God sings : A groaning worship movement : Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins tonight at Revival Church

People were trembling on the floor and laughing deeply throughout the night! More tonight at Revival Church!

God interrupted my offering spiel last night as people started groaning and erupting when the Holy Fire entered the building. Catherine Mullins, Candice Simmons and others fell to their faces and visibly trembled. I was doubling over and burning.

I was nearly speechless as God surprised a lot of hungry people with an unusual visitation—and we are going after more tonight at Revival Church!


I saw in the spirit last night a mass of people who were all groaning and roaring in the Holy Spirit in unison. This is a coming worship movement that will impact the Earth with great force. It’s a Romans 8:26-27 worship expression that yields to God as he breathes through us.

We’re all familiar with praying in tongues, but the church hasn’t been as quick to experience the groans of the Holy Spirit. I believe we are going to take it up even another level as the Holy Spirit worships through us in groans! Imagine the deep mysteries that will erupt through a groaning church as they worship in fire! Wow! I don’t think we’ll need projectors to display the words on the wall as much anymore!

Romans 8:26-27 (ESV) 26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

When I planted Revival Church just over two years ago, the first prophetic word I received was in the first pre-launch meeting in our living room. God said, “John, for Detroit to be taken, the church will have to discover the greater groan.”


I’ve heard many prophetic words about a new sound or worship that will come out of Detroit. I have always sensed that this new sound wouldn’t be another music style, and now I’m convinced that the groans and roars of worship that will rock and shock the atmosphere is that new sound.

TheCall is coming to Detroit on 11/11/11, and I get wrecked when I consider the possibility of 80,000 people all groaning and roaring in the Spirit at the same time! Ahhhhhh!

The shift that’s coming will require a groaning, roaring church that’s unified in purpose.

Now, at a time when people are leaving Detroit in record numbers due to the economy, I experienced a micro level reality last night. Someone from Chicago who was trembling and blown up all weekend at the conference as God wrecked her life said something to me. She said that she has never experienced the type and level of intercession that she did as theLab Interns led. She is craving to actually move to Detroit to be in that environment!

Why is this? What will turn the tide of thousands leaving this city? What will cause the nations to flood in here?

Lets look at the Romans passage a little bit further


One of the most misused scriptures in the Bible is Romans 8:28.

Romans 8:28 (ESV) 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

When people are going through a hard time it’s common to quote this verse. However, it’s actually poor counsel if we use this verse by itself. It starts with the word And. That means something comes in front of it. Something else is necessary for this verse to activate.

Now, keep in mind, Romans 8:28 reveals that the only way things work together for good is if two things happen:

  • We love God.
  • We are called according to his purpose.

The only way we can love is if the Holy Spirit enables us!

The only way we can come into agreement with God’s deep, other worldly purpose for us is if the Spirit searches the deep things of God and we let him release that through us in a groan!

Bottom line, when Detroit groans, things will turn around and start working together for good. Love of God will explode and we will sign up for the grand, divine blueprint for this region. Detroit’s calling has been drawn up in the invisible realm of the Spirit, and it’s the Holy Spirit that must release it—through the church of Detroit.

Yes, I literally see the worldwide worship movement shifting!

The shift that’s coming to the church is absolutely shocking.

I literally see the coming worship movement that will impact church gatherings around the world being grounded in the groans of intercession.

It will be intermixed with angelic level choruses, musical prophetic decrees and an overwhelming, weighty habitation of the Spirit of God that the congregation will be on their faces groaning as the Holy Spirit sings and roars through them! Yes, God sings!

See you tonight for groaning prayer at 5pm and a burning night of worship and encounter with Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins at 6pm at Revival Church!

We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

Tonight: Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins–Passion and Fire Conference

Experience a night of fire first with Brian Simmons & Catherine Mullins THEN with theLab as we pray from 10pm-midnight!

The conference and theLab prayer event BOTH take place at The Crossing in Farmington, Michigan TONIGHT!


www.atthecrossing.com : www.detroitrevivalchurch.com

Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons at Revival Church Sunday

Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons are special people to us at Revival Church—they carry the spirit of revival and will release that this Sunday, September 25, 2011!

Come early at 5pm for fiery pre-service prophetic prayer, and then at 6pm stay for a night to remember as we worship with Catherine Mullins and go deep with Brian Simmons.

Immediately after the service the prophecy room will be open for anybody and everybody who wants personal prophetic ministry.

There’s a lot going on at Revival Church including our new Culture Groups, theLab, Friday night prayer for Detroit and so much more! See you Sunday!


We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

A Culture of Healing : Sunday at Revival Church

The nations will be converging in Detroit because of phenomenal and unusual healings.

FIRST: Spread the word! Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons will be at Revival Church NEXT SUNDAY, September 25th at 6pm!

I shared a prophetic word with a mighty woman of God recently and she instantly came alive as it was a direct confirmation of a word she received. What is that word?

People from the nations of the earth will begin hearing about an extreme level of healings taking place in the midst of a historic outpouring in Detroit. Many of those people will find themselves on an airplane flying to Detroit and will be shocked to find themselves suddenly healed the moment they step foot on the ground at the Detroit airport.

capture-00002093There is a tragic theological misunderstanding running rampant in the church today. It is presumed that we are in a holding pattern of sorts waiting for God to show up and bring revival,work miracles and transform the Detroit region. The thought is if we pray enough, repent enough, work enough, etc. then God will finally be able to move, finally be able to heal.

This mindset can keep the church on the wrong side of the starting line of this great and important journey of revival. We are waiting for the starting gun from heaven to sound as we wait motionless for the beginning of the race. The problem with that? The gun sounded 2000 years ago.

This is extremely good news! Frustration can set in when we find ourselves waiting and waiting and working and wondering when God is going to actually move. But this revelation should propel us into wildly expectant, supernatural and miraculous Kingdom activities. We can and should experience mass healings, deliverances, citywide blessing, revival, exuberant joy and freedom in our lives and in Detroit right now!

When Jesus told us as he was hanging on the cross that it is finished, he knew what he was talking about. It's important that we don't minimize the cross by presuming that we must do something extra in order to qualify for Kingdom blessing.

Sunday evening at Revival Church I’ll be teaching on a Culture of Healing.

We aren’t waiting around hoping that something happens. The command of Jesus is to heal the sick. We’re not waiting for him to do it, he’s finished. It’s our turn to change the world, and we are responding with a vengeance against disease and sickness.

The greatest enemy to a culture of healing is a culture of confusion regarding God’s desire to heal. If we believe God is not willing to heal, that confusion will keep us inactive. I find it interesting that so many believe God doesn’t desire to heal, yet Jesus himself commanded us to do it!

Dr. T. J. McCrossan – “When unbelief kept Christ from healing the sick on earth, it will surely do so today.”

Mark 16:17-18 (ESV) 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Matthew 10:7 (ESV) 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.

We are to preach and heal and cast out demons and raise the dead! We have no option!

For me, if I’m outside of a culture of healing, I’m outside of obedience.

So, come hungry and expectant. Bring your desperate friends and family. Bring them into a culture of healing tomorrow at Revival Church.

And, don’t forget, personal prophetic ministry follows EVERY Sunday service at Revival Church! If you need some personal impartation, this is for you!

www.detroitrevivalchurch.com : We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

Extremely powerful videos : Catherine Mullins, groans and roars, teaching

You will be shocked to life as you watch several new teaching and worship videos including Catherine Mullins at the Revival Church relaunch!

FIRST: Invite every burning and hungry person you know to Revival Church TONIGHT! We are in an unusual season of extreme Holy Spirit activity, and we are expecting miracles and fire beginning at 5pm in prayer, and then 6pm in the service! www.detroitrevivalchurch.com.

All of these videos and audios are ready NOW! You can also download the notes and follow along as I teach on The Tone of the Groan, Did God Actually Say? and other life-transforming topics.

The last two weeks at Revival Church have literally been indescribable. Groans and cries and baptisms in fire have been a common theme as people have been discovering wild and abundant life in the Spirit!

Head on over to http://media.johnburton.net now and get rocked, drunk in the Spirit and set on FIRE!






Revival Church Relaunch : Moving to Warren : Catherine Mullins

May 15th is my birthday and all I want is revival and a huge gathering to worship together with Catherine Mullins! (OK, I want an iPad too!)

I have invited hundreds of Detroit region pastors to join with all of us Sunday evening, May 15th in our NEW LOCATION in Warren! Spread the word and lead the charge of revival with us!!


We are RE:launching and RE:establishing as a RE:gional center of RE:vival!

I’ll be sharing more details TONIGHT during our main Sunday evening service at Revival Church AND I’ll be teaching on EXTREME POWER!

The call is for an explosion of life, power and prophetic unction of the Holy Spirit to rock us all.

As we advance by moving into Warren, we are believing for fresh connections, fresh power and fresh grace to see the mandate of regional revival come to pass.


Some of our team was ministering with Todd Bentley this weekend, and they received powerful words…that were right on!

AND, I was prophesied over powerfully by key apostolic leaders in Detroit on Friday night! The shaking has commenced!

Get ready, we are in a VERY active and volatile season in Detroit.

See you tonight…and certainly on May 15th! YOU will make my birthday one to remember!

Our NEW LOCATION is at THE TABERNACLE at 14205 12 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48088
(just 7 miles from our current location!)

I’m trembling… the fire is falling in Dearborn

I can’t stop trembling… the fire is simmering and God is moving.

If you are not burning right this very moment in the shock and awe of the fear and the fire of God, and have an option as to what you are doing tonight, should you:

  1. Stay home
  2. Go to a movie
  3. Hang with the family
  4. Relax
  5. Cancel life, find out where encounter is happening, and get there FAST

Choose #5! The fire is burning very deep at the Fire in February conference!

Catherine Mullins just walked in and is scoping out the place for tonight’s event.

I just got back from a pastor’s lunch and prayer event, and, oh man, I’m shaken.

The question was asked, if the people involved in carrying the fire to this region would stay for an extra two weeks, would we show up? Would the people of Detroit show up?

Man, it’s time! It’s time! We absolutely have to cancel as much of life as we can for the sake of contending for revival together.

Show up tonight early. The place will fill up fast. The prayer room before the service will be packed as well. The fire will start burning very, very hot in just a couple of hours… prayer starts at 6:30pm.

The service is free tonight… and we’ll be staying after for more prayer until around 1am.

Let’s go church!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Fire!!!