New video interview : Booking John Burton and theLab

capture-00002045Watch a powerful interview with John Burton on TCT Christian Television on healing, revival and the power of God.

I’d strongly encourage you to watch this video and consider booking our ministry for an event in your region.

We are going after healing and encounter as normal, daily occurrences in the church. My passion is intense and my heart is to see the fire of God’s glory and love engulf you, your church and your city.

I’m already starting to hear from people around the nation about the impact this interview had on their lives. A lady from downtown Detroit told me she’s headed to have surgery next week, but she came alive when she watched this program. She’s coming to Revival Church Sunday night contending for healing! Here’s a couple of emails I received today:

John,I watched you today on TCT Christian TV. How refreshing it is to get in touch with a ministry that experience the fire of the Holy Spirit.~Annie

I just saw you on TV. That was powerful. I want to learn more.~John

In this interview I talk about my encounter with Hell, I share a dramatic story of healing in a cave and another of vile curses in a church service resulting in the remarkable salvation of an amazing young lady.

Check out my new landing page at which will point you toward all of my web and social sites.

Contact me for booking info…I can come alone or bring a burning team of revivalists.

Lets see your city transformed in the fire of God!

Powerful video about the coming revival in Detroit : theLab Internship

Watch this BRAND NEW and powerful video about the coming revival in Detroit and theLab Internship’s call to raise up burning ones.

imageFIRST: Have you submitted your application for the soon coming Fall Internship at theLab? Discover some seriously hot fire and learn to break out of hindrances to a fulfilled destiny in your life. Also, if you want to join our staff, the internship is the on ramp! Head on over to The $100 discount ends soon!

Watch this BRAND NEW video and COME ALIVE!

We are going after the extreme supernatural manifestation of God’s glory and presence.

We have been experiencing a powerful wave of many healings, and this is just the beginning!

If you want to discover how to invade and impact cultures with literal fire, theLab is for you!

Ready to join a Detroit revival company?

Here’s a snapshot of the vision and the call for revival in Detroit—join with us as we burn!

imageFIRST: There’s two new designs at! Head on over there and grab a shirt and declare the healing power of Jesus everywhere you go!

The call for revival in Detroit is both sobering and exciting. We’re calling the Church of Detroit to converge together with us and other revival minded people in pursuit of what could be the greatest outpouring in history. Yes, it’s that big.

First I’ll share what’s coming, and then I’ll relay the big vision that Revival Church and theLab has a mandate to fulfill. You are invited to jump in with us as we build a regional revival center in Detroit!


Most of what is coming is well beyond the scope of our understanding or even our expectancy. However, we know some of what’s on the horizon:

  • Thousands of people will be traveling to Detroit from around the world. The reports of God’s unusual and weighty arrival in Detroit is going to capture the attention of the world. Desperate people will fly here, and many of them will instantly be healed as they step off the plane.
  • Healing will be continual and very easy. One of the primary draws to this region will be the flood of miraculous healings. People won’t even need to go to the altar or even pray for healing at times. It will surprise them as they are in the presence of God.
  • The presence of God will be so extreme that people will literally fall down when they walk through the church doors. People will have to crawl deeper into the sanctuary due to the fearful Kabod of God that engulfs them as they arrive.
  • Mass deliverance will result in hundreds or thousands of people instantly and simultaneously set free from fear, depression, homosexuality, lust, anger and other demon driven issues.
  • Prayer will be the greatest desire and primary activity of every person touched by God. The prayer rooms will be full and overflowing night and day.
  • This furnace will result in cries of repentance as the harvest flocks in to the arms of a loving Father.
  • Local churches will yield to the greater regional Church. The days of burning out trying to build local ministries will come to an end as pastors and leaders instead burn hot leading their people into the regional furnace as it ignites all over the city.


We know there are many new friends and fellow warriors that will be joining with us in the coming days, weeks and months. Prayerfully consider how you might participate with us.

  • Revival Church and theLab are developing as a regional center of revival. We are calling the city church to converge with us in various venues each week as we develop a deeply prophetic command center of revival for the region.
  • We are believing for a large ministry campus that will facilitate this vision. As we keep our finger on the pulse of revival in Detroit, it’s imperative that we keep the ministry manned continually. The masses are coming both for training and for freedom, and when they get here it’s important that they can converge somewhere any day of the week. This campus will serve that purpose. I have heard three stories recently of people receiving FREE properties for their church. I’m boldly asking people with the appropriate resources to consider making a significant donation to Revival Church.
  • 1000 Intercessors. This mandate is clear. We are calling EVERY pastor, leader, intercessor and hungry person to gather literally every single Friday night from 10pm-midnight as we pray in a different church each week in the region. It’s time to awaken and gather together and pray as a city church.
  • theLab Internship is gathering and equipping a team of unique specialists in the Spirit. People who carry and release the burning fire of God into people, churches, cities and regions. The next session starts September 3rd and we’re praying that God provokes people to take a leap into a life of scorching heat in the furnace of revival.
  • The 24/7 church. As stated above, our ministry campus will be open continually. Prayer will arise in one area, training in another and worship in another. We are going after a culture of radical devotion to the pursuit of revival.
  • A regional pursuit. We desire to run this race with many pastors, leaders and others in the region. Our various services and events take place at times that are mostly free. We’re looking for pastors to lead their people on Sunday morning and then join with us on Sunday evening at Revival Church, Friday night at theLab and other events.

There’s much more, but that gives you an idea. We’re inviting people to make Revival Church either their first or second home (if they have another church home) as we function as a regional revival center. A radical devotion to stay connected and to grow fast will do much to initiate the revival in this region very quickly.

If you haven’t read my latest post on the coming change to the church, be sure you do. You can do so here: 

Contact me for more info at [email protected] or just come on out to one of our weekly events! Visit for more info!

theLab Internship $100 off! Additional discounts!

Save $100 off the next session of theLab Internship AND you may qualify for an additional 50% off!

We are gathering and equipping a company of burning men and women of God at theLab. Detroit and the cities of the Earth are awaiting an army of people who are consumed with the pursuit of God’s presence, revival, healing and freedom!

Save $100 if you register by AUGUST 15TH!

If you are a student (ages 18-25) or a minister (volunteer, part-time or full-time) you qualify for an additional 50% off! That brings the total cost below $200!

And, if you can gather a group of five people, you will receive an additional 25% off! The potential savings in that situation would bring the cost down to $150! BUT you have to get the process started right away!


The internship I led in Kansas City cost $900, so jump on board with us in our next pre-launch session that runs from September 3rd through November 19th and save BIG!

Contact us for more info. The sooner you can apply the better (the application and approval process takes some time). Visit for info and to apply TODAY!


It was an incredible time at theLab class yesterday. So much freedom! There is so so much breakthrough and clarity happening in my life right now! I am looking forward to even more very soon. God really knew what he was doing when He put me here on this journey with such an incredible group of people!!~Victoria

“The internship has completely changed my life. I have been marked, set free…” Valerie
“I’ve been waiting 36 years to see and experience the awesome power of the fire of God through theLab.” Shelly

“God has brought a shift in every area of my life since starting the internship. It is a can’t miss, mind blowing God encounter that will change your life.” Joshua

Exciting news : theLab Internship

The deadline is SUNDAY! Save $100 off theLab Internship by registering no later than Sunday, July 17th!

  • Revival-Church-Android-AppBut first! Revival Church has an app in the Android Market! Go grab it right now! The iPhone app will be available soon!
  • Also, STEVE FAIR will be at theLab Internship this Saturday from 10am-2pm. Trust me. Just trust me. You DON’T want to miss this! You can audit the class for $15. Get ready for some deep breakthrough as Steve ministers in deliverance and healing. Just show up at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088.
  • And! My book SIX ENEMIES is available NOW on Kindle! Plus! My teaching THE TONE OF THE GROAN is available on CD! Go to to check both of these out!
  • There’s more! The BRAND NEW Labreport website is ready! Head on over to right now! New designs are added WEEKLY!


Did you know you DON’T have to pay anything EXCEPT the $25 app fee to pre-register?

Then, $100 is due 30 days prior to the start of the internship. The remaining $299 is due on day one of class!

After Sunday, the tuition goes back up to $499.

Go to today!

Huge $100 discount to theLab Internship : Labreport clothing : $2.99 Books

We are gathering & equipping a company of burning men and women of God at theLab Internship in Detroit.

LabreportSickPrayGraphicFirst, there have been rave reviews about the new Labreport line of clothing!

JOHN!!!! I love this shirt! How can I get one?~Brian

I just received my second shirt, and am ready to head out and heal the sick!

Head on over to and order your favorite today!

SAVE $100! Pre-register for theLab Internship by THIS SUNDAY, July 17th!

capture-00000278Something divine and special has landed at theLab.

People are sharing that they have grown more in the last 6 weeks of the current internship then they have in years. Yes, years!

The next session starts on September 3rd, and I want to STRONGLY exhort you to prayerfully consider jumping in with us.

The current tuition is $499, BUT, if you register by Sunday, we’re taking $100 off! Future internships will most probably settle in at around $800, so don’t wait!

Head on over to and apply today!

All of my books are currently $2.99 on Kindle!

Head on over to and get four books for the price of one printed version!

My newly revised book SIX ENEMIES is also ready…before the print version is out!


Join a company of burning ones and change cultures and cities

Begin to dream biblical level dreams of extreme supernatural signs and wonders

Revival-Lab-PosterI’m sitting in a onething conference here in the Detroit region and am finding myself provoked to cast the vision for a movement of fire that will invade and impact the cities of the Earth.

This message is for you. I am praying that God hijacks you like he hijacked me when he called me to participate in a company of burning men and women of God who will initiate and facilitate revival.

The call is to wholeheartedly embrace the mission and mandate of releasing the fire of revival to such a high degree that entire cultures are changed. Are you able to see with spiritual eyes a nation that experiences dramatic physical healings very, very easily? More easily than taking a pill.

Can you see cities where the masses are flooding into from all over the world because of tangible power and freedom that invades desperate hearts? What about entire groups of people tormented by fear, anxiety, unbelief…demons…instantly and completely delivered at the exact same time?

This is what I’m talking about. A company of burning ones releasing the fire that will result in such an culture. I am boldly asking God to capture your heart and reveal to you how you can jump in to this extreme lifestyle of fire.

So, how can you participate? Great question! We’ve gone to great lengths to schedule our ministries in such a way that most everybody in the region can participate:

  • REVIVAL CHURCH: Those who have connected with Revival Church understand immediately that we are not attempting to be a typical, local church. Our mandate is to function as a regional center of revival for the entire Detroit region. We meet on Sunday evenings, so it’s EASY for most anybody in this area to gather with us as we intentionally go after the manifest presence of God. People from other churches are advancing with us as well each week and we’ve experienced dramatic healings week after week!
  • theLab PRAYER EVENTS: God very directly mandated us to gather together 1000 people who will SNAGHTML9586c1btravel with us every Friday night from 10pm to midnight as we pray in a different church in the Detroit region each week. We intentionally scheduled these fiery prayer events late on Fridays so every pastor, leader and hungry person in the area can participate. There’s rarely a schedule conflict during this time.
  • theLab INTERNSHIP: The fire of God is raging in our current internship, and I would strongly encourage you to ask God if you are to join with us in the next session which starts on September 3rd, 2011. Even those with busy schedules can usually participate with us. This is a call to consecrate ourselves by diving deep into the burnings of God for three months. You can watch a video of people in our current internship here… it’s powerful:

The vision is huge…and is manifesting right before our eyes. There is a lot of prophecy surrounding the call to travel to cities with the company of revivalists we’re equipping to release fire. I see massive events, similar to what I’m experiencing here at onething, or the traveling movement of revival that John Kilpatrick is spearheading. Are you interested?

Contact me with any questions you might have. [email protected].

Visit and for more info.

Watch three powerful videos from theLab Internship

Healings have landed at theLab! Watch a video of several interns reporting how God set them free!

imageToday at theLab was HEAVY! Wow! Most of us are without words as God arrived suddenly and surprisingly in the middle of our class today.

The NEXT INTERNSHIP SESSION starts September 3rd, and we are offering a special reduced tuition of $499.

Watch some videos from today INCLUDING one featuring several interns and their testimonies of God’s healing power! The other two show what happened when God suddenly entered the room.

Check out testimonies from some of our interns:

image“The internship has completely changed my life. I have been marked, set free…” Valerie

“I have become unoffendable. No man can shake me. The power of God has touched me and I am free!” Sam

“I’ve been waiting 36 years to see and experience the awesome power of the fire of God through theLab.” Shelly

“My anointing has skyrocketed…” Jamar

theLab Internship has forever wrecked me.” Shannon

image“God has brought a shift in every area of my life since starting the internship. It is a can’t miss, mind blowing God encounter that will change your life.” Joshua

“I am so awakened beyond where I’ve ever been before spiritually! There is this volcanic eruption of the Holy Spirit exploding all the time. I AM SO ALIVE!” Jill

“God has come after the strongholds in my life with a vengeance. Together we are violently breaking through to destiny.” Amy

“I have been delivered from the fear of man.” Victoria

“theLab is a place where spiritual combustion happens, and the result is an explosion of fire!” Pam

“Encounter after encounter, realm after realm, breakthrough after breakthrough. Words can’t even describe it. My life will never be the same!” Ruth

“I am wrecked by the community at theLab. It’s an environment of love and acceptance. I have broken through to a new place of freedom!” Marty

“God really is in the resurrection business! I have gone from coasting until I die to really living again!” Kathy

“Through Revival Church and theLab I’ve become a walking, jumping, dancing and praising fire carrier!” Joy

“Through theLab I’ve been exposed to a new way of ‘doing church’…I am in awe of the tangible experiences that even the staunchest skeptic cannot deny!” Alvin

“My body shakes and quakes…I come hungry and I get full. I burn in His presence. I want more!” Gail

“I’m so excited about theLab because now I can see what Detroit will become—a city and beacon set on a hill to draw humanity to Jesus. The anointing on theLab for this endeavor is evident.” Hedy

My newly revised books now only $2.99 on Kindle

You can now instantly download three books for less than the old price for one!

First: The miracles continued at Revival Church on Sunday! We are in the midst of a heavy revival atmosphere right now. Check it out:

Hey John! Incredible testimony from last night!  And we didn't even pray for this guy to receive healing.  We just imparted to him and prayed for the fire!

Just a praise report…David a friend I brought yesterday had a football injury on his right knee, while you and your parents were praying for him, he said heat came on his right knee and GOD healed him. By the end of the night he was “jumping higher than before” in the freedom!



My heart is to get these books into the hands of every single person I can, and I believe dropping the price from $9.99 to $2.99 should do it!

You can now order 20 Elements of Revival, Pharaoh in the Church and my latest revision that’s not even out in print yet, Revelation Driven Prayer.

I just taught on 20 Elements of Revival at theLab Internship this past Saturday, and it was powerful. This is a must have teaching, and this book will do much to help you calibrate your life with God’s supernatural model.

Here are some testimonies from people who have read it:image

20 Elements of Revival- I just finished your book, 20 Elements of Revival. Wow! This is it. If the Church/House of Prayer at large could get this into their hands and read it before they opened the doors we could actually change the world! I’ve been talking to our leadership team- this book is #1 for all of our Core Leadership. It should be in the hands of every leader in the Body. – Luann

image20 Elements of Revival- I just finished reading 20 Elements of Revival. Everyone should read this book! I wish I had the cash for a case of this book. Seriously! I keep thinking of more people who NEED a copy of it! It’s very, very, very rare for me to feel this way about a book other than the Bible.-Kathi

Just finished reading the two books you gave me…and I am buzzing in the Holy Spirit! My wife and I had an hour conversation about the depth of their implications. You have nailed it my friend. I have met few people who have put all this together….and I am in awe and grateful. I want all our leadership team to especially read 20 Elements of Revival. –Tim

Revelation Driven Prayer- “John Burton’s book on prayer hits the mark. It is the type of book that you can read and reread and be encouraged anew each time in your prayer walk with our Lord. We have to hear from God in a myriad of areas of our lives. That happens as we spend time with our Lord in prayer. Be Blessed and share this book with others that we all might have a deeper revelation of what our obedience will accomplish for the kingdom and for ourselves.”- Barbara

Nameless/Faceless : Is God done with human leadership?

There is a growing and unified cry in the church for a leaderless move of God.

Twenty-Elements-of-Revival-Box-ShotFirst: Audit theLab this Saturday, June 18! This week’s class is based on my book 20 Elements of Revival. Discover how you can step right into God’s plan for city-wide revival! The cost is $15 and the class goes from 10am-2pm. Just show up, no registration required. We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088.

A Nameless, Faceless Revival?

A common, unified cry is echoing throughout the landscape of the church—especially the revival ready church—the next move of God is going to be nameless and faceless.

This sounds right. It feels saturated with humility. In fact, I whole-heartedly agree with the base value that every Believer must embrace radical surrender, humility and must repel temptations for pride and accolade. We must go low and not desire our names or our faces to be known. It’s all about the fame of Jesus.

We decrease as God increases.

However, the assumption that God is done with acknowledging and burning through individual, human leaders is, in my analysis, a knee-jerk reaction to some epic failures in the lives of key leaders in recent movements.

Simply, people are offended. Many have allowed the spirit of offense to take root in their hearts, and it has led to radical distrust of Christian leaders and a violation of clear, theological principles. One of those principles is that God identifies, promotes and even publicizes humans for the sake of Kingdom advance.

Humility Breeds Boldness

True humility doesn’t result in permanent hiddenness. It results in a fiery boldness that rocks religious structures and an alarm that is heard far and wide.

In scripture we have men and women who have been tapped by God to be seen and heard as they gather people and deliver mandates and messages to the masses. They have a name and they have a face.

Consider Moses. He was the meekest man on the face of the Earth. He was also the human leader chosen and promoted by God to be seen and heard by all of Israel. True humility results in legitimate ministry that has visible impact. It’s actually false humility that would cause us to retreat. And, if we expect others to retreat as a visible sign of their humility, we are placing an unhealthy expectation on them. We are not to blend in, we are to stand out and call out.

In fact, God gives grace to the humble. Grace is God’s enabling power to accomplish what is humanly impossible. When mortal humans start walking in supernatural, miraculous grace, and divine messages are delivered, and lives are transformed and bodies are healed, you can’t expect that person to go unnoticed.

True Identity

One inherent weakness with the nameless/faceless campaign is that of identity. True humility results in an overpowering revelation of who we are in Christ. We are weak yet he is strong. We were created in his image. We are the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath. We are serious authorities in the Kingdom.

In fact, it is in God’s nature to promote. He does it out of love and honor of his people, but also because it’s strategically necessary. It’s a divine strategy of Kingdom advance that has been used time and again.

Joshua 3:7 (ESV) 7 The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.

Joshua was the leader, and Joshua was exalted. He wasn’t nameless and faceless. Just like so many men and women of God who have been called today such as Lou Engle, Bill Johnson, John Kilpatrick and others—Joshua had a name and he had a face that everybody recognized.

Why is this important? So people knew who to follow! It really is as simple as that! The person called of God for that special role must be known so they could lead the masses into their own destiny of revelation of who they are in Christ. So they can move in clear unity under prophetic and apostolic direction.

Paul clearly said to follow HIM as he followed CHRIST. That was a bold statement that I’m sure many translated into pride and arrogance.

What are the issues?

  • Offense: People are so upset with and offended by the failures of people like Todd Bentley, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart an others that they have simply determined that God must be offended at them too. God must be done with them. However, we know scripturally that a spirit of offense will imprison people. In fact, it can lead people right down a path of extreme destruction. An offended heart that loses trust in people that God is moving through can do great damage to God’s plans for revival. This is why it would not surprise me at all if God chose to use fallen people to launch some of the great end-time revivals through. God still trusts, promotes and governmentally uses people. Apostles, prophets, evangelists and others are uniquely gifted to do what others cannot do.

    In fact, the idea that everybody is to be nameless and faceless is truly nonsensical if we really think about it. Even those who have been deeply offended by the Todd Bentley’s of the world still admit to acknowledging other leaders who have a name and a face. They read books that have the author’s name clearly marked on the front and their photo displayed on the back. They promote other, likeminded Christian leaders they enjoy listening to. They gravitate to certain Bible commentaries that are written by humans. I could go on and on. We aren’t in this alone, and even offense can’t stop us from following anointed men and women of God—though we might be doing it with a wounded, bitter heart.
  • Insecurity: The belief that we are all given equal assignments, equal levels of promotion and equal giftings is simply misguided. Only one person in the entire world was called, anointed and graced to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. His name was Moses. Only one person in the world was called to facilitate the Brownsville revival. John Kilpatrick. Of course there were many other key players in the stories, but there was only one leader. The same will be true in Detroit where God is preparing a massive outpouring. We must keep our eyes open for who were are to respond to. Who will God be using here?

    An insecure leader, and especially an offended, insecure leader, is at risk of devaluing God’s chosen leaders and separating out and away from the greater city mission. A church planting coach once told me that the greatest threat in a new church plant is an insecure leader who refuses to acknowledge others who are more gifted and qualified than he is. They keep their people away from others who have more influence, anointing and authority than they do. They don’t bring on staff that would threaten their leadership abilities. So, in effect, the entire church is weakened and usually dies because of an insecure, threatened and prideful leader. This can happen in the greater city church as well.

    For example, I’m fully aware that the revival that’s coming to Detroit will probably not arrive at my church. The chances are slim. So, with that in mind, I understand that other people, with names, faces, influence, differing theological bents and abilities well beyond my own (or even much less than my own) are great candidates for God to choose as leaders for the Detroit outpouring. So, the right move would be to acknowledge these human individuals and support them just as Israel was called to support Moses and Joshua.
  • Entitlement: It’s extremely easy to presume, especially in this competitive nation of America where every boy and girl is told (improperly) that they can grow up to be the President of the United States if they want, that we are entitled to be equal in every way with other leaders.

    A common take away is this: if someone is flamboyant, aggressive and driven, and they are in front of a revival or Christian movement, they MUST be doing something unholy. There must be arrogance or self-exaltation in the mix. Why? Because we are all created equal, and I haven’t been afforded the the opportunity to be out in the front like they are. My humility is keeping me grounded and their pride is resulting in self-promotion.

    Sound familiar? We simply have to understand that everybody isn’t entitled to be in the forefront. But, just because someone is on the platform doesn’t mean they are there because of selfish desires. Even if they are bold and aggressive and persuasive, it isn’t a mark of an unholy attitude. Often their mandate is so heavy and urgent that they can’t take a casual, passive or slow approach. Study the prophets of the Bible. My oh my, it seemed like they built their own platform and demanded everybody’s attention. However, the reality is that they had a special calling that others didn’t have. They weren’t entitled to. That doesn’t make them better or more loved, but it does mean that they had a job to do that most others didn’t have to do.

Closing Thoughts

I’ll finish by reemphasizing a point that is at risk of being overlooked. God demands humility. It’s non-negotiable. He resists the proud. We should esteem others more than ourselves. We should never take the credit that belongs to God. We should always boast in the Lord.

That being said, the clear, biblical expectation of humility is extreme, anointed boldness that will draw the attention of people, demons, angels and God Himself. In fact, those with the greatest humility will often be those with the greatest call to extreme leadership. Many people will know their name. They will recognize their face. Get to know them well. You just may be called to minister with humility and passion under their leadership.