I’m trembling and wrecked and troubled : A national awakening

I’m both awakened and deeply grieved in my spirit.

I can barely type. I’m trembling as the Holy Spirit is raging within me. My God. The cross must be central in our churches again. The Gospel must be preached like in the days of old again.

This weekend marked what I consider the most critical corporate gathering for the church of Detroit this year.

Watch the video of Nathan Morris preaching “Candy Cane Christianity” here: http://bayrevival.org/media_archive_sub.php?id=205

The Bay of the Holy Spirit with Pastor John Kilpatrick and Evangelist Nathan Morris visited Detroit Thursday and Friday, and those unparalleled national leaders of revival carried their responsibility for Detroit on their shoulders.

The call for deep repentance and a return to the cross is the message of the hour for Detroit. I'm truly troubled, but it's an appropriate troubling. It's time for religious systems to be confronted. The ENTIRE church of Detroit should have been at these meetings!!!

When the nation's premier revivalist, a father of revival, calls a meeting, the church must respond. I was SO GRIEVED that just a few hundred people from the Detroit region were there out of over 1450! The rest were people from other regions and nations who paid the price to travel from far away to respond to the call to gather!

The message Nathan delivered on Thursday is unlike anything we hear in churches today—but was common in the great revivals of history.

Let me say this very clearly: It is a rare thing indeed for someone to escape the fires of Hell—and a tragically large number of church goers will be shocked to find themselves there one day. It’s horrifically common.

The great revivalist Leonard Ravenhill said:

I read of the revivals of the past, great sweeping revivals where thousands of men were swept into the Kingdom of God. 
I read about Charles G. Finney winning his thousands and his hundreds of thousands of souls to Christ. 
Then I picked up a book and read the messages of Charles G. Finney and the message of Jonathan Edwards on 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,' 
and I said, 'No wonder men trembled; no wonder they fell in the altars and cried out in repentance and sobbed their way to the throne of grace!'
Luke 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.
The fear of the Lord must return!

The Terror of Hell Box Shot 2011 175x283 ResourcesThere's a lack of brokenness and repentance in the church today… we are blind to the depravity that sin creates. People have actually made arguments against deep, troubling brokenness, mourning and travail! Gut wrenching repentance and surrender at the cross must return to the church!

There's a disturbing movement away from sin/Hell consciousness… some believe that we only focus on God and ignore the trauma of sin and what the enemy has done.

Hell is referred to over three hundred times in the New Testament. It’s referred to rarely today.


A low budget, terribly acted but extremely anointed traveling production called Heaven’s Gates/Hell’s Flames resulted in one of the greatest sudden moves of God in modern American history.

The production simple depicts people who suddenly die and then are either welcomed into Heaven or forcibly dragged by demons to Hell.

Over 81,000 people came to the production in Modesto, California over 28 days with 33,000 documented salvations.

Pastor Glen Berteau: Somebody said, “I hear you've got scare tactics.” No, that's reality tactics. I said, “That's the reality of it all.” The reality is that there is a Hell, just like there's a Heaven. And good people if they don't know Jesus, they're going to go there.

You can read more here: http://janaeusa.angelfire.com/Berteau.html 


I’d recommend watching another low budget but riveting film called m10.28. I can barely get through the scene I’ll post here. In fact, the experience I wrote about in my book The Terror of Hell is terrifyingly similar to what you see happening at the 4:50 mark… through the 5:30 mark. I experienced being dragged toward Hell and then suddenly waking up in overwhelming fear with a message of awakening and repentance nearly destroying me it was so severe.

Hell is real. Most go there. Here’s the video link: http://youtu.be/VllhuffKyJA


It’s time to wake up church. No more politics. No more apathy. No more games. Wake up!

Detroit! No more embarrassing turnouts! No more excuses! No more unnecessary busyness that keeps us away from the mission! No more!

It’s time to gather! It’s time to repent! It’s time to consecrate ourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among us!


Beware of the false doctrine of hyper grace that minimizes repentance, judgment and Hell and results in an abdication of the responsibility of the Believer. No form of grace removes the believer's responsibility to repent for his sin. This doctrine is responsible for many in the church being lulled into false security. I am convinced that many go to Hell because of this doctrine. I know The Terror of Hell message must become more of a focus of our ministry.

New video interview : Booking John Burton and theLab

capture-00002045Watch a powerful interview with John Burton on TCT Christian Television on healing, revival and the power of God.

I’d strongly encourage you to watch this video and consider booking our ministry for an event in your region.

We are going after healing and encounter as normal, daily occurrences in the church. My passion is intense and my heart is to see the fire of God’s glory and love engulf you, your church and your city.

I’m already starting to hear from people around the nation about the impact this interview had on their lives. A lady from downtown Detroit told me she’s headed to have surgery next week, but she came alive when she watched this program. She’s coming to Revival Church Sunday night contending for healing! Here’s a couple of emails I received today:

John,I watched you today on TCT Christian TV. How refreshing it is to get in touch with a ministry that experience the fire of the Holy Spirit.~Annie

I just saw you on TV. That was powerful. I want to learn more.~John

In this interview I talk about my encounter with Hell, I share a dramatic story of healing in a cave and another of vile curses in a church service resulting in the remarkable salvation of an amazing young lady.

Check out my new landing page at http://about.me/johnburton which will point you toward all of my web and social sites.

Contact me for booking info…I can come alone or bring a burning team of revivalists.

Lets see your city transformed in the fire of God!

A crisis in the church : Revival Church Sunday

I'm working on my 2010 calendar, and also have availability certain weeks during the rest of 2009.  If you would like to schedule me to minister in your church or at your conference or event, visit www.praytherevolution.com/booking


  • Revival Nation Church– Join me in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada THIS SUNDAY morning at 10:30am as I minister the fire of the Holy Spirit.  We can caravan- just let me know if you’d like to go and we’ll head out as a team.  Email me at [email protected].
  • Revival Church– Sunday evening we’ll contend for a strategic and overwhelming move of God in Detroit.  Passionate and prophetic prayer starts at 5pm and we’ll flow right into the service at 6pm. www.detroitrevivalchurch.com 
  • Revival Radio– Join us every Monday at 8pm Eastern for prayer and discussion on advancing toward revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/radio
  • Jeff Garvin– Jeff will be back with us in December for THREE NIGHTS.  Friday, December 5th he’ll be at the International House of Prayer East Detroit and Saturday and Sunday evenings he’ll be at Revival Church. www.ihopedetroit.org

I wrote a book titled The Terror of Hell about an encounter I had with demons who were Terror of Hell dragging me into the Earth- toward Hell.

I can’t begin to communicate the absolute terror that I experienced that night in the early 1990’s.  However, the message that has caused me to tremble in the fear of the Lord ever since is this- many church goers, many people who have faithfully attended and supported the churches on the corners throughout our nation will be shocked beyond measure to find themselves in Hell one day.

I won’t go into the detail that is best found in the book, but suffice it to say that there is a critical connection between one’s salvation and one’s intimate relationship with Jesus.

I feel the infamous ‘sinner’s prayer’, when handled wrongly, can easily become a ticket to Hell instead of Heaven.  We must never over-sell the prayer.  We can’t guarantee someone’s position in Christ simply because they are having a rough day and decide that they want things to get better, and hope a prayer does the trick.

I was at an event recently that caused me to cringe.  A pastor was leading a large room full of people, many of them children, in the sinner’s prayer.  At the end of the prayer, everybody repeated after the pastor, “…thank you Jesus that I am saved.”

Is it possible that many of then may go through the rest of their lives with a tragically false assurance of their salvation? 

A Crisis in the Church

Allow me to attach this to the emotion that’s raging in my heart right now.  There is a move all across churchdom against the experiential reality of the Holy Spirit.  People are increasingly anti-emotion, anti-trembling, anti-encounter, anti-feeling.  It’s a left-brained world that’s resulting in a logical, passionless ‘connection’ with religion.

For me, to not be emotionally impacted in the presence of God should send red flags flying!  How can we simply stand there are grin as the power of God burns around us?

Understand, people are tired of hype, false representations of the activity of the Holy Spirit, etc.  They should be.  I am too. However, the right reaction is not to deemphasize the dramatic, experiential activity of God.  The appropriate response is to contend for it and settle for nothing less!

To dismiss the norm of living a revelation and encounter driven life, to not expect a biblical life to result in an inner trembling that never ends, is a terrifying proposition.

We can’t call for the presence of God to invade our lives and be absent of a powerful, prophetic, weighty encounter.

Here’s a great quote from someone who has grown tired of ‘charismania’ that I fully agree with:

  • If I ever experience the “manifest presence of God” where human flesh cannot stand, that’d be great. But until then, I choose to avoid pale imitations.

Here’s other quote that causes concern:

  • I’ve come to believe that the only definite thing we have to go on is what is promised to us in the Bible. And I don’t see the Bible as advocating an experience-oriented faith.

There must be an alarm sounded.  God is real.  He is to be encountered.  He can be felt.  He can be heard.  This is a serious issue to say the least.