inflammatory, heretical & unbelieving statement which is contrary to all the Word of God. Yet, it is what so many preachers believe without saying it so recklessly.
The simple answer is “YES”; Jesus DID die to not only free us from our sins, but from our iniquities (bent towards sin) as well (Isaiah 53:5). He didn’t just forgive us for the sins we commit. His grace delivers us not only from the sins we commit; but from the sin nature that accompanies sin. II Peter 1:4-10 tells us how we can stay free from sin. I John 1:8-9 says that if we have fellowship with God but continue to walk in darkness (continue sinning) we lie. Then it also reveals that we are cleansed and maintain freedom from sin by walking in the light. We don’t sin as believers when we walk in the light; we sin when we walk away from it. In which case, we do as I John 1:9 instructs, we repent and get back in the light!
Let me also say that temptation itself is not sin. Jesus was tempted and remained sinless. Wrong thoughts or suggestions of the devil don’t become transgressions unless acted upon (James 1:14-15). Wrong thoughts or suggestions of the devil don’t become iniquities unless brooded about and not cast down (II Corinthians 10:5).
Grace that merely “helps sinners not transgress as much as before” is just cheap. You don’t need salvation for that, a monastery will suffice. Grace that not only removes sin, condemnation, & the slavery to keep committing it is the only grace worth having! Everything else is a cheap counterfeit! God help our unbelief!!!
Quote #20:
“…I was told that the more I knew, the more God would hold me accountable, and my punishment for falling short of His expectations would be more severe than someone who knew less…I was also taught that the closer I drew to God, the more trials and tribulations I would experience…As I grew in the Lord, He opened my eyes and I realized that the teachings that I had received were not true.”
Chapter 6, pages 61-62
NOTE: These teachings are not lies—they are common sense. When a believer matures, more is expected of him (James 3:1); You expect more from adults than babies because part of maturity is taking responsibility (Hebrews 5:11-14)—and yes, the more you mature, the greater trials you will face! Adults tend to have bigger trials than babies. This is not a fearful thing though, because adults are equipped to handle it. The premise here is that teaching these things causes believers to shun intimacy with God for fear of greater expectations upon themselves. Don’t worry! If a person chooses to stay a spiritual baby to avoid growth pains they can and will. Personally, I prefer to grow up and tap into the destiny that God has for me. I want God to trust me to rise to His expectations because of His grace and my partnership with Jesus Christ.
Quote #21:
“You see, faith does not come by simply hearing the word of God because the word of God would encompass everything in the Bible, including the law of Moses. There is no impartation of faith when you hear the Ten Commandments preached. Faith only comes by hearing the word of Christ…Only when Christ is preached will faith be imparted.”
Chapter 7, page 75
NOTE: The complexities of doctrinal confusion in this statement are so vast it is difficult to give a simple refutation. Nevertheless, it raises some important questions for Pastor Prince:
(1) How is “the Word of God” out of harmony with “the Word of Christ” in your estimation that makes it necessary to make this distinction?
(2) Since the Word of God encompasses everything in the Bible, but the Word of Christ does not, which words belong to Christ, and which do not?
(3) If the law of Moses is God-inspired, why is it not Christ-inspired as well? Is there strife in the Godhead, or did Jesus convert the Father/Holy Spirit at the cross?
(4) Why do only the words of Christ produce faith, but not the words of the Father or the Holy Spirit?
(5) If the law of Moses came from God, but didn’t produce faith in them that heard it, why did so many people try to obey something they had no capacity to believe?
(6) If the law of Moses doesn’t produce faith, why did Israel experience so many revivals when it was taught to the people (II Kings 22-23; Nehemiah 8-10)?
(7) If the Ten Commandments don’t produce faith, why has our nation sunk further into spiritual darkness since we’ve removed it from our schools, courthouses and public places?
In summary, splitting hairs between “Word of God” verses “Word of Christ” is absurd since Jesus was called “the Word made Flesh (John 1:14)” and was in the beginning WITH God AS God called “The Word of God (John 1:1).” Nothing that Christ ever said is out of harmony with the Father or the Holy Spirit, because they are one (I John 5:7). All of the Word of God contains and produces faith, not just words pertaining directly to Christ Himself (see Hebrews 11:3 & Romans 4:17 for examples). All scripture is given by inspiration of God, is considered the inerrant Word of God and is necessary for edification of the believer (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:19-21). No scripture is subject to private interpretation, nor is it wise to sift through scripture saying, “this is the word of Christ—this is not.” Hebrews chapter 11 lists many who are referred to as “heroes of faith” who knew no distinction between “word of God” verses “word of Christ”, yet received faith from God’s Word anyway.
Just for clarification, it is right and proper to teach and preach based on a revelation of Christ (like Paul did, Galatians 1:11-12) and hearing the Word of God/Word of Christ IS the method that faith comes. However, a revelation of Christ—or an understanding of the words of Christ—are not limited to a hand-picked selection of New Testament verses. The Word of Christ encompasses all of the Bible and INCLUDES THE LAW OF MOSES!
Quote #22:
“I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Christian cannot commit the unpardonable sin.”
Chapter 8, page 90
NOTE: Here are several sample scriptures that are examples of how eternal life can be lost and that the saved die again when they commit sin:
Genesis 2:17; Exodus 32:32-33; Leviticus 18:24-30; 26:13-39; Numbers 25:1-8; Deuteronomy 4:23-31; Joshua 7:, 10-12; Judges 2:1-23; I Kings 14:22; II Kings 17:1-17; II Chronicles 36; Isaiah 5:24-25; Jeremiah 2:5-37; Lamentations 1:8-9; Ezekiel 13:1-23; Hebrews 12:28-29; Psalm 69:28; Revelation 3:5; Matthew 7:21; I John 4:8, 12, 16, 21; Galatians 1:6-8; Mark 11:25-26; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Luke 8:13; John 6:66; II Corinthians 5:17; Romans 11:16; Acts 1:20, 25; Colossians 2:8-19; Jude 12-13; II Timothy 3:8; Titus 1:16; Philippians 3:7-14; I Thessalonians 3:8; James 5:19-20; & II Peter 1:4-10.
Here are several other sample scriptures that reveal eternal life is not an eternal possession now and will not be until the end of a life of holiness:
Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-29; Mark 16:15; Matthew 12:31-32; Acts 5:3, 32; 7:51; I Corinthians 3:16-17; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29-30; Matthew 19:28-29; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:21-23; Romans 5:21; Galatians 6:7-8; I Timothy 1:16; I Timothy 4:8; I Timothy 6:12, 19; Titus 1:2; 3:7; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; 3:7; I John 2:25; Jude 20-24; Daniel 12:2; John 5:28; Matthew 25:46; Matthew 7:13-14; etc.
Here are several more plain scriptures that demonstrate men have to continue to the end to be saved:
Matthew 10:22; Romans 6:21-23; Hebrews 3:6, 12-14; 6:11-12; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; Hebrews 10:23, 35-39; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29-30; Matthew 19:28-29; Romans 2:7; Romans 6:21-23; Romans 5:21; Galatians 6:7-8; I Timothy 1:16; I Timothy 4:8; I Timothy 6:12, 19; Titus 1:2; 3:7; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13; 3:7; I John 2:25; Jude 20-24; Daniel 12:2; John 5:28; Matthew 25:46; & Matthew 7:13-14.
Here are several scriptures concerning faith and faithfulness to the end to be saved:
Acts 14:22; Romans 1:5; 16:26; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38-39; Romans 3:3; Romans 11:20-24; I Corinthians 16:13; II Corinthians 1:24; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 1:23: I Timothy 1:19; 4:1; II Timothy 3:8; Hebrews 3:6, 12-14; 4:11; 6:11-12; 10:23-39; I Peter 1:5, 9, 13.
Here are several scriptures about saved men falling into sin and becoming lost:
Luke 8:13; Romans 11:11-24; I Corinthians 10:13; I Timothy 3:6; 6:9-10; Hebrews 6:4-6, 11; II Peter 3:17; Galatians 5:4; Romans 14:4; Jude 20-24; Romans 11:22; Acts 1:25; II Thessalonians 2:3; & Revelation 2:5-6.
Quote #23:
“A believer has already received the gift of eternal life and will never be “subject to eternal condemnation.”
Chapter 8, page 92
NOTE: See scriptures from previous quote. Particularly the scriptures that reveal eternal life is not an eternal possession now.
Quote #24:
“…some of the words which Jesus spoke in the four gospels…are part of the old covenant. They were spoken before the cross as He had not yet died. The new covenant only beginsafter the cross, when the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost.”
Chapter 8, page 92
NOTE: (Sigh). The gospels are the foundation for the new covenant; not merely the capstone for the old. Jesus didn’t come to earth to teach us about the old covenant. He certainly didn’t prep His disciples, “Guys, I want you to record the things I say and do and then ignore it because after I’m gone—none of it applies to you anyway. A man named Paul will come who will teach you what to believe about me. For now, I want it to be a surprise, so just keep bumbling around like idiots until I’m long gone.”
None of the gospels were written so Jesus could propagate the old covenant! The gospel of Matthew could probably be considered the most “Old Testament” of the four gospels because it was written to Jews; and yet, the subject of Matthew from the first chapter until the last is the kingdom of heaven (of which the church is a part). Everything about this gospel is revolutionary, and was written to convert Jews to Christianity. Why would this gospel be used to evangelize if it was merely an extension of the Old Testament? It wouldn’t.
The gospel of Mark and Luke were written to evangelize Romans and Greeks. Why would they need Old Testament teachings of Jesus? I thought evangelizing Gentile nations was a mark of the new covenant, not the old!
For Pete’s sake, the gospel of John was written to the church!
Now Jesus DID say that there were things He could not teach them yet because they were not ready to bear it; however, John 14:26 said that one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit when He comes is: “TO REMIND THE DISCIPLES WHAT JESUS TAUGHT! “ We all need that reminder.
Quote #25:
“Not everything that Jesus said was spoken to the church. Paul’s letters were written to the church and are thus for our benefit today. God raised him up to write the words of the ascended Jesus…That is why, when it comes to reading the Bible, I always encourage new believers in our church to begin with the letters of Paul. (Many new believers like to start with the book of Revelation or Genesis, without first getting a foundation in the gospel of grace through reading the letters of Paul.)”
Chapter 8, page 94
NOTE: If Paul had all the post-cross doctrine and revelation we need, why would the church need Jesus’ pre-cross teaching? Why did Paul say we have the “mind of Christ” if all we need is the “mind of Paul?”
The answer is: our salvation starts with Jesus, not Paul (See I Corinthians 1:13). Our doctrine starts with Jesus, not Paul. Our chief example of compassion, ministry, authority and power is Jesus Himself—not Paul. Paul’s ministry began with a revelation of Jesus, not Paul coming to self-actualization. Christ showed us how we can live through His own example. He taught us what to believe through His own words. When Pentecost came, a foundation of the Word in new covenant terms through the Word made Flesh was already laid. The disciples didn’t have to make up their own doctrines after Jesus left! They taught the good NEWS—that is, what Christ Himself had ALREADY revealed to them!
Jesus didn’t die to save His own doctrine (or the plethora of other things in this book that are wrongfully attributed to the cross)! He’s the same yesterday, today, & forever!
Quote #26:
“Listen carefully: We don’t have to confess our sins in order to be forgiven. We confess our sins because we are already forgiven…I’m talking about being open with God…So confession in the new covenant is just being honest about your failures and your humanity. It is the result of being forgiven and not something you do in order to be forgiven.”
Chapter 9, page 104
NOTE: There is no scriptural basis for this statement anywhere and there are literally hundreds of verses to the contrary. The term “confession” is linked to the idea of repentance, and there is no example in scripture where we are told repentance is “about being open with God” and is not necessary for forgiveness. This statement is just another way to substantiate an already bogus doctrine that misunderstands the work of the cross.
Quote #27:
“I took I John 1:9 to the limit and it nearly drove me insane. But what does I John 1:9 really say and to whom was it actually written?…People have actually taken this verse and built a whole doctrine around it when in actually, chapter 1 of I John was written to the Gnostics, who were unbelievers.”
Chapter 9, page 106
NOTE: The book of I John was written as one single, cohesive letter given to one primary audience. It is cohesive and thematic throughout and to separate the first chapter from the rest of the book as having a different audience is either dishonest, willfully ignorant or naïve at best.
So the question arises, to whom was the letter written? If the first chapter was written to the Gnostics, then the whole book was written to Gnostics. If the first chapter was written to the Gnostics, and then beginning in chapter two it was written to the church (as Pastor Prince later suggests), then why is chapter one included in the same letter, particularly if his letter contained no original chapter divisions, and again if it was not intended for the audience of chapter two and forward?
(I think the reason Pastor Prince insists that the first chapter only is written to Gnostics, is because the rest of the letter is indisputably written to a local assembly of Christian believers that were intimately connected with the apostle John because of the frequent usage of the phrase “my little children” that begins in the opening of chapter two.)
It makes no sense for John to write a letter to Gnostics in the opening and then the church later on. That would be like my father, Pastor Larry, writing a letter to a church that belongs to one of his spiritual sons in the ministry, and including in the opening paragraph an address exclusively for Mormons.
If Christians are to ignore the first chapter because it doesn’t apply to them, why did John open with it? If it was necessary to address the local Gnostics, why didn’t John put it on the end of the book, and give a disclaimer: “Oh yeah, will you send this SEPARATE note to the Gnostics, and remember, YOU don’t need to confess your sins, if you do, you aren’t believing in the finished work of the cross!”
Perhaps Pastor Prince meant that the Gnostics addressed in the first chapter were part of the same congregation/audience—odd, but perhaps. But if that was the case, why didn’t John single them out, like Paul did in many of his letters, when he was addressing specific people or referring to a particular group of people within a church body?
Regardless, the evidence is overwhelming that the book of I John fits together beautifully and flows perfectly without having to switch audiences after the introductory comments of the first chapter.
Quote #28:
“If you really believe that you need to confess all your sins to be forgiven, do you know what you would be doing? You would be confessing your sins ALL THE TIME!”
Chapter 9, page 107
NOTE: This statement just comes down to a misunderstanding of confession of sins. I will explain in a couple points:
(1) As previously mentioned, confession of sins is inextricably linked to the act of repentance (which is an inward and outward turn from sin). Now, if your definition of grace is, “the power to continue to sin (less often) but free of the associative feelings of condemnation”, then yes, you would be confessing all the time because your faith is set on needing perpetual bailout from God. BUT, if your definition of grace, at least in part, is “the power to stop sinning,” then no, you would not be confessing all the time because the power of grace keeps you from perpetual sin, setting you free from not only your transgressions, but your iniquities (habitual sins, and inclinations toward sin)!
(2) Secondly, confession is more than parroting words. It is also more than a ritualistic recitation of sin. Confession, in the Greek is the word “homologeo” and it means more than a recitation of words. It could be described as entering a covenant or binding agreement with God to renounce sin—aligning your thinking, believing, convictions and viewpoints with God Himself—talking the same language! When you see confession as strictly lip service to repentance, you miss the point and power of confession. When you see confession as a covenant with God to cease from sin and be aligned together with Him against sin, then you understand confession not only deals with the act of sin, it deals with the propensity to sin as well.
(I recommend you see the Strong’s Concordance and the Greek word studies of Rick Renner for a better understanding of confession).
Quote #29:
“Let’s not build a whole doctrine on one verse. If confession of sins is vital for your forgiveness, then Apostle Paul, who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament, has done us a great injustice because he did not mention it even once—not once—in any of his letters to the church.”
Chapter 9, page 107
NOTE: First, we dismissed the Old Testament as relevant for doctrine; then we dismissed Jesus and the gospels as relevant for doctrine; now we dismiss the relevancy of John on the simple grounds that John is NOT Paul, the apostle of grace. At this rate, we can eventually dismiss the whole Bible because we spend so much time disqualifying its relevancy of application from one portion to another, we might as well join the Mormon church!
Do we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God or don’t we? Do we believe the books of the Bible are flawless and in perfect harmony together or don’t we? Then let us STOP suggesting that the vast majority of the Bible, including the gospels and other New Testament writers, are out of step with the Pauline revelation!
But for the sake of clarity, Paul taught the same doctrine as Jesus and John. When we talk about confession of sins, we are talking about repentance. This is not a separate and unusual doctrine that Paul omitted because it wasn’t relevant. Paul taught and demonstrated the doctrine of repentance throughout his letters and the Book of Acts. He referred to the doctrine of repentance as foundational doctrine for believers. He categorized it as “milk”, as “elementary”, as “first principle” (see Hebrews 5:11-6:1). There are plenty of both Old and New Testament verses that confirm the clear link between confession of sin and repentance.
On the same token, if confession of sins is NOT vital for forgiveness, then Apostle Paul, who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament, has done us a great injustice because he did not mention it even once—not once—in any of his letters to the church! Of course, for him to do so, would have been contrary to all other scripture, and therefore, uninspired by God.
Quote #30:
“When there were people in the Corinthian church living in sin, he [Paul] did not say, ‘Go and confess your sins.’ Instead, he reminded them of their righteousness, saying, ‘Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?’ Notice that in spite of their sins, Paul still considered them temples of the Holy Spirit and he reminded them of this truth.”
Chapter 9, page 107
NOTE: Paul was not reminding them of their righteousness—they weren’t (Is this hard?). He was reminding them of their purpose. He was reminding them they were made to actually be righteous.
Quote #31:
“When we understand this verse [I John 1:7], we realize that even when we sin, we sin in the realm of light! So, if we sin in the light, we are cleansed in the light, and we are kept in the light. This idea of us going into darkness when we sin is not from the Bible.”
Chapter 9, page 108
NOTE: The idea of us going into darkness when we sin CAME FROM THE BIBLE!
Let’s read the aforementioned passages together (including the skipped over verse 8):
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”—I John 1:7-9
It says, “if we walk in the light as He is in the light…” This means walking in the light AS CHRIST WALKS in the light. Does Christ walk in sin in the light? I don’t think so! What are these verses saying? When you walk in the light, you are cleansed by the blood of Jesus! If you have not dealt with sin because you deny its presence (or a false grace teacher tells you to ignore it), you are self-deceived. However, if and when you do sin, you are cleansed through confessing it (a.k.a.—repentance).
Quote #32:
“Did you know that even the word “cleanses” in I John 1:7 is really beautiful? In the Greek, the tense for the word “cleanse” denotes a present and continuous action, which means that from the moment you receive Christ, the blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing you. It is as if you are under a waterfall of His forgiveness. Even when you fail, this waterfall never stops. It keeps on keeping on, cleansing you from ALL your sins and unrighteousness.”
Chapter 9, pages 108-109
NOTE: Admittedly, I am no expert on Greek—especially Greek verb tenses. However, I have no problem with the idea of the blood of Jesus providing perpetual cleansing. I would even tend to agree with Joseph Prince that the cleansing in verse 7 is different from the cleansing in verse 9. The problem lies in the notion that being perpetually cleansed means perpetually sinning. I’m not sure “waterfall of perpetual forgiveness” is how I would describe this verse’s meaning either.
The best way I could describe the different types of cleansing here is: one type of cleansing is for falling into sin; the other type of cleansing is for staying free from sin. Even though I believe through the power of grace I can stop sinning, I still live in a world corrupted through sin—and I need the blood of Jesus to keep me from falling. I need to keep my mind renewed by the washing of the Word; I need to fellowship with God through prayer; I need to fellowship with people of like-faith; etc. etc. We are cleansed people who for the time being, live in a very dirty environment that permeates all of the five senses. We need the blood of Jesus to keep the filth out of our hearts and minds. This doesn’t make us sinners; it just means we need spiritual maintenance.
Quote #33:
“In I John 2:1, John addressed the believers as ‘My little children’…and went on to say, ‘These things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ.’ Notice that John did not tell the believers, ‘If anyone sins, make sure that he confesses his sins.’ No, his solution for a believer who sins is to point him to the finished work of Jesus.”
NOTE: This is misleading. Notice our Advocate is a Person, not an event. Also note that Jesus did not die on a cross to save us from the act of repentance.
Quote #34:
“Did the cross make a difference or not? Jesus Christ has already delivered all believers from the covenant of law which condemns.”
Chapter 10, page 117
NOTE: Jesus Christ did not die on the cross to save us from the Old Testament that God Himself authored.
Quote #35:
“For generations, the church has believed that by preaching the Ten Commandments, we will produce holiness. When we see sin on the increase, we start to preach more of the law. But the Word of God actually says that “the strength of sin is the law.” It also says that “sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace”. So the power for the church to overcome sin is actually found in being under grace and not in reinforcing the law. Preaching more of the law to counteract sin is like adding wood to the fire!”
Chapter 10, page 121
NOTE: Chapter ten is actually the best chapter so far at describing the differences between “law” and “grace”; however, many of the inferences concerning the law are not accurate.
Sample false inference: “Since the law of Moses was referred to in II Corinthians 3:7-9 as the ministry of death and condemnation, THEN teaching the law will bring people into bondage, make them sin more, etc.”
A few additional points about the law (see my comments under quote #1 & quote #9):
(1) While the law of Moses is no longer in force, the laws of the kingdom ARE IN FORCE! In addition, virtually ALL of the moral law of the Old Testament is included in the new covenant (with the exception of keeping the Sabbath which was ceremonial law—but even in the case of the Sabbath, the spiritual and moral principles behind keeping the Sabbath are still passed on in the new covenant). Actually, in the New Testament we are given 1050 commands for New Testament Christians to obey! (See Dake study Bible, under heading “New Testament Commands for complete list). Therefore, it is a misunderstanding of the covenant of grace to believe the teaching of “law” brings bondage and causes us to sin more.
(2) There is a vast difference between not being “under the law” and being “without the law”. Being under grace does not mean we are exempt from obeying laws. It means we are not under penalty of the law because grace enables us to KEEP the law!
It is not presumption to believe we can keep the laws God gave us. It is presumption to believe God gave us laws we could not fulfill since He gave us His grace to fulfill them!
(3) Even though the law of Moses is obsolete because a new contract has been written, the law is still used to convert the sinner before grace is extended!
- Consider the words of Jesus to the Pharisees in John 9:39: “…I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.” Why did Jesus add that last part about making those who see blind first?—Because if a man will not recognize his own blindness; he cannot be made to see. The law is that which God uses to kill before new life can come! (Also see Galatians 2:19)
- Consider I Peter 5:5b: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” So if God Himself REFUSES to give the gospel/good news of grace to everyone; but ONLY gives grace to the humble, what does that mean? It means that if pride is in your heart, God will not reveal His grace to you until you are made humble first! What tool then does God use to humble the proud to find grace and repentance? THE LAW!
- Consider these quotes:
- “The true function of the law is to accuse and kill; but the function of the gospel is to make alive.”—Martin Luther
- “Although the law serves as a guide to genuine believers, its primary function is to kill and destroy self-righteousness. All hope in our good works must be put to death if we are ever to depend on Jesus, who alone can bring life. The law brings that necessary death.”—Kirk Cameron (even the guy from “Growing Pains” gets this!) J
- “The unsaved are in no condition today for the Gospel till the Law be applied to their hearts, for ‘by the Law is the knowledge of sin.’ It is a waste of time to sow seed on ground that has never been ploughed or spaded! To present the vicarious sacrifice of Christ to those whose dominant passion is to take fill of sin is to give that which is holy to the dogs.”—A.W. Pink
- “He that sows without a plow will reap without a sickle. He who preaches the gospel without preaching the Law may hold all the results of it in his hand, and there will be little for him to hold.”—Charles Spurgeon
- “You must preach the Law, for the gospel is a silken thread, and you cannot get it into the hearts of men unless you have made a way for it with a sharp needle; the sharp needle of the Law will pull the silken thread of the gospel after it.”—Robbie Flockhart
(4) Knowing the law of the Lord (a.k.a. the Bible) helps us grow in our relationship with God and have better discernment for the spiritual battles we face. As Paul told us in II Timothy 4:3 concerning the last days, “the time would come when men would not endure sound doctrine.” Since one of the greatest tools of Satan in the last days will be deceiving people away from sound doctrine, can we not see the dangers of ignoring HUGE portions of the scripture because they talk about laws? This is NOT studying to show ourselves approved (II Timothy 2:15)! Must we continue to insist that people who stick with the scriptures for doctrine are “legalists”? To quote a frequently used phrase from Pastor Prince, “Come on!” Can we really better keep the spirit of the law by ignoring the letter altogether?
If David could wax eloquent in the Psalms about loving the law of the Lord, keeping His commandments, meditating on them day and night, etc. Why can’t we love God’s laws too—ESPECIALLY in the age of grace!
(5) II Timothy 3:15-17
- The source of equipment for all end-time believers is the entire Bible
- All scripture is given
- Either the whole Bible is the Word of God, or the whole Bible is wrong! We cannot pick and choose and say that the writers of certain passages missed God, while the writers of other passages were right on! That’s arrogance, deception, and frustrates the spirit of Grace!
- The whole Bible is flawless in context and in perfect harmony, there are no contradictions, only misconceptions; it takes a man who doesn’t know the Holy Spirit to confuse something so simple and so direct!
- By inspiration of God—every book in the Bible was planned and directed of God
- Profitable for doctrine—all Scripture interprets and supports all other scripture; there are no scriptures that are contradictory, only misinterpreted; all scripture forms the basis of our belief system; all scripture may be used to convince men of truth
- Profitable for reproof—all scripture provides evidence of truth
- Profitable for correction—all scripture exposes deception and wickedness, as well as lays out consequences and guides to righteousness
- Profitable for instruction in righteousness—all scripture provides a guide for daily Christian living
- Completion of the man of God—all scripture in proper application brings us to perfection
- Full equipment for every good work—all scripture and its understanding will produce demonstrations of the spirit and of power
Enough said.
Quote #36:
“When dealing with any problem in life, we want to get to its root…The world has found that many sicknesses and diseases are linked to a root called stress…The world has also identified fear as the root cause of stress…The Lord showed me a root that was deeper than stress and fear…The Lord showed me that the deepest root is condemnation.”
Chapter 11, pages 129-131
The Bible teaches that there is an even DEEPER root than that! For after all, what causes condemnation? SIN!!!
To quote something I heard my dad once say, “Condemnation is the ‘stink’ of sin.”
Ignoring the sin-problem to focus on the condemnation-problem is like spraying Febreeze instead of taking out the trash!
I don’t mean to belittle the problem of condemnation; but let’s examine the source of it as well.
Is condemnation a real problem in the church? You bet it is! I’ll tell you why in a nutshell: cheap grace & ineffective altar calls.
Consider this quote taken from a theology textbook I researched at a local university:
“One of the most important changes in Evangelical life in the 20th century has been the consistent loss of the centrality of the experience of repentance. Perhaps this is a point at which evangelicals have been influenced by the liberal tendency to downplay sinfulness and to emphasize the positive aspects of human ability, but 20th century evangelicals have tended to press unconverted persons to an immediate experience of conversion, in which there is little or no room for the extended period of repentance that characterized earlier evangelicalism. Some evangelicals, concerned with the contemporary renewal of interest in Christian spirituality, have lamented the loss of the place of repentance in the way of salvation and have worked to restore a balanced understanding of repentance as significant to evangelical life.”
Christian Confessions by Ted Campbell, p. 230
In short, we’ve minimized the importance of repentance in our evangelistic efforts and are reaping the consequences from that negligence. Our churches are full of people who struggle with condemnation primarily because our churches are full of people who struggle with sin. Faith without repentance is nothing more than mental ascent—and mental ascent will leave you in a condemned state.
So how does one deal with the problem of condemnation? It’s found in II Corinthians 7:9-11:
“Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter.”
These verses are powerful! They tell us two very important things:
(1) Godly sorrow leading to repentance is the antidote to condemnation!
(2) Conversely, rejection of godly sorrow is a major factor in why people lose their passion for God! Which incidentally, rejection of godly sorrow is also a major factor in why people turn away from sound doctrine and run to “itching ear” preachers!
Quote #37:
“An evil conscience is one that is perpetually conscious of sin and failure, and typically expects punishment. It is a conscience that is under condemnation.”
Chapter 11, page 132
NOTE: An evil conscience is one that ceases to work, failing to recognize sin as evil, having been seared! See the following scriptures that bring clarity to a good conscience versus an evil conscience:
A good conscience: Acts 24:16; II Corinthians 1:12; Romans 9:1; I Timothy 1:5; Hebrews 13:18; I Peter 3:16
A bad conscience: I Timothy 1:19; I Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:15
Quote #38:
“ ‘But Pastor Prince, how can I differentiate between the Holy Spirit convicting me of sin and the accuser hurling condemnation at me?’…The bottom line is that the Holy Spirit never convicts you [a believer] of your sins…I challenge you to find a scripture in the Bible that tells you that the Holy Spirit has come to convict you of your sins. You won’t find any! The body of Christ is living in defeat because many believers don’t understand that the Holy Spirit is actually in them to convict them of their righteousness in Christ. Even when you fail…”
Chapter 11, pages 134-135
NOTE: Numerous scriptures bring clarity to the fact that the Holy Spirit, DOES IN FACT convict us of our sins and this is not the same thing as receiving accusations from the “Accuser of the Brethren.” Consider the following:
(1) The simple difference between the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin and the Accuser of the Brethren accusing us of sin is this: The Holy Spirit is telling the truth and the devil is lying! When conviction of the Holy Spirit comes, it is for the purpose of being liberated from sin and condemnation through repentance; when the Accuser comes, it is for the purpose of slandering the innocent. So, simple rule of thumb: if you have sin in your life, the devil has no need to slander you. If you don’t, the devil has EVERY reason to slander and accuse you!
(2) The Holy Spirit CLEARLY convicts us of sin for the following reasons:
- Both the Father (Hebrews 12:5-9) and Jesus (Revelation 3:19) convict us of sin and the Holy Spirit is a witness for both of them (John 15:26).
- The scriptures themselves convict us of sin (Hebrews 4:12-13) and the Holy Spirit teaches us the Word of God (John 14:26).
- Believers are instructed by Jesus to carry out church discipline and a sinning member is “convicted” by two or three witnesses (Matthew 18:15-17). If it’s appropriate for church people to do these things, then how much MORE appropriate is it when God Himself does it through the Holy Spirit?
- Apostle Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost (II Peter 1:21), instructed both Timothy (II Timothy 4:2) and Titus (Titus 1:13 & 2:15) to confront, rebuke, correct, and convince rebel church members of sin and false doctrine; therefore, if it is appropriate for conviction of sin to come through man by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, then conviction of sin is a work of the Holy Spirit
- The human conscience is where conviction of sin takes place (John 8:9; Romans 2:15; etc.) and the Holy Spirit speaks to man through his conscience (Romans 9:1; I John 2:20); therefore, when man needs to repent, conviction of the Holy Spirit takes place
- The Bible plainly states that the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin (John 16:8-11—Please see my notes under the next point for further clarity on these verses)
(3) It is true—a work of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our righteousness in Christ; it is not true however, that the Holy Spirit convicts us of how righteous we are WHEN WE SIN! He may convict us of our PURPOSE for righteousness and our POTENTIAL for righteousness; but He is the Spirit of Truth and will not flatter us into a false sense of righteousness.
Quote #39:
“When He [Jesus] said that the Holy Spirit would come to ‘convict the world of sin’ [John 16:8]because they do not believe in Him, it is clear that He was referring to unbelievers because they are of ‘the world.’ And notice that the Holy Spirit does not convict the world of ‘sins’ (plural). It is only one ‘sin’ (singular) that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of, and that is the sin of unbelief, the sin of rejecting Jesus and not believing in His finished work…So the Holy Spirit is present to convict unbelievers of that one sin of unbelief…”
Chapter 11, pages 136-137
NOTE: Let’s look at John 16:8-11:
“And when He [the Holy Spirit] has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.”
Note the following points:
(1)The “world” does not and CANNOT refer exclusively to unbelievers in this statement and CAN ONLY refer to all men/all mankind for the following reasons:
- Though the term “the world” can be used to refer to the world system characterized in unbelievers (I John 2:15), the term “the world” is used in other scriptures to signify all mankind (see John 3:16).
- “Conviction of sin”, “conviction of righteousness” and “conviction of judgment” are three separate categories of conviction directed at ONE audience: “the world.” Why would the Holy Spirit EXCLUSIVELY convict unbelievers of sin, righteousness and judgment—and leave the believers “un-convicted” in these areas? On the same token, why would the Holy Spirit EXCLUSIVELY convict believers of sin, righteousness and judgment—and leave UNbelievers UNconvicted and UNevangelized. The only logical and biblically-consistent conclusion is that the world refers to all mankind.
- Both believers and unbelievers experience conviction by the Holy Spirit in all three areas.
- The term “the world” is used to give distinction to the idea that conviction of the Holy Spirit is for ALL men (Gentiles included), and not just an exclusively Jewish audience.
(2) This verse is not implying the Holy Spirit convicts the world of one sin ONLY—as Pastor Prince puts it, “the sin of rejecting Jesus and not believing in His finished work.” A believer/unbeliever can experience conviction from ANY and ALL sin—so what does this mean?
The term “sin” is singular because it is ONE category that includes a MILLION-BILLION things! This verse is not saying the only sin (or the only sin that matters) that the Holy Spirit convicts us of is the sin of not believing in Jesus! It is saying all sin is ROOTED in unbelief. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin “BECAUSE they do not believe in Me”. In other words, it is not saying the Holy Spirit convicts us of the sin of unbelief and rejecting Jesus (though technically true); it is saying the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin BECAUSE of unbelief and rejecting Jesus!
Quote #40:
“If the Holy Spirit never convicts you the believer of your sins, then what does He convict you of? Jesus says that the Holy Spirit convicts you “of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more”. Now who is Jesus talking about here? Believers or unbelievers? Clearly, with the use of the second person pronoun “you”, Jesus was referring to believers. The Holy Spirit was sent to convict believers of righteousness.”
Chapter 11, page 137
NOTE: Jesus is talking about believers AND unbelievers, as explained in the previous point. The use of the second person pronoun “you” simply means “you the audience” are included in “the world” to whom the Holy Spirit convicts.
The Holy Spirit convicts both believers and unbelievers alike of sin (wrong-doing based in unbelief) and righteousness (right doing, right living, the vanity of man’s righteousness apart from God, Christ our Righteousness, etc.) Jesus did not change audiences mid-sentence.
Quote #41:
“Today, there are some believers who believe that the Holy Spirit is in them to convict them not just of their sins, but also of God’s anger and judgment toward them. This is just not true either…When Jesus said [John 16:11], ‘of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged,’ who was He referring to? Believers or unbelievers? The answer is neither. He was referring to ‘the ruler of this world’, as plainly stated in the verse.”
Chapter 11, page 143
NOTE: The conviction of judgment is still addressed to “the world” (verse 8), not Satan. (See notes on Quotes #39-40). The context of the verse is not “the world is convicted that Satan is judged” either (though that may be part of it). Again, the verse is saying the Holy Spirit convicts the world of judgment BECAUSE Satan is judged! In other words, since Satan is judged, we must be convicted of judgment to not share his fate!
Quote #42:
“The accuser is an astute legal prosecutor who will not hesitate to use the Ten Commandments to condemn you. That’s why the Word of God declares that the Ten Commandments are not just ‘the ministry of death,’ they are also ‘the ministry of condemnation [II Corinthians 3:7, 9]’…That’s why Apostle Paul said that the ‘commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me[Romans 7:10-11].’ Notice that sin ‘by the commandment’ deceived him and killed him. What that means is that when Paul came under the old covenant of law, he too came under the ministry of death and condemnation. The law always ministers condemnation.”
Chapter 12, page 145
NOTE: With regards to the “accuser” condemning us with the Ten Commandments:
Let’s remember that the very nature of “the Accuser of the Brethren” is as a liar, one who slanders the innocent, not rightly condemns the guilty…and yes, Satan is an expert at twisting the Word of God into a weapon of deception (see Garden of Eden & Jesus in the Wilderness).
With regards to the Ten Commandments as a “ministry of death and condemnation”:
Let’s look at II Corinthians 3:7-9 for context:
“But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.”
Notice these verses are contrasting covenants in the Old and New Testaments. This is not a text that is critiquing the law as a tool of Satan for making us feel bad for sin. In fact, BOTH covenants are referred to as “glorious”, and when the old covenant is referred to as “the ministry of death” and “the ministry of condemnation”, it is comparatively speaking.
However, the law certainly IS a ministry of death and condemnation to those who rebel against God (see Hebrews 3:7-19)—and this is JUST and RIGHT! For if man will not receive the Word of God by faith and trust in Him, he will be condemned by the lawregardless of which covenant you live under!
Notice the characteristics of those who received the law as a ministry of death and condemnation as they are described a few verses later in II Corinthians 3:14-16 from the Amplified version:
“In fact, their minds were grown hard and calloused [they had become dull and lost the power of understanding]; for until this present day, when the Old Testament (the old covenant) is being read, that same veil still lies [on their hearts], not being lifted [to reveal] that in Christ it is made void and done away. Yes, down to this [very] day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies upon their minds and hearts. But whenever a person turns [in repentance] to the Lord, the veil is stripped off and taken away.”
So here we have an illustration that in both covenants, new and old, the law is a ministry of death and condemnation to those who stay in unbelief and refuse repentance.
With regards to sin deceiving Paul by the law:
Let’s look at Romans 7:10-11 for context:
“And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me.”
These verses are part of Paul sharing his testimony of his slavery to sin through the law PRIOR to being converted. Notice the source of Paul’s deception and death: it was NOT the law—it was SIN! Because Paul was an unconverted sinner, all his attempts to be a good law-abiding Pharisee apart from Christ caused him to be deceived and condemned.
In fact, Paul makes sure to emphasize that he had a “law-problem” BECAUSE he had a “SIN-problem”! (See Romans 7:13).
With regards to the law ALWAYS ministering death and condemnation:
(1) Read Psalm One: meditating in the law of the Lord leads to prosperity, health, vitality, blessings and fruitfulness. None of those things sound like death or condemnation.
(2) Read Psalm 119. The law ministers a lot of things here.
(3) Perhaps it is ONLY the law of Moses that is referred to as ALWAYS ministering death and condemnation? It didn’t minister death and condemnation to Joshua and Caleb! In fact, look at Joshua 1:7-8:
“[God speaking]Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which my servant Moses commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. ‘This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Quote #43:
“The law stirs up sinful desires in man’s flesh. Let me tell you that as long as you are in your current body, you will have the propensity to sin. I did not come up with this. It was Paul who said, ‘For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.’[Romans 7:15]”
Chapter 12, pages 147-148
NOTE: Paul was illustrating the depth of his slavery to sin BEFORE CHRIST (Read the opening chapter of “Misunderstood Texts of Scripture” by Asa Mahan and see his exposition of Romans chapter seven). The more Paul studied the law and tried to keep it apart from salvation through Christ, the more in bondage to sin he became. He was not setting a template for typical Christian living! He was describing the self-righteous man that he was, attempting to keep the laws of God without conversion to Christ!
Let me tell you—NO! As long as you are in your body, you do NOT have to keep your propensity to sin! THIS IS NOT THE TESTIMONY OF A REGENERATED MAN!!!
Quote #44:
“Paul was faced with the same struggles that you and I are faced with today. His lament is recorded in Romans 7…But Paul does not stop there. He goes on to show us in the first verse of Romans 8 how we can counter the accuser’s attacks…There is NOW NO CONDEMNATION to those who are IN CHRIST JESUS!…That is it, my friend—no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, period. There are no conditions and no prerequisites…So the good news that he [Paul] was declaring is that even when there is sin, there is NOW no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Chapter 12 pages 148-150
NOTE: The reason there is NOW no condemnation in Christ Jesus, is because Paul is NOW talking about who he is in the present tense—a new creation through Christ Jesus—no longer a slave to sin! In case there’s any confusion, Paul gives a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT testimony in Romans 8 than he just gave in Romans 7!
- In Romans 7 he was under condemnation; in Romans 8 he has no condemnation
- In Romans 7 he was captive to the law of sin; in Romans 8 he is free from the law of sin
- In Romans 7 he faced eternal death; in Romans 8 he was free from eternal death
- In Romans 7 sin ruled in Paul’s flesh; in Romans 8 sin was condemned in Paul’s flesh through Christ Jesus
- In Romans 7 Paul’s righteousness was unfulfilled; in Romans 8, Paul’s righteousness is fulfilled through Christ Jesus
- In Romans 7 Paul was carnally minded; in Romans 8, Paul was spiritually minded with life and peace
- In Romans 7 Paul is not spirit-filled; in Romans 8, Paul is filled with the same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead
- In Romans 7 Paul was a sinner; in Romans 8 Paul’s body is dead to sin
- In Romans 7 Paul is deceived and killed by sin in his flesh; in Romans 8 Paul has crucified his flesh
- In Romans 7 Paul was walking after the flesh and not after the Spirit; in Romans 8 Paul is walking after the spirit and not after the flesh!
P.S.—Being IN Christ Jesus implies that you are not IN sin!
Quote #45:
“Let me give you a practical tip on how you can grow in this revelation of ‘no condemnation’: Learn to see the Ten Commandments (the law of God) and condemnation as the same thing. Whenever you read or think about the law, think ‘condemnation.’”
Chapter 12, page 151
NOTE: You can’t make this stuff up folks. Oh wait, someone just did.
Quote #46:
“‘But Pastor Prince, what happens when I sin?’ Well, does ‘NOW’ cover the moment when you sin? Of course it does. ‘There is therefore now no condemnation…’ is a ‘now’ verse. The declaration is true every moment, every day. It is true in the morning. It is true in the night. And when tomorrow comes, it is still true. There is presently, continuously, no condemnation for you because you are in Christ!”
NOTE: Wrong answer. You are in Christ Jesus? NOW you have no condemnation. You just sinned? NOW you are in sin. Repent and get back in Christ Jesus!
Quote #47:
“Look at the parable of the prodigal son which Jesus shared…We see a father who runs toward his prodigal son to embrace him the moment he sees him from a distance. Do you know that the father’s behavior is actually contrary to the law of Moses?…according to the law, if a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who refuses to heed his parents, that man is supposed to bring his son to the elders of the city, and all the men of his city are to stone his son to death, so that they can put away the evil from among them, and all Israel shall hear and fear [Deuteronomy 21:18-21]. That’s the law of Moses.”
Chapter 12, page 154
NOTE: One major difference between Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and the story of the prodigal son: the prodigal son repented/the stubborn, rebellious son who got stoned refused repentance even after chastening from both parents. While it may be true, the prodigal son may have DESERVED stoning, the repentance is key. Even in the old covenant, God was merciful and gracious to the penitent who humbled themselves before God, turned from sin and cried out to Him.
Quote #48:
“We all know that the son was not returning to the father’s house because he had realized his mistake. He was returning because he was hungry!”
Chapter 12, page 155
NOTE: His hunger became a catalyst for him to realize the goodness of his father, come to his senses, resolve to repent, humble himself taking on the form of a servant, confess his sin, and return to the father.
This is an extremely presumptuous interpretation of scripture to overlook ALL that and INFER the prodigal was NOT repenting, but was in actuality, scheming for food. There is no evidence whatsoever to accept this spurious and ridiculous interpretation. If the prodigal was not truly repentant but just a hungry schemer, why did he plan such a far journey home and such an elaborate hoax when he could have just stolen some food from a neighbor? Was his father the only means to obtain food?
Quote #49:
“Do you remember what He [Jesus] said to the woman who was caught in adultery?…’Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.’ Now, pay close attention to this: Jesus gave her the gift of ‘no condemnation’ before He told her to go and sin no more…the reason people are shying away from churches…is not because they are rebelling against Jesus. It is because they have not been introduced to the Jesus who gives the guilty sinner the gift of no condemnation.”
Chapter 13, page 164
NOTE: What we see in this account of the woman caught in adultery is God’s principle of “God resisting the proud and giving grace to the humble” (I Peter 5:5; James 4:6) at work. The adulterous woman, clearly already humbled by her sin did not require the law to do its work to convict her of her crime. She knew she was guilty in need of forgiveness. This is the same reason Jesus was able to dispense MORE grace to “publicans and sinners” than to the Pharisees (see Matthew 9:10-13).
Once a person’s heart is humbled to repentance, there is no further need for the law to heap condemnation upon them, there is only need for grace because the heart is prepared to receive. That being said, this is not a proof text that Jesus indiscriminately preaches a universal “no condemnation” message to guilty sinners everywhere and therefore, in our evangelistic efforts we must exclusively say things that make people feel good about themselves. That is rubbish!
Look again at the FULL account given in John 8:3-11:
“Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?’ This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He rasied Himself up and said to them, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.’ And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.’”
Notice that Jesus was surrounded by guilty sinners, but only liberated ONE from condemnation! His message of “no condemnation” was not universal to His audience. His message of “no condemnation” was one He gave to the humble who could receive it. The MAJORITY, Jesus let walk away convicted of sin in their own consciences and He left them in their condemned state! Why? God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
The woman Jesus did not condemn, was liberated from condemnation but commanded to change course with her life (a.k.a.—repent/be converted) in the words—“go and sin no more.” In the same scenario, a multitude of religious hypocrites were left in condemnation by the law!
What an excellent illustration of law and grace used by the Master in the same account! This is TRUE evangelism. If it seems hard, it could be that we have a false notion about evangelism that it is “salesmanship.” It is not. We are called to be WITNESSES for Christ: making converts and disciples; not USED CAR SALESMEN for Christ: making temporary customers with marketing ploys and cheap grace gimmicks.
Quote #50:
“Now, let’s come back to the story of the woman caught in adultery. Let me ask you a question: Was the woman guilty? Yes, she was, absolutely. There is no doubt about that. The Bible states that she was ‘caught in adultery, in the very act.’ But instead of condemning her according to the law of Moses, which required her to be stoned to death (the law of Moses always ministers condemnation and death, it cannot save the guilty sinner), Jesus showed her grace and gave her the gift of no condemnation.”
Chapter 13, page 165
NOTE: Once again, Pastor Prince is attempting to put the Law of Moses at odds with Christ Himself. (It is not necessary to portray Christ as an enemy of the law of Moses in order to illustrate we have a better covenant through grace). Ironically, this is EXACTLY what the scribes and Pharisees were trying to do: portray the words/doctrine of Christ as an enemy to the law of Moses (or portray Christ as a usurper of Roman authority, depending on how He answered).
It is true that a woman caught in adultery qualified for stoning; however, Jesus responded to their accusations referring to another law of Moses (see Deuteronomy 19:15-21), which required that in matters of criminal cases, two or three witnesses were required to establish a verdict. In addition, the witnesses themselves were subject to inquisition based on the charge that they presented concerning someone else. If they were found to be illegitimate, they could be subjected to the same penalty they were seeking for those they accused.
In Jesus’ act of compassion towards the adulteress, He violated no laws of jurisprudence. Her accusers withdrew to save their own skin and the case was dropped!
Quote #51:
“Anyone who is living in sin is not under grace and has not experienced the gift of no condemnation. Grace always results in victory over sin!”
Chapter 13, page 167
NOTE: This is TRUE actually! It doesn’t negate the first 50 quotes of error bordering on heresy given in the first half of the book that suggest the opposite, but it’s something!
Quote #52:
“Let’s continue with what happened after the children of Israel murmured and complained. In your Bible, it says that ‘the Lord sent fiery serpents [Numbers 21:6], and they bit the people and many of the Israelites died…All God did was that He lifted His protection when they murmured against Moses. Remember this happened under the old covenant of law! Praise the Lord that in the new covenant of grace that you and I are under, God WILL NEVER lift His protection over us.”
Chapter 15, page 200
NOTE: Look at the admonition we get from Paul concerning what happened to those in the wilderness that were bitten by serpents:
“nor let US tempt CHRIST, as some of them [my emphasis added] also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for OUR admonition [my emphasis added], upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”–I Corinthians 10:9-12
What about the “new covenant of grace”? Consider Hebrews 10:28-29:
“Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?”
There are tremendous blessings and benefits to the new covenant of grace, such as prosperity, healing, righteousness, peace, supernatural endowments, etc. These are all part of the package. In fact, grace enables us to do the works of Christ and live as Christ demonstrated for us to live. That being said, whether we are talking about someone who lived under the old covenant or someone living today, the principle has not changed: DON’T TEMPT GOD!
Quote #53:
“Three items were kept in the ark of the covenant. The first was the stone tablets on which God wrote the Ten Commandments…So the ark of the covenant is a shadow of our Lord Jesus Christ, His person and His work. Because of His blood, all our sins have been cleansed. That is why it was dangerous for anyone back in those days to lift the mercy seat to uncover the sins and rebellion that God had covered. The mercy seat was not to be lifted at any time and the consequences for doing so were severe…Nobody was supposed to even take a peak at the Ten Commandments. God doesn’t want the law to be exposed because it represents our rebellion, and it will only minister death and condemnation. The peculiar thing is that people have made the Ten Commandments into posters that are hung in homes today, when even in the Old Testament, God kept the law hidden under the mercy seat!”
Chapter 16, pages 208-211
NOTE: There is no question that typology is throughout the Old Testament; however, building doctrine on typologies is the least reliable method of Bible interpretation. While some of the typologies cited above may contain elements of truth, the doctrinal inferences concerning God hiding the Ten Commandments because they represent “rebellion” is a theological foundation built of balsa wood! It’s weak!
The above quote is an excellent example of the allegorical method of Bible interpretation. Finis Dake had the following comments concerning interpreting scripture through the allegorical method:
“We should reject and utterly avoid all such foolishness. The habit of these men [those who interpret the scripture allegorically as the primary method] is to disregard the common significance of words, the grammatical construction, and the literal intention of God in Scripture. They force into Scripture any meaning their fancy chooses, and they make the interpreter equal to God and his interpretations even better than the plain Word of God.”
The Bible is full of allegory, typology and symbolism. That being said, if you can’t find right doctrine given literally in plain scripture, the probability of you finding right doctrine by assigning mystical meanings to Old Testament passages is slim to none!
(See “God’s Plan for Man” by Finis Dake, chapter three on “How to Interpret the Bible” or enroll in “Peacemakers School of Theology” at
Quote #54:
“The Lord showed me something a number of years ago…He spoke to me and said, ‘Son, study the journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai for this is a picture of pure grace. Not a single Israelite died during this period although they murmured and complained’…Study the Bible yourself. You’ll find that every time the children of Israel murmured and complained, it only brought forth fresh demonstrations of God’s favor…Because during that period, the blessings and provisions they received were not dependent on their obedience or goodness. They were dependent on God’s goodness and faithfulness to the Abrahamic covenant, which was a covenant of grace.”
Chapter 17, page 221-222
NOTE: The “period” of grace referred to where no one died prior to Sinai where the giving of the law led to mass genocide (I’m being facetious), was a period of only 50 days according to the departure date from Egypt (Numbers 33:3) until the arrival date at Sinai (Exodus 19:1). So we may see without question, that God graciously refrained from killing anyone for the first 50 days, a period of time that was actually SHORTERthan the period of time between the arrival at Sinai, the construction of the calf, Moses’ intercession for the people and the actual execution of judgment upon the idolaters who continued rebellion and REFUSED to be counted “on the Lord’s side” (Exodus 32:26).
Quote #55:
“…Something tragic happened right at the foot of Mount Sinai. In Exodus 19:8, your English Bible says that the people cried out to Moses, saying, ‘All that the Lord has spoken we will do.’ In the original Hebrew text, this is actually a statement of pride. They were saying, ‘All that God requires and demands of us, we are well able to perform’…So they effectively exchanged covenants, from the Abrahamic covenant which is based on grace, to the Sinaitic covenant which is based on the law.”
Chapter 17, pages 222-223
NOTE: The giving of the law at Sinai was not the chastening of God for Israel’s presumption of obedience. If the Israelites were truly walking in the grace of God, they WERE WELL ABLE to obey the commands of God!
Why would a just Lord deliberately give commands to His servants they could not fulfill, and then ADDITIONALLY PUNISH them for their predetermined and unavoidable failure?
Keep in mind that it was under the Abrahamic covenant (“which is based on grace”) that Israel backslid and went into captivity in Egypt for 430 years prior to the 50 day “period of pure grace” leading to Sinai.
If the Abrahamic covenant is based on grace and characterized by the unconditional favor of God, why are ONLY the last 50 days referred to as an example of this, and the 430 years prior completely ignored???
Quote #56:
“From that point onwards, every time the children of Israel murmured and complained, many of them would die. Observe this: Before Sinai, none died. After Sinai, the moment they murmured, they died.”
Chapter 17, page 224
NOTE: This is a legitimate point. The law NECESSITATED a total consecration to God (as was required in every covenant). But its greatest liability was it robbed man of his excuses. Sin no longer had a place to hide. Therefore, death was the result for those who remained in self-righteousness and were unfaithful to the God whose grace they so desperately needed. (Yes, grace was available in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament—which is why not everyone in the Old Testament is in hell today. See my book, “Grace Empowerment” in chapter two called “Old Testament Grace Economics” for more details).
It’s not that God did not previously expect anything from anyone before the law came, or even that He no longer expects things of us today! It’s that up to this point, man had never so clearly known what God expected of him. Therefore, man’s true nature was revealed.
Revelation brought responsibility. This is not Old Testament. This is an eternal principle. Consider the moral of Jesus’ parable of the unfaithful servant (Luke 12:42-48): “To whom much is given, much is required.”
This does not mean the key to walking in grace is deliberate ignorance of the law! For people die for the very opposite as well. In Hosea 4:6 God says clearly, “My people are destroyed for LACK of knowledge” and goes on to say God’s people are also rejected for REJECTING knowledge!
Please understand: knowledge of the law is not a hindrance to grace—it only leads to death when we ignore it, refuse it, deny it, or shun God Himself because we don’t want to abide by it!
Quote #57:
“‘But Pastor Prince, we have to preach God’s law and His judgment, or there will be no repentance from the people.’ My friend, God’s heart is never to condemn. We want judgment, but God wants mercy. The Bible says that ‘the goodness of God leads you to repentance.’…Nevertheless, there are still people who insist that we have to preach on repentance. Well, I disagree! I think that we should do it God’s way—preach the goodness of God to lead people to repentance.”
Chapter 18, pages 231-232
NOTE: Herein lies one of the deadliest false teachings of modern times: “we shouldn’t talk about repentance!” Let’s break this apart to get absolute clarity on this issue:
(1) Concerning God’s heart to have mercy and not “condemn”:
Consider the verse from Hosea 6:6 that Jesus quoted on at least two different instances: “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice…” Now consider this: Hosea 6:6 was written as a lament of God that though He desired to give mercy, He could not because extending judgment had become necessary due to the hardness of hearts in Israel. Why was judgment necessary? They refused repentance.
Extending mercy is always PREFERABLE to God; nevertheless, we can find countless examples of God extending judgment. We must conclude then, that though extending judgment is not PREFERABLE, it is not evil in and of itself—since God extends judgment so often.
We must also conclude since God is merciful of heart, that when His judgment is extended, it is not cruel; but in fact, completely appropriate and actually carried out by the Author of mercy itself. If then, it is appropriate for God to judge, then it is appropriate that we as WITNESSES for God not try to “market His ‘better’ qualities” but present God for who He is.
{I know that goes against popular thought on modern (failed, failing and perpetually failing) evangelism techniques, but Acts 1:8 says God gave us power to be WITNESSES for Him NOT power to be “used car salesmen.”}
Likewise, just as a merciful God extends judgment, merciful Christians teach repentance so sinners CAN AVOID IT!
(2) Concerning the goodness of God leading men to repentance:
The preaching of judgment and repentance is not contrary to the goodness of God that leads men to repentance.
Look at Romans 2:4:
“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?”
This verse is not a proof text for ONLY talking about the goodness of God to lead men to repentance. In fact, it is quite the opposite; because Paul (the apostle of grace as he’s sometimes called) is not PREACHING in these verses about the goodness of God—he is actually preaching on judgment and sin!!! Here’s a sample of his sermon:
“who, knowing the righteous judgment of God that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. Therefore you are inexcusable, O man…But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who ‘will render to each one according to his deeds’: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil…”
–Romans 1:32-2:9
- The preaching of John the Baptist concerning the kingdom:
- “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand… ‘Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance…And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire…His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire…” (Matthew 3:2-12)
- “John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)
- The preaching of Jesus on repentance:
- “From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:17)
- “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3 and repeated again for emphasis two verses later in Luke 13:5)
- “…Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins shoud be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:46-48)
- Also see Matthew 11:20-21; 12:41; 21:28-32 Revelation 2:5, 16, 21-22; 3:3, 19
- The preaching of Jesus’ disciples on repentance during Jesus’ ministry:
- “So they went out and preached that people should repent.” (Mark 6:12)
- The preaching of Peter on repentance on the Day of Pentecost that led to great revival and mass salvation:
- “‘Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.’ Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’ Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…” (Acts 2:36-38)
- The preaching of Peter AFTER Pentecost:
- “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19)
- “Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.” (Acts 8:22-23)
- The preaching of repentance by Paul in Book of Acts:
- “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)
- See also Acts 20:21 & Acts 26:20
- Paul taught godly sorrow as necessary to repentance and repentance as necessary to salvation in II Corinthians 7:9-11
- Paul listed repentance FIRST as one of six foundational doctrines of Christ (judgment is also listed) that is necessary “milk” for Christians before they can mature as doers of the word (Hebrews 5:11-6:1)
(4) Concerning the omission of preaching of repentance by false pastors, false prophets and false teachers:
Consider the “prophet wars” of the Old Testament. Probably the two main themes of the TRUE prophets of the Old Testament (who wrote many of the books of the Bible) were “repentance” and “judgment.” (Read their stories. Find out what they had to say. Don’t succumb to ignorance of the Old Testament because of cheap grace teachers who ignore it as irrelevant.)
What was the main theme of the false shepherds, the wicked priests and the false prophets? We are fine as we are. God is on our side. We don’t need to fear God’s judgment. Ignore the real prophets.
Now let’s take it into the New Testament to find out what God tells us preachers (through Paul) what we are supposed to preach:
“I charge [you] in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, Who is to judge the living and the dead, and by (in the light of) His coming and His kingdom: Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what ways their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching. For the time will come when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, and will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions.”—II Timothy 4:1-4 [Amplified]
Quote #58:
“…many of us have the impression that repentance is something that involves mourning and sorrow. However, that is not what the Word of God says. Repentance just means changing your mind.”
Chapter 18, page 233
NOTE: There is nothing wrong with defining “repentance” in simple terms; however, this is just SIMPLISTIC and a very poor characterization meant to belittle one of the most foundational Christian doctrines. Repentance is an inward conversion that produces an outward change. Speaking in terms of its application to the believer, it is inseparably linked to conversion. It consists of four parts displayed over and over again in scripture: humility, genuine sorrow, confession of sin, and turning from sin. It means a reversal: a total change in direction inwardly (different attitude, feelings, & way of thinking, a new heart condition and a change of will) with outward “fruits of repentance” (speaking and acting differently).
Perhaps one could refer to repentance as “a change of mind”; but that is really an inadequate definition considering how loosely we use that terminology today! When I think of “a change of mind” I think of my wife picking out clothes. That does nothing to help me understand repentance!
When the Old Testament prophets, or Jesus, or Paul, or the apostles, etc. were preaching “repentance”—they weren’t saying, “Hey! God wants you to change your mind about stuff!” NO! They were saying, “HEY! God wants you to CHANGE EVERYTHING by being joined to Him in total consecration!
Consider the following scriptural examples of repentance:
- In connection to sorrow and mourning: Isaiah 22:12; Ezekiel 18:31; Joel 2:12; Jeremiah 31:9; Matthew 5:4; Psalm 34:18; Joel 2:13; Luke 6:21; II Kings 22:19; Ezra 10:1; Job 42:6; Jonah 3:6-8; Mark 14:72; II Corinthians 7:10; James 4:8-10
- In connection with humility: II Chronicles 7:14; I Samuel 7:3; Luke 15:18; I Kings 8:46-50; Psalm 34:18; I Kings 21:27; II Kings 22:19; Ezra 10:1; Job 42:6; Luke 15:21; Luke 18:13; Isaiah 66:2
- In connection with confession of sin: Hosea 14:12; Acts 8:22; Ezra 10:11; Proverbs 28:13; Jeremiah 3:13; I John 1:9; Leviticus 26:40; Numbers 5:7; Mark 1:15; Luke 5:8; Luke 15:18; I Kings 8:33-35; Ezra 10:1; Job 42:1, 6; Luke 15:21
- In connection to both an inward and outward turn: Ezekiel 14:6; 33:11; Acts 3:19; Acts 26:20; James 4:8; II Chronicles 30:9; Nehemiah 1:9; Isaiah 55:7; Ezekiel 18:21; Zechariah 1:3
Quote #59:
“Believers are often exhorted to repent from sin. However in the New Testament, we are actually exhorted to repent from dead works…It says in the book of Hebrews [Hebrews 6:1]that the first foundation stone of our faith is ‘repentance from dead works and of faith toward God’. Now, ‘dead works’ are not sins. They are the religious things that people do, thinking that by doing these things, they are gaining righteousness with God.”
Chapter 18, page 234
NOTE: This is fascinating to me on two fronts:
Front one: Hebrews 5:11-6:2 is a fascinating topical study because within these verses are the core doctrines of both the Old and the New Testaments and the core problem of “dullness of hearing” regarding these subjects.
Front two: The doctrine of repentance is listed of primary importance to conversion and its theme is echoed in hundreds of scriptures in both the old and new testaments. In the hundreds of scriptures both old and new testament that this theme is echoed, it is dealing directly with the subject of sin. Yet Pastor Prince makes a fascinating and erroneous claim that dismisses the relevancy of repentance from sin as connected to this topic WHATSOEVER!
Herein lies the major question: Is Pastor Prince’s interpretation of the doctrine of repentance from dead works having no correlation with repentance from sin correct?
I believe Pastor Prince’s interpretation to be spurious, reckless, misleading and completely FALSE based on the following points:
(1) The broader context
The book of Hebrews was written specifically to instruct Jewish Christians concerning the conversion of covenants from Old Testament Judaism to New Testament Christianity, so even though the verses may be clearly understood by Gentiles without doctrinal contradiction, many of the references carry extra significance to Jewish people. Understanding this paradigm will aide in rightly interpreting Hebrews 6:1, as I will now illustrate:
Look at Hebrews 6:1-2 for the full list of what is referred to as “the elementary principles of Christ”:
“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrines of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection from the dead, and of eternal judgment.”
These six items (repentance from dead works, faith towards God, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead and eternal judgment) are all referred to as “elementary principles of Christ.” Why is this significant? Because these SAME six items were ALSO considered elementary principles for making proselytes of Judaism in the Old Covenant!
For example: “baptisms” (though it may have different connotations for us as Christians), was foreshadowed in Jewish practices—such as a one-time cleansing for Jewish proselytes converting to Judaism) and Old Testament teachings (Levitical washings, ceremonial cleansings, etc).
Consider this quote taken from the Bible Background Commentary:
“The writer [Paul] probably chooses these items as the ‘basics’ because they were the basic sort of instructions about Jewish belief given to converts to Judaism, which all the author’s readers would have understood before becoming followers of Jesus. These items represented Jewish teachings still useful for followers of Christ [my emphasis added]. Judaism stressed repentance as a regular antidote for sin, and a once-for-all kind of repentance for the turning of pagans to Judaism.”
So, what was once considered “the basics” for converting pagans to Judaism, Paul is writing to tell us that these same subjects are still necessary for Christians and are now referred to as elementary principles of CHRIST! Thus, what was elementary in the Old Testament remains elementary in the New Testament—repentance, faith, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection, and judgment!
In fact, look at the Greek word used in Hebrews 6:1 translated “laying again.” It is the Greek word “katabollo”, and it means “casting down or overthrow.”
Let’s look again at Hebrews 6:1 with this new understanding of “laying again”:
“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again [casting down or overthrowing] the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God”
What is Paul stressing here? Don’t cast down or overthrow the foundational doctrines of verses 1-2! They were foundational in the Old Testament but they are STILL foundational in the NEW Testament!
So, in the Old Testament, would the expression “repentance from dead works” include the idea of repentance from sin? YES!!! This hasn’t changed as foundational doctrine!
The broader context of this passage illustrates the error of dismissing sin as included in the subject of repentance from dead works.
(2) The term “repentance” itself
Since repentance deals with the conversion of the inward man and is a foundational doctrine dealing with sin in both Testaments, it is fair to say sin would be implied already. Repentance of dead works would still include “sin” even if not expressly stated.
(3) The usage of the term “dead works”
This term is only used here and again in Hebrews 9:14. It is true, the term has a special connection to religious formalism done apart from God as Pastor Prince suggests; however, these are works committed in self-righteousness and are therefore sin!
In fact, look at Hebrews 9:14:
“How much more shall the blood of Christ cleanse your conscience…from dead works to serve the living God?”
If dead works do not infer sin, why do we need the blood of Christ to cleanse our conscience of them?
(4) The term “dead works” itself
The term “dead works” is understood as works/actions resulting in/deserving of DEATH! Is sin a work/action resulting in/deserving of death? Of course! Therefore the idea of sin is echoed in the usage of both phrases: “repentance” AND “dead works”.
(5) Hebrews 6:1 as it is translated in the Amplified Bible
“Let us not again be laying the foundation of repentance AND [my emphasis added] abandonment of dead works (dead formalism) and of the faith [by which you turned] to God”
Notice this translation gives special distinction to the doctrine of repentance itself and lists “abandonment of dead works” as complementary to the first, then reiterates again a third time the act of repentance implied in faith itself!
(6) The combined terms “repentance of dead works” are used together
Rather than the added phrase “from dead works” undermining the doctrine of repentance as it relates to sin, it only gives heightened understanding to the ongoing theme concerning repentance as it is used hundreds of times elsewhere: repentance is a change that is both inward and outward.
Quote #60:
“When the rich young ruler came boasting in his law-keeping, Jesus answered with the law. And the young man could hardly give a dollar to Jesus and walked away sorrowful. But in the very next chapter, when Jesus gave no law but showed His grace, it not only opened Zacchaeus’ heart, it also opened up his wallet!”
Chapter 18, page 238
NOTE: This is actually an excellent contrast between the law and grace. However, rather than legitimizing abstinence from use of the law in evangelistic efforts—it actually shows that it is appropriate to use the law!
Why did Jesus use the law (not grace) when evangelizing the rich, young ruler?
“Law to the proud, grace to the humble” as previously illustrated. It is not that Jesus’ efforts at evangelizing the rich young ruler were unsuccessful—Jesus exposed his guilt with the same law he claimed to uphold! This man was now closer to salvation than He had been previously, (before Jesus used the law to expose his guilt). The man came as far as Jesus could take him, but would not humble himself in repentance to receive grace.
So why did Jesus NOT use the law when converting Zacchaeus?
Does this mean the only effective method of evangelism is through grace? No! It means the law had already done its work in Zacchaeus heart—he was now ready to receive grace for salvation!
ANY evangelist would ALWAYS prefer giving grace in evangelistic efforts! That’s the EASY part! Unfortunately, the LAW is the hard part that MUST come first—extending grace to the unrepentant is casting pearls before swine.
Quote #61:
“You don’t have to worry about how your behavior will be governed without a consciousness of the law. The Word of God says that grace will teach you—‘For the grace of God…has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts…’ [Titus 2:11-12]. Grace is a teacher…”
Chapter 18, page 239
NOTE: If you have no consciousness of the law and are worried about what will govern your behavior—it is because your own conscience is telling you, “Hey you! You need to know the law to rightly govern your behavior!” If you REALLY want to test out this theory of grace teaching you without knowledge of the law, just put down your Bible (ignoring II Timothy 2:15), never read it again, never obey your conscience and ONLY listen to Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live: “You are good enough; you are smart enough, and DOG-GONE it, PEOPLE LIKE YOU!” Then send a testimony to Pastor Prince to tell him how things turned out for you!
You know how to RIGHTLY interpret Titus 2:11-12? The grace of God appearing to all men (in the person of Jesus) CONFIRMS WHAT THE LAW ALREADY TEACHES!
Quote #62:
“In saying that ‘where sin abounded, grace abounded much more’, I am preaching the same message that Paul…preached. What Paul meant…is this: Sin does not stop God’s grace from flowing, but God’s grace will stop sin…So where there is sin, God’s grace is in superabundance!”
Chapter 19, page 249
NOTE: What Paul is teaching is NOT: sin and grace share the same space and no matter how much I sin grace has got me covered! He is saying that there is MORE THAN ENOUGH GRACE AVAILABLE to completely COME OUT of the dominion of sin in your life and NOT CONTINUE IN SIN!
Quote #63:
“When it came to wrong behavior in Corinth, Paul was cool and collected toward the believers. He was able to handle their wrong behavior because he knew that the grace of God was able to take care of their spree of wrong behavior. That is why he was able to speak positively to them…But when it came to wrong doctrine in Galatia, he rebuked the believers there because they nullified God’s grace by mixing it with the law.”
Chapter 20, page 258-259
NOTE: First of all, the letter to the Corinthians was not exactly all “happy-happy” since it was primarily a book of correction; however, I would agree there IS in fact a greater degree of agitation in Paul’s letter to the church at Galatia because they had become backslidden heretics.
Secondly, what KIND of law were the people in Galatia practicing?
These people were not backslidden because they were preaching Christ and the Ten Commandments from the same pulpit; they were backslidden PRIMARILY because they substituted the ceremonial aspects of the law (man-made traditions, rituals, ceremony & pomp) for faith in God.
(1) They had rejected the truth, turned from faith, and started justifying themselves by works (Galatians 3:1-5).
{This in itself is no more an indictment against the law than it was when Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees. This was an indictment against those who attempt to practice the law apart from faith in God (Christ).}
(2) They had begun to reinforce the ceremonial law (Galatians 4:9-10; 5:1-2)
The ceremonial law was completely done away with through Christ because it was a type and shadow of everything that Christ already fulfilled. The laws of Moses are not applicable to us because we have a new contract through Christ. Nevertheless, God’s divine laws are eternal and immutable. There is no part of the new covenant that implies we are exempt from keeping God’s eternal laws of morality and faith.
(3) They were imposing the circumcision to avoid persecution for Christ (Galatians 6:12-15).
Galatians 6:15-16 effectively sums up the gospel of grace:
“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them…”
Are you or aren’t you a new creation?
This is true grace. It does not mix with superficiality. Whether that superficiality be cheap grace, ceremonial laws, or religious pomp. If you are a new creation, the law is no threat to grace and you don’t have to ignore if for fear it will make sin stronger in your life.
Quote #64:
“Now would you like to know what Revelation 3:15-16 really means? The two verses would only make sense when they are interpreted in the light of the mixture of covenants of law and grace in the church of Laodicea. The Lord was saying that He would the church be cold—entirely under law, or hot—entirely under grace.”
Chapter 20, page 264
NOTE: This is more allegorical preaching that pulls doctrine out of thin air. But since Pastor Prince brought it up, mixing up covenants is a bad idea; teaching the law and grace together in their proper context is actually a GOOD idea. That’s why it they are taught side-by-side throughout the New Testament (see response to Quote #1).
Quote #65:
“Paul told the Galatians, ‘Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace’ (Galatians 5:4). This is the true definition of ‘falling from grace.’ Today, when someone sins, ministers say that the person has ‘fallen from grace.’ But Paul never told the Corinthians they were fallen from grace despite all their sins. To fall from grace then is to fall into the law.”
Chapter 20, page 267
NOTE: Falling from grace in this context simply means they reverted back to self-righteousness—thus, they fell into sin.
One can also do “despite the Spirit of Grace” by committing willful sin according to Hebrews 10:26-29. One can twist the scriptures (or the teachings of Paul specifically) to their own destruction instead of “growing in grace” according to II Peter 3:15-18. Or one can “fail of the grace of God” like Esau did in Hebrews 12:15. Or one can invent their own doctrine of grace as a means to fulfill lust, like the ungodly men of Jude 4 did. Either way, there is more than one way to fall from grace, whether we use this phrase or another.
Quote #66:
“The law makes everything of man’s efforts, while grace gives all the glory to God. That is why Paul told the Galatians that the gospel is not a man-pleasing gospel. He was essentially saying, ‘If I want to please man, I would be preaching the law.’”
Chapter 20, page 268
NOTE: Paul was essentially saying he wasn’t a man-pleaser because he just finished saying let the other guy who is preaching a DIFFERENT gospel (the one this church just embraced), LET HIM BE DAMNED! Paul had some grit! I like him! (See Galatians 1:6-10).
Quote #67:
“The question we should be asking is, ‘Did Jesus tell us to fast?’ Now, I know that when Jesus’ disciples were unable to cast out a certain spirit from a boy, the NKJV (as well as the KJV) Bible does record that Jesus, in reference to the spirit, said, ‘This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.’…But do you know that in the original Greek text, the word ‘fasting’ does not appear in that verse? It was added by the translators! And if you look at the NASB and NIV translations, you won’t find the word ‘fasting’ in that verse.”
Chapter 21, page 274-275
NOTE: I don’t even like fasting J, but I feel compelled to respond anyway:
We have no way of saying that “FASTING” is not in the original Greek text BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT! What we have, are numerous copies of the original Greek text, most of which include the word “fasting.” Which is more likely, most of the copies are wrong or a couple copies accidently left a word out? Even the earliest copies which are considered among the highest in manuscript authorities have accidental omissions. Nevertheless, we literally have THOUSANDS of early manuscripts to compare to determine with a great deal of accuracy what passages and words were in the original text. Which is why it was overwhelmingly decided with very little debate from most theologians, old or new, that “fasting” should be included. Besides that, if you believe “fasting” was a copy error, (later addition by fasting enthusiasts) in Mark 9:29, then you must make the case that “fasting” as it is recorded in Matthew 17:21 is a copy error/(later addition by fasting enthusiasts) as well. Where does it stop?
The fact is, “fasting” was practiced by Jesus as well as in the book of Acts. There is some dispute over its usage in I Corinthians 7:5 as well, but there is nothing unscriptural about taking a break from indulging the flesh for awhile to focus on prayer.
Quote #68:
“Now, do I fast? Yes, I do, in the sense that many a time, I am so preoccupied with the Lord in prayer or with studying His Word that I forget to eat…I unconsciously miss my regular meals, and I even find myself forgoing sleep to be in His presence. But I don’t consciously go on a fast, believing that fasting would get me my miracle.”
Chapter 21, page 276-277
NOTE: So the short answer is, “Only if it’s accidental”?
Even though fasting is not something we do to try to earn God’s attention or answered prayer, it still can be beneficial to the New Testament believer.
For examples of the purpose an benefits of fasting, see the following scriptures:
Matthew 17:14-21; Psalm 35:13; II Samuel 12:16-23; Matthew 4:1-11; Psalm 69:10; I Corinthians 7:5; I Kings 21:27; Daniel 6:18; I Kings 21:27; Ezra 8:21; Esther 4; Acts 27:9; Acts 9; Matthew 6:16-18; Matthew 9:15 & Matthew 17:14-21.
Quote #69:
“When Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased…When the devil said, ‘Command these STONES to become bread,’ he was, in fact, telling Jesus to get His nourishment from the law that was written on STONES. Now look at Jesus’ reply: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’…What did God just say to Jesus before He entered the wilderness? He had said, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ This is the word that we are to live by today as well!”
Chapter 22, pages 295-297
NOTE: To the casual observer, one would assume that when Satan told Jesus to turn stones into bread it was because He was hungry after not eating for forty days! Evidently, it was because Satan wanted Him to study the law of Moses and come under death and condemnation. Fortunately, Jesus outwitted Satan by responding with therhema word from God: God loves me! (The coded exchange used by both Jesus and Satan here is so deep; it is AMAZING that either one was able to decipher the other’s witty word-plays!
Quote #70:
“The Lord told me many years ago, ‘Son, your ministry is to roll away the stone.’ Let me explain to you what this means. In the story of Lazarus, Jesus commanded the people to roll away the stone from Lazarus’ tomb…My friend, the stone is a picture of the law.”
Chapter 22, page 298
NOTE: Book burning anyone?
Kudos to Chace and John for compiling this great information!
Good effort but misguided. Pity …
Fantastic analysis. I have written a bit about Prince and the hyper grace deception. Part of the problem also is that many are not willing to call out those who are false teaching. Even Dr. Brown only views Prince as a “brother in error.” Once the error has been pointed out and he refuses to repent, he is no longer in error- he is a false teacher. Prince is so dangerous because so much of what he says sounds so right. But I have written about such egregious abuses of Scripture on his part in trying to prop up his false gospel. He once preached that repentance simply means to “consent to be loved.” Dangerous indeed.
After reading the points presented in the article, I must say that Prince’s critics have not listened carefully and patiently enough before jumping to their decontextalised conclusions.
In the same way you need to read the entire Bible in its context to properly discern spiritual truths, you need to listen to enough of what Prince preaches regularly (he isn’t the best of authors, I must admit) in the context of his focus and spiritual perspective to properly discern the message he is preaching.
The author of this article also seems to have an over-simplistic and one-tracked view of many of the concerns he has raised. The very first concerning salvation and hell already shows his lack of understanding of the fullness of the term “soteria”, the original Greek word used in the Bible for “salvation”.
Thus, I am not sure how deeply he has considered the validity of his doctrinal assumptions, the robustness of his theological stand, and whether he has sought to expand his theological understanding beyond the walls of his denominational beliefs.”
So your argument is that because he preaches some things correctly the heresy doesn’t matter? The Bible does not agree with you. This is the lesson of the leaven.
Prince has preached that believer do not need to read the Book of Hebrews. That it doesn’t apply because after all…it was written to Hebrews. Does it really matter if everything else he said in that sermon was right? It wasn’t mind you but even if it was, c’mon.
Anthony, you gotta check your facts. Prince preaches extensively from Hebrews and from the Old Testament. Be careful of spreading untruths. Check your facts first and rely less on hearsay. His preaching are all recorded and available online for critical discussion. Just make sure you listen enough to make an informed judgement.
Well, I am a Singaporean and I visit his local church in Singapore and have been attending its services on a weekly basis since 2005. I can attest to him preaching extensively from every book of the Bible. Hebrews is his favourite, because it is specifically written to compare the covenants.
The only thing he has ever said, is for the believer to apply the discipline of biblical exegesis, (which includes textual criticism, grammatical and syntactical analysis of text, understanding the historical and cultural context of both author and the original audience) so as to adequately understand the intention of scripture the historic moment it was given.
Perhaps you need to listen to more of his preaching and properly contextualise what he says.
I will not go around and around with you. I have learned my lesson in dealing with Prince followers in the past. There is no one more deceived. They refuse to listen to anything and defend him over God every time. He has butchered God’s Word in so many areas, including Ananias and Sapphira, the flood, the 99 and 1, Revelation, and on and on because he does not approach the Word to hear from God. He approaches it to prop up his false gospel he admits is a different gospel and claims he received through direct revelation from God.
Perhaps you need to stop making sweeping statements and allegations that you are unable to substantiate. Anyone following this discussion thread can see that I am engaging you straight on on every point you raise, whereas you are skirting around anything you are unable to answer, while throwing up more smoke in an attempt to distract.
If your definition of “butchering” is to teach in a way you are unused to, then you are making the same mistake the Roman Catholic church made when they literally butchered the Protestant reformers God sent to re-preach the gospel Paul preached, which the RC church considered a heretical “different gospel”.
For that matter, Prince has never referred to his teachings as a “different gospel”, only as the same gospel Paul preached.
You have not responded to anything and then think you have addressed me head on? All of my writings on Prince are completely documented with links to the heretical sermons and scriptures.
For the record, preaching Ananias and sapphira were not believers because it destroys your false gospel is not “teaching it in a way it I am not used to.” It is teaching falsely. Preaching that the flood was an act of mercy and not wrath is heresy, not “a new way to teach it.”
Samuel, well said. Fully agree with you brother.
Samuel, I have been in New Creation Church since 2011. I have been a Christian since 1981. Please invite Anthony Wade to come to New Creation Church for worship service regularly for 3 years. I believe at the end of the 3 years, he will FULLY agree with you. No point arguing. I was once skeptical about Ps Prince. But I repent..
I was once skeptical about Jprince too. Now I know JPRINCE is GOD sent servant !to reveal the TRUTH OF THE TRUTHS !!
Wow that is a completely unloving statement if I ever heard one. Lets spin it. I would go around and around with you non believing humans, Ive learned my lesson in the past. Im not defending any person but I will defend scripture. How about this one. Speak the truth in love. If you see your brother in error you should correct him in Love. Anthony I may be wrong but I am not seeing a lot of love in your posts. And by the way sid roth whom the author credits says and has people on his show all the time that say they had a direct revelation from GOD. So I guess you also can’t trust anything in the bible because its all a revelation from GOD. The bible says that all revelation should be tested by the Word
Your error is in assuming that a wolf is a brother. The Bible does not instruct me to coddle wolves. It in fact instructs me to rebuke them. Offering up another false teacher in Sid Roth does not help your cause either. There is plenty of love here brother. I love the sheep that are being led astray dearly. So much so that I want them to come out from the deception they sit under.
Perhaps you are in error Anthony wade not jprince
I didn’t know Sid Roth wrote the bible. I have read it many times, The Gospel is all about Grace. Be very careful not to judge someone unless you are absolutely sure there in error. If you have heard an ENTIRE sermon by any pastor and not just a sound bite taken out of context and still believe him or her to be preaching a false Gospel then by all means speak against it. Just remember that almost the entire Sanhedrin falsely made that same accusation about Jesus, and every other early church founder. In fact even Jewish Christians were attacking Paul’s preaching and doctrine in Galatia and elsewhere. May the LORD keep you and guide you my friend.
You offered up Sid Roth, lol. As for Prince, I am beyond sure. I have reviewed many of his sermons. Your assertion that one needs to hear the entire sermon is presupposed by the notion that somehow what he says during the heretical portions he is willing to share could somehow be OK in another context. They cannot be. As for Paul, he openly accused false teachers and named them by name. But look, we obviously disagree. I pray you seriously do the work of Berean when listening to him and I wish you well as well.
Jprince has no gospel of his own. Only you claim jprince preach false gospel.
We all know jprince is truthful true …
Jprince has open up the gems in the bible for the world through christ
Prince teaching of the bible is hard truths
There is no heresy in jprince sermons..don’t listen to lies
Dr brown himself could be the brother in error . jprince has led many to jesus through real relationship unlike these Dr brown type
There is no hyper grace in jprince. Who spread the false news that jprince teaches hyper grace?
It’s unmeritted grace of jesus christ
If Joseph Prince preaches ‘false grace’, how could millions suffer endless torment if they are just deceived?
Did we really grasped the scriptural meaning of FIRE or do we just lazily conclude FIRE as “HELL” which was inspired by the painter Dante Alighieri of ‘Inferno’?
1. GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE, (Hebrews 12:29) the WORD if LIKE FIRE, (Jeremiah 23:29)
2. CHRIST will COME in FLAMES of FIRE, (2 Thessalonians 1:8)
3. the HEAVENS will be MELTED by FIRE, (2 Peter 3:12)
4. People shall labor in the VERY FIRE… for the EARTH will be filled with GLORY of the LORD as the WATERS COVER the SEA. (Habbakkuk 2:13-14)
5. the purpose of FIRE is to PURIFY, to REFINE. (Malachi 3:2-3)
6. FIRE was addressed by JOHN the Baptist to the UNFRUITFUL teachers. (Matthew 3:7-10)
7. JESUS assures us that in order for us to become FRUITFUL, the branches that cause us to be UNFRUITFUL must be CUT OFF (John 15:2) and be THROWN and be BURNED by FIRE.
*****Did we really grasped the SOVEREIGNTY of the GOSPEL which is the POWER of GOD for the SALVATION of those who BELIEVE?
—–It is the FREEDOM from CURSE and RECEIVE the BLESSINGS of ABRAHAM. The SALVATION declared by JESUS to Zacheaus,, to the THIEF beside His CROSS, etc… which was confirmed by the Apostle Paul in Galatians, chapter 3 (specifically verse 29)
*****What is the SALVATION that JESUS came to PREACH?
——Is it going to hell and heaven when we DIE in the FUTURE?
*****What GOSPEL did JESUS commanded His Disciples to PREACH?
——Is it the gospel of heaven and hell?
——Or the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of GOD where CHRIST shall RULE and REIGN to those who BELIEVE and become WITNESS of the SOVEREIGNTY of GOD even before the world began? So that the BODY of CHRIST be COMPLETED and CHRIST will COME BACK to establish the PROMISED ETERNAL THRONE of DAVID in the NEW JERUSALEM as the headquarter of the SOVEREIGN KINGDOM of GOD in the NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH. When DEATH and HELL is ABOLISHED.
Just a points to ponder.
No matter how much I “consider” what my son repeats of this doctrine, and no matter how much I would like to see it like he does, and, because I don’t ,there is a dissonance that is indescribably painful that I must endure when he comes around. It is as if, there is a spiritual war that is happening between the Holy Spirit and a spirit of darkness when he does. The spirit within me will not, nor cannot succumb to these false and deceptive teachings on our Lord’s Grace. It is a grace, as you have stated, that elicits a response inside of us. We, as believers, are happy to be “owned” by Him, as we know He has given His life for ours. And, we are happy to follow His will, and in fact, live for that purpose; not for our own protection (as in trying to save ourselves) but for His glory, and because we want to fulfill His purposes for our life here on earth. The very sad part is that my son became swooned by this “gospel” only a few years ago. And, I can tell you it did seduce him somewhat like a drug would do. I haven’t known what to do about it. We tried to reason with him at first with the Word, but the enemy has so craftily used the Word himself to deceive (like he tried to do with Jesus in the temptation) that this was futile. It would be like trying to reason with a drug addict when they were high on drugs, telling them that they need to quit taking them ,while they are feeling so good from the effects of the drugs. My son even has a new laugh, he never had before, which sounds like a “druggies laugh,” and he constantly is talking about “having fun” instead of being focused on God’s will, as he used to. I’m telling you, it’s seductive spirit he has been lured and trapped by. Of course, we have prayed for him to “see the light,” but with reading your article, I have a renewed understanding of the severity of thie hold the enemy has on my son,(and his wife) so I will change my prayer to one of standing in the gap on their behalf and claim the victory of the cross over the enemy for them. I can see now that he cannot pray this for himself, as he thinks he has discovered “new truth and light” while he is walking in darkness. It is definitely a veil that has shrouded their minds and understanding, and is leading them astray. I recognize it as a “doctrine of demons.”
Patty Patty Patt, you are a mother, so I understand your concerns. It’s true your son is saved. It’s your responsibility as a mother to find out if he truly is happy, as having fun. As a mother you should find a way to stick yourself in his life, not because you are a bad person or old timer who doesn’t care about personal space; but because you are a parent. You would like to see your son to be truly happy in this world, and eternal life on the next.
One thing I can tell you is, your son is really having fun! Think about it, the kind of day you will have if you receive a bad news early in the morning, or watch news before you leave the house. And imagine the difference if you get a good news, motivating one, what kind of a day you will have. And Gospel means good news, it should keep you smiling and motivated the whole day. It shouldnt condemn you, feel down and angry. That’s not Gospel’s purpose. Before you listen to John Burton’s half left out critics and judgments. Please listen to Pastor Joseph Prince sermons. If you could, especially “The right believing” and “Hope”. And if you add few sermons like “grace and favor” or “Double honor for your shame” ohhhhh my God, you will automatically start calling God ” daddy”. I can promise you literally THE WHOLE BIBLE WOULD START MAKING SENSE. All those doubts that you have in your back mind, thinking “But why would God ask this or did this in this part of the bible?” All will be gone, all the stories would start making sense. You will know the truth, and you will set free. Before you know it, you will start laughing like your son, probably louder. When you know, you can do nothing, and you decide to have fun with The Lord, you would probably laugh louder my dear.
Don’t fall for critics, it’s your responsibility to find out. All the #70 quotes mentioned above, are either not fully quoted or purposely misinterpreted. If you live under law, you can fall for him, if you grow up in church like mine, you will defenitly say Amen. Once you hear the truth you can never stop. You don’t get tired of playing it the whole day. Most importantly your worries will disappear. You will be like a newly born baby, who thinks his parents creat everything he sees around him. Your prayers becomes straight forward, to the point. You would be like a daughter, hahaha you would actually be a daughter. You have been saved and born again and you were a child maybe, I am not sure many many years ago, but if you don’t understand the meaning of grace, you will be like a son who acts like a slave in his own father’s master house. He who always bows for his father, take his shoes by the entrance, couldn’t see his own dad in his eyes. You will be like a child who hesitate to ask for food. The grace is the truth, and the truth will set you free my dear. And you can enjoy all God’s gifts he gave you, including your Son. Grace will take all your worries, you will lean more on God, the more you lean he will give more grace. The Holy Spirit will feel home in your heart, you will hate sin. You won’t go back to sin because you get more grace. You will be on auto pilot, allowing the Holly Spirit to work in you. He will give you THE WILL to do good and THE WORK that is great. But nothing is from you, all you do is trust him. John Burton would like us to believe the ultimate gift that was paid by Jesus Christ is half way, and we need to make an effort to complete it. It’s an insult to the clean blood.
God Bless you Petti, follow your heart!
1 Timothy 1-8, 9…But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; .Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, .
Joseph Prince is right on!!!!
“For if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it- lest you even be found to fight against God. ” Acts 5:38,39
I loved this article. It was very thorough and supported by the inspired Word of God.
So necessary for the deception that is rampant today. My husband and I came across this false doctrine of Joseph Prince in early 2013. We couldn’t believe how seasoned Christians were so easily taken in. God help the church to wake up and get back to the Whole Word of God!
The whole word of God, I’ve heard that statement before. As a believer in Christ the whole word of God is we are New Covenant People saved by grace not Old Covenant people living under the law! What is so complicated about that for all you that condemn the message of grace. That is the very message Jesus came to establish and Paul preached..
If the teachings of Joseph Prince is false doctrine, why is his ministry bearing fruit all over the world? Jesus himself says: “You will know them by their fruits.”
His ministry bears fruits because JESUS is the ONE making things happens !!
God’s love for you is greater than you know. It extends beyond what you can conceive or imagine. Just as you cannot measure the universe, you cannot fathom the limits of His love for you.
Grace is how God’s love appears. God’s grace is extreme, super-abundant, and over-the-top. His hyper-grace exceeds your wildest dreams.
The Hyper-Grace Gospel will leave you marveling at the relentless love of your Father. It will show you how to walk in His amazing grace and help you rediscover the joy that is found in Jesus.
The Hyper (superabounding) Grace of God is the Gospel.It’s not about us,it’s about His Love being manifested through the finished work of His Son,now if someone attacks this message,then maybe they are preaching ANOTHER GOSPEL.
I’m glad to say that I am a Hyper Grace preacher!
My thought is that articles like Dr. Brown’s are evidence that Grace is being preached correctly. If we are not being questioned about the possibility of grace being abused…it probably wasn’t grace to begin with. Paul the Apostle, who we can all agree had the commission to preach the Good News to the Gentiles, was constantly having to defend and explain grace to those who thought it could be used as an excuse for taking liberties. Using the template of the New Testament, if we are not having to defend and explain grace on a regular basis, we are probably adding a dose of “law” in to make it more palatable to the religious community.
Using Dr. Brown’s vernacular, I would suggest that Paul was a messenger of this “Hyper- Grace” he calls into question.
Come to think of it, can you even have “Hyper” grace? Can one go beyond Grace? It makes me wonder then if there is “Hyper Love” that goes beyond just love.
Or is “love” and “grace” sufficient… with God providing the only prefix that is needed! – Steve Hackman
They all think we must follow the law in order to be saved. if the law could attain righteousness then Christ died for nothing. For we are saved through faith and not of works lest any man should BOAST. Salvation is a gift, how many of us work for a gift. Don’t ever think you can always add to what God has done. Joseph prince was not asking nor encouraging anyone to sin. On the contrary. the bible says by observing the law, no one could be saved.
I agree James.Grace is simply not a license to sin.Romans 6:14 , 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.Joseph Prince is indeed preaching the truth and that truth is Grace (Jesus).
HalleluYah, Yes we cannot imagine how Much This LOVE of our Heavenly Father Is, beyond our wildest imagination, compare to love of our mankind the love we know is like an ant hill, Compare to His Almighty Love, is Infinite no measure to count beyond the limits of the universe. Yet we are taught to LOVE one another even our enemies, offer our other cheek. we mankind truly need to cultivate and learn to love. Truly only with the Holy Grace of Yahusha,Son of the Almighty Father Yahuwah within us, in His Holy Spirit can we be given the Light to grasp the overwhelming overpowering of the joy and meaning of Love and pour forth this Blessing.
Just knowing John Burton’s foundation is on his “experience of Hell” sends up red flags. That’s like saying you went to Heaven and God himself told you you are the sole human that can save millions from a false doctrine. God is not so incompetent. Burton’s standing on unbiblical grounds.
Joseph Prince isn’t as wacky as you make him seem, of COURSE you have to repent, he says that in his sermons all the time. His main focus is on Grace, and not a sin-consciousness. You people are wasting your time.
Amen! And God has made it so foolishly simple!! How can anyone not believe that God’s love is this perfect toward man…whom He created in His image and went to the end of forever (ha) to restore!?
Salvation is the ‘foolishness’ of God. It makes it possible for a criminal at the last hour of his life unable to do anymore good works to go to Paradise with Jesus that very same day just by calling Jesus Lord.
This dude only tells us half of what Joseph Prince says. Joseph Prince has stated numerous times that grace is not an excuse to sin and that he doubts that anyone who still practices sin freely without conviction is truly a believer under grace because true grace will automatically make you repent once you do something wrong through considering what Jesus has done for us. Either this dude hasn’t taken the time to truly hear Joseph Prince, or he simply isn’t telling us the whole story in support of his dislike for Joseph Princes’ ministry. Another thing that raises concern to me about this dude is his lack of mentioning faith, belief, or the Holy Spirit helping us to live righteous in his doctrine that attacks Joseph Princes’ ministry. His whole doctrine is basically righteousness through actions which is self righteousness. There are atheists who keep the laws of the Bible yet have no faith or belief. Does there law abiding actions make them righteous, of course not. I don’t know about this dude. I’m hope he has the right intentions, but I don’t know because he left a lot out of his argument whether he meant to or not.
Does not faith in Jesus mean following the words of Jesus? And Jesus says this about the Law:
Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things. So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)
Jesus was speaking to the stiff neck Pharisees whom He knew were never going to budge.. before His death, burial and resurrection. For those who try to be justified by keeping the law is in vane.Now that Jesus has descended to dethrone satan and then ascended to offer His blood upon the mercy seat.. to the highest..holding complete authority over all things, doing away with sin, death, hell and the grave, and the laws written on stone, having fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law..We now have a New Covenant with God, All Things have become Brand New.
“By grace we are saved through faith, and that not of ourselves. It is the Gift of God. Not of works (doing good deeds, trying to keep every one of the 10 commsndmentd, etc etc) lest any man should boast.”
It’s ALL about Jesus and what He has done that set us free.. so that now we can go Boldly to throne of God of Grace, having been completely and forever forgiven, because we know in Whom we believe and have been forgiven!…accepted, righteous before God. Thank You Jesus!!
The problem is that it was Paul who said that we are saved through faith, and not by works. Jesus himself, in his entire ministry, taught a completely different route to salvation, one that is based on loving your neighbour as you love yourself. In effect, Paul changed the message of Jesus. Should we not be listening to Jesus himself?
Take a look at this:
Paul was an Apostle, chosen specifically by Jesus, and His teachings are inspired by the Holy Spirit. When we believe and the Holy Spirit comes in to teach us, to help us. there is a knowing which can only be explained by the fact that what we just heard or read is from the Throne Room of God. Something jumps alive in me!! That’s how I word it. But it does…something comes alive in me, all over me.. and I know its the true Word of God. Paul’s teachings do that to me. That’s how I know its from God. He Himself lets me know
Are we really sure that Paul was chosen specifically by Jesus to be an apostle? Perhaps we all need to consider this carefully; take a look at this: …
It would be wise to listen directly to Jesus himself, since Jesus is the master.
We cannot love our neighbor without help. I can’t. And Jesus knew that. That’s why He died for us…because we Cannot do anything without Him. We cannot keep the 10 Commandments. You break one you break them all. Jesus kept them All. They were nailed on the Cross with Him. Now Now Now Now!!! New Covenant: Forgiven and set free to live again (It has been a while since Adam’s screw up)
…the Holy Spirit can come in to help us with our weaknesses.
All our good works are like dirty rags to God. Don’t ever believe they will earn us a ticket to heaven.
Where did you get this idea that “All our good works are like dirty rags to God”? James 2:14 says “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?” and James 2:17 clearly states “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”
“Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works?”
This is perhaps the most important question in all of Christian theology. This question is the cause of the Reformation, the split between the Protestant churches and Catholic Church. This question is a key difference between biblical Christianity and most of the “Christian” cults. Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works? Am I saved just by believing in Jesus, or do I have to believe in Jesus and do certain things?
The question of faith alone or faith plus works is made difficult by some hard-to-reconcile Bible passages. Compare Romans 3:28, 5:1 and Galatians 3:24 with James 2:24. Some see a difference between Paul (salvation is by faith alone) and James (salvation is by faith plus works). Paul dogmatically says that justification is by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), while James appears to be saying that justification is by faith plus works. This apparent problem is answered by examining what exactly James is talking about. James is refuting the belief that a person can have faith without producing any good works (James 2:17-18). James is emphasizing the point that genuine faith in Christ will produce a changed life and good works (James 2:20-26). James is not saying that justification is by faith plus works, but rather that a person who is truly justified by faith will have good works in his/her life. If a person claims to be a believer, but has no good works in his/her life, then he/she likely does not have genuine faith in Christ (James 2:14, 17, 20, 26).
Paul says the same thing in his writings. The good fruit believers should have in their lives is listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Immediately after telling us that we are saved by faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9), Paul informs us that we were created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). Paul expects just as much of a changed life as James does: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). James and Paul do not disagree in their teaching regarding salvation. They approach the same subject from different perspectives. Paul simply emphasized that justification is by faith alone while James put emphasis on the fact that genuine faith in Christ produces good works
Jesus said: “Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you” (Matthew 7:1), and “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). So it does not mean that we have to keep all the 10 Commandments all the time in order to be saved. Jesus repeatedly tells us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. If we strive to do that, we will receive help; and it will also help us to fulfil the two conditions of not judging others, and always forgiving others.
Love is a believers character because he is rooted and grounded in Christ. We live,move and have our being in Christ.Acts 17:28New International Version (NIV)
‘For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.
It wasn’t Paul who first said we are saved, made righteous before God, by faith. It was God Himself Who said Abraham. God showed Abraham His plan and Abraham believed God.
Jesus’ whole 3 year ministry…He went from place to place, healing the sick, forgiving sinners, raising the dead. Why? Grace!! It’s just this simple: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, accept His gifts of Salvation and Righteousness, choose to be changed into the Image of Christ, and the Holy Spirit will do it..from day to day He will be at work in you, teaching, exhorting, correcting.
Choose to live by keeping the Law, without God’s help, without the Holy Spirit, and live struggling, failing everyday to live keeping all the laws….a defeated, lonely life (dead in your trespasses and sins).
None of those who receive miracles from Jesus did any good works to deserve them. It was their faith in Jesus that earned them the miracles.
We should be listening to Jesus Himself. But if our hearts aren’t crying out for help we won’t hear a thing He says.
Why did Jesus say to the criminal beside him who had no more chance to do any good deeds that he would be with him in Paradise the same day ? He simply called Jesus Lord.
This event regarding the criminal does not mean that the teachings of Jesus have been superseded. That does not make sense. What Jesus exhorts us to do is metanoia (the Greek word that has been translated as “repentance”). Metanoia actually means a lot more than just repentance (in the sense of regret). Metanoia actually means a transformation of Mind or being. In the context of the teachings of Jesus, it would mean a transformation to state of being that loves our neighbour as we love ourselves. The criminal may well have achieved this state when he called Jesus Lord.
Jesus fulfilled the laws and the prophets Dear
But the above quotes by Joseph Prince say otherwise. Either he has to disown the above quotes or stand by it. If he stands by them, it means your comment is incorrect.
Pastor Joseph Prince has said it in his sermons in the US, “you must know his devices…in Hebrew he is known as Ha-satan, the Accuser…not the murderer, but the Accuser of the brethren. This dude is worst than a baby Christian. This dude is not only an Accuser he is also a detractor. If anyone dares to claim he knows about Grace and yet destroys someone who leads us to Grace, you know it the signature, the hallmark of the Accuser which in Hebrew is Ha-satan.
agree with George
This guy is a member of a giant group of false apostles and prophets, the ICA, International Coalition of Apostles, all headed up by big daddy himself C Peter Wagner, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!!
Agree that that this dude only tells half of what Joseph Prince says.
I like that Dear,Grace is not a license to sin
I am personally sick of my christian faith right now. It seems there is always some debate about some doctrine or another. I am being tossed around and its making me sick dizzy. I have been a christian for 9 years. Just when i feel i am in the right place. Someone else comes along and knocks me off my feet. One thing for sure is the devil is alive and kicking. He is dividing and confusing the body of Christ. I have no idea anymore who i am in Christ. So i feel its time to throw in the towel. Time to just go follow some Angels. It works for my friends. They have more peace than i do as a christian. Fed up.
Don’t over complicate it. Simply be in the Word…read it in a place of prayer and believe it, literally, as it is written. We know that there will be MANY deceiving theologies emerge, which is why we must be sober, alert, studied and teachable. The Holy Spirit will teach us…open up the truth of Scripture to us.
The goal isn’t personal peace, it’s being responsive to truth, to Jesus. Of course, peace that passes understanding does come to us as we walk in truth.
But it does seem like the scriptures sometimes contradict themselves.I am struggling right now with my faith. The only good thing that comes from this is my search for a deeper understanding. Still don’t like the word hyper Grace, it seems like another word the Devil is using to confuse the body of Christ.We are suppose to be of one mind and one accord. That ain’t ever gonna happen this side of eternity. Feeling what i call a righteous anger.
I don’t prefer the term hyper grace, though I’ve used it myself. I think unbiblical grace or false grace or even distorted grace as Mike Bickle uses are better terms. Scripture never contradicts itself…upon deeper study that becomes evident. Though, I agree, it can be challenging to dig deep to the root at times.
John Burton 5K facebook likes VS Joseph Prince over 2Million facebook likes…
Jealous much? Name-calling other pastors and condemning them & the believers… What does that make you? Please don’t burden yourself with the task of bringing down “false preachers” because God has His own ways (false preaching, if any). You clearly do not understand the role of being a pastor – which is to feed the people and bring them closer to God.
Agree with Quinn. You just have to count how many lives have been transformed and chains broken through Pastor Prince’s teaching to know if Jesus is indeed flowing through him. And there are quite a number of great US / EU preachers that support his grace message and have grown their own church since then. Jesus when on earth, made normal people understand and accept Him without much theological theory. So does Pastor Prince.
Quinn Tay, I couldn’t agree more. I have listened to Joseph Prince and he points all people to Jesus and grace and His finished works. He does not condone sin but welcomes all in the belief that when they turn to Christ they will be saved, even from bad works.
JESUS is the ANSWER !!
J prince lead many to the TRUE JESUS CHRIST !!
True Jesus Christ’s first sermon is “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near”. True Jesus Christ tells the women caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you. Sin no more”, True Jesus Christ tells the man paralyzed for 38 years, “Sin no more….”
which means Jesus also tells you sin no more ….and you still sin or not?
it is not by the number of ‘likes’ in FB one is judged. Prophet Jeremiah apparently had only one follower “Baruch” in his entire career of 40 years of ministry. Does it make him a failure? Jesus fed 5000 men and their families but in the end had only 120 in the upper room. Did it make Him a failure? Most likely ‘Lake of Fire’ will have much more crowd than Heaven. Would that make Satan a reliable leader?
Nirmal – A voice of reason in a sea of pastor worship. Thank you.
you are right Quinn Tay.
Nothing is so challenging when GOD reveal the truths ..
Its only challenging when self effort is use to reveal the secret of GOD which end up impossible and usually become human interpretation
He is the only pastor I know that preaches Jesus ALL THE TIME. Lives are saved and transformed to love Jesus more and more. Jesus Himself say: “You will know them by their fruits.” whether they are false teachers. Joseph Prince ministry is bearing fruit all over the world…
Lives are saved from what?
“and you are to name him, Yeshua (which means Adonai saves) because he will save his people from their sins” Matthew 1:21. Repentance free gospel is not true gospel!
How do you define repentance free gospel? Is it asking for forgiveness all the time?
David ….these people thinks they are the only ones who knows the bible …they are just like the temple priest and pharisee mindset
This could be one interpretation of this group of people, the temple priest and Pharisee mind set. The other interpretation could be they are ‘wolves in sheeps clothing’.
true gospel forgives completely .that’s it
I think our friend Nirmal is tongue tied and have nothing to say…
the more these people writes the more mistakes they made …..cause they are using their human logic to interprete foolishly !!
Dear Bro David Choo. This is not a forum for arguments but for Biblical interpretation. I do not question the testimony or sincerity of the pastor under discussion. It is just my contention that hyper grace theology has released multitudes from their true repentance but into either libertinism or false security resulting in stagnation of spiritual growth. Your definition of Gospel as inclusive of “forgiven from future sins”, is the way to libertinism.
The Word of God repeatedly cautions against self contentment about righteousness: One Example is, I John 1:7-9. While in discussion if we are on totally diverse tracks of contention, there is no point in fighting over it. Hence, it is my silence before the Lord to deal with the matter Himself and not ‘tongue tied’ness before men and women.
Brother, logically yes, it may seems to give way to libertinism. But have you ever wondered why Paul says in Rom 5:20:”Where sin abounds grace super abound?” Do you think when Paul made this statement, he is not aware that it might give people a chance to sin more. Sure he does. That is why he says in Rom 6:1: “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” then in Rom 6:2: “By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?”.
So brother, libertinism is what you think it is (human logic). But the scriptures I quoted above differs from human logic. That is why, faith and grace have no logic..
I might say J PRINCE is the best PREACHER on EARTH today in 2015 !!!
Hello Julie, I would like to talk to you about God’s grace and will for your life, and the plan he has for you. I want to let you know that he can get rid of all the confusion for you and that you will not know it all until you meet our savior face to face. What I do know is that he loves you immensely and desires to pour out his love on you through his son. I know that he sees you as perfect and blameless in Christ and that he is waiting for you with arms wide open.
Jullie my dear, when you understand what grace is, when you understand what freely and favored means. All the stories would make sense. The bible front to back concedes. Names numbers events, all would work together. Those questions that bugs us on the back of our mind, will all be answered. The answer is grace and truth, that is brought by Jesus. And it set you free. It’s not a one package that you would use or throw. The bible days it’s a waves of grace, for a bigger failure Hyper grace. It’s in the bible. That’s why Jesus said word by word, the truth will se you free!
Grace, does not mean only that part that provides forgiveness but also that other part which enables a trusting disciple to live free from sin. This grace enables a disciple to tackle one sin at a time and keep on living in the righteousness and holiness that God provided through His son Jesus Christ. Hence, GRACE ENABLES ONE TO REMAIN IN THE HOLINESS RECEIVED AND WORK OUT THE SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING. It is not an easy ride or a free ride.
Grace is not for you to define based on your logic !!!
Grace never defines itself as anable to one to tackle one sin at a time !!! that’s your naive thinking !!
Grace is beyond definition
Dear Julie, “hyper” grace is a term coined by legalistic theologians to confuse the young believers and their feeble attempt to re-define grace to fit their limited view of God’s amazing grace. It’s like them coining the term “Prosperity” gospel. They have a limited view of the Father’s heart. They believe that God punishes His children with diseases and poverty because of un-confessed sins. Little wonder the world has a phrase “poor” as a Church mouse … with theologians like these, who needs the devil? My encouragement to you is: Do not be discouraged by these legalistic theologians. Go with the peace inside you and know that Jesus loves you unconditionally and eternally. Live your life to the fullest!
Jesus warns that there will be false teachings at best use discernment. Stay encouraged we all struggle with faith from time to time. Be strong and courageous God is with you. I know without a doubt that Joesph Prince is a false teacher. I believe God has given me the gift of discernment. I have been discouraged by people to keep to myself about this, but also encourage not to shut up and continue. I am tired of these false teachers making money on deceiving God’s people and they buy into it because the Gospel becomes about them and not about what God did for us. It’s OK to feel righteous anger.
Joseph prince is true grace preacher of Jesus christ
Forget about hyper grace !!!
Start to know unmeritted grace of jesus christ
Julie, the Bible teaches us that division is caused by false doctrine. I understand it can be frustrating to do the work of a Berean but that is what we are called to do as Christians. God warns us that false teachers will arise from among the flock and not spare the sheep. Jospeh Prince is the most dangerous preacher alive today and is leading hundreds of thousands of people to hell. Period.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions. We place our faith in God, not man. Be well.
Dear John,
Romans 5:17 -For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) NKJV
Hi Julie, I can understand your frustration but I can assure you that we are under grace ( undeserved, unmerited favour) based on Jesus finished work. Pastor Joseph Prince as well as other teachers like Andrew Wommack, Creflo Dollar are simply a blessing to the body of Christ. It is so easy as a believer to know the truth that set’s you free when you hear it and also study the Bible in its context. Please do not pay much attention to critics of teachers and preachers of the Gospel of grace. Do your Bible studies and focus on God’s love towards you in the person of Jesus Christ! God bless you. (By the way I listen to every sermon Joseph Prince preaches even though I live in another continent and I can tell you, I have a much better understanding of who I am in Christ Jesus) God bless you! Chuma
AmeneYah, HalleluYah
AMEN! The (gospel) truth will set us free… (not perverted truth by John Burton). Never listen to just one preacher and determine your identity in Christ, but seek the Lord in all ways. Read the bible, let God’s words speak to you.
Dear Jully Ruson, God bless you abundantly. I would like to apologize on behalf of “John Burton”, for he has confused your thoughts, and tries to throw you out of your believe. I myself grew up in a church since I was a child, but my pastors and bishops were of this John Burton kind. The kind that makes you feel not worthy all the time. Keep on telling you, you have to do this and that, you have to follow this rules. As if there are no enough rules in the bible, they even add few of their own list, to make you feel more depressed and run away. This kind of teachers like John Burton, are the reason why all churches in Europe and many in USA, are closing down. They teach a list of laws, that they couldn’t even keep 25% as role models.
But I can tell you my dear, if you have chance download as many sermons as you can from Pastor Prince, and listen to them several times. John Burton, tries to deceive by quoting half of what Pastor Prince said. I can promise you, you wouldn’t find any quote from pastor prince, out of bible text. Including the word Hyper Grace. It’s so relieving and words that sets you free. He teaches all kinds of reasons why we will eventually become holy and we can serve God with all our mind, soul and body.
The way Burton expressed his feeling towards Pastor Joseph Prince, truly shows how poor his revelation is from the bible. He sounded like he got the religion from his family roots.
I would like to quote him in this
“When I first stumbled into the false grace teachings of Joseph Prince, I was deeply grieved over it and sensed a tidal wave of heresy coming to American shores. I felt America was blessed that he was from Singapore, or the pervasive deception would have been even deadlier in America than it currently is, because it gave us time to counteract the error by teaching the Word before he became an American superstar”
He even assumed people listen to his teaching because he is white and American. God can work through any kind of person on this planet, regardless of his race. Burton cares about Americans and American dream Christians. He didn’t think twice by saying it’s ok that he preaches outside America, as long as Burton saves America. Anyway I am mumbling a lot, because I felt hurt, he reminded me of all the pastors I run away from.
Dear Jully, all the peace that you are looking for and all Love you are searching for is being preached by Pastor Joseph Prince.
and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:11-13 ASV)
Verse 13 says it all. It’s God who workers in you both TO WILL AND TO WORK for his good pleasure. In my understanding this is the core of our salvation, where the only effort that we do it TO BELIEVE AND CONFESS, the rest is on Auto Pilot, and the results are all mentioned in bible. All the good things Burton thinks we should perform, will be the fruits of our life. Not the works of our life, but the fruits.
God bless you dear, don’t lose hope. Just download all the sermons, and just listen to them. [email protected] is email address. If you can’t find I will send you copies of the ones I have. You will be blessed, most importantly YOU WILL BE SET FREE.
Thanks so much for apologizing for me! By the way, most of the article was not written by me, but by Chace Gordon. I do stand with his analysis however.
I sympathize with you Julie, but take heart nothing is new under the sun, this is not the first nor the last time we mortals hv controversies…
Humans are so vulnerable to pride; we have this elitist and messianic syndrome that we alone hv the truth and nobody else does! Meaning, anyone who does not think like us is wrong! Try donning a Dallas Cowboy and New York Giant T-Shirts and you will hv even your own family members disagreeing with one another. Its like Republicans vs Democrats, I know husbands and wifes who are on different sides. At the end of the day (after the elections) all are Americans.
Why can’t we accept the fact that other believers (Christians) can have differing opinions? Do we hv to go round accusing each other of being heretic all the time? It grieves me to read online that (even) Billy Graham [this man has got no scandal through out his ministry] has been accused of being a heretic. It would hv been easy of me to conclude that these accusers of Rev Graham were themselves into heresy, however, I would rather choose to believe that these folks were misguided Christians than anything else.
Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water, take that which is good and vomit out the rest. At the end of the day, we all desire to be a better person – what works for one person may not work for the other. Let’s not be too quick to judge one another. Amen.
J PRINCE … Just cannot understand …most people started with a negative opinion of J PRINCE and wary and as they learn more and more indepth about his sermons and revelations of the bible ……..the negatives becomes POSITIvES ….
And then You realize J PRINCE is anointed by GOD to reveal heavenly TRUTHS !!
That was funny, some one apologizing on behalf of you Bro John Burton. It is unfortunate that so many would like to believe what some one else preaches or teaches but do not have the inclination to read the Scriptures and analyse for themselves, whether what the popular preachers say is in accordance with the Word of God. It is because they do not want to labour by themselves but only want to borrow from some one else, especially that which they want to believe.
Not true. It is exactly I have read for myself and compared with Prince’s preaching and teaching that I find it is in accordance with the Word of God. I was very skeptical about his teaching when I first heard him. But was fully convinced after attending New Creation Church for 4 to 5 years. Even Ps Prince himself encouraged us to search the scriptures for ourselves and not just believe what he says from the pulpit.
How do you want to explain the many testimonies all over the world that that their lives were freed from sinful habits after hearing the Gospel of Grace that Ps Prince teaches. Even Jesus Himself says: “You will know them by their fruits”, whether they are false teachers. If he is a false teacher, then tell me, why are there so many people testifying and praising God of their breakthroughs after hearing his teaching?
there are many like this nirmal nathan guy in the world who are against the teachings of Jprince for whatever reasons ….there are many of these people indeed, and if you study their lives of these critics ….they sinned quietly and yet try to paint negative remarks on J prince ,,,,
Shameful people !!! they can be pastors , elders , etc all kinds of so called learned bible guys …
Just like the Pharisees who were jealous of Jesus performing many great miracles and healing the sick at that time, they were seeking every opportunity to trap him and destroy him. So we have people here doing the same thing to JPrince.
Jesus Himself said that the litmus test to whether a person is a false teacher is to look at the fruits of his life and ministry. None of the JPrince critics want to address this important point. How disappointing..
you always try to assume others don’t read the bible … though only you can read!
J PRINCE sermons enlightened many !!
hi Julie, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. I used to have tension with Pastor Prince’s teaching but I found him a preaching that always points us to Jesus Christ, always seeking to unveil his beauty and finished works at the cross. You can tell how close a preacher is to God by reading his works, whether he points to prophets, characters and a list of reasons why your life is not blessed but cursed now, or he points you to what Jesus has done, how gracious and merciful God the Father is, and how you are the apple of God’s eye. The message of God brings life, and uplift you, draws you closer to God and away from your sinful habits and desires. That’s what Jesus came to give us. The other message points you to yourself, telling you to set yourself right in order to be blessed. Such message makes you want to give up with your walk with God. Now you see?
The bible does not contradict itself. I was frustrated with the contradictions until I learned about grace and mercy in the good news Jesus brings. Grace and mercy is unmerited and Law is to earn it. With this as the key, you will find even a difficult book like Romans very revelational. Don’t lose heart – you are greatly blessed, highly Favoured and deeply loved.
YES I have the same experience !! J PRINCE reveals the truths and many previously dissapointed believers has been liberated through the message of GRACE
Hi Julie, it is very unfortunate that these criticisms leveled against the Grace doctrine has become a stumbling block to your faith and I believe it has confused a lot of young Christians to boot. Let me share with you my personal testimony and my spiritual journey as a Christian for the last 37 years. I grew up like many others in a church that preached “balanced doctrine”. I was struggling with consciousness of sin and could not experience spiritual breakthrough for 30 odd years until I stumbled upon Pastor Joseph Prince’s Grace Message CDs just some 6 years ago. After listening to the Grace messages, I felt totally liberated from the bondage of the Law(Rom7:4-6). It was as if a veil was lifted from my mind and my heart(2 Cor 3:12-18) and the Word of God took on a new dimension/revelation for me. Since then the dominion of sin has been broken because I was no more under the Law but under Grace(Rom 6:14). The Grace message has empowered me to denounce sin and to please Him(Titus 2:11-14) which contradict the Law that empowers sin(1 Cor 15::56). Somehow I have grew spiritually in quantum leap these last 6 years compared to 30 odd years under the influence of balanced doctrine. My conclusion is that those who believe in the New Covenant of Grace and the Old Covenant as obsolete(Heb 8:13) have attained a far higher level of faith than those who are against it. So it is no surprise that the Grace preachers are condemned as heretic and their messages as heresy by these people just as Apostle Paul was persecuted for preaching grace message in Pisidian Antioch where almost the whole city(today’s context=Mega Church) turned up to hear him(Acts 13:42-52). Anyway this Grace Doctrine had long been settled by the Jerusalem Council then(Acts 15:1-11). So let us beware of this “party of the Pharisees”(Acts 15:5) who keeps stirring this up.
Hi Julie, remember that Jesus said His burden is light and His yoke is easy. He came to give people rest for their souls. These kinds of debates will always be around, but if you are feeling heavy, confused and stressed, that is not the way of Jesus. Go to Him and tell Him about how your feel. He does not argue with or stress out the sheep who come to Him. He said, “It is finished” from the cross. Your confusion can be over when you understand how loved you are despite your performance. Jesus performed for you. When the Corinthians were caught up in sin, Paul did not tell them they had a lot of confessing to do. He reminded them of who they are in Christ. It is your knowledge of who you are because of what Jesus has done for you that makes you live for him. Yes, you may certainly confess your sins to God, but you do it to agree (that is what “confession” means) with Him that you have sinned with the knowledge that you are forgiven in Christ, you don’t confess to plead for His forgiveness. He is your father, not your judge because He already judged your sins in the body of His Son.
Hey, one more thing, Julie…regarding following angels, read this from Hebrews, chapter 1: 1 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; 3 who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself[a] purged our[b] sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. 5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son”? 6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” 7 And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.” 8 But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. 9 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” 10 And:“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands.11 They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; 12 Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not fail.”13 But to which of the angels has He ever said: “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool”? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:1-14)
Hi Julie, remember that Jesus said His burden is light and His yoke is easy. He came to give people rest for their souls. These kinds of debates will always be around, but if you are feeling heavy, confused and stressed, that is not the way of Jesus. Go to Him and tell Him about how your feel. He does not argue with or stress out the sheep who come to Him. He said, “It is finished” from the cross. Your confusion can be over when you understand how loved you are despite your performance. Jesus performed for you. When the Corinthians were caught up in sin, Paul did not tell them they had a lot of confessing to do. He reminded them of who they are in Christ. It is your knowledge of who you are because of what Jesus has done for you that makes you live for him. Yes, you may certainly confess your sins to God, but you do it to agree (that is what “confession” means) with Him that you have sinned with the knowledge that you are forgiven in Christ; you don’t confess to plead for His forgiveness. He is your Father, not your judge because He already judged your sins in the body of His Son! Amen!
I can understand your frustration. You will not find such tossing around in almost any other religion but only in Christianity. The reason is the spiritual warfare is only in Christianity. For there is no other way except for the Truth to be opposed by the Lie, the Light to be opposed by the Darkness, disciples of Jesus Christ to be opposed by those who do not want to live upto the expectation of the Lord. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles warned us of this opposition and warfare in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Epistles of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, John and the Book of Revelation. Remember the Lord warning us to “Watch and pray” “Persevere till the end” “Watch out against the tares within the field” “Watch out for the wolves” … Hence, the very fact that this much of heated discussions going on should encourage you with the fact that you are on the right track. I suggest that you spend time alone in prayer and personal Bible meditation. The Lord will show you what you must do next. Don’t give up hope.
do not avoid following popular preacher or teacher !!! Jesus was himself a popular teacher !! and the crowd followed him back then too!
You don’t know who you are in christ.
You have been shaken .thats what the devil wants to do..and the devil has successfully shaken you!
You are still in spiritual warfare
Listen to jprince and get to know who exactly is jesus
I do not believe that Joseph Prince is a false teacher because you cannot not mix law and grace. We are saved by grace through Christ by faith. The new covenant which says that we are made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ is the new way, and the old way which says we are made right with God by following the law is no longer valid.
Hebrews 10:9 Then he said, “Look, I have come to do your will.” He cancels the first covenant in order to put the second into effect.
Because the first covenant has been canceled of course it is no longer the way to be made right with God there is only one way through faith in Christ Jesus. You cannot mix the law and grace.
Mark 2:21-22 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst thewineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
And it is said in Galatians as Paul addresses them because the Galatians had a problem with mixing law and grace.
Galatians 5:1-5 So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.Listen! I, Paul, tell you this: If you are counting on circumcision to make you right with God, then Christ will be of no benefit to you. I’ll say it again. If you are trying to find favor with God by being circumcised, you must obey every regulation in the whole law of Moses.For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace.
It is my suggestion that whoever reads this also reads all of Galatians 5
Have a blessed day :))
How does one reconcile this “doing away with the Law” with these words of Jesus himself?:
Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things. So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)
Kenneth: I’ve seen you post this verse a couple of times and felt lead to respond. I don’t know what bible translation you are using but a quick study of the original Greek might help with your confusion and clear things up for you about some words in this passage. A more accurate translation of verses 17,18 would be, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” The word fulfill is pleroo in Greek meaning to fulfill, complete. Verse 18 here is better translated “For truly I say to you, Till heaven and earth pass, one stroke or one pronunciation mark shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Fulfilled in verse 18 is the greek word Ginomai=come to pass, be fulfilled, arise, be ended. If you are a digger of the truth this will lead you to ask and look into how is the law ultimately fulfilled then? Has it been? Romans 8:2-4 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as no offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit.” The old law was necessary to show us that we could never be righteous by our own doing, to show us our sin. (Read all of Romans 3) v20 states “For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight since through the law comes knowledge of sin.” Yes, I believe Jesus fulfilled the old law because he became our final sacrifice. Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. (Greek word nomos=a law, Mosaic Law) A good study on the Old Law will show you how exactly he did that. I’d also look at Romans 7:1, Gal 3:22-25 (actually all of Gal 3 is good), Gal 4:5, Acts 13:39. I’m all about people digging the truth out for themselves, it’s what we are called to do. I John 2:27-“But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.” I like bible hub or Logos software. I’m mearly pointing out areas you may consider looking into deeper with various translations, a good concordance, and even the original Greek/Hebrew text all easily available for free online.) I’m no pastor, just a mommy who loves the Lord and digging in and learning more about his truths. Hope this gives you some things to ponder in your further study, Blessings.
Hi Julie
Thanks for your response. The word “fulfill” can be interpreted in many ways. The problem with interpreting verse 18 as “Jesus having sacrificed himself to free us of the Law,” is that Jesus says “as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point … of the Law will be done away with.” Heaven and earth are still here, so how can it be interpreted this way?
Also, the idea that no one can be made right with God while the Law is in place, seems to overlook the fact that Jesus said “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” And if the hypergrace idea is correct, as John Burton points out, how does one explain the following line?: “if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Kenneth: I would be interested in your interpretation of the word pleroo=fulfill, since you said it could be interpreted many ways. I’m just going off of a good old bible concordance and my logos software and find that it all pretty much says the same thing, fulfill/complete. Did you get a chance to look at the greek meaning of the words behind these verses before you replied? In answer to your first question since I believe the original greek meaning behind the word pleroo=fulfill/complete (Stongs concordance/HELPS Word Study) you answer your own question with the verse Matt 5:17 you posted above. Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Again looking at the greek, abolish=kataluo, meaning break up, overthrow, destroy, its from Kata (from a higher to lower plane) and luo-I loose, untie, release, destroy. So to me with the greek meanings that tells me the Law is still here for those who are unbelievers of the New Covenant, to show us our inadequacy in meeting the Law, showing us that we can never be righteous and justified on our own. I listed several verses that say this very thing above for you to look at. (If we confess with our mouths and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10: 9,10)
I’m trying to understand how you are connecting the idea that no one can be made right with God while the Law is in place with “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” As I stated above the Law still exists to draw us to Gods gift of salvation and to show us we can’t earn our righteousness, (verses cited in above post for you to look at) Are you saying that you believe that we are only forgiven of our sin if we forgive others, thus stating that Romans 10: 9,10 is inaccurate? Please explain better so I can respond appropriately. Blessings.
Also the below web page may help if the above assumption I made was indeed what you were saying. It has two answers with biblical references for each, both contradicting what you believe it to be saying I believe.
The problem with interpreting verse 18 as “the Law is still here only for the unbelievers” is the fact that the sentence itself says that “as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with …”—which means that the Law will not be changed at all as long as heaven and earth last. If the Law is now inapplicable to a significant number of people, that is not only a change, but a very big change. So that interpretation does not fit. It also does not fit because of the very next statement of Jesus in verse 19, which is that “whoever disobeys … will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.” The words of Jesus are “whoever disobeys” without any qualifications, which means that the Law still applies in general, and no one is exempted.
Taking the entire statement of Jesus (given in Matthew 5:17-19) as a unified whole, it is almost impossible to find a loophole around it. And even if that could be achieved, it would require all sorts of additional qualifications and subtle nuances regarding terminology and so on. Which then raises a big question: If the statement is not meant to be taken at face value, why did Jesus make this statement so emphatically without mentioning any qualifications or provisos at all? In fact, if it required all these modifications, why at all did Jesus even make this statement?
I find it interesting that you are unwilling to discuss any of the several other verses I have stated above and keep coming back to the same three. There is an entire bible to go by. Nor do you respond to the original greek meanings behind the words in question. Nor do you look at the original audience he was speaking to. I was hoping to have a dialog open to investigation but it appears that you are unwilling to try and look at others views or verses as I was in looking into yours. Honestly I’m saddened that you feel you must keep every aspect of a law that has been abolished by Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. How exhausting, I can’t even imagine, I pray that God’s truth would come forth and that each would be willing to search out all of the scriptures for the truth and not just one or two. I still suggest a good concordance and some more searching in the original Greek and if you are ever open to looking into other opinions again, check out all the verses I cited above. I pray you would be as blessed as I am and overflowing with joy and happiness that only comes as a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Hmmm… been following this discussion and have to point out something. I think Kenneth is focusing on the sayings of Jesus himself via those passages he quoted; whereas Julie you are using the sayings of Paul (who never met Jesus) to interpret Jesus’ words.
If you take a look at this fascinating article at, it might make more sense why we should put Paul’s words aside for a while.
I certainly agree that the words of Jesus himself are the most important and must be given priority. So we need to interpret Paul’s words in the light of what Jesus says, and not the other way around. In other words, Paul’s words must agree with what Jesus says.
Paul thanks for the link I did read it in it’s entirety, and found it interesting and disturbing. To say that Paul’s writing “Changed the Message of Jesus” makes me wonder well that what else in the Bible isn’t true or good or right? 2 Tim 3:16 says “All Scripture is inspired by God.” so I’d question then why God spoke to Paul in this manner and why it was allowed? Even if you want to take all of Pauls writings out of the bible Jesus himself says in Matt 5:17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” I will be going into more detail on the words for abolish and fulfill for Kenneth since he is making assumptions without a through investigation of how the words were used in the entire bible.
OK, let us look at the word “fulfill.” When we say Jesus has fulfilled the Law, we are using the word “fulfill” in the usual
sense. However, if we say then that “the Law, in general, is fulfilled (in the sense that the Law need no longer apply since the job is done),” we are NOT using the word in the usual sense. Each person can fulfill the Law, but that does not mean that “the Law, in general (or for everyone), is fulfilled.” To say that “the Law in general is fulfilled by Jesus” would require the additional condition that faith allows Jesus to fulfill the Law on our behalf. But nowhere in the statement of Jesus (in Matthew 5:17-19) is any such condition mentioned. Not only that, the next two lines in Jesus’ statement clearly show that the word “fulfill” is not to be understood in that unconventional way (because “as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with”).
The word “fulfill” could also be taken in the sense that is used when we talk of “fulfilling a prophecy”—which means “to make it come true.” Taken in this sense, the words of Jesus could mean that he has come to show us how the Law can be made to work. I don’t know Greek, but it appears to me that the Greek word pleroo can be taken to mean this. The translators of the Today’s English Version, who translated it from the Greek New Testament, actually translated the phrase as “to make their teachings come true.”
And we know that Jesus actually did this. When Jesus was asked how one is to receive eternal life, his reply was that we are to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This is the essence of the Law according to Jesus and also Paul (in Romans 13:3-10), and this is how we can make the Law work. There is no need to have kept the Law every moment of our lives because Jesus also said “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” And we would naturally forgive our neighbor if we love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Sorry if I hadn’t addressed some of the points you raised. It’s just that, with so many points, I can’t address them all at one time.
The meanings of the original Greek words are certainly important and I had meant to enquire further into the meaning of “kataluo” which has been translated as “abolish.” If “kataluo” comes from “kata” (meaning from a higher to lower plane) and “luo” (meaning I loose, untie, release, destroy), might not kataluo be taken to mean not just “abolishing” but also “lowering the status”? And if we take this as the meaning of kataluo, Jesus would have said that he did not come to “abolish or lower the status” of the Law.
That would make it even harder to reconcile this statement of Jesus with idea of “doing away with the Law.” This is
because, if the sacrifice of Jesus, according to Paul, means that the Law no longer applies to those who believe, this would certainly lower the status of the law.
Please note I never said he was “doing away with the Law,” that was you. I have stated above he didn’t come to “do away with” but to fulfill it. Again I said I feel the law is/was important to show us how much we need Jesus and to lead us to him. I’d be curious, as a believer, as I’m assuming you are, what part of the Law you believe we are still required to follow, all of it? Part of it? Which parts? If only parts how did you select those parts?
Here is a more complete list of the root words that form “Kataluo”-Strongs 2647-destroy, throw down, demolish, abolish, set aside, wipe out (info from LOGOS)
FROM 2596 KATA-down from, i.e from a higher to lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point), bring down exactly, complete
3089 luo-loose, untie, release, destroy, dissolve break, annul,release (unbind) so something no longer holds together
looking at the word “kataluo” it could not simply mean “lowering the status” because that leaves out the second root part meaning of the word “luo” what part of “lowering the status” are you deriving from “luo” also you have to look at in, in it’s entirety with all words
fulfill: plēroō; from 4134; to make full, to complete:—accomplish(1), accomplished(1), amply supplied(1), approaching(1), complete(1), completed(3), completing(1), elapsed(1), fill(3), filled(16), fills(1), finished(1), fulfill(20), fulfilled(20), fully carry(1), fully come(1), fully preached(1), increasing(1), made complete(2), made full(5), make … full(1), make … complete(1), passed(2), supply(1).
Also I would encourage you to look into exactly what the Law is meaning here and also what he means by prophets as well to get a full understanding. Luke 24:2, Luke 24:44, Luke 24: 27, 2 Cor 1:20, 2 Tim 1:10 (trying to stay away from Pauls gosples for Paul here but there are many more in his writings if you are open to explore those as well.
If nothing else I hope this post has encouraged people to dig in, investigate and look further into the word of God for themselves instead of just believing everything you hear or read. It’s encouraged me to dig deeper into the OT to look at the promises that would be fulfilled through Jesus. Jesus is the way, we must believe in him, I trust him to lead me into his truth and I will continue digging and searching and looking and listening to the Holy Spirit on this journey, I hope others would have the courage to do it also. Don’t discredit God’s power inside of you to understand his truths. Blessings.
I do not know Greek, so I was just wondering, from what you posted (that kata may mean “down from higher to lower plane” and that luo may mean “loose, untie, release”), that kataluo may mean “letting it go from a higher to a lower status.” As I said, I do not understand Greek. So if you say that’s wrong, I’m happy to accept it, and that the word simply means “abolish.” No problem with that.
This is the textbook confusion Prince sows. There is NO mixing law and grace when it comes to SALVATION. How we are to live our lives however is a completely different matter.
I do not know if this will help, but try to read anyway.
Where does the law fits in? Is the Law against the promise of God? How can obedience to moral law be wrong? Isn’t it a good thing if I try to obey the law? Look at what Paul said.
Gal 3:21-22 – Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by
the law. 22 But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
Basically what it comes down to is that the law is not bad in and on itself. Romans 7:12 says the law is holy and righteous.
It is trying to relate to God through the law, that is the problem! Paul there is no law that can give life. The Purpose of the Law is to show you the only option you have is faith.
Galatians 3:12 Says And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. Note at Ga 3:12: What a radical statement! “The law is not of faith.” When combined
with Ro 14:23–“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin”–then this statement must have been near blasphemy to the legalistic Jews, just as it is to legalistic Christians today.
It is sin for New Testament believers to try to relate to God on the basis of attempting to keep the Old Testament Law. The Law itself is not sin (Ro 7:7), but it is sin to try to use the Law for justification with God. That was never the purpose of the Law.
Under the Law, people got what they deserved. Under faith, N.T. believers receive grace
because of what Jesus did for them. Any departure from faith, especially a departure back to the O.T. Law, voids the work of Christ (Ga 2:21) and is the worst sin of all.
Ga 3:12: Here, Paul was quoting Le 18:5, which he also quoted in Ro 10:5 (see Ro 10:3-10). In Romans, Paul contrasted the Law, which says “do and you shall live,” with faith, which says “done” and receives what grace has already provided.
THERES nothing wrong with doing right and moral things, but we shouldn’t base our relationship with God on doing them. Let us look at it from another view.
Imagine you have to choose between two kinds of blessings.
The First Kind you can only receive if you perfectly fulfill the requirements needed to receive it.
The Second Kind has also the same requirements, BUT somebody else already met them and choose to share the reward equally with you.
Which would you choose? The second one sounds like much a better option?
The conditional blessings has rules and regulations you have to follow in order to receive and keep it, otherwise known as THE LAW.
The unconditional blessing is given freely because all the rules and regulations!were!already!perfectly!kept!by!Jesus,!otherwise!known! as Grace.
And to answer your question………
The Law is NOT God’s standard to live by simply because it was based on human works and human ability (Galatians 3:12); in other words, you can never be perfectly righteous by trying to follow the Law.
God’s standard to live by is FAITH (Galatians 3:11). God’s perfect righteousness and eternal life are already inside the born again hearts of every believer. To live by faith is to follow, with your mortal body and human mind, the indwelling life of Jesus Christ as He lives out His righteous life in you and does His good works through you (Galatians 2:20).
Many or perhaps millions believe Joseph Prince to be a great preacher. He speaks a lot of things that are correct but he also mixes truth with error, which is why the millions cannot see the errors hidden behind his messages. When people start saying that you cannot mix law and grace because we are saved by grace through Jesus by faith, they only partially understand half truths and not the whole counsel of God.
Page 87 of his Destined to Reign Book he says “Now, my mama didn’t raise no fool. I decided years ago that people can say what they want about me, but I’m not coming under any curse for preaching any other gospel!” Joseph sounds very sure of himself. It is not what he thinks is right but what God’s word says is right who also has the final authority. Romans 11:18,20 “Do not boast against the branches…remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you…do not be haughty…”. The “new covenant of grace” as presented, propagates a high-minded and haughty spirit among God’s people who embrace its perversion such as Joseph Prince’s teachings. Many of God’s people are being taught that they can “never be cut off” like the Jews because this is the Grace Covenant.
When we look at God’s word, it says in
Hebrews 8:10 “I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Holy Spirit)
verse 11 “…for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them” (God the Father)
Verse 12 “…I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins, and their lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Jesus Christ)
The Hebrews verse is one covenant with 3 distinctly different functions representing 3 persons of Godhead:-
1= Grace of God = Jesus Christ
2= Law of God = Holy Spirit
3= Knowledge of God = God the Father
The three functions above represents the three terms in the New Covenant. If you study the Tabernacle you will notice that the Tabernacle as being a type and shadow of the covenant has 3 doors. John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one goes to the Father except through Me”. The 1st door is “I am the Way” (Jesus) who justifies us from our sins = Justification. The 2nd door is “the Truth” (Holy Spirit) = Sanctification. The 3rd door is “the Life” (God the Father) = Glorification.
Now Joseph says we don’t need to do works or confess our faith, because the gift of grace was a gift that doesn’t need to be earned. When we believed in Jesus by faith, it was given to us as a gift as He has justified us, made us righteous before Him, in right relationship with Him. But we are ALSO EXPECTED TO LOOK AFTER that gift that He has given us and to maintain it during our lives here till the end. As easily as God has grafted in the Gentiles , He can as easily remove any Gentile believers that do not look after that free gift. The gift of Jesus dying on the cross wasn’t cheap, it was a costly gift for God. So by abiding in the Truth (Holy spirit) = Sanctification , we strive to please Him and live holy lives before Him. God is holy and at the end of our days, if we are not found to be living in holiness and pleasing to Him, the door will be shut. “Holiness (sanctification), without which no one will see the Lord” Hebrews 12:14.
Any attempt in the new covenant of Grace that separates any part of the Trinity, will be rendered void by God. Any attempt to jump from Justification to Glorification without Sanctification by jumping the line will still not make it. God will say “you jumped the line, you cannot cheat Me!” Like I said Joseph Prince may be an eloquent speaker but he contradicts so many parts of scripture as well. He does not make clear the threefold nature of God’s character. He only teaches half-truths but not the whole counsel of God and also mixes error in his teachings. I would advise every follower of Joseph Prince to study scripture more deeply and in context, be more discerning and careful whom you follow.
I commend both John Burton and Chace Gordon for “contending earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” for “certain men have crept in unnoticed…who turn the grace of our God into lewdness” Jude1:3,4
John Burton is a joke – cursing believers to go to hell??? Telling children of God that we can LOSE OUR
I quote this from your writing in the above:
Quote #66:
“The law makes everything of man’s efforts, while grace gives all the glory to God. That is why Paul told the Galatians that the gospel is not a man-pleasing gospel. He was essentially saying, ‘If I want to please man, I would be preaching the law.’”
Chapter 20, page 268
NOTE: Paul was essentially saying he wasn’t a man-pleaser because he just finished saying let the other guy who is preaching a DIFFERENT gospel (the one this church just embraced), LET HIM BE DAMNED! Paul had some grit! I like him! (See Galatians 1:6-10).
I am not even sure if you READ GALATIANS – it is how Paul DEFENDS THE GOSPEL OF GRACE and condemning people who wanted to keep the Law of Moses:
6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
As far as I am concerned, Pastor Prince’s teaching draws millions to want to be near to God..unlike your nasty commentary here that served no good purpose but instead, condemns and put God in a bad light.
Good luck to you.
Prince contradicts the Bible many times. So who is right? Prince or the Bible?
prince did not contradict the BIBLE …
Go to NEW CREATION CHURCH and experience GRACE and share GRACE and GOD will show you the truths
Grace without daily repentance is not the life of a true disciple. Sanctification by cooperating with the Holy Spirit in line with the scriptures is an ongoing process
its not for you to comment who is a true disciple and who is not . Jesus knows who is a true disciple – you have no right to judge anyone and try to behave smarter than others !!
there is no such thing as one who is in Jesus has no repentence .. those in Jesus enjoys repentence and love repentence needless to say ….but they still sin ocassionally for sure . Don’t you sinned?
Jesus is the truth the absolute truth no need to confuse others with all kinds of knowledge and theories and studies
Perfect question, which Joseph Prince must answer.
don’t challenge joseph prince — why are you against Joseph prince ? Joseph prince must answer ????
who do you think you are !!! Joseph prince is accountable to Jesus Christ that’s it !
The Bible also contradicts itself many times. Do we believe a couple of penguins walk all the way from the Antartic to hide i Noah’s Ark. Pastor Joseph is also a man and he never claimed to be flawless.
The penguins we see today are not the same penguins back then. In Noah’s time, they most probably still had wings and could fly and that over time due to living in the cold they evolved and lost their wing as well as gained more feather & body fat. So they didn’t walk all the way from the Antartic.
Are you saying in Galatians, Paul condemns people who wanted to keep the Law of Moses? How do you reconcile this with these words of Jesus himself?:
“Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things. So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)
Jesus fulfilled the law for you so you may receive the results as if you yourself kept the law. If a person believes this is true for them, that Jesus fulfilled the law on their behalf and paid the price for their sins, they are free. That is how and why a person is saved. When you realize this, you will want to go and sin no more.
The problem is that Jesus himself never said that all one has to do is to believe that he (Jesus) fulfilled the law on their behalf, and it will be so. In fact, what Jesus said is that he did not come to do away with the law, which means that the law still applies.
Jesus did say that He came to fulfill the law: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” Did he fulfill it as a sort of way to get bragging rights or did He do it because others needed a righteous Savior? I think the latter. If you are confident to stand before a holy God based on Jesus + your law keeping, there is not much I can say to you. If it was me, I would be quite nervous each day and under a lot of stress. Paul said he had no confidence in the flesh, but it sounds like you’d have to. I hope you have not plucked out an eye or chopped off your hand in this quest to keep the law because Jesus did say those things if you are going to go the way of law.
Actually in the very same sermon where Jesus said that he did not come to do away with the law, Jesus also said: “Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you” (Matthew 7:1) and “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). Note that we will naturally fulfil these two conditions if we transform ourselves into someone who will “love your neighbour as you love yourself.” This then is the route to salvation that Jesus himself, in his own words, taught us.
Those words, “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you,” were spoken by Jesus before the cross; this is similar to His answer to the rich, young ruler: “Sell all you have and follow me,” when the man asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus preached law to those who thought they were doing fine in keeping it. Why? Because “the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith (Gal. 3:24). “Remember the rich man said, “All the commandments I have kept from my youth.” After the cross, Christians are told that we are forgiven (past tense) by grace through faith. For example, “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” We are to forgive because we are forgiven, not to obtain God’s forgiveness.
Surely you are not saying that all that Jesus himself taught, in person, have now become redundant? Practically everything Jesus taught, in his three-year ministry, was done before the cross. Does that mean then that all of this no longer apply? Why then did Jesus say this?: “Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things.”
(Take a look at this site: )
Dear Observer3321, let me say that I do believe that you are a sincere seeker of truth. I read through the entire blog post that you suggested. I regret that we do not hold in common the premise that the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God. Thus, it would not be logical or profitable to continue our discussion because we have different presuppositions. I will give you an article to read as a reply, however. I hope that you are led to a place of confidence in your eternal destiny apart from your own efforts to do that which is good to earn that which is good. Don’t get me wrong – I believe in doing good in my life, but only to show forth that I already have been saved from my former self and ways by the Son of God, Jesus, who reached out to me when I was lost in sin. I know I will go to Heaven because my Lord Jesus said that he who believes in Him has eternal life and that no man can pluck me out of the Father’s hand. Here is the article: I have appreciated the time to interact with you and will be praying for you. Might you provide your first name for this purpose? 🙂 God bless you, friend.
Dear Bob. Thank you for your reply. I too believe you are sincere in your spiritual journey. I am familiar with the manner of interpretation given in the link you provided.
The problem for me is this. If the teachings of Paul were meant to supersede that of Jesus, surely Jesus would have mentioned it to his disciples. The fact that Jesus did not do so, does cast serious doubt on this interpretation. Why would Jesus not have told his disciples?
In fact, Jesus did the opposite. He warned against future deceptions based on claims by others to have met him privately in the wilderness (see Matthew 24:23-27). Here is a link to a discussion of the issue:
I realize this would be a difficult thing to come to terms with, but it is a warning that Jesus gave, and so must be seriously considered. In the end, I believe that if we are sincere on the spiritual path and keep striving to become a better and more spiritual person, the truth will be revealed to us.
Perfectly spoken in line with His Word!!
Thanks, Becky. To add to this line of thinking, remember how the Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times? But Jesus said that whoever denies Him before men, He would also deny before His Father in Heaven. Yet, after he arose from the dead, he told the women who saw him to “go and tell His disciples – and Peter…” So Peter denied the Lord and the Lord Jesus pursued Him. Is this is the dangerous grace of God that this initial blog post was seeking to expose? I mean, if Jesus forgives and goes after a sinner like Peter, won’t that encourage Peter to say, “Hey, wait a second here,I denied Jesus, and nothing bad happened! Hooray, now I can keep committing sins and not worry about the consequences!”
Yes..Bob. And to add..
Jesus taught the Old Covenant to the Jewish Pharisees in response to their deaf ears, their refusial to recognize Righteousness by Faith as demonstrated by their father Abraham. Before His Death, Burial, and Resurrection His New Covenant of Grace was a mystery…. Chosen by Jesus, Peter preached the Gospel to the Jews, and the Apostle Paul taught it first to the Gentiles. Grace is just too good to be true, and man has no part to play except to believe … It’s all about Jesus.. but man still thinks they have to do something to earn their Salvation by Grace.
You say transform ourselves? You don’t mean by ourselves do you?
We have to put in the effort, but that does not mean that help will not be given.
Yes Bob. He paid the price.
The Law is made to convict us and show us our sin, not to be kept but to bring us to an end of ourselves and drive us to Jesus. If you have read any of the letters from Paul you would see words like “you are dead to the law’ etc etc I could post 50 different quotes. Jesus had 2 ministries on earth. The first was to bury people trying to “Keep the law” which is why he said ” You have heard it said not to commit adultery but I say to you if you look at a woman with lust you have committed it in your heart” so he raised the bar of the LAW so high that everyone could see it was impossible to keep except for him. Thats why he came. He fulfilled the LAW and gave us his righteousness and saved us by Grace through Faith.
It would appear that Paul has contradicted Jesus. If the law is not to be kept, why did Jesus say this?: “Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things.”
The reason why Jesus said that part about committing adultery “in your heart” is to emphasize that what is required is not just a mere mechanical following of the rules. What is required is metanoia which is the transformation of our being into one that loves our neighbour as we love ourselves. We will naturally falter at times in this process, but do not forget Jesus also said “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.”
This website here explains it very well:
Also, check out how Jesus may have actually warned against listening to someone like Paul:
We, in and of ourselves, before Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the laws written.on stone…Before He died, was buried and resurrected from the fead, we were dead in our trespasses and sins…but He made a way for us to be justified by His very own Blood, the Perfect, Sin Free Blood He delivered to His Father and placed on the real mercy seat in Heaven. On earth, in Jerusalem, the requirements of animal sacrifices was then done away with, these by which man could never be truly free from sin because they had to keep going back and going back with their animals for temporary forgiveness. But now, by the Perfect Sacrifice, the One and Only One … set us free by His Grace..(we did nothing to deserve it) but only if we belive He did this for us. Our belief, our FAITH , like father Abraham’s, makes us Righteous before God our Father, because we believe in the Finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
He Did It.. He Did It..He Did It!!!
Now the Holy Spirit can come in and help us. He can help is, because we have no power to help ourselves.. He helps us to grow up now!! …to grow up into the image of God’s Son..Jesus. And He will do it ..if it takes forever. How fast we grow up depends on how fast we are willing to yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to lay our old ways down, and by His Strength in us to overcome our old ways ..and without us even realizing it …We Are Changed!!!..,from one level of Glory to another and then another level of Glory forever and ever!! …and I am so thankful for what He is doing in me..stubborn me. He knows I’m stubborn, bit I believe He will do what He promises to do!!! …if it takes forever…where time is noore!
Please excuse my typos. I went for an eye exam today and those drop..oh those drops.. Well you know. LOL!
The problem that still remains is that Jesus himself taught a different route to salvation compared to Paul. Why would Jesus teach this for his entire ministry, if it was going to be superseded by Paul’s different teachings? I believe we need to listen to Jesus himself, and help will be given to us if we really have the motivation to follow his teachings.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a worker , rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus knew He had to speak to His Jewish people about the law because it’s all they knew. They forced God (in the Old Testament at Mt. Sinai) to tell them what He wantef them to do, and they would do it. Why they did that should be the question!…because ever since they left Egypt God had listened to their grumbling and mumbling (which is sin) and He blessed them anyway..that is Grace. That is unmerited favor. That is unearned favor.
They couldn’t even see the favor God was showing them, providing for them the things they needed and wante.. even when they were attacked by snakes, God told Moses to make a staff with a copper snake on it, and to raise it up high…to tell the people to just look at it, that’s all just look at it (symbolizing His Son on the Cross) and they would not be hurt by the snakes. Some did,, and were not harmed. Some didnt and were bitten and died.So anyway, they didn’t recognize His Grace, they wanted to follow Him on their own terms…thus the 10 Commandments! They didn’t want to have Faith in God, they wanted to prove to God they could live up to what He told them to do.without His help.
The Gentiles, the non Jrws, heard Jesus’ teachings and believed Him. Two groups of people. One group without faith in Gof, one group with faith in God.
During Jesus’ 3 year ministry He went from place to place, demonstrating His willingness to help undeserving people.(Grace) He healed the sick, He cast out demons, He raised the dead.(Grace) The Bible tells us that all of the books in the world couldnt hold all the works He did. These people, all sinners because we all are sinners, didn’t confess their sins to Him first.(Grace) They didn’t repent of anything.. He did these things because He saw a lost world, full of hurting people, in need!(Grace)! For this very reason He came. Not to condemn, but to save. He came and demonstrated His Grace. He forgave peoples’ sins verbally, without them ever confessing any of their sins to Him.(Grace)
If all we need is to do what Jesus taught us then he need not go to the cross to die for our sins.
The fact that Jesus died on the cross does not mean that we can now consider Jesus’ own ministry as being superseded by something else. That does not make sense. We need to heed what Jesus himself taught us because Jesus is the master. The words of those who claim to be followers cannot be more important than the words of the master himself.
He just told you He came to fulfil the law. What else do you want Him to do for you? Come back down and die on the Cross again, every time you sin? That’s Old Covenant!!! …bringing animal sacrifices over and over and over and overrrrrr. That’s trampling on the blood of Jesus and calling it unholy. You know better than that!! That’s all I have to say… except to say God is Good!
Let us look more closely at the meaning of the word “fulfil.” As for the original meaning of the Greek word, Pleroo, I think it is undisputed that it means fulfil or complete. The deeper question then is what does fulfil actually mean? Assuming Pleroo = Fulfil, then in English, fulfil means “to achieve”; “to complete”; “to carry out”; or “to satisfy or meet (ref:
My question is why anyone would choose “to complete” as the interpretation of “fulfill”. To put this in the context of how Jesus came “to fulfill (the Law)”, it doesn’t really make sense, because laws are not inherently things that need to be completed – laws are, more likely, meant to be “carried out”, “satisfied” or “met”. Let’s say we took this out of the biblical context, and applied this to something like state legislature. How do you fulfill a piece of legislature? Do you complete it (abolish it), or do you rather meet it or carry it out? Thus I find it difficult to imagine how fulfilling the law as stated in the verse from Matthew can be interpreted to mean that the law is being abolished. It makes more logical and linguistic sense that Jesus meant to actually carry out, satisfy or meet the Law. After all, those meanings are the more prevalent meanings from Oxford.
To help interpret the word “fulfill” (or any word in the world, for that matter) is to put the word in context. That context of course is Matthew 5:17-18, which states:
(17) “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. (18) “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (19) “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
In that context, it’s quite clear that Jesus does not mean to abolish it, or he wouldn’t have said what he said in verse 18. Verse 19 is even more poignant because Jesus says that “whoever KEEPS and TEACHES them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven”. In verse 18, the ONLY condition he stated where the law could possibly be abolished is “until heaven and earth pass away”. We’re still here on earth, so clearly that condition isn’t met yet.
But if you read Jesus’ statements from the perspective that “fulfill” actually means to “carry out” or “satisfy”, then everything makes more cohesive sense.
In other words, by coming to “carry out, meet or satisfy” the law, Jesus is leading by example. Which, is also perfectly in line with everything else that Jesus (not Paul) says.
If you try on your own to keep the law, you’re condemned already. Up the creek without a paddle. A ship without an anchor. You CANNOT do it. Jesus was saying, have at it He was saying to those listening, the stiff neck Pharisees, basically that if they had that much faith in themselves to be able to keep every jot and tittle of the law on their own, then here are the highest standards you must live up to.,. for example: Adultry (Don’t even think about it). IMPOSSIBLE!!
Jesus told Nichodemus….You must be born again!
And in another place, to be like their father Abraham. God judged him as Righteous, not by His law keeping (the 10 Commandments didn’t even exist yet)… but because of His faith. God gave him a glimpse of Jesus, His Son, hanging on a cross dying , ..sacrificed for the sins of the world, and Abraham believed God, and God called him Righteous!!
How many today believe God?
It is not true that no one can be saved if the Law is in place, because Jesus also said: “Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you” (Matthew 7:1), and “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). So if we follow the teaching of Jesus to “love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39), we will naturally fulfill these two conditions.
It is true that Jesus said these things. But, it was before He died pn the Cross and the New Covenant of Grace was given to us by God. He is addressing the Pharisees,
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stiiff necked, not willing to bend. And the Temple was destroyed by the Romans, the system of burning sacrifices, these “elements melted away.” You cannot fight with the Spirit of God. He will not go back on his Promises!
I don’t know how to remove the space that just popped up. Sorry
God Bless!
Your reading of the scriptures is not based on Hermeneutics. Paul here is talking not about the whole revelation of Torah including the 613 instructions, but specifically about Galatians intent of ritual identification with the race of Israelites through the rite of physical circumcision (and other rituals and ordinances). Paul is not on disconnect with the rest in the Torah: “Be holy for I am holy” “Love your God with all your heart, mind and strength” – These are all part of so called “Law”. Paul cannot and is not disassociating a Christian from these basics. Galatians started by faith and erroneously tried to continue standing in righteousness by resorting to physical circumcision, which is what Paul is condemning in the Book of Galatians. Grace without the basics is not true Gospel !
pastor prince is the best preacher of Jesus Christ on earth today
Actually Paul is the man-pleaser, regardless of what he says. Almost everyone would be pleased to hear that he or she does not have to follow the law. And almost everyone would be less pleased to know that he or she has no choice but to follow the law. The point, of course, is not whether we are pleased or not pleased. The point is that Jesus tells us directly that he did not come to do away with the law.
No, He didn’t come to do away with it, Observer 3321. He said He came to fulfill it. And He did, when He cried out on the Cross, “IT IS FINISHED!” And it will always be finished, because He placed His Pure, Holy, Sinless Blood on the Mercy Seat in Heaven. And the Law will remain forever fulfilled by Jesus’ Finished work on the Cross.
When Jesus said “It is finished!” I don’t think he means the Law is finished. Also, see my post above concerning the meaning of the word “fulfil.” In case that’s hard to find, the significant part is reproduced here below:
To help interpret the word “fulfill” (or any word in the world, for that matter) is to put the word in context. That context of course is Matthew 5:17-18, which states:
(17) “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. (18) “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (19) “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
In that context, it’s quite clear that Jesus does not mean to abolish it, or he wouldn’t have said what he said in verse 18. Verse 19 is even more poignant because Jesus says that “whoever KEEPS and TEACHES them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven”. In verse 18, the ONLY condition he stated where the law could possibly be abolished is “until heaven and earth pass away”. We’re still here on earth, so clearly that condition isn’t met yet.
But if you read Jesus’ statements from the perspective that “fulfill” actually means to “carry out” or “satisfy”, then everything makes more cohesive sense.
In other words, by coming to “carry out, meet or satisfy” the law, Jesus is leading by example. Which, is also perfectly in line with everything else that Jesus (not Paul) says.
Few or None of us can equal Paul in knowing and practicing the Law.Yet Paul still needed God’s grace through Jesus
The point is that Jesus also said “Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you” (Matthew 7:1), and “If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). This means that if we love our neighbour as we love ourselves, we will fulfil these conditions and our transgressions will be forgiven. This is what Jesus himself taught us. We do not need to keep the Law every moment of our lives in order to be saved, but we do need to learn not to judge others, and to always forgive. And what better way to do that than to train ourselves to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, as Jesus repeatedly exhorts us to do? We need to listen to Jesus himself.
Well said Becky.
The New Creation Church where Pastor Joseph preaches is not pleased to do away with the law but is glad with the grace of God.
I cannot put it as clear as Quinn Tay. Thank you for explaining.
Revelation 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke (reveal wrong) and chasten (discipline). Therefore be zealous (have heart for God) and repent.
It is true we were saved by the grace of God. We can turn from God with our own choices and commit willful sin that will defile the garments that were washed white by the blood of Jesus. One example is when Jesus addressed the church’s in revelation. They were born again. He warned them to repent for the same works we see in the church’s now. He is coming back for a glorious church. A glorious one. The church that lives by all of the Word of God. It is written ALL scripture is profitable. To pick apart only the verses to fit a personal lifestyle is idolatry. – making a God that fits you. God doesnt change. It is man that changes. His Word will never change and the saved by grace message is a work of the enemy that is pulling the veil of darkness over their eyes. The law of moses is still profitable to unveil sin in a sinners life so they may see and have Godly sorrow, repent, and begin walking with Jesus by growing their spirit man. Being a christian is not a sprint, it is a marathon.
Doesn’t this whole discourse sort of prove the point that Christians can build their house on the sand, if they so choose ( by knowing the Word but not putting it into practice as Nita Johnson eloquently explains). Didn’t Jesus say that many will come in my name and say that HE ( Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many ( Rick Joyner)? How can there be a “great falling away” if there are no false teachers and prophets? Remember , by their fruits , you shall know them. Even the false “pre-trib rapture theory” is causing many to be totally unprepared for the Tribulation, just has 5 of the ten virgins were unprepared for the bridegroom’s coming. 9-11 was but a little finger, the fist is still coming ( Dimitri Dududman)! Has no one read “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn? Judgement is coming to America, as well as the world, and mainly because the Church has been neither salt, nor light to a dying world. Do we need those who will only preach pleasant messages to “itching ears”? False teachers and preachers have alot to answer for, for they pretend to be godly but do the work of the enemy by sowing tares. Many will not survive what is coming ( Neville Johnson). Read the word for yourselves, lest you be deceived by liars!
I like your phrase, pleasant messages for itching ear.
You know, I used to be like that. I most of the time prefer Hard core preaching where the pastor makes everybody feel down. He will be shouting it’s because you don’t Love God enough. You low life sinners! I used to be very happy, not because it makes me feel closer to God but because it brings others who boost their Love to God to my level. It brings everybody into one category, Sinners! “RIGHT BELIEVING” is the answer. Do you know the first people who received the news about Jesus are poor herds? Who sleep outside looking after their sheep and goats. But when the angel Gebriel approached them, he said
And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10, 11 ASV)
It’s Gospel, it’s good news, it shouldn’t itch your ear. Because it’s a savior, not a manual or a guide. You cannot teach someone to swim in the middle of his drowning, save his life first. Then you can teach him how to swim for other incidents. How is a free gift would itch one’s ear. Jesus never called names, to those who came to know him; he never called the adulator “You snake”, or discard her infront of people? No, he always says My daughter, my Son and my child. All your sins are forgiven and don’t do it agin. Is all he says.
So my brother, take that wrong believing out of your heart. Our God is no such, don’t label him as someone who is hard rough and tight. He loves us so much, he gave his beloved son, his only son, the son that he is aways pleased. If he shows that much mercy and Love, why would he be itchy to the ears? Yes he will guid you, he will correct you, but trust me he is never angry with you. And when he give, ohhhhhhhhh, it’s not like human; where he gives and when he is in a bad mood he takes it back again. No, when he gives, he gives no taking back. When saves you, he doesn’t give you back to devil. He works everything, it’s a complete salvation. You will be a spoiled kid working out your salvation, not working for salvation. Because you are a son of God, you will not associate yourself with sin. That’s his plan, that’s his Salvation. And he will not stop until he does that, he promised. He so righteous, he cannot break a promise. How is this free gift ITCHY? Since when is free, more free, waves of free not enough? Why do we have to give names that God in his sinless behavior, wouldn’t do? When Moses talked harsh to the Jews before giving them water, smacking the stone; God was sad, he punished Moses for labeling him as a slave master. God is the most generous, lovely, playful and compassionate Lord. He is a buddy for a guy, and a listener for a woman. And for this specific reason, he said on Mattew 6:7, don’t repeat words. I only need once, it’s not for saying to many words. That shows you he is an easy God, he is not someone who likes to be called, GOD OF ABRAHAM GOD OF ISSAC, ALFA AND OMEGA, GOD OF ALL CREATION PLEASE MY FAMILY NEEDS SOME FOOD. No he said call me Dad, literally Dad.
We as humans, will run in the middle of the night; we don’t care if there is light or danger on the way if our children screamed with night mare. All we need is one word DADDY, they don’t have to call us CEO OF BLA BLA BLA. God who gave the most precious son, doesn’t need to hear twice. Daddy, is what he needs!
Gospel is not itching my dear, Grace is not itching. It’s like a butter on a fresh bread, it’s that smooth.
God bless you!
Nobody has mentioned the Holy Spirit. If Jesus is the Author and Finisher of my faith then He must deal with me sort out my sin and bring me to repentance? Our faith is not in the law and keeping it, but responding positively to the instructions of Holy Spirit. If he cannot produce Gods righteousness in me and keep me to the end, then man and his deceitful heart is stronger than than the keeper of our souls and our eternity. The church was given 4 laws to keep.Acts 15 v 20. The rest was to be taught to the believers via the Holy Spirit and the teaches. I do not agree with the thinking that eternal life and be given as a gift, because of what Jesus did on the Cross and then our loving Heavenly Father comes along, because we blew it somewhere down the line and takes back the eternal life he gave us. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. Eternal Life means life in His presence for eternity. Otherwise it should be taught, not eternal life, but five month life or one year life or 3 days life.
While we are busy arguing about doctrine ( turning Charles Spurgeon over in his grave) we all ignore the call to go into all the world and preach the gospel. While we are sqwabbling amongst ourselves I see no major resources going into the middle east to bring the gospel to Muslims and others. We should be ashamed of ourselves spending hours to retort a preacher like Joseph Prince yet little is done to reach into the heart if Islam.
If Joseph Prince is right …. and a Christian need never “repent” AFTER salvation …. then why did Jesus say to His own church, in the Letters to the 7 churches …. “repent” … no less than 8 times?
And if, as Mr. Prince says …. all of our sins, past, present, and future are already forgiven … and there are no consequences for sin AFTER salvation … then why would Jesus even use the words “repent or else …”? …
Rev. 2:16; “Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.”
My friends, the words above, from Jesus Himself … are JUDGMENT upon His own church! … something that Joseph Prince says is impossible!
Keep in mind … these were the LAST words of Jesus to His church … AFTER the cross … AFTER Paul and the rest of the Apostles were dead (except John).
Mr. Prince, do we ignore the words of Jesus in the 7 Letters too?
And how could Jesus “vomit them OUT of His mouth” …. unless they were first IN CHRIST! … Duh!
Rev. 3:16; “Therefore, since you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth.”
This Mr. Prince has some REALLY messed up theology! … and apparently, so do many who have posted here!
William Booth – 1800’s …
“I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.”
Repent-Greek metanoeo meaning to change one’s mind (thinking), think new
Hmmm what new thinking would these Christians need?
For those who might like to read another opinion on the above verse and interpretation with biblical reference
Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. This verse on its own refutes much of Prince’s teaching. It is only as we repent of our hard-hearted judgmentalism that we obtain mercy our selves. When I am tempted to to be hard on someone else I remember this verse.
1 Cor 10 1-12 is highly significant. Paul is using the Israelites who were baptized into Moses and ate and drank spiritual food and drink as examples. They are like Christians who are baptized into Jesus and who receive the communion. God judged them for their sins and likewise God will judge Christians. In verse 12 Paul says that we are not to presume that everything is automatically OK. Verse 13 shows that there is difference between those old and new Israelites. Christians now have the grace and power to resist temptation and will therefore avoid condemnation. This avoidance of condemnation is not automatic; it is as we repent by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. There is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ……who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. As we walk in the Spirit we are freed from condemnation. If we sin we have an advocate with the Father.
I think it’s also interesting to look at the real definition of Repent in the the greek: it means “Think Again.” 🙂 Like whoops messed that thinking up God give me your right thinking so I can think again your truth.
I’m curious as to when ANY MAN (on Earth) has been deemed to know everything and what beliefs are the proper ones to believe? Grace is NOT a “get out of jail card” to get away with sin.
The amount of judgement placed on others by humans, who are all sinners, even myself, is absolutely astounding these days. Everyone should know they are accountable to GOD ONLY. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with any person, pastor or writer, nor should you be tearing them down.
Everything is up for individual interpretation, even the Bible. No one can call anyone a false prophet as the Bible states that false prophets will come in sheep’s clothing. It is up to every individual on their own to decide on what they believe and think is false, and that individual has to stand before God.
I’m so glad Ps Joseph Prince is preaching that radical, unearning unmeriting, undeserving favor of God for weak, mortal, carnal man that you folks are misquoting, misrepresenting and throwing all kind of accusations at him.
That’s what GRACE does…doesn’t it? It just stirs up that flesh in us that wants to earn God’s blessings. That sense of self righteousness, that every law God gives we can keep. Lolx
Keep preaching Joseph Prince!
I find the arguments quite academic and a personal view at best. Its basically one persons interpretation versus another persons interpretation of the bible and its application. So who is right and who is wrong? So this is how i see it …..
First- Luke 4:49 says “Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”
Does Chace/JP draw people to or away from Jesus?
Second – i look at the fruits – John/Chace versus JP. And what fruits they have produced.
Matthew 7:15-20 – “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
Third – Philippians 1:15-18 – “It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,”
Let me share my personal testimony and my spiritual journey as a Christian for the last 37 years. I grew up like many others in a church that preached “balanced doctrine”. I was struggling with consciousness of sin and could not experience spiritual breakthrough for 30 odd years until I stumbled upon Pastor Joseph Prince’s Grace Message CDs just some 6 years ago. After listening to the Grace messages, I felt totally liberated from the bondage of the Law(Rom7:4-6). It was as if a veil was lifted from my mind and my heart(2 Cor 3:12-18) and the Word of God took on a new dimension/revelation for me. Since then the dominion of sin has been broken because I was no more under the Law but under Grace(Rom 6:14). The Grace message has empowered me to denounce sin and to please Him(Titus 2:11-14) which contradict the Law that empowers sin(1 Cor 15::56). Somehow I have grew spiritually in quantum leap these last 6 years compared to 30 odd years under the influence of balanced doctrine. My conclusion is that those who believe in the New Covenant of Grace and the Old Covenant as obsolete(Heb 8:13) have attained a far higher level of faith than those who are against it. So it is no surprise that the Grace preachers are condemned as heretics and their messages as heresies by these people just as Apostle Paul was persecuted for preaching grace message in Pisidian Antioch where almost the whole city(today’s context=Mega Church) turned up to hear him(Acts 13:42-52). Anyway this Grace Doctrine had long been settled by the Jerusalem Council then(Acts 15:1-11). So let us beware of this “party of the Pharisees”(Acts 15:5) who keeps stirring this up again and again!
Hallelujah preach it brother!
Amen, preach it brother!!
After reading the points presented in the article, I must say that Prince’s critics have not listened carefully and patiently enough before jumping to their decontextalised conclusions.
In the same way you need to read the entire Bible in its context to properly discern spiritual truths, you need to listen to enough of what Prince preaches regularly (he isn’t the best of authors, I must admit) in the context of his focus and spiritual perspective to properly discern the message he is preaching.
The author of this article also seems to have an over-simplistic and one-tracked view of many of the concerns he has raised. The very first concerning salvation and hell already shows his lack of understanding of the fullness of the term “soteria”, the original Greek word used in the Bible for “salvation”.
Thus, I am not sure how deeply he has considered the validity of his doctrinal assumptions, the robustness of his theological stand, and whether he has sought to expand his theological understanding beyond the walls of his denominational beliefs.
Everyone is a theologian. Your understanding on God is important. Wrong understand could lead to taking the wrong path in life with regrettable outcome. Be sure you are interpreting the bible the way God intended it and are studying scripture yourself, so that you will not be “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” Eph 4:14.
My biggest problem with this article is that the writer seems to suggest that the presence of sin in our lives is a threat to our salvation. The writer said “You are in Christ Jesus? NOW you have no condemnation. You just
sinned? NOW you are in sin. Repent and get back in Christ Jesus!” He seems to say that believers constantly hop back and forth between being in Christ and falling out of Christ, and whenever we sin, we lose our “in Christ” status and need to repent in order to “get back into” Christ. I am not going to comment on whether believers should or should not repent because that will require a whole new discussion. What I will say, however, is that it is a huge mistake to think that sinning can make us lose our position of being “in Christ”. This is because:
(1) We sin every day, all the time – no human thought is completely pure, neither is any human action completely holy. So if being in Christ depended on our (lack of) sin, then we would never ever be in Christ. Even if I accept that I can get back my “in Christ” status by repenting, I am sure to sin again minutes or even seconds after I repent, so do I, again, lose my “in Christ” position?
(2) What if I committed a sin and was suddenly murdered before I had the time to repent?
(3) Since the way we attained the “in Christ” position was by believing in Jesus [and His death and resurrection], the only way we can fall out of Christ is to stop believing. We sin, but sinning is not the same as denouncing our faith in Jesus!
Friends, our righteousness has absolutely nothing to do with us, and has everything to do with the righteousness of Christ on our behalf. What makes you righteous is Christ’s death and resurrection, so what would make you unrighteous is if Christ did not die for you… but we all know that He did! You cannot lose your position of being in Christ, unless you stop believing in Him. Repentance is important, but it is NOT a means of re-establishing our position of being in Christ, because sin cannot make us fall out of Christ.
(I also think that the writer severely misinterpreted many Bible verses, and many of his deductions are extremely illogical. Joseph Prince’s teachings may not be PERFECT [though nobody’s is, and I think Prince is largely right], but I find that the writer of this article has misunderstood and omitted many of Joseph Prince’s teachings.)
If it wasn’t for John Burton’s article, I wouldn’t have read all the comments about Ps. Prince. I am now more encouraged about God’s love for me by the finished work of Christ and the gospel of Grace. John Burton, where can I find our more about Ps. Prince’s Grace teaching. Please advise. Thanks.
Similarly here. After reading J Burton’s article and comments that followed, I feel liberated. I believe the fullness and completeness of Christ’s finished work. I believe the gospel is good news that is too good to be true. I believe I am nothing and cannot do anything good but depend on the transformation the the Holy Spirit to live a Christ life. I believe my sins are all forgiven and I am eternally saved. Although I do sin and I am sorry but I know God has forgiven me. I am liberated from doubts, free from condemnation and into the love of Christ.
Yeah, it’s sad that these self-righteous “believers” so poorly believe the gospel and have been brainwashed with lies and deception. Joseph Prince isn’t right about everything; no one is, but his strength in grace is a revelation from God and these self-serving critics need to learn to hear the voice of God and rightly divide the word of truth.
Critics of grace never list Galatians as one of their favorite books and that is revealing.
On the other hand, the critics need to take a wider view of Scripture and recognize that God holds each of us accountable for the light and revelation that we have and that we believe and He will not judge us by the standards of another. These spiritual novices, in preaching their gospel, never quote Jesus when He said, “by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.” Why? Because what they believe they were taught by men and not by God. I have been taught by God and that’s why I can see that Joseph Prince has also in this area of grace.
Additionally, it’s obnoxious to coin an unscriptural term like “hyper-grace,” which has no Scriptural definition and tear down one’s own straw man. That’s unethical and biblically indefensible. Biblical doctrines can be defended biblically and unbiblical teaching can be torn apart simply by showing “two or three witnesses” that contradict them and “two or three witnesses that express the truth of the gospel.
But when someone fabricates a doctrine and names it something like “hyper-grace,” they deceive in their explanation of it, misrepresent what people teach and severely confuse the issue and compromise the truth, frankly, because they don’t believe it.
Most truth can be defended with “two or three witnesses” and most lies can be exposed with “two or three witnesses.” When men manufacture and define what OTHERS believe AND THEN set out to defame and demolish their arguments, I find that they are notoriously deceptive and dishonest and have far too much of an agenda of “look and listen to me” rather than genuinely having a God-given concern about real error.
The fact is, THERE IS NO SECURITY. If a man wants to believe a lie, he will. If he wants to believe the truth, God is there to hear the cry of his heart.
Sometimes I feel so “pampered” by these theologians, who chose to lavish all their productive hours on us undeserving bunch, who are guilty of eternal salvation; prosperity gospel; hyper-grace, dispensationalistic, when there are 4 billion pre-believers out there who are more deserving of their time, whom they could serve and make a real difference to the Kingdom …. We are both honoured and blessed. Pastor Prince, you are God’s gift to the body of Christ!
If it wasn’t for John Burton’s article, I wouldn’t have read all the comments about Ps. Prince. I am now more encouraged about God’s love for me by the finished work of Christ and the gospel of Grace. John Burton, where can I find our more about Ps. Prince’s Grace teaching. Please advise. Thanks.
I pity your children, John, if you have any, there must be lots of don’t instead of go and Sin no more, as you don’t understand Grace, and your children will ask if you have any, where is your Grace STUPID dAD.
I pity your children, if you have any, there must be lots of don’t instead of go and Sin no more, as you don’t understand Grace, and your children will ask if you have any, where is your Grace STUPID dAD.
Some theologians love to use the misguided notion of hell to scare and coerce young believers into complying with their legalistic interpretation of the scripture. Thank God the scripture is simple and plain. Romans 10:9: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
There is no “if” and no “but”. Whether you subscribe to the TRINITY ot RAPTURE (neither words are mentioned in the bible); or that you subscribe to baptism by sprinkling or immersion, you will not be condemned to hell. Any one who try to scare you into thinking otherwise is teaching from another gospel. Thank God for the gospel of grace. Glory be to His name.
Sometimes I feel so “pampered” by some of these theologians, who chose to lavish all their productive hours on us undeserving bunch, who are guilty of eternal salvation; health & prosperity gospel; hyper-grace, dispensationalistic, when there are 4 billion pre-believers out there who are more deserving of their time, whom they could serve and make a REAL difference to the Kingdom and to the world…. Nevertheless, we are both honored and blessed by the gospel of Grace. Pastor Prince is God’s gift to the body of Christ!
When Martin Luther came into scene in the 16th century, Germany, he and his followers were accused and denounced by the church leaders to be heretic, going against the “norm” teaching of the church then. However history has proven otherwise. Thus we have the great Reformation and brought great blessing to us.
When John Wesley came into scene in the 17 century England, I quote “clergy attacked them (the Methodist) in sermons and in print, and at times mobs attacked them……they were denounced as promulgators of strange doctrines, formentors of religious disturbances….leading people away.” However history has proven otherwise, thus Christianity and the church was blessed because Wesley, by the grace of God, stood firmly in his belief.
When the Charismatic Movement (accompanying by speaking in tongues and manifestation of spiritual gifts) was moving all over the world in the 20th century, sermons and books were written against the movement by well meaning theologians and Christians leaders. Well, the Charismatic Movement have its excesses but overall it was a sovereign move of God. However history has proven otherwise, now speaking in tongues is very well accepted by most denominations. Christianity and the church was blessed
Now with an emphasis on the teaching on the love of our Heavenly Father, the grace of God that is our strength and the believers inheritance of Shalom blessing in every expect of our life, be it spiritual, emotional, family, finance, relationship, working relationship, promotion etc.
Among the main proponent of this message is Joseph Prince (JP) of Singapore.
However books, website blogs and sermons were written against him by Christians leaders accusing them of teaching prosperity gospel, cheap grace, no need repentance, feel good message, false teacher leading people astray etc.
As history has shown when there is a move of God, there will always be critics within the church and NO amount of explanation and theological debate will able to settle it. So to Joseph Prince, may you continue to preach what God has laid in your heart, as your message that bring hope, salvation and breakthroughs through the mass media reached out to hundreds of thousand of people and bringing blessing to them. However it is always good to take note what your critic said as there might be some points that are worth taking note of.
While they criticized, may the Lord add more and more believers to your congregation and may your message of abundance grace and gift of righteouness continue to bless others.
To JOHN BURTON, if you do come over to this part of the world, do come over to Singapore. Drop by at New Creation Church (NCC), I am sure you will enjoy the worship, the message and also the warm Singaporean hospitality in NCC. But do come with an open heart and a right spirit. I am sure you be bless greatly. God bless.
Sent from myipad
To sit under Ps Prince teaching for a few sessions might not help. I was skeptical when first heard him preach a couple of times as I was so engrain with my old belief and understanding from the church I grew up from. I have been a Christian for 35 years. It was not until that I hear his sermons continuous week after week that I finally got his message. His understanding of the bible is the most accurate. He explains from the original Hebrew and Greek language in context.
People who misunderstood him are all people from outside his church. I challenge them that if they were to stay in New Creation Church for a while, I believe they would change their position and agree fully with Ps Prince. I was confused, but now I am clear.
Until now, from all this discussion and dispute against Ps Prince, I have not heard or seen anyone addressing the many lives that have been transformed and freed from the bondage of sin as a result of his teaching. Why, because they have no answer to this fact that is right before their very eyes. Jesus Himself said: “You will know them by their fruits”, whether they are false teachers. Can someone explain why are you so against Ps Prince if he has done a great work in the Body of Christ? Please convince me.
All they do is to find fault just like the Pharisee who think that they know the scriptures more than the others and who keep finding fault with Jesus. So, we have people here doing the same, finding fault with others, and they are not even aware that they acting like one.
J prince is truly special ..servant of GOD . most people 1st early encounters with J PRINCE always are skeptical and negative about J PRINCE . But as times goes by – people begins to see GOD truly through the sermons of J PRINCE .. That is a miracle !!
“great work” is subjective, and I think you have misunderstood the verse “You will know them by their fruits”. You are thinking in terms of “Joseph Prince is obviously doing the work of God, because he has so many followers and part of a big Christian movement with other preachers.” What Jesus meant was when someone is truly doing things for God, that person will display the fruits of the spirit. Love, self-control, peace, kindness etc. Basically if you really are for God in your works, you will display the traits of the Holy Spirit, it does not mean if you are doing it for God, succeeding and gaining so much shows your sincerity for Him and that it is a sign of having done “the right thing in God”.
I am sorry to tell you: he has both fruit of the Spirit and fruits of the ministry of the Gospel of Grace. Thousands have already testified of God’s goodness because of his ministry. Anything else you want to say?
I like to add to my statement “….no amount of explanation and theological debate will able to setle it, unless they have a personal encounter or it’s reveal to them”
Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of New Creation Church, Singapore.
I heard Joseph Prince many years ago before he was so popular in the USA now. I needed to hear the message of grace, I was ready to give up & walk away because I felt condemned & unloved(I know that is lies now but I didn’t then) & unprepared. I had been beat to death with the law, be a good girl, don’t do this, do that, you area dirty rotten sinner, going nowhere.(true but the grace & love of Jesus Christ & God the Father, and the Holy Spirit delivered me).I felt defeated continually. There have been many pastors, teachers & bible studies I have listened to, I have the Holy Spirit guiding me, telling me what to glean and what is chaff to leave on the floor. Joseph Prince’s messages helped me & blessed me. I don’t believe that there is true conversion without action, even James tells us Faith without works is dead, maturing that is what we need, to grow up rooted in the love of Poppa God(Ephesians 3:14-21), our desires and thinking will shift to His Kingdom mission.
I chance upon a local pastor teaching on confessions. He made several references / corrections to Joseph Prince grace teachings:
I am a New Creation Church member and I am not too sure if this local pastor truly understood JPrince message in 1 John. He will have to listen CAREFULLY to JPrince sermon and discourse on 1 John either in person or from his past CD sermons regarding 1 John. He seems to have misquoted JPrince or he could have heard from someone else.
I have heard JPrince preached on this topic on 1 John 1:9 a couple of times. “Only the first chapter of 1 John is written to the Gnostics, and the rest of the chapters to the believers”, said JPrince.
I almost didn’t read this based in the sub heading at the top: ‘Millions of current Christians are at risk of spending an eternity in Hell—and few are saying anything about it.’
As this is a complete oxymoron. A Christian is either Christian or not. Saved or unsaved. Child of God or child of Satan. Etc. a Christian can no more spend an eternity in hell than the sun can radiate ice. It’s impossible. Please, John, let’s use correct theological terms. You could say ‘millions of professing Christians’ or nominal ‘Christians’ etc.
Thank you. When I hear him speak or see him my spirit feels uncomfortable. I believe him, Joyce, Meyer, and Joel Osteen among others are very dangerous people. I see more people stand up for them then they would stand up for Jesus or the Word of God. I know you are right as the attacks you will get form others usually telling you not to judge, but yet those same people will judge you. I am beginning to believe these teachers are not just false teachers, but cult leaders.
Gospel means Good News. Are we supposed to fall down and wallow with the pigs when we hear it preached?
I keep asking myself if people who criticize those who preach Grace radically are normal.It seems to me that these critics know ministers of Satan release from hell to prevent God’s people from living a lifestyle that glorifies God through the propagation of the gospel of GRACE. Now why do people criticize Joseph Prince whenever he declares that a believer in Christ Jesus can never loose his salvation? Didn’t Jesus preach eternal security?Of course He did. John10:27-29 declares “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My father who has given them to me is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my father’s hand (including those who are so angry because God has promise no believer is going to loose his/her salvation). Now why does Jesus call His followers sheep and not goats? The reason is that sheep by nature will always desire following their master.In other words,it is impossible for a sheep to behave like a goat. Therefore a true believer in Christ Jesus will never desire going out there and sinning as a goat (An unbeliever).The truth is:When a believer discovers that he will never loose his salvation not because of his good works,but because of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus at calvary, the more he will begin to appreciate God in thanksgiving which in turn will make him more conscious of God’s love for him.Now the more conscious he is of God’s love for him, the less conscious he is of sin. This empowers him to overcome the sins he couldn’t overcome when he was still living in guilt, fear and condemnation.The reason many are criticizing those preaching Grace radically is that, they believe that people will embrace the message of Grace as a licence to commiting sin.Let me clearify your doubts. Know as from today hence forth that, it is impossible for a man who is truly born again to desire sinning after receiving the gospel of GRACE. Let me prove it to you.1John3:9-10 declares “No one who is born of God will continue to sin,because God’s seed remains in him;he can’t go on sinning because he has been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are.”
Based on 1John3:9-10, one of the ways to know whether or not a person is truly born again is to preach the gospel of Grace.If a person listens to the gospel of Grace and sees it as an opportunity to go out there and start sinning,then it’s a clear indication that the person is not born again,but if the person listens to the message of Grace and honour God the more then that person is truly born again.My question to you ignorant christians is:Why do you believe that once a sinner dies and goes to hell, he can never loose eternal death,but find it very difficult to believe that once a man is born again and recieves eternal life he can never loose eternal life? If you say a believer will go to hell because of sins , then you should equally say that a sinner will go to heaven because of his good works. let me explain:Do you know that once a man is still in the first Adam(That means he is not born again),he will still go to hell even if he scores 99% as far as obeying the law is concerned.Why is it so?It is because we don’t go to heaven because we do more good than bad.For if we go to heaven based on our good works, then Jesus’ death on the cross was and is useless.By thesame token, if a man is born again and performs just 1% good as far as the law is concerned, he will still go to heaven.If you say no, then you are saying that a sinner who does 99% good as far as obeying the law is concerned will go to heaven because of his 99% good.God is just.If a sinner will still go to hell inspite of his big 99% good works, what makes you think a believer will go to hell because of his 99% bad works.My friend humble your self and learn instead of arguing blindly.
For your information,before Jesus came the pharisee preached the law just as many pastors are doing today,but people were still sinning big time.Why are you then angry if we preach the message that sets people free from the power of sin.Stop giving the devil the power to use you as a weapon of mass destruction.I have seen pastor who criticize Grace preachers, yet falling into sexual sins more than once a year,but I preach Grace and by the Grace of God has lived for about 15years since I got born again without kissing a woman or falling into the sin of fornication.Why didn’t I go out and start sinning when I heard the message of Grace being preached but rather was empowered to live a holy life?Please let’s not be stupid because of our unwillingness to ask God to show us the benefits of preaching the gospel of Grace.Don’t you know we preach Grace because we fear God and donot want sinners to go to hell.God bless you
Hi Julie, you better set your gaze on Jesus alone.Even in the days of the early church, such arguments use to take place. The devil is not winning and he will never win.Jesus says “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail”.Therefore you must understand that no matter the wrong thoughts the devil has cast on some unbelieving individuals,we the body of christ will never be overcome by the devil.I am a servant of God and preach Grace,because I cried to God and the Holy Spirit open my understanding as far as the gospel of Grace is concerned.I also heard Joseph Prince preaching and also learned from him.God has blessed me with lots of revelation on Grace because I keep looking up to him for wisdom rather than being worried about what people say.All what people say should make you stronger not weaker in your walk with God.Why not take your Bible and study for your self,especially Romans and Hebrew and you won’t complain no matter how people criticize what others preach.It is God’s will for you to get established in His word so that you won’t be tossed to and fro by what people say.Remain bless
What if no-one is right? Has anyone considered this? In the end, what matters is that people who profess to have faith must prove it by their good actions. Sorry to say that in both camps these actions are lacking!!!
How does anyone reconcile “doing away with the Law” with these words of Jesus himself?:
Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until the end of all things. So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)
Kenneth see my above post to you, I think you will see that you may be off point about some of your statements.
Hi Julie. Please see my response to your post. There are some problems with reconciling”doing away with the Law” with Matthew 5:17-19.
I have come to the conclusion, from my personal experiences about this grace subject and the controversial subject of Joseph Prince and the controversial subject about False-Grace is that this is all an attack from Satan to split the Body of Christ into another sect. Churches will start putting in their Faith Statement for Joseph Prince teaching or against Joseph Prince teaching and Christian will start to use this method to attend any Church. I see the division on the website and now to me and my husband which is being forced to agree with Joseph Prince teaching and told that we need love and that we need to forgive. This is madness. The devil is sitting back laughing because he has make another sect. The simple fact is regardless is Joseph Prince is right or wrong Churches and long friendships will be split over his message and bring in a new sect in the Christian Body. You will start to here some preacher speaking for him and some well known preachers speaking against Joseph Prince. (I know they are doing this but more will come)
I like to write in allegory so here is a short one about Satan and his demons watching the Christians fight, Hey, Guys, a fight has just broke out in Church (there has been other fights in the body before but non like this) one demon said this one must be a good one because the Boss is there watching . . . . Saints of God please just ask God “God show me your truth.” And he will show you which one of you are right or close to being right like he did for Job in the Bible when his friends counselor him and then God had to step in because they all was wrong because they was thinking with their human minded. God ways are higher than our ways and we might not understand everything but I encourage you all to make your stand but do not let Satan pull you into endless debates over the subject.
You can pray or become watchmen about the situation, I am not telling you to stop making your case but only do not start fighting and getting nasty with each other because this only benefit Satan and his demons to watch you fight. We are make in the image of God and God is Love, right . . . . .ask yourself after you debate over the grace subject how do you feel. . . . do you feel love for your brother? I say this because some people on this subject will no longer have comments.
However, if you feel very strongly defending your belief about the subject Grace please do it graciously because God is gracious. Psalm 145:8 – The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
This is bigger than Joseph Prince because I believe if he would write a book or go on TV and tell people he did not mean for people to use his teaching as a license to sin he would NOT change most people mind. These Christians (?) that has misused Mr. Prince teaching will fight him or anyone else that would try to take this away from them. Some of you who is reading my message will be offended and will try to look at my message and attack it or you will act like it is not here and go on to another subject. I write this not for you to attack me but my reason is not to debate if Joseph Prince is right or wrong but to get you to see this is bigger than Joseph Prince because there is coming a BIG SPLIT ON THE BODY OF CHRIST BECAUSE OF HIS TEACHING because I write from my own personal experience of being forced to not say anything against Joseph Prince teaching because I only asked to be shown where is this in the Bible and got attack from a person my husband been friends over 40 years and a pastor I have known and loved for over 2 years. I realized this is not right and I remember the Jehovah Witness (with significant organizational and doctrinal changes under the leadership of Joseph Franklin Rutherford) or the Mormons (founded by Joseph Smith) if you ask them to show you something in the Bible they will show you without being easily offended and not attack you for asking.
I would like to end with Bible verses, please read them and I thank you for reading my long comment.
Hebrews 4:12- For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
2 Timothy 2:14-18New International Version (NIV)
Dealing With False Teachers
14 Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18 who have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some.
Saints we are in a war not against each other but against the PRINCE of darkness and that is why we must put on our armor.
Peace and Blessings to you all that are in the Lord Jesus!
Regarding Quote 1 above, merely counting the number of occurrences of the words, “law” and “grace,” does not prove Paul taught a balance between the two for leading a Christian life. He was refuting law-keeping as a way to establish one’s righteousness, so of course he’d have to use the word, “law.”
I do agree that Joseph Prince is overly preaching Grace. My friend is from New Creation Church which is Joseph Prince church but she as well did not believe in abused nor cheapened grace. I do think Joseph Prince’s books can be easily misunderstood into cheapening grace though.
However I do believe in Once saved always saved. I believe God will complete his work but that does not mean we don’t repent. Precisely we are saved and God’s children that’s why when we realised we sinned against our Father, we felt pained and will want to confess to him. Repentance is not our works tryin to please God. Repentance and confession is our desire as his child. Like we desire to spend time with God we desire to worship him. Does it mean that we are required to worship him and spend time with God? What I trying to say here is not that we dont worship and spend time with God. It is that these are not required. If they are required, it ill become our works. it is our need and want as his child. But God’s grace itself is enough. If we don’t repent, we probably shoukd start questioning whether we are truly a follower of Christ. God forgives all our sins including future. If our future sins need to be forgiven via repentance, then I have a question. Are what we define as sins the same as God’s definition of sin?
what may seem not a sin in our eyes can be a sin in God’s eyes. To us, striving as humans may not look as a sin. But God didn’t want us to strive to become better person of this world. God ask us to diligent but never to strive to be rich or what. Do things in excellence but don’t expect returns praises. Be confident that all results he is in control and he is always good. So is striving a sin?
God standard is way high above us, what about those times we forget about our sins and forget about repentance? Are we still forgiven? Yes we are.
Once saved always saved and repentance may look contradictory but in real it is not and it is beautiful.
I always loved how balance God is how we weave law and grace and made what seems ironic to exist together. He is a very balance God. So I believe any church that sways into any extremes are all dangerous. Bible is full of balance.
In anyway, I may have mistakes in this post I am a human. But I trust God is above me. He will lead and guide whoever choose to follow him.
Siau Hui, yours is a beautiful post. Thank you 🙂
Siau, I read your post. It was so well spoken, and a pleasure to read. You know, when I heard the true Gospel preached for the first time, probably 60 years ago, I believed God. I believed I was saved forever. But, the problem was..I didn’t hear my pastor believing it or anybody else.
Anyway it all worked out for the good. Pastor Prince is right too. And he doesn’t make Grace sound cheap at all. No! If you want to hear Jesus being praised and lifted up, just listen to him. But, better yet, listen to the Holy Spirit as He confirms it. Thank You again for you post…beautiful.
Joseph prince is the leading teacher what I believe to be the most accurate in terms of bringing the message of jesus christ to the entire world according to the will of God
Millions and I pray billions will get to listen to his message about jesus christ
Was Jesus lying when He said, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it?” 70% of Americans claim to be “Christian.” Does America in 2015 appear to be a country where the majority of the population is actually living Christ-like lives? I think not. Matthew 7:21 says, “Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven.”
Amen Brother.
Please keep to the narrow road.
I know, Nick and The Art…!!!
If you decide to live under the Old Covensnt you better straighten yourself up by yourself. because you got a.mess to straighten out.
You aren’t capable of keeping to it without the Spirit of God as your comforter guiding you and teaching you and changing you. While you try to keep the Old Covenant in place, God is just sitting there, wondering why you are doing what you’re doing. Believe in Jesus Christ. That’s it. Then the Holy Spirit will rush in!!!! Please try to see this. Love in Christ, Becky
Christians can believe in Christ Jesus without a revelation of Grace. When it comes, the gate is straight and narrow, Jesus finished it, just Believe it, enter His rest, calmly follow the Holy Spirit. Stop struggling with trying to keep laws. It’s too hard, you’re on your own, its a road of destruction.,. It doesn’t mean they are not Saved. When the Revelation comes you will be set free. Not free to sin. Free to live, free of self effort!
You mean you wasted all your time writing this??
This is not it at all
You suceeded in writing rubbish at the expense of another Persons ministry.
The authors theology is Sooooooooooooo bad, that he doesn’t have a right to critique anyone else. “Take the beam out of your own eye first”
Me thinks that the entire Joseph Prince user database must have been emailed by a J Prince neophyte, judging the responses Iv’e seen below. One would think that holding to the extreme Grace doctrines of Joseph Prince would enable one to be a giver of Grace as far as comments go. That’s not what I’m seeing here folks! Most of what I see are adhominom attacks against the author instead of reading the scriptures provided and providing sensible and logical arguments for your positions. YES the Bible is a logical book. For the most part if it says something (translated from the original language in most translations) into English, it means plainly what it says.
“Martin Trench” When Jesus spoke about taking the beam or plank out of your own eye He wasn’t saying that under no circumstances are any of my followers to judge their brothers and sisters. A simplification would be don’t judge someone if you notice them looking lewdly at a woman if you yourself look at pornography. Now I realise that a believer should neither look at women lewdly not pornography but I was making a point. Oh and I’m not picking on you Martin. It just happens that yours was the newest comment and hence the easiest for me to see. It was also typical of the comments I’ve read through. i.e. loosely quoting from scripture without having understood the scripture being quoted from.
I would argue that many who have attacked this post (some quite venomously) would read their bibles. Get a good commentary. Stop reading Joseph Prince books and watching Joseph Prince YouTube videos. Instead go the the source! Go to the Word.
Now if I haven’t managed to upset most of the commentators so far I am sure that what I am going to say next will drive some of you to abject wrath.
Grace is completely free to all. It is the unmerited, completely non-deserved favour of God Almighty to forgive the sins of anyone who seeks salvation. It is the complete and utter satisfaction of the debt owed to God for out sins. Instead of punishing us as we deserve FOR ALL HAVE SINNED, JESUS paid our dept with his own BLOOD. NOW:
The Law is our schoolmaster in that it points us to the need of The Saviour. Without the Law we have no knowledge of our sin. However when we are saved from our sin by the precious blood of the Lamb the sting of death has no hold over us because the righteous requirements of the Law, i.e. the punishment for breaking the Law (which was death) has been paid by our LORD Jesus (a Lamb prepared from before the foundation of the earth). Jesus was broken, flogged beyond recognition, hung on a tree to suffer the most painful of deaths imaginable. All this so that we could receive the free gift of Grace.
HOWEVER. And I’m sure that I’ll be crucified (figuratively) for stating this truth. HOWEVER:
In order to receive this FREE GIFT we have to qualify. WE HAVE TO REPENT FIRST. It is only when we realise that : by the righteous requirements of the law we deserve to be tormented day and night in the lake of fire “where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched”. It is ONLY then as a broken man or woman before God we cry out HUMBLED before Him that we can take hold of the marvelous totally free gift of GRACE that our Loving father, Lord and Saviour and Holy Spirit places upon our lives.
Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven,the same loveth little. This principle given by our LORD is true.
Please before you all start to berate me and claim that I have no idea about true salvation. That I am some kind of pharisee or that I am some kind of LAW HERETIC, I would ask you to consider the following.
Please pray and pray and pray. Ask God that through the Holy Spirit that he would reveal to you if there is ANY and I mean any area of your theodolite that is leading you to be deceived. Please do this first. I can take anything you want to throw at me. My comments are based on Love. Yes I know that some of the things I’ve said may be construed at a bit haughty maybe but please believe me they are offered in LOVE.
If you disagree, especially if you feel very angry at what I’ve said is there any chance that you have been deceived on some areas of your theology? If there is then please study your Bible. Even if you don’t think I’m right in anything I’ve said please ready your bible. The Holy Spirit will open it up to you unless its the “Message” which was written by new age nut who would like nothing else that for your faith to be destroyed. I guess I’ll get my detractors on that one as well but lets not go off topic people.
In Love.
I read your comment, Nick, and you are right. And what you believe lines up perfectly with what the Apostle Paul taught, what Joseph Prince teaches, with what Credo Dollar teaches, and many others, …but most importantly what the Holy Spirit teaches. He taught me long before I heard any Grace teaching of today.
My pastor didn’t teach that way, and I thought I was crazy..(I was only 8 years old) … or maybe the rest of the believers I looked up at while he was preaching were crazy.. LOL! I don’t remember who it was that I first heard preach the Gospel, I don’t really know who or when. I do know that when I was 8 years old I better hurry up and get baptized, because a lot of people had me believing if youI broke a commandment you were going to burn in fire forever if you didn’t repent, if you didn’t REdedicate ypurself… and I thought about how Good that water would feel… soooo good! So I got baptized.
Well, it turns out they were wrong, and I was right. Anyway..God Bless You Brother in Christ! God is Good!
I am guessing, by his stance, that John and I might never be BFFs here on earth 🙂 but we will certainly be praying for each other. Perhaps our bigger concern should be the divide this kind of thing fuels in the church and how it affects the unsaved and those looking in:
I’m not going to quote verses from the Bible to justify what I have to say. I’m not a Joseph Prince follower, but his sermons have opened my eyes to the truth, that ‘I am a sinner’, and only through Jesus Christ can I receive salvation. I know that long ago but never truly understand what it means, how it goes, and why is that so. You see, no matter how you defend ‘keeping the law’, in your heart you know that you yourselves cannot keep it. You keep on defending the law, and how to live a holy life by following the law but the fact is, no one can. Break one of the 10 laws, you fail, even your whole life you literally follow all the laws given to Moses, it only takes for you to lust in your mind, to one person, one woman, then you have not obeyed the law, you have failed following the law. By grace, you are saved.
The wrong thing about many Christians, is they think you’ll have a free pass to sin. How can you say you have been saved, you received salvation if you keep on committing adultery? keep on lying with no restrain? steal money form your siblings? keep on hating your brother? Grace leads you to live a holy life. It doesn’t say you will become holy and free to sin without the worry of becoming a sinner. In truth, we are all sinners, it’s in our blood, it’s in our soul. We are sinners. It shows the true meaning of Jesus’ death on the cross. The meaning of ‘payment for my sin’. You and me should be the ones nailed on the cross, our payment is death for eternity. But Jesus took it for us.
Who said just believe in Jesus and continue your sinful life will do? If you truly accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, living a holy life will follow. How hard is that to understand? Only those who couldn’t turn their back from a sinful life would never understand the true gospel of grace. They love committing sin, so they will turn their attention to grace and claim they have salvation, “leave me alone, I can do what I want, even sin. I received grace so I’m free to sin.” That’s blasphemy. They will keep on twisting it. On the other hand, defending the law only shows self-righteousness. In the end, those same people defending it, couldn’t follow it. Couldn’t even follow haft of the 10 commandment. Our heavenly father sees us as unrighteous, imperfect, unholy beings. But in Jesus, our Father in heaven sees holiness, pure, without sin, perfect. Accept Jesus, keep him inside you heart, and let it transform your life, lead you to live a holy life in Jesus. We can never ever earn our salvation, Jesus paid the price for us. Only through Jesus Christ can we receive salvation.
John, I saw that what you wrote above mentions Joseph Prince’s name about 15 times. Chace says that Paul was in favor of using the law in a Christian’s life, and one reason Chace knew this was because Paul used the word, “law,” 78 times in Romans. By Chace’s logic, you could be in favor of Joseph Prince because of the number of times you mentioned his name. See how silly that is? Paul was writing to people to convince them that faith in Jesus is superior to law-keeping now that grace has come, so of course he had to use the word, “law,” to make his points.
My testimony: I was saved at the age of ten. As a child I did not understand the difference between “Law” and “Grace”. I just heard Jesus calling me to follow him and that’s when I became a believer ( I am now 46).
During my walk with God I lost my way many times through my teenage and adulthood years. The temptations of this world was real e.g. drugs, alcohol, sexual immoralities and so on…they were coming at me like a hurricane and… yes I sinned not once not twice but many times throughout my life.
My bible tells me:- New International Version-JOHN 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
My bible tells me:-New International Version-ROMANS 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Back in those days I was always reminded of my sin and became sin conscious which at times didn’t make me feel good at all; I had to keep repenting every time I sinned. Everyone is going to sin there are no two ways about it that’s why my saviour Jesus died for me took ALL… MY SINS UPON HIMSELF TO SET ME FREE FROM ALL… MY SINS, he conquered death, and was raised and seated at the right hand of the father. THANK YOU JESUS!!!
My bible it tells me:-New American Standard Bible-HEBREWS 10:12
but He, having offered ONE sacrifice for sins for ALL time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD,
ONE… SACRIFICE FOR SINS FOR ALL…TIME, all I have to do is walk in his righteousness
My bible tells me:-New International Version-2 CORINTHIANS 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
GOD REMEMBERS MY SIN NO MORE, through Jesus righteousness he doesn’t see me, he see’s his son JESUS.
New International Version- Hebrews 8:12
For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
God is moving me in a different direction toward “GRACE” not forgetting where I came from ” LAW’.
Why am I speaking like this its because GRACE CAME through my LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HE SETS ME FREE FROM EVERYTHING
King James Bible-John 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Thank you GOD, Thank you JESUS, and Thank you Holy spirit for revealing these truths to me.
I have been waiting for pastors like Joseph Prince, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Joel Olsteen and many other great preachers for years.
I find Joseph Prince to be HOLY SPIRIT FILLED, who never elevates himself, he always talks about JESUS and always gives the glory back to GOD the father.
For years satan has told me that I am or have been a drunk, druggie, no good for nothing, no one loves you, you’re ugly, a slut, a whore, not a good mother, not a good wife, sick, unhealthy, dying, poor, unworthy, liar and so the list goes on…
But the “GRACE” message has reconciled me back to my father, I am now walking with GOD PRAYING AND HUMBLY SEEKING HIS FACE AND HAVE TURNED FROM MY SIN. By doing this GOD has given back to me all that the canker worm has taken from me.
I now have the favour of God, I am blessed abundantly, loved, forgiven, free, made in the image of my father in heaven which means I am beautiful, in good health, the righteousness of God, Holy Spirit filled, a child of the most high God, saved and washed by the blood of Jesus.
If the message of GRACE can turn me back to God, where I am praying everyday on watch, seeking the Lord by reading my word daily then I think Joseph Prince has done a good thing. We are in the end times, we need to bring as many people as possible back to God, without compromise and if it means preaching GRACE then so be it. There are many people like myself waiting to hear a message like this.
“As I said, the fear of the Lord is on me, and when that happens, it sometimes propels me into caution, and at other times into risk. I understand this message put me in the category of risk. However, it’s a risk that’s easily worth it since literally millions of people’s eternities are at risk. I absolutely believe the core message that Joseph Prince teaches will result in shocked, church going, professing Christians entering Hell one day. It’s that serious.” Chace Gordon Who does he think he is to pronounce that millions of professing Christians will go to hell one day ?
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23 :25 -28 Jesus reserved the harshest rebuke for the scribes and pharasees who knew the laws better than any others. Those who simply came to him and called him Lord were the ones who received the miracles. The son did nothing to deserve his father’s love which was larger than all the sins he could commit. The criminal hanging beside Jesus could do nothing to save himself. By calling Jesus Lord he was assured of a place in Paradise. So Pastor Joseph emphasis on God’s grace lead us to Jesus where living according to the law becomes a natural outcome not otherwise.
If you want to know about biblical grace don’t turn to Michael Brown. He’s holds to the errant views of Arminian thought.
I was a follower of Joseph Prince for many years, and the life he promised was absolutely lie. I got into pit. It’s actually the gospel (good news of cross Jesus Christ) that saved me WITH REPENTANCE, not without repentance like Joseph Prince was teaching. It’s so false that I had to write something. Plus, the children of Abraham as “inheritance” he took it out of context. The context is righteousness by faith, not the money. He was emphasizing to never take text out of context and he did. Also, the inheritance with Christ the scripture is talking about the hope of glory. The whole chapter of Romans 8 was talking about was Holy Spirit and the glorious freedom of God’s children, and the inheritance with Christ must be in that context, not the money.
Again, false teacher like Joseph Prince along with Joel Osteen and many others are absolutely twisting the “inheritance” bible into some sort of money blessing, when the context was said in line of righteousness by faith gift and holy spirit.
Another thing, repentance is always a must. You must repent to come to the cross. I tried to come to God without repentance because Jesus did it all already message like Joseph Prince was promoting, this is absolutely hellish lie. The bottom line is we cannot come to God without repentance (U-turn). Only the invitation and acceptance of the cross can save us from sin. Something like we don’t need to repent because “Jesus did it all” and all we need to is “receive”. Well to receive cross, is to repent from our sin because God loves you.
AK from Vancouver, Canada
God bless.
You’re mistake was you followed JP and not Jesus.
What JP preaches is virtually, 100pct on point.
But like many people, you come to Jesus just for the blessings. AND JP HAS ALWAYS BEEN CONSISTENT THAT YOU ARE TO FOLLOW AFTER JESUS, and certainly not him.
And you also have no ‘staying power.’ Jesus isn’t a magician.
prince knows what he’s talking about. And you know nothing of what you’re talking about. And since you don’t walk in the blessings of Abraham, you need to be immediately dismissed.
Joseph prince points everything he teaches to Jesus and how loving Jesus is! He paints a precious picture of Jesus and helps people understand who Jesus is! People who dont agree with JP are self righteous and sound like the Pharisees who were always watching and confronting Jesus be so loving and kind and healing the sinners even before they ever said “forgive me Jesus!” so how can this be a false grace teaching? I think what is so hard is that when a preacher is preaching law mixed with grace and are exposed the pride of being wrong kicks in which is a lie of the devil to keep them angry and stir up debate and to divide the kingdom of God! Read mark 9:38-42 this reminds me of these people that are so against this powerful grace message that JP teaches! I would understand if maybe he was leading people to another god but to Jesus really? Humble yourself and accept the true grace gospel that has been given to us freely! Jesus said it is finished! God cannot punish people for sin that has been paid for once and for all! Sin isnt what is sending people to hell, it is rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior! Sin does have consequences, it does bring pain and suffering and opens the door to the enemy but doesnt wipe away our righteousness because we are made righteous by faith not by our deeds! Jesus came to save the world not condemn it! Thank you Jesus for such revelation and now i am free from guilt and condemnation! See the devil cannot ever defeat anyone when they have this mindset of grace that JP teaches! The devil is a liar and is a defeated foe! God bless you all
As a Jewish believer in Messiah, I am highly insulted at mr prince’s flagrant disregard for the Tenach,
Old Testament. He had made comments in the past on his program which greatly upset me, and I tried to contact him to have discourse. But his ministry and himself refused to address those issues. As the article illustrated, he contradicts himself almost at every turn. I have this to to say, if there is no Torah(Law) then there is no Grace. “…if you were blind you would know no sin, yet you say we see and your sin remains…” For it would be like getting pulled over for speeding and you tell the officer that you are under grace. The first thing the officer will tell to do is, “Blow into this please.” This doctrine reminds me when the Catholic Church was big on selling Indulgences, basically a get out of jail free card to sin. So if the “Law” has been done away with, that means I can go out steal, kill and destroy?! If “…all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of G-D…,” by what standard are you using for G-D’s Righteousness? What one calls “the Law,” is actually the Five Books of Moses or the 1st five books of the Bible. Would you classify the Book of Genesis as “Law” or histories (chronicles if you may)? Would you classify Mariam and the women singing and dancing at the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea as “Law” even though it is part of the Book of Exodus? For you see the “Law” portions of Torah is but just a part of the bigger picture. Did not Moses prophecy? Is that “Law” as well? Again by what standard are you using to measure G-D’s righteousness? I also noticed that mr prince implies that there is more than one G-D, and that Yeshua/Jesus is not G-D. It does not surprise me that, since he has no “covering” that is visible and shows that he is a ministry unto himself, tells me that he is not or does not want to be accountable to anyone. Even Yeshua when He was here on Earth, shown us that He was accountable to the Father. It saddens and disappoints me how he has led so many astray. My heart cries for those who are coming to faith and do not know what the Scriptures say. For it is written “..Study to show one’s self approved…”
All the critics of Prince fail to acknowledge his teachings on holiness and biblical living. The law does not produce the righteousness of God. Walking in the spirit produces the fruits of the spirit, which trying to follow the law will never achieve
All the critics of Prince fail to acknowledge his teachings on holiness and biblical living. The law does not produce the righteousness of God. Walking in the spirit produces the fruits of the spirit, which trying to follow the law will never achieve.
“The purpose of condemnation for the devil is slandering the innocent”…………who are they? Slandering the innocent? Is that even in the bible? The devil is the great accuser. After tempting us and succeeding—-he accuses us of being guilty. THAT is the way he works in my life & the lives of most others. If J.P. is sooooo rotten—where’s the fruit? He’s been at this over 20 yrs. No scandals?
John Burton’s has many weak arguments. The way this article is written, it is like doing a Google search for the word “work” and list all related verses out and dump all on his Microsoft Word. He should be really fearful to meet God because he misrepresented God in this writing.
Proverbs 18:9 He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.
Huh? How is this relate to God’s grace?
John Burton, you should be cold sweat. You misapplied Jude 1:3 in your introduction. You are not meticulous enough in verifying and validating facts. Pastor Joseph Prince’s church is growing in leaps and bounce. By the way, which church do you belong to? People in his church is growing in love for Jesus all over and over again everyday but you don’t bother to find out the facts and hastily condemn a man of God. To me it was hasty, you did not go through any fear and trembling that you claimed. By the way, I have not heard anything about you. Who are you that we should trust what you say?
Who is Chace Gordon? What authority does he has to put a church not related to him under discipline. This is too much of ego. Did God give him the authority? Show us! This is real heresy! He should first discipline the church of Satan or Christian Science! I don’t think anyone can stand to hear such garbage!
When you write this –
“False-grace is an eternity and salvation issue. It’s not minor, it’s major.”
I sense that you have no knowledge on the assurance of salvation. It is even more devastating for someone who has no idea whether he knows the assurance that he will go heaven one day. If you are not sure, you are in position to lecture someone who knows more than you do. Your writing style and your content will tell people how much you know God. Don’t give God a bad name. Don’t misrepresent God, it is more devastating. As according to Pastor Prince’s teaching, you will still go to heaven. But according to me, you will have to answer to God for your words and actions against Pastor Prince.
Simply amazing article! Cool to read such a well-considered article! Just look at the service
. Its pretty easy to use.This is perhaps one of the most poorly researched articles I’ve read. Counting the number of times the words “law” and “grace” were repeated in the bible does not automatically prove a strong valid point. The context in which these words were used would serve to be more insightful to the reader. In fact, your point was that the law is more abundant in the bible so that means it is more important than grace? Using the “Search and Find” feature does not make you a scholar any more than a ten year old who could use the same logic. Please delete this post and stop wasting people’s time and effort on helping you see through your blindness.
It’s amazing that someone can write an article like this filled with so many words and yet be so completely wrong. He’s either suffering from jealousy, or he is so missunderstanding the gospel of grace that he trips all over himself. He’s even audacious enough to condemn Christians to hell because they are believing in God’s amazing grace. My suggestion: ignore this ridiculously superfluous article and study God’s word instead.
FYI: Dr. Michael Brown met with Ps Prince in Singapore this year. He has apologized for mistaking him and also disparaging him. Please read it completely. Ps Prince is my senior pastor in Singapore, and I can go as theological as possible but all I want to say is that if there are people getting delivered from drug abuse, alcohol abuse and most of all pornography, all testifying about how the Lord delivered them through this ministry, then it’s highly unlikely that this ministry is anything but genuine and Spirit led.
And there is this –
Some years ago I had a friend who was a new believer invite me to a mens group who was using a video by Joseph Prince to lead them in discussion. He felt J. Prince was legitimate but wanted my opinion. In this teaching he brought up quote #24 But it was even worse the way he said it in this teaching. He said, (The parables of Jesus weren’t meant to be obeyed for Jesus hadn’t yet gone to the cross, so he was still teaching the Law. His purpose for the parables was to show us that we are so utterly sinful and incapable of obeying God that we need Grace.) This is not a direct quote and I would love it if someone has his exact words but I feel sick inside any time I try to listen to him. Thank you John for doing the disturbing work of having to listen to these demonically inspired words in order to warn the body of Christ. I know there are others preaching similar heresies, but I personally have never heard one with such a persuasive and wise appearing manner. Those without a good biblical foundation will be easy pray for a man like this.
There are three key words in the bible that in my experience are most often misunderstood. And therefore leading us either to confusion or into heresy. These three being Law, Faith and Grace 1.Let’s discuss “Law” – If the Law is assumed to be everything God commanded under the Old covenant then we will assume we should no longer obey anything we heard God say to the people in Old Testament times. But we must first understand there were different kinds of Laws. Ceremonial laws were required to worship God in the Temple. The priests had to go through a ceremonial cleansing before coming into Gods presence. Animals were to be sacrificed to atone for the priests and the people. So it’s easy to understand these Old Testament laws should no longer be practiced because Jesus fulfilled these requirements forever changing the way we are to worship God. This truth is clearly explained throughout the book of Hebrews.
Then secondly, we must realize there was a set of Laws that were symbolic outward acts that were meant to remind men of there commitment to God. They symbolized something necessary, such as a Sabbath day which recognizes the importance of setting aside time to devote ourselves to God. But, some men worship the day. They believe this outward practice is a requirement for salvation. Then there is circumcision, which God said was to be a sign to the other nations that the Israelites were His people. And I’m sure it was also a constant reminder to themselves about the God they were to be serving. Paul said the true fulfillment of circumcision is a changed heart. Throughout the epistles Paul constantly condemned this law. Not because he was against circumcision. At one time he even had a Gentile companion circumcised in order to allow more opportunity to be a witness to some people who would otherwise have closed their ears to him. He was simply condemning the act as a requirement of salvation. The equal today would be to believe that the act of water baptism is a requirement of salvation. We all believe we should be baptized but hopefully we understand it is symbolic of a life that has turned from his old ways and turned to God. Paul was constantly fighting this belief that was deeply ingrained in their culture. So when he was rebuking them it was mostly for this single teaching, and not every command of God under the Old Government. Others in that day felt you weren’t obeying God if you didn’t wash your hands. They also felt that certain foods were not supposed to be eaten according to the “Law of Moses”. Jesus confronted this law by saying it’s not what goes into a man that makes him unclean but what is in the heart of the man that makes him unclean.
But I challenge you to find a single place where Jesus or any of his disciples mention a moral law such as killing, stealing, coveting, adultery etc., that we are no longer required to obey? I suggest you can find 100,s of references telling us we must obey these laws. For instance, before Jesus left the earth, He gave the “Great Commission”. Most of us know we are to Go and make disciples. But many have missed his description of what a disciple will be taught. This is found at the end of His statement. We are to teach them every thing that Jesus “commanded” us.” These commands are written in the four Gospels. Many will quote Jesus words in Matthew 5:17, saying Jesus fulfilled the Law, but the same people would never bring up what he said in the next two verses. He said the Law won’t go away till after heaven and earth disappear. And in verse 19 He warns us that anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven. But whoever practices and teaches these commands will be great in the kingdom of God. We would all say that when Jesus died on the cross he fulfilled some laws that should never be practiced again. So if those Laws went away but Jesus said the Law wont go till after heaven and earth disappear, doesn’t it seem reasonable that this law is moral law? He even goes on to say we have to do a better job of obeying them than the religious leaders of His day, including the Teachers of the Law, or we definitely wont enter the kingdom of God. Then he immediately starts talking about “moral laws”. These included some of the 10 commandments such as murder and adultery, but also included other moral laws like divorce, oaths, and the treatment of an enemy.
Matthew 13:52 Jesus said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” This verse was unclear for years, till I was able to put it together with the idea that part of the old testament was to be mixed with the new and if the experts in the Law wanted to teach under this new Government in which Jesus was the kIng; they would have to figure out what to bring from the old government and what to leave behind while accepting the new commands of Jesus.
One more related and commonly misinterpreted teaching of Jesus that relates to the subject at hand is found in Matthew 7:24-27. When I say a house built on the rock will never fall, what do you believe the rock to be? Jesus, if so, your not alone. But when you take a closer look the wise man who has built his house on the rock is the one who has built his house (life) by hearing and practicing the words of Jesus. I fear many a man has been listening to men who are teaching another gospel and have built there lives on the words of men. Many of whom teach lawlessness, which is also a description of the anti Christ who is coming to deceive. You can check this out in 2Thess 2:1- Jesus disciple, John tells us beginning in 1Jn 3:2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. 4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is “lawlessness”. 5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. 7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. 8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister. Some day when I have some time if it appears that I am actually being heard, perhaps I will share my views on the other two words Faith and Grace. The way some have trashed John for his views, I hope that someone might encourage me to balance out the negative. Thanks, God Bless You with a submissive heart and mind.