The “Deconstructed” Dones (Revised)
Done with church, done with Christianity?
Christians all over the world are abandoning Christianity. They are fed up with God, or at least the way he's represented. Their anger–which is often quite explosive–is directed at people, usually church leaders. They are deconstructing and they aren't hiding it. Many are loud and proud with their newfound anti-faith.
Another sizable group wouldn't admit to full-blown deconstruction. They are, however, equally loud and proud when announcing they have joined the leaderless cult called the “dones.” They are done with church, and just like those who are deconstructing, the prime motive is due to disappointing leadership and unfulfilling church experiences.
All who deconstruct are “dones” but not all “dones” have fully deconstructed. These two movements are uniquely related, however.
Being deconstructed or done isn't an option and I implore those who have done so, or who are considering undergoing this faith-change operation in their lives, to fearfully reconsider. This decision is eternity crushing.
That being said, I absolutely understand some of the reasons people are frustrated enough to abandon the church.
Much of it is due to false expectations. People become jaded and disillusioned when leaders fail, when they feel rejected or when the church experience isn't what they hoped for. However, we can't abandon God or his glorious church due to this. I've had a front row seat to multiple national leaders dramatically and very publicly falling. It's heartbreaking, but it cannot negatively affect our zealous love for God or his church.
While dealing with false expectations is the responsibility of the people, there is a good measure of responsibility that pastors have as well. Both need to do better.
Pastors, they are yearning for more. They can't handle another perfectly crafted, wonderfully produced, humanly orchestrated mess with just a sprinkle of supernatural flavor for good measure. They are done.
Let's start with those who are deconstructing. I'm perplexed by the radical religious shift of friends and acquaintances who were previously burning white hot for Jesus. My brain explodes when considering the possibility that people who were sharply prophetic, invested in fervent and powerful intercession and devoted radically to the truth of Scripture could end up fading away. Yet, it's happening. Over and over again.
Understand, I'm not talking about typical church goers. I'm referring to people who were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Their every waking moment was consumed by a passionate love for Jesus. They were continually provoked to awaken the sleepers and sound the alarm. These were end-time messengers who had a powerful anointing and a critical call on their lives. I know many of them.
Now they are done. Deconstructing. Fading.
Of course, many would retort that they aren't done with God. They are deconstructing from what they've known as Christianity, and more specifically, the expression of it.
The danger is very real, however. When we get fed up with the way God's leaders are leading or the direction the movement is headed, a golden calf is most often the result. While Moses, an imperfect man, was literally meeting with God in one of history's most critical moments, the people decided they had had enough. They didn't give up on God, per se, but they had given up on Moses' version of God.
So, what did they do? They deconstructed and redefined God to fit their personal desires.
They decided to focus on self and the experience that's more authentic, more trustworthy and more sensical to them. They planned a feast to the Lord, but it was the lord of self, the lord of Egypt and the lord of deconstruction.
Then God said this to Moses, “Go down, for your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves.” (Exodus 32:7, ESV)
This is what we are seeing today. Previously liberated people have had enough and, as a result, they have corrupted themselves.
Simply, we need to passionately fall in love with Jesus again, radically commit to a vibrant, Spirit-filled, imperfect and often irritating local church and let go of inappropriate expectations. Extend grace. Love people, especially when they struggle and fail. Promote truth. Go low. Live, pray and burn night and day in the Spirit.
You'll never find a biblical church or movement that's devoid of bold, authoritative, anointed leadership. We shouldn't want to. We need people like Moses, Joshua, Paul and others to hear from Heaven and lead with supernatural vision.
And one final exhortation: to those who are deconstructing, you are in eternal danger. To those who are done, I understand the pain and frustration, but abandoning the church isn't the answer.