Urgent/Important Matrix: The surprising reason I can’t shy away from provocative messages

Negative. Offensive. Irritating. Why provocative messages are so critical today.

To silence a preacher from preaching judgment is like being awoke from sleep by a fire alarm, and just silencing the alarm, and going back to sleep. –Unknown

Though they often cause a bit of a ripple, I honestly don’t see the messages, status updates, videos and other communication I release as very striking at all. I am often amazed at how a firestorm of trouble can result from what I consider to be simple, orthodox truths—truths that have been too often abandoned by today’s church, even churches that look vibrant and active.

So often, after I share a very basic post I hear people commenting on how edgy it was. That never ceases to amaze me. I personally feel weak, broken and living too far below the bar God has for me to communicate anything that’s truly provocative—not the way the prophets of old did, at least.

Yet, even the insufficient words from this messenger tend to cause trouble. The deeper I go in the Lord, the more troubling the messages become—and the messages don’t originate in my mind. They are delivered my spirit in dreams, visions and in Scripture. God is shaking his church, and he’s shaking me as well. The messages will only get stronger.

All you have to do is decide to walk a little closer to God and you'll be criticized more in the church than in the tavern down the street. ~Leonard Ravenhill

When compared with spiritual heroes of old, we still have miles to go before we are anywhere near the level of shock that their messages caused.

If we have another Pentecost and it was real , we'd all be in jail within a month. We're such an accommodating Christianity today. ~Leonard Ravenhill

We are living in a day where deception has so overwhelmed the church that anything less than clear, black and white preaching of the Word won’t suffice. The enemy has convinced millions of professing Christians that they are OK and in a good place as he craftily leads them to Hell.

The devil can counterfeit all the saving operations and graces of the Spirit of God. ~Jonathan Edwards

There isn't a “Pentecostal” Church in America. If there is, tell me where it is. ~Leonard Ravenhill

I'm embarrassed to be a part of the (so-called) church of Jesus Christ today because I believe it's an embarrassment to a Holy God ! ~Leonard Ravenhill

Simply put, some presume most in the world are saved and I believe they are not.

Many presume most in the church are saved and I have my doubts.

I doubt if 5% of professing Christians in America are born again. ~Leonard Ravenhill

For this reason, the disturbing messages of awakening to the church must continue. They can’t be occasional or squeezed between other less costly teachings. The alarm cannot be interrupted.

Someone asked me, “Do you pray for the dead?” I said, “No, I preach to them!” I think every pew in every church is death row. Think about that! They're dead! They sing about God; they talk about God, but they're dead! They have no living relationship (with God). ~Leonard Ravenhill

There's one thing we need above everything else; it's something we don't talk about these days. We need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin. ~Leonard Ravenhill

Effectively Communicating the Struggle

As a communicator it’s so frustrating to me when I can’t effectively get a point across (which happens more often than I’d like to admit!).

I’ve been wrestling with how I can best represent the urgency I have in my spirit regarding the state of the church. Maybe the following will help.

Even the revival/prophetic stream that I most easily identify with would presume that, in general, most in the church are in right standing before God. They are saved.

This is where my internal struggle intensifies. I have a low level of confidence that that’s true.

This point of departure radically impacts how messages are delivered and received.

How you believe God perceives people will determine how you respond to them. –Jacquelyn K. Heasley

Consider the well known “Urgency/Importance Matrix.”


Urgent means that a task requires immediate attention.

Important tasks are things that contribute to our long-term mission, values and goals.

My messages are most often situated right in the center of the URGENT/IMPORTANT section of the matrix. What this means is that the calls for awakening are so critical that if they aren’t heeded, many praying, tithing, church going, professing Christians will end up in Hell—and the lost will remain lost. Simply, my message is to awaken the at risk church and to establish again the clear, biblical structure of the church—to be a house of prayer for all nations.

Additionally, for the remaining who are truly saved, the message retains its urgent status as it calls the remnant church to abruptly shock the rest of the world out of the grip of the spirit of the age. Billions are headed to Hell and anything less than a white hot burning church won’t work.

We're blind to the fact (that) we have an obligation to five billion people in the world. This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of lost souls! ~Leonard Ravenhill

For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And “If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” 1 Peter 4:17-18

Even the righteous are scarcely saved, so we need a steady, continual sledgehammer approach to our messages. Awaken! Strengthen what remains!

Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Revelation 3:2

The American church is living so far below the bar, and it has become convinced that it’s normal. We have been deceived.

I don't believe 90% of people who claim to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit truly have it. True power is missing. ~Morris Cerullo

I'm astounded, bewildered, confused, baffled when people tell me there are 75 million people in America that are filled with the Holy Ghost and we're the most rotten nation on earth. ~Leonard Ravenhill

God is taking His hands off of America. We've had so much light and we've rejected it. ~Leonard Ravenhill

Additionally, regarding revival, it’s easy to presume that the foundation has already been laid and that now we are to expect an outpouring. I depart from this perspective as well. Of course, revival can spark anywhere through anybody that is wholehearted toward God, but on a regional and national level I’m still in the URGENT/IMPORTANT square.

Instead of millions finding Jesus in a season of revival, the risk is high and immediate for millions to end up in Hell. The alarms should still be sounding. It’s not time to shift to another square on the matrix, and it won’t be for quite some time.

I'm concerned in my spirit (that) the reason the world goes to hell-fire tonight is because we've (the church) lost Holy Ghost fire. ~Leonard Ravenhill

Not Urgent/Important

It seems the majority of other preachers and teachers and Christian leaders don’t wrestle with this the way I do (though some definitely do so and at a much higher level than me). So, their starting point is different.

Since their feeling is that professing Christians are out of harms way, the urgency factor is not there. Their messages are most often categorized as NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT. They take on the feel of exhortation instead of proclamation, encouragements instead of mandates.

So, the starting point for those in the NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT quadrant is that we are safe, and now we can start the process of improvement, enhancement and development. With the urgency factor removed, there is no need for strong preaching or offensive messages. There’s no call to desperation in the place of prayer.

Without the urgency of prayer, the importance of reaching the masses and seeing revival is a pipe dream. Daily gatherings of prayer must return to the church!

I can think of one thing when I get to the Judgment Bar and Jesus will look down and say, “I had many things to tell you but you couldn't bear them.” We're too busy running our own lives: praying when you want to pray, eating what you want to eat, going where you want to go, spending what you want to spend, reading what you want to read, (Do you) call that a spiritual life? Brother, it is carnal as carnality! ~Leonard Ravenhill

At this level there is a false sense of unity that tends to take over. The unity is around a presumed state of salvation, and this common ground actually results in an aggressive rejection of URGENT/IMPORTANT messages. Those messages are disruptive, and in fact, are often re-categorized by the hearers as NOT URGENT/NOT IMPORTANT. Distractions. They disagree with both the message and the delivery. They are irritants to their focus on enhancement and development. They seem to be counter-productive and a threat to their mission.

There's is certainly a cry for unity in the church. The question is, will we unite at the lowest common level or at the highest & most costly?

Regarding revival, the lack of urgency has resulted in a premature focus on strategies and advance. The NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT approach toward revival reveals that most feel the church is in a good place, ripe for revival, and that now it’s time to plan. On the contrary, the church is in a deeply compromised place and we must return to the basics. We must do little else than pray, repent and proclaim truth in this very troubling phase.

A Culture of Nice

This NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT church position has resulted in what some are calling a “culture of nice,” or the “false gospel of nice.”

The strategy is simply to be nice in the hopes that people will get saved and that the church will be unified—and that sounds great. The problem is that many of today’s issues require that we aren’t nice and passive. A confrontation is necessary. There’s even a sharp increase in evangelism that eliminates any mention of sin and repentance in the hopes that they communicate a nice, loving God that simply wants to be befriended. That type of evangelism results in people shifting from rejecting God to appreciating God—but not surrendering all to him.

We don't preach salvation. We preach forgiveness. ~Leonard Ravenhill

There are many, many people who are extremely active in churches today that have not had their false theologies challenged, who feel no pressure to deal with sinful attitudes and who presume to be in right standing in Christ—because nobody wants to threaten the culture of nice. The challenge to their positions never comes. The rebukes are absent. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is hushed.

Instead, the focus is on affirming and encouraging people in their current state. The NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT approach casually encourages them to grow and to become all they can be—if they want to. It’s important, but not immediately necessary. It’s the equivalent of being encouraged to get a college degree. It’s important, but not urgent. But, if they decide not to grow and advance, if the cost is too high, that’s OK. God still loves them anyway and all is well.

“Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” 1 Corinthians 15:32

The incorrect understanding of God’s love also results in a non-urgent approach to social issues. Homosexuals are affirmed in the church in the hopes that someday, if they so choose, they can find freedom. Pre-martial sex is discouraged but not shunned. Gossip is tolerated since it’s seemingly nice and important to value people’s opinions and to allow them to share their hearts. After all, if those same people are also feeding the hungry, giving financially, serving in the ministry and being nice, it can be presumed that they are in a good place and that they are to be affirmed.

We're living in an unprecedented day (when) evil is no longer evil. We've changed the terminology– iniquity is now infirmity; wickedness is now weakness; devilry is now deficiency. ~Leonard Ravenhill

If I am content to heal a hurt slightly, saying “Peace, peace,” where is no peace; if I forget the poignant word “Let love be without dissimulation” and blunt the edge of truth, speaking not right things but smooth things, then I know nothing of Calvary love. –Amy Carmichael

We must stop avoiding the “negative,” false-unity threatening truths!

Jennifer LeClaire from Charisma Magazine said:

Jesus isn’t bending His standards for any generation, and if people choose to desert the faith to fit in with the crowd or because the truth is too hard to bear, it would grieve Him, but He still won’t change His mind.

When Jesus taught that He was the bread come down from heaven and said, “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:54), many deserted Him. The Bible says, “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Do you also want to go away?'” (vv. 66-67).

Even if the 12 had left His side, Jesus would still not compromise the truth. We can’t compromise the truth either. Ultimately, it won’t serve youth, millennials or any generation to cave on 2,000 years of Christian orthodoxy. Especially not now. We’re in the last days. All signs point to a soon return of the Lord.

Not Urgent/Not Important

A lack of urgency, a culture of nice and a rejection of what’s important results in the lifestyle we see in our nation—NOT URGENT/NOT IMPORTANT.

Not only is there no urgency to go to church, for example, now the argument is that it’s also not important.

There’s no urgency to warn people of the destruction that media is bringing to our culture and it’s also no longer important to avoid that media ourselves.

There’s no urgency to gather together to pray, and, in fact, the call to prayer in the church is being rejected by many. It’s not important, or at least not as important as other things.

No church is going to have a revival with a prayer meeting (only) one day a week! ~Leonard Ravenhill

The surest thing in the world is not death and taxes, it's death and eternity. Yet, we're so unconcerned. ~Leonard Ravenhill

So now, a NOT URGENT/NOT IMPORTANT lifestyle results in laziness and a life-threatening misevaluation of what is important. Deception has taken over.

Pleasure and entertainment have filled the void and time is spent watching TV, relaxing and playing.

Doubt about what God deems important overtakes people and the result is a casual, happy-go-lucky approach to life.

It is now possible to live a “christian life” without doing the things that Jesus commanded us to do. ~Cal Thomas

The church is supposed to do what? To stop corruption? Is the church doing that? No! The world is corrupting the church! ~Leonard Ravenhill

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1

Hold me up, that I may be safe and have regard for your statutes continually! You spurn all who go astray from your statutes, for their cunning is in vain. All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross, therefore I love your testimonies. My flesh trembles for fear of you, and I am afraid of your judgments. Psalm 119:117-120

Urgent/Not Important

This leaves us with the last quadrant—URGENT/NOT IMPORTANT.

It’s very easy to fall into this category while presuming we are in the URGENT/IMPORTANT category.

The easy way to explain URGENT/NOT IMPORTANT is this—it’s all about priorities.

I've heard a million words, sermons, and read books: (and) I'm accountable to God for everything I have. Every moment of my time, every dime of my money. ~Leonard Ravenhill

We live in a very busy culture that demands our attention continually. Additionally, we can give ourselves to goals and activities that require our focus immediately and continually, but that are less important than what God would have us involved in.

The cares of life fall directly into this section.

And others are the ones sown among thorns. They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. But those that were sown on the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:18-20

This is why we must be students of the Word. The Bible reveals what is most important to us, not our urgent, intense, demanding American culture.

The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible is the religion of Christ's church. ~Leonard Ravenhill

The pursuit of riches or other things results in an urgency to obtain them, even though we know in Scripture that it’s not at all important.

Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ. — Francis Xavier, missionary to India, the Philippines, and Japan

What message are you preaching?

Do you presume all is well? Are you mostly focused on enhancing and developing, or is there a spirit of a reformer ready to be awakened in you?

There is a need for URGENT/IMPORTANT prophetic messengers to rise up.

You will be resisted by the NOT URGENT/IMPORTANT crowd—many of whom are wonderful, valuable Christians who sincerely see things differently. Their view on salvation and on the necessary level of intensity in our generation may differ. But, that doesn’t remove your mandate to urgently sound a critically important message—wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die.

Can’t miss service: Prophetic messenger Julia Palermo at Revival Church

Julia Palermo is carrying a weighty and urgent message for the church—and she will release it with power at Revival Church TOMORROW NIGHT.

imageAre you ready to be challenged with a provocative message of revival?

Don’t miss tomorrow’s service at Revival Church. I believe many people’s destinies will shift tomorrow night as the Word of God is delivered by the Holy Spirit in this very serious hour.

Julia has traveled the world carrying a message of fire, revival, repentance and sobriety.

She functions in a strong prophetic anointing and has a clear perspective of the end times and what God is doing in our nation.

Julia ministered to our team of leaders at theLab on Thursday, and joined us in fiery prayer on the streets of downtown Detroit on Friday night. It all continues SUNDAY at 6pm!

She also recently joined 38 other women to walk for LIFE from Houston to Dallas. You can see the video here: http://youtu.be/JaEeAJZ-qJc

Back To Life Movement

Standing in the gap for the women and children of this nation, 39 women walked from the largest abortion clinic in America to the courthouse where Roe vs. Wade was initiated to let their voices be heard of how abortion hurts women.

They walked this modern day trail of tears to call our nation back to life and to stand up for the unborn who do not have a voice. These women's steps will not be forgotten an their voices will echo through history. Our Voice Will Be Heard



“Nephilim Doctrine” : A prophetic dream and message for the church

Nephilim Doctrine: What is your ministry giving birth to?

Barbara Yoder

First, I’ll be preaching at REVIVAL FIRES this Friday at The Crossing in Farmington. This is a regional meeting with a focus on sustainable revival. Don’t miss it! www.atthecrossing.com

Second, BY ALL MEANS, listen to this powerfully anointed teaching by Barbara Yoder. She and her ministry is our primary apostolic alignment, and what she says is critical for this hour. http://youtu.be/WvNTRokGPHU

Last night I had a troubling and urgent dream.

But, let me start with a short portion from a book titled Baptized by Blazing Fire by Pastor Yong-Doo Kim. It’s an account of his multiple journeys into Heaven and Hell. This part rocked me:

Even later that night, as I continued to pray in tongues, I was taken down to hell. I was in a place where there was some devil jabbing a long, sharp spear into rectangular shaped boxes. With foul language, it shouted, “You think you are a pastor? What kind of life did you live? I am ecstatic that you are here with me.” The evil spirit continued to jab the boxes as it cursed. Loud, painful screams came from the boxes, as blood flowed out. I noticed the tops of the boxes were covered with canvass, with a large cross portrayed on it. The boxes were lined up in an orderly fashion, and they stretched endlessly. I could not see where they ended. I realized that they were coffins. Evil spirits were jabbing their long, sharp spears into the holes unmercifully. I asked the Lord, “Jesus, why are the caskets of former pastors here?” Jesus replied, “These pastors did not preach My gospel. They preached another gospel, and those who followed became depraved. This is their end result, a place in hell.” Jesus said, “Depraved pastors will be judged greater.”

This is why we must ensure we are preaching the cross, the gospel. We are in very serious times in the church

Nephilim Doctrine

Note that this isn’t titled “The Doctrine of Nephilim,” as that would take us into an entirely different direction. As I share my dream and the interpretation you will understand clearly why this is titled “Nephilim Doctrine.”

As most of my prophetic dreams tend to be, the atmosphere was urgent, dark and apocalyptic. It was night time with dark clouds covering the area I was in.

I was terribly disturbed and confused regarding two children that were in my house. I didn’t recognize them, but I knew somehow that they belonged to me.

One was ten months old, but looked full grown with a neatly trimmed beard. I would have guessed him to be 50 years old, but I knew that he was only 10 months old. I believe the other child was younger.

The older child was extremely intelligent and thoughtful. He spoke as a 50 year old man with ‘wisdom'. He looked quite disturbing and dead inside however. Almost like an incest child. Something just wasn't right. I didn't have much contact with the younger child, but he was also malformed and looked older than he actually was. This child didn't appear to have wisdom or anything remarkable about him. He was just out of place.

I was so troubled and I couldn't figure out what had happened. Who were these “children” and what was I to do?

I was driving around frantically looking for help (I don't even know what type of help I was hoping for). I kept trying to call my wife Amy on her cell phone, but no matter what I did the phone kept ringing through to Imago Dei, which is where Amy works.

Then I woke up.

The Interpretation

I immediately knew that the children in the dream were Nephilim. In scripture we know that the Nephilim were the offspring of fallen angels and humans. Many believe demons are the spirits of dead Nephilim, but regardless of that we clearly know that they were unholy offspring. Demonized children. A different breed altogether.

Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

The Nephilim were great in size, so its no wonder the 10 month old child appeared as a grown man, though that has more spiritual than literal application here.

God then, as the interpretation of the dream continued, warned me about demonically inspired doctrines. Doctrines of demons. The warning was even more specific as he revealed that children of God, people made in God’s image, must NOT become intimate with doctrines of demons. I as a leader must not allow people under my care to be seduced by teachings that feel great and seem right but are as evil as Satan himself. I must ensure That demonic seed is not deposited into the people I’m serving. The fear of the Lord struck me.

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

When people made in God’s image become intimate with doctrines of demons, unholy doctrine is reproduced. Nephilim Doctrine. Half man, half demon. Doctrines that are received by people who were made in the very image of God results in mixture and a defiled offspring—children that are part ‘image of God’ and part ‘image of Satan’. This is extremely sobering!

I felt that as the head of my house in the dream (leader of the ministry) that it's my responsibility to ensure that no intimacy with demonic doctrines and schemes is allowed. You have no idea how weighty the fear of the Lord is on this for me! I'm searching my own heart too!

Though I valued Amy's wisdom, and wanted desperately to talk with her, God kept redirecting my call. I kept connecting to Imago Dei. My answer would come from another source.

Get this. When I was trying to figure out what Imago Dei had to do with it, I decided to see exactly what those words meant, so I searched online for the meaning. Are you ready? Imago Dei means “Image of God.” That blew me up! The Nephilim were a defilement of people who were made in God's image. There was unholy mixture. God is calling us to intimacy with the Truth of the Word of God which is what will result in us living undefiled in the image of God. The cross of Christ must be preached!

Then, I wondered what the number 10 had to do with it. This is also very interesting.

Ten is the number of perfection or completion of God’s “divine order.” It is the only one of the perfect biblical numbers in which humans have a part– it is the number of completion based on God’s order AND human responsibility.

Wow! It’s God and man coming together! The enemy wants to take the place of God and wants us to unite with him! We must ensure divine doctrinal order is in our churches.

It's possible for us as people created in the image of God to become intimate with doctrines of demons and the result of our ministry is people embracing ‘Nephilim doctrines' who now have a demonic nature in their theological blueprint! There can be people in our church who worship and tithe and serve and read their bible… but who have doctrines of demons in their DNA! These are people who may be under my care!!! My God.

1 Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…

The Doctrines

Now, if you follow my ministry you know that I believe we are to enjoy various biblical streams. So this means that there are some non-essentials of scripture that we must not divide over.However, there are essentials that we must clearly and immediately divide over.First, the cross must become central in our churches again. When you preach repentance and the cross, you will instantly upset those who have ‘moved on’ from that focus.The false grace movement and the false love movement are two areas of great concern. You can read more on my thoughts on this here:

False Grace & A Crisis of the Cross : Resistance to the cross is about to spike in the church

Brian Simmons/Catherine Mullins Friday-Sunday

Have you registered? Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins are in Detroit Friday through Sunday!

DaybreakersPopup745x410I talked with Brian on the phone today and he said that extended meetings should break out here very soon! The weighty, urgent impression of the Holy Spirit just can’t be denied.

I refuse to lead a church called Revival Church if we can’t live up to its name. If we call it Revival Church but God considers it to be Ichabod Church, I’m shutting it down. The fear of God is to extreme on me.

We are going after revival. It’s literally the ONLY hope for Detroit. As important as social justice and key teachings and unity are, only revival will bring transformation and life to Detroit. Revival must come.

It’s time to press and contend and war!


Click HERE to register for this very special conference that just may change the face of Detroit forever!


One of the words that we keep hearing for 2012 is AWAKENING is COMING! God is prophetically speaking to His people telling them to arise, awake, and accept the light of a new day! Daybreakers are coming who will pull up the dawn bringing the light of the "Day of the Lord" to the earth. It will make the wicked tremble and the truth seekers humble. God will begin something powerful this year that will open doors of evangelism with signs and wonders. A new move of God will start in 2012! DAYBREAKERS are coming!

Invited Ministries

Brian Simmons and his wife Candice, have been described as pioneers, prophets, and pastors. As a spiritual father and mother, their teaching and prophetic gifts have opened doors  in many nations to take the message of authentic awakening and revival to many. For the last 35 years they have labored to present Christ in His fullness wherever God sends them. Brian is the author of numerous books which reveal depths of insight that the Holy Spirit has released for the last days.

Catherine Mullins  song-writer and worship leader, longs to see the Bride of Christ come forth in purity and holiness. Inspired by this, her goal in life is to bring the world into a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ through worship.  Since the Fall of 2008 Catherine has been traveling extensively releasing her heart for prophetic worship and the Body of Christ. Her desire is that all would come into a deeper revelation of Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. While at home Catherine leads worship at Coweta Community Church in Newnan, GA.


  • Friday, February 3rd – 6:30 PM
    • Worship with Catherine Mullins and teaching by Dr. Brian Simmons
      Saturday, February 4th – 9:30 AM, 2 PM
    • Workshops with Dr. Brian Simmons
  • Saturday, February 4th – 6:30 PM
    • Worship with Catherine Mullins and teaching by Dr. Brian Simmons
  • Sunday, February 5th – 10 AM
    • Dr. Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins will be ministering at The Crossing Church
    • Doors will open ½ hour prior to each session.
  • Sunday, February 5th – 6pm
    • Dr. Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins will be ministering at Revival Church


The Crossing Church (Friday-Sunday morning)

31590 Grand River Ave.

Farmington, MI 48336

Revival Church (Sunday evening)

Revival Church meets at CENTRAL CHURCH

1529 E. 12 Mile Rd

Madison Heights, MI 48071.