1000 Prophetic Intercessors : Revival Church Detroit Strategy

Our intercessors, ministry staff and I are deeply in the place of prayer in our current season concerning the advance of LIFE and the power of Jesus in Detroit.image

This will be no small movement. Mega. That’s the word that God has burned in my spirit. We have an opportunity to dream and see well beyond our own abilities right now—God is provoking many in this region to awaken, move into position and cry out for fire from Heaven!

The Revival Church strategy continues to unfold, and it has become clear that the foundation of night and day prophetic prayer all across the region must be developed—and quickly. It’s time to decree and declare in unity. The groans of our spirit must roar out in unison!

Romans 8:22-23 (ESV) 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Romans 8:26 (NIV) In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.


There are three types of people we are seeking to identify:

  1. People who will be uniquely connected with Revival Church team on Sundays and other key times of the week to prophetically pray and advance the mission. They will additionally help serve and give leadership to our satellite churches and ministries in the area, our traveling revival team and other Revival Church entities.
  2. People who are connected primarily with other ministries of the city church of Detroit, and want to be counted among the 1000 prophetic intercessors.
  3. People from other parts of the nation and the world who sense a calling to contend for revival in Detroit and desire to be a part of the 1000 intercessors.

All three groups will be intentionally connected with the Revival Church team via a weekly interactive radio show. That show currently airs on Mondays at 8pm EST at www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio.

Additionally, the 1000 intercessors will receive “Rhema style” prayer points each week as we receive them in prayer. They will also be responsible to report back any prophetic data they receive concerning the mission.


Revival Church is a prophetic and apostolic ministry that has a mandate of helping facilitate revival. As a prophetic revival command center we desire to communicate with other likeminded leaders and help develop strategy for our area.

Revival Church itself will have a central hub, a command center. Out of that central ministry, our plan is to launch satellite churches and ministries in several different sections of the Detroit region. While we will develop according to God’s timeline, our vision is to see twelve or more churches planted throughout Detroit. As a multi-site ministry of night and day prayer for the region, and as we work closely with other churches and ministries, we will develop the reach and the leadership necessary to cover Detroit in continual intercession, ministry and the fire of revival.

If you would like to consider joining with us at any of the levels, we would love to connect. If you are a ministry leader and would like to consider working with us as a partner ministry, let us know. Our heart is to develop a “Revelation Driven Network of Ministries” all around the world.

You can email me at [email protected] or call me at 313.799.FIRE.

Let’s see Detroit experience a fiery outpouring of the Holy Spirit right on schedule!

John Burton

Photos : Detroit report : Tonight at Revival Church

imageWhat a night we had at the monthly Ministry Staff meeting last night! WOW!  (Did you know that YOU can join the Ministry Staff?! Contact us at [email protected] for info!!)

AND I have to let you know that Amy and I lead the BEST CHURCH IN THE WORLD!! Our Ministry Staff surprised Amy and me with a 5-day trip to the “Growing River Churches” conference at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship next week!!! Ahhhhh!!!!! Thank you! We love you all!!!!

Last night was full of revelation and intercession—Joshua 3 is our chapter… and we know that we’ve never been this way before! A BRAND NEW apostolic move of God is upon us!! It’s time that we sanctify ourselves… for tomorrow wonders of God are coming!

Wow! Wow! Wow! I’m BURNING!!

TONIGHT at Revival Church (www.detroitrevivalchurch.com) is going to be FIERY! Get ready to EXPERIENCE GOD together with other burning men and women of God at Revival Church! Prophetic prayer starts at 5pm!

I’m still trembling even as I type this. God is BURNING in our midst!

God spoke very clearly when we launched Revival Church that we must find a ‘greater groan’ of the Holy Spirit so that “all things will work together for good…” (Rom 8)

Our revival team groaned and cried out with fire and depth last night as we contended for the next steps in a MASSIVE vision for revival in Detroit.

The words “mega” and “venues” have been deposited in my spirit… and are key for us as we continue to move toward the development of a multi-faceted revival command center for the region. We don’t have all the details, but our vision is quickly expanding. We want to see every geographic section of the Detroit area (for starters!) strategically impacted by teams of prophetic revivalists, intercessors and lovers of Jesus. (If you’d like to book me and our revival team in your church to cast the vision and impart some life and fire, contact me here: www.praytherevolution.com/booking.)

We’re contending for a 100-fold increase of key prophetic intercessors, which would mean well over 1000 people in Detroit who are tightly & continually connected and interceding in agreement with the blueprints of the Lord. They will contend night and day and prophetically release the plans and purposes of God in the city.

We want to see various venues—Revival Church directed ministries AND a network of other likeminded churches and ministries—set up as revival command centers all across the region. It’s important to have a lot of strategic cross-pollination between churches in Detroit. This is a city-church movement that will apostolically break and take new ground.

Here’s some pics from last night… if you are local, don’t miss Revival Church tonight! If not, you can still join our revival team!! Contact me for info: [email protected].




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Flags and Fire : Special service tonight at Revival Church

People couldn’t stop raving about Amy Smith’s flag ministry teaching and demonstration they took part in at a special event recently.

Well, I LOVE flags! I feel there is a significant breaker anointing on the ministry of flagging, and I want you to understand the purpose and strategy behind their use.

As I often say, we can beat the devil with fabric and a stick! image

Tonight, at 6pm sharp, we’ll begin the night with Amy’s teaching and demonstration, and then move into worship.

And, don’t forget, the most important hour of the week—prophetic prayer from 5-6pm!

That’s not a catchy phrase to convince more people to show up for prayer—I believe it’s an accurate statement. Throughout my ministry, from the days as a volunteer youth minister in Dayton to our youth events in San Diego to the church plant in Manitou Springs, Colorado, and now here in Detroit the pre-service prayer has ALWAYS been the most important time of the week. No comparison.

Without being fueled by God together in that place of zealous, contending and declarative prayer, it’s like showing up to race at the Indy 500 without filling up the tank with gas.

So, come tonight at 5pm if you can, and certainly at 6pm for a night of flags and fire!

Special prayer for Detroit TONIGHT

capture-000204 FIRST: Let’s spread the word about the vision of Revival Church! Point your friends to our new welcome magazine! Send Facebook status updates, tweets, emails and whatever else you can to get the word out! I did the hard part (designed it!) 🙂 and now I need your help! Point people to www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/welcome.

SECOND: In lieu of our Wednesday prayer meeting, join me online for a LIVE video broadcast! We’ll gather a larger group together for prayer, discussion and teaching at 7pm every Wednesday. Just head to www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/live!

I’ll be at a special prayer meeting tonight (Friday) from 11pm-1am, and would like to invite you to join me!

I’ll be at IHOPE as usual at 7pm, and will then head on over to the prayer meeting.

Here’s all the info that I received:

Dear Praying Friends,
Bishop James Williams has asked me to lead a prayer time called Midnight Cry at Spirit and Truth Ministries this Friday at 11:00 pm til about 1 am. You can read the details below. This is an important opportunity to seek God for the metro region.
I would love for you to come and join in this united calling out to God. This "city" church is enlarging its vision for the whole region. I SOO appreciate Bishop Williams larger than normal desire to see God affect the region and build bridges to the suburbs! Will you encourage him by standing with him and the sweet people of Spirit and Truth?
The details are below. Let me know if you can go. Feel free to extend this invitation to others.
Eric Moore

Greetings Eric and thank you for consenting to share with us this coming Friday in our Midnight Cry prayer service. The month of January is our Month of Outpouring. It is a time of consecration when we come together to worship and pray and to hear prophetic direction from the Lord for the course of the new year.
This year we are having special services every Sunday afternoon and the Midnight Cry services every Friday at 11:00 p.m. Scriptures tell us that Paul and Silas prayed at midnight from the Roman prison and God responded by opening the prison doors and loosing their bonds. We expect God to open doors and loose bondage over His people in this new season.
We really have no set agenda. Last week for example, each of our Intercessors, who have been given specific assignments to cover individual ministries of the church, were given opportunity to lead prayer in their specific areas of responsibility. Then, we heard from a visiting evangelist and a visiting Bishop. I gave some closing words of prophecy and prayer and we were done.
I'm looking for you to help us expand our prayer beyond our ministry and our people and help us pray strategically over this region. You and your guests are free to move as the Spirit leads you. I'll begin and we'll just move from there. We're usually done about 1:00 a.m. but that's not set in stone – a little before or a little after is fine.
Hope this helps. See you Friday.

Blessed to Prosper in the Year of Harvest (Lev.25:22; Ps.126:1, 5)

Bishop James A. Williams, II.



1335 Oakman Boulevard, Det. MI 48238 


Newspaper article : Are we ready for some wonders?

NOTE: Watch the video at the end of this message and forward it on to as many people as you can. We are in urgent times.

Here’s the latest article that I just submitted for the paper in Grosse Pointe:

Are we ready for some wonders?

When we consider the Bible to be only a history book, or a collection of wisdom and inspiring stories, it quickly loses its luster. However, when we understand that the Word of God is alive, everything changes!

I’m probably like most of you—I have no desire to waste time in religious activities that have the smell of death of them. I don’t want to pray, study or go to church if I can’t tap into the very real, tangible experience of the living God.

When we can open that ancient Book and the words start dancing on the page, everything changes! Knowing God in deep intimacy through prayer, impartation of the Word of God and continual interaction with the Lover of our souls makes live amazing!

Check out this verse:

Joshua 3:5 (ESV) Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

Wonders. I want that. Can you imagine what the one who created everything seen and unseen in a moment might consider a wonder?

If we looked at the Bible as only a story book, this verse would mean nothing! It would only have value within its own story there at the edge of the Jordan River a long time ago in a far away place. But when we realize that God still works wonders, and he is quite ready to trump what he did even in that dramatic story as the Israelites were finally about to enter the Promised Land, it launches us into a life of passionate pursuit!

Check out this related passage:

Exodus 19:9-11 (ESV) 9 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you forever.” When Moses told the words of the people to the Lord, 10 the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments 11 and be ready for the third day. For on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.

God loves to move dramatically in our lives! I don’t know about you, but I continually crave encounter after encounter. I want to live a consecrated life, a zealous and holy life. Drawing close to God and agreeing with his plans to pour out His Spirit will result in a life that is beyond description.

Let’s do it. Let’s sanctify ourselves, fall deeply in love with Jesus and experience the wonders of God!

Rescues in Haiti : Prayer simply works

imagePrayer works. If it didn’t, it would be foolish to spend time and energy praying.

Last night at Revival Church, and I’m confident at churches all around the world, prayers were released for the people of Haiti.

At Revival Church we specifically prayed for rescue. We cried out for trapped people to be miraculously found and set free.

I’m so blessed by this CNN report of several rescues since Sunday, six days since the Earthquake.

Check it out:

After 6 days in university's rubble, student's prayers answered

By Arthur Brice, CNN

January 18, 2010 10:42 p.m. EST

Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) — Writhing in pain in the fetal position, Maxine Fallon prayed fiercely for someone to find her beneath the ruins of what was once her university. She forced herself to stay conscious. Her sister visited the leveled site each day in hope of hearing her voice.

"I had hoped I would be rescued," Fallon said.

The 23-year-old, first-year student was finally found and rescued on Monday, nearly a week after a massive earthquake flattened much of Haiti. She said she didn't believe anyone else was alive in the wreckage of the university.

She cried when asked about the smell of death surrounding her as she waited for help.

A CNN crew in the Haitian capital Monday was flagged to the scene at Universite G.O.C. as a Peruvian search-and-rescue team pulled Fallon out of the remains of the flattened school. Rescuers rushed to the scene after hearing reports that text messages had been sent from beneath the rubble, said paramedic Clever Sobrino, who added that rescuers would continue to look for survivors at the site.

Fallon was treated by a Peruvian doctor and taken to a U.N. treatment center on the back of a CNN truck. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, according to reporters at the scene. She was later transported to a field hospital in the Port-au-Prince suburb of Petionville for further treatment.

Latest updates | Full coverage

Despite going days without food or water, victims have clung to life awaiting rescue, and successful recoveries from the rubble of Port-au-Prince have not abated.

Earlier, 6-year-old Jessica Hartelin was pulled from the rubble by local residents and rushed to a field hospital set up by Israelis at a Port-au-Prince soccer field.

On Sunday, five people were rescued from the rubble of a grocery store, officials told CNN, 24 hours after the effort to reach them began.

Three of the people trapped in the ruins of the Caribbean Supermarket — a man, a 13-year-old girl and a 50-year-old American woman — were rescued during the day by a joint New York fire and police department search-and-rescue team.

High-resolution photos of damage | Google map

Late Sunday night, a Creole-speaking man and woman were rescued from the store's ruins by teams from Miami, Florida, and Turkey. The man came out first, picking his head up off the stretcher carried by his rescuers and giving the thumbs-up sign. He said he had been eating peanut butter and jelly from the store to survive.

As of Sunday, more than 60 people had been found alive by rescue teams from the United States and other nations, Tim Callaghan of the U.S. Agency for International Development told reporters. American teams have rescued about 30 of those, he said.

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Come full, alert and ready

Sunday’s at Revival Church are geared more toward facilitating a holy staff meeting than a typical church service—we must set a pattern of arriving full, alert and ready to pour out and then to receive key instructions. As a revival command center, we must all assume a military mindset and be exceedingly discerning and ready for advance.

The reason we planted this church was to gather together likeminded people who are contending together for a weighty move of God in Detroit. As we meet and encounter God together in a prophetic atmosphere, we’ll all receive divine mandates and strategies.


We would like to see as many people as possible rushing through the doors at 5pm every Sunday evening. From 5-6pm we have the opportunity to initiate and facilitate a deeply prophetic atmosphere. As we all pray with passion an hour prior to the service, we’ll be ready for God’s plans for the rest of the night.


Come full. This is such a key directive for all of us. We have to change the trend in the church world where we burn out through the week and try get refilled on Sundays. This pattern of living is extremely self-defeating and it threatens the mission of Kingdom advance.

Every day be in the place of extreme prayer and intercession. Dive deep into scripture. Listen to sermons from anointed men and women of God online. Be so full and deeply burning in the passion of the Holy Spirit that we experience a spontaneous explosion when we connect on Sundays.


Revival Church is not a ‘Sunday only’ ministry. We’ll never even begin to fulfill our mission by connecting for a few hours one day a week. Be encouraged to connect at several different points every week so we can compare notes, grow together and stay on the same page. We’ve made it easy by having several of our connect points online, so people can participate from their homes.

  • Mondays- Join our weekly Prophetic Revival radio broadcast. At 8pm EST every Monday head on over to www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio.
  • Wednesdays- Head on over to Revival Church for prayer at 7pm.
  • Fridays- Connect at the International House of Prayer East Detroit at 7pm for prayer, worship and teaching.
  • Revival Teams- Join with others each week for discussion, prayer, strategy and other mission critical activities.


There’s a lot of vision for the future that are connected to our ability to build a strong foundation now. As we grow and develop with fire, love and passion, we’ll watch some important ministry launch in the months and years ahead. Some examples:

  • Revelation Driven House of Prayer- We will be functioning as a 24/7 prophetic prayer center for the region and the nations. As we gain prophetic intelligence from people from around the world, we’ll intercede, proclaim and release the life of Jesus into those situations. This will result in serious shifts in cities and atmospheres around the world.
  • Revival Teams- As we take this fire into churches, conferences and events in cities around the world, we’ll want a team of people who know how to walk in the Spirit, pray with passion and impart the fire of God.
  • Revelation Driven Ministry Project- We’re launching this now, but for it to thrive we’ll have to give it a lot of attention. The call is for everybody to connect at least twice a week with us. Once by submitting dreams, visions and prophecies to www.propheticpulse.com and a second time by participating in the weekly Monday 8pm EST radio show where we’ll discuss those prophecies.

There’s more, but that will give you an idea of the scope of the mission. As we all contend together, with smiles on our faces and fire in our eyes, we’ll be right in the middle of a consuming end-time move of the Living God!

And, in case you haven’t seen it, check out our welcome magazine here!

See you TOMORROW for a night of fire!

New Revival Church Magazine

I was considering what type of ‘welcome pack’ to send to visitors at Revival Church. There’s all sorts of options out there from a postcard to a letter to full blown video greetings.

I decided to see how a magazine style welcome pack might work. I just finished it, and you can see it below.

We’ll make it available online, and we’ll also send a hard copy to visitors every Monday.

Let me know what you think. Did we forget to include anything you feel might be important?

(Click the magazine below to view it full screen.)

Fire From Heaven : New Audio Teaching Available

You’ll love this teaching on Fire From Heaven… if for nothing else than to hear people being FREE!

One man was on the floor at my feet throughout the teaching just praying in tongues… he was transformed powerfully! Another was slain in the Spirit at the entrance to the auditorium. What a welcoming committee she was!

Head on over to www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/teaching!

**You can also listen to our discussion on order in the church and manifestations of God’s presence from Monday night’s radio show at www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio.


Drunkenness and moves of God : Online radio show TONIGHT!

TONIGHT at 8pm EST (in about 30 minutes!) we’ll be discussing extreme moves of God.

Head on over to www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio and listen in!

And, if you’d like to participate in the show, please call (646) 478-4408.

We are preparing for a massive move of God, and we are in the beginning states of that outpouring here in Detroit.

Let’s pray with passion, declare the plans of God and talk about what God’s up to!

See you in a half-hour!
