Extreme Breakout : ElijahList : John Mark Pool

FIRST- Have you seen the Brit Hume video where he at the Fox News desk suggested that Tiger Woods become a Christian? It’s amazing. Check it out here.


Now, check out this prophetic word by John Mark Pool for the new decade, and how some key issues that we’ve been proclaiming here in Detroit are in the report.

You can see the original article on the ElijahList by clicking here.

Here’s some portions from the word that hit home here in Detroit along with some of my comments:

However, God does not want His own family to reside in the "natural" mind that is at war against our spirit being.

Last night at Revival Church the call to move into a continual supernatural life was burning in me. We must learn to see, walk, hear and operate in the invisible realm.

…there are three main components the Lord told me we will overcome in the year 2010:

We must possess and abide in a land we have conquered.
We must occupy our land by "title deed" ownership rights.
We must realize our identity in God to rout our enemy.

This issue of authority has also been very prominent with us. As we advance within the realm of our apostolic authority, we will possess, abide and occupy. We’ll rout the enemy over Detroit… but only as we continually initiate change through obedience and prophetic declaration.

2010 is the year to breakout of the ‘naturally minded' wilderness.

We are being repositioned into the vision of perpetuating our eternal purpose spiritually.

Now we will allow the Lord to change our hearts into hunger for the supernatural destiny. This means we will indeed become more "super" natural beings than carnally existing citizens dwelling on earth as though it were our only motivation for living.

Be prepared to have strong supernatural desires overwhelm your natural mind.


America is About to Be Financially Restored. God wants the economy to be restored to the Christians whom He had to know He could trust! World financial leaders will become astounded how much Israel will now play into this "financial restoration" of the USA.

Yes!! I’ve been saying a lot recently that there will be reports that the economy of Detroit and Michigan restored due to biblical principles. God and His Church would receive the recognition for the coming great turn around.

Detroit—will be moved by Hollywood as never before. Detroit will begin a new dance and a new sound from Heaven. It will glorify God in the streets of the city and spill into other major city streets across our country. Motown is going to become God's town!

That sounds familiar!

Let’s get into position and intentionally advance according to God’s design!

Brit Hume : Fox News : Tells Tiger Woods to become a Christian

image You will love this!

Brit Hume on Fox News shared his opinion on the Tiger Woods situation, and made the point that his Buddhist faith doesn’t offer the kind of redemption he needs.

His advice? “Turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world.”


Here’s the video:

Broadcast Tonight : Revelation Driven Revival Centers

TONIGHT at 8pm EST (that’s in only 30 minutes!) we’ll be LIVE ON THE AIR discussing the call for Revelation Driven Revival Centers.

The idea? We must hear God clearly, continually if we are to respond appropriately. We have to know what’s on God’s heart, what his plans are and how we are to facilitate those plans.

We can’t be effective in ministry and in life without the voice of God permeating us every day. What would happen if we had a network of Revelation Driven churches, ministries and houses of prayer that heard God clearly and reported everything back to a Revival Command Center?

My heart is to see this come to pass.

Let’s talk about it TONIGHT!

To listen to the show, visit www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio.

To listen using your phone and/or to participate in the live show call (646) 478-4408.

Amy’s Newest Book- The Inscription

TheInscriptionBoxHaving each faced personal loss, a group of strangers gathers at a cemetery for support. The bestowment of several miraculous gifts brings resolution, and a mysterious inscription holds the ultimate key to healing.

Amy’s newest book, The Inscription, is AVAILABLE TO ORDER!

Visit www.theinscription.com for more info.

This is Amy’s first work of fiction, and it’s sure to impact you powerfully.

From the book:

I smiled as the breathless beauty of my surroundings pierced my heart and, for just a second, pushed aside some of the heaviness. I sighed as the temporary reprieve ended and once again, my soul floundered against an onslaught of hopelessness.

After careful maneuvering, I finally reached my destination. I turned off the van’s engine and gingerly plucked a colorful package from the passenger’s seat. I sat silently, fingering the velvety ribbon that encircled the wrapped box. A tear slipped down my cheek, then another; before long, I was weeping.

"Amy writes a beautiful story of grief and, more importantly,
of the hope found through sharing the journey."

Kerry Mand, Former President of Pikes Peak Share

“The Inscription is a heartfelt and poignant story about the unbreakable bonds of friendship formed during times of sorrow. 
A must read for any grieving soul!”

Angie Winton, Group Facilitator of Detroit Metro Share


AMY BURTON and her husband, John, are accomplished authors and public speakers. Amy serves as an instructor at a pregnancy center in Detroit. She and John founded Revolution House of Prayer in 2001 and currently lead Revival Church. They live in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan with their three boys.

ORDER TODAY at www.theinscription.com.

Video from the Burtons & the Revival Church Christmas Eve Service

Merry Christmas!

Here’s a short Christmas greeting video for you from us in Detroit. http://www.tokbox.com/vm/qjz2ea86onh1 

TokBox – Free Video Chat and Video Messaging

Remember the Revival Church Christmas Eve service is TONIGHT at 7pm.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Many blessings to you all!

Why is the Holy Spirit so commonly minimized in churches today?

Are we ready for an Acts 2 style outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our churches?


There’s an ongoing discussion on my Facebook wall about this issue. I felt it would be   good to broaden the discussion and see what some of you might bring to the table.

I’ll paste some of the comments first, and then present my thoughts:

Original post- Have you noticed how focus on the Holy Spirit, speaking tongues, ,etc. has been minimized in the church today?

  • Yep, noticed it! The enemy doesn't want us uttering the mysteries of God!
  • Yes sir. It's easier to have a "seeker" driven service, than to Preach a Prophetic message under the Power of the Holy Spirit. That takes time in the prayer closet-the former can happen with a slick marketing team (sometimes hired as the "pastoral" staff).
  • There definitely has been a move away from experiencing the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, the use of tongues in the 80 got so beyond what scripture says. It was pretty abused.
  • That may be true, but we are entering a Decade where there will be a parting of the waters. Those who have been trained AND utilize the weapons of the Spirit will thrive; others will suffer much pain.
  • I just heard a George Barna stat about this recently less than 2% of the churches will hear their pastor preach a message on the Holy Spirit this year. Its alarming.
  • A couple of years ago I heard leaders from a main line denomination speak at a Rocky Mountain regional meeting for that denomination. The leaders saw that the denomination that they led was becoming Spirit Filled in name only. They felt the need to see 500,000 people receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Yet the churches in this region still take the approach of the Holy Spirit isn't for Sunday morning approach. Its scary.
  • Interesting, the Holy Spirit in benched on Sundays…until we need a big play, then he get's play time like Michael Vick…what a sad way to treat my Best Friend.
  • The Holy Spirit misses His church. He's going to get it back though.
  • Many pastors have been reduced to a role as MC and the show must go on, on schedule, or peeps won't come back.
  • Absolutely.. If people knew the incredible power that is released in you when you pray in the Spirit, they would never stop lol. I encourage it in those I teach. God bless.

My thoughts:

There are some realities that we need to consider:

  1. From what I've discovered, a significant percentage of Christians, pastors and leaders included, don't easily hear God, encounter him. This makes it difficult to even consider embracing a Holy Spirit driven environment. Prayerlessness is a key reason for this problem. The average pastor prays 6 minutes a day. Leonard Ravenhill said, "Pastors who don't pray two hours a day aren't worth a dime a dozen." It's a difficult but important point that would be well worth considering.
  2. In an environment driven by the Holy Spirit, these people who don't easily hear God can get quite frustrated. They will tend to find another place to go to church. So, the natural church preservation strategy is to minimize the invisible/supernatural and maximize the logical/tangible.
  3. There has been a huge misunderstanding of the primary purpose of the church. Many feel it's to be a socially focused entry point for the lost. The church actually isn't to be a house of evangelism or a house of relationships. It's a house of prayer first and foremost. It's a believer's ministry. We have lost faith that God, in his wisdom, set it up this way. If we truly have a church of people who are releasing the ‘groans that can't be uttered', who intercede for the nations, who pray in the Spirit, then we will have the ‘expected outcomes' of mass salvations, a huge harvest, life-giving small groups, etc.
  4. There can be a knee-jerk reaction to the problem of people who abuse freedom in such an atmosphere. Trust me, I understand the issue of people who just want to be seen and heard, who are manipulative, who are emotionally unstable or who operate in charismatic witchcraft. But, the answer is not to shut down a prophetic, Holy Spirit driven environment.
  5. The focus on teaching. I'm a teacher, I love to teach and I value greatly the ministry of teaching. However, I think a valid question is, "Why are most church services teaching-centric?" If the Holy Spirit breaks out, if there's deliverance going on in the room, of a spirit of intercession erupts, would people be OK with forgoing the sermon? The Holy Spirit (the Teacher) can impart more biblical truth in two seconds than we ever could in two hours.

What do you think?

A really great blessing for you that will SIGNIFICANTLY support our ministry

As you know, our ministry is supported financially in a variety of ways, and our very favorite way is through our home business!  

You can support our ministry very easily by connecting with our business team- either as a business builder OR as a shopper of phenomenal eco-friendly products (NO new money required- use the same money you already spend at the grocery store! This company is really brilliant!)image

We have been home business owners since late April, and we’re having a blast watching it develop. Our last check was nearly $900 and we average around 5 hours a week of work (if you can call it work!)

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If nothing else it would be great to actually talk in person with the many friends of our ministry!

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Blessings to you all!

What does God want for Christmas?

What a question!

I can hear people responding, “Uh, hello! He’s God. He can have everything He wants!”

Well, I know that God deeply craves a very real, reportable, experiential relationship with you and with me.  Does He have that?  Continually?

I’m confident Jesus yearns for us, via the enabling of the Holy Spirit, to actually love each other, to tend to one another, to really ‘do life’ together.  (John 17:20-23)

We know the Bible tells us that God desires that no one perish (die without an intimate relationship with Him), but that we would all have abundant life.  Do we all have this seemingly fleeting abundant life?  No.  Do some live and die without knowing God? Sadly, yes.

There are many passionate, fiery people in Michigan that I’ve been connecting with that are hungering more than ever for an outpouring from Heaven.  We are contending for God’s dreams to come true—for very powerful joy, peace, strength and life to flood the people of this region.

I don’t know about you, but yesterday’s religious activities, formulas and hoops to be jumped through just won’t cut it anymore. We must experience God! He is not to be distant, confusing or more like a fable than a friend.  He is real and he is alive!

He likes you and me! He loves it when there is legitimate connection.  This is the way to live!  It’s one thing to know about God.  It’s an entirely different thing to know God!  To be transformed by Him!  This is what it’s all about! 

Imagine a people who continually encounter the Lover of their souls.  That’s a primary, all consuming desire of God.  He loves us so deeply and wants to us to know Him so exhaustively. 

What a Christmas that would be for our wonderful Savior.

I say, let’s do it.  Let’s give God a Christmas to remember.

(This is an article I wrote for the Grosse Pointe News)

“This has the makings of an outpouring”-Jeff Garvin

“This has the makings of an outpouring.”  During an unusual and weighty flow of worship last night at Revival Church, Jeff Garvin walked over to me and said that.  The feel of a legitimate outpouring was flooding the church.

Words cannot describe the new sound and the supernatural Force that was engulfing the church last night.  God was moving—and it wasn’t until midnight, five hours later, that we finally made it out of the building.

I’d encourage you to arrive early TONIGHT, at 5pm, for a powerful release of prophetic declaration at the pre-service prayer meeting.  Then, we’ll move into a third and final night of ministry with Jeff Garvin at 6pm.

Forward this to everybody in the Detroit region that you can.  Encourage pastors, leaders, intercessors, the lost, the hungry and every other person you can to be in the building TONIGHT! 

Come very expectant… Revival Church is a ‘whatever’ church, and this is a ‘whatever’ season.  God has full liberty to move us, heal us, deliver us and impart into us at any point of the service.  Whatever he wants.

Get ready for the surprise of your life!




Meeting in the First United Methodist Church building at 24036 Greater Mack, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
