Info about TheCall Detroit 11.11.11 : Video, social links, prayer and fasting info
Gather every person you know and head to Detroit for this history making event—TheCall Detroit 11.11.11!
I am already craving finding a corner high up in Ford Field to just hit my face and encounter God as some key national and local leaders lead us into the fire! There is a yearning for an outpouring of God’s Spirit—and Detroit is an epicenter of a soon coming shock from Heaven that will be felt around the world.
This once in a lifetime event should draw every pastor, leader, Christian and hungry person in the Detroit region—and beyond.
Check out some info here and spread the word!
The following links will make it easy to share about TheCall Detroit in your emails, on Facebook, LinkedIn and other Social channels.
- Detroit Video Trailer with Lou Engle "Come to Ford Field!" Here is the promo video link for the extended version of the invitation. Just copy and paste this in your browser, email or links.
- To print out promotional materials or share on our websites this page has all the code from TheCall Detroit
- "Join us in daily prayer on 8 Mile in Detroit." Listen and share a new Detroit Video of Lou speaking on the significance of this place
- Our latest video message from Lou Engle at Ford Field can be found at this link (Remember, just click on any link to take you to the videos then copy those same links to share with your friends)
- We are in a 40 day fast for TheCall. It is not to late to join in. For more information go to
- So we can plan please make sure you register for the event at this link
- We have been informed that the first 100 buses coming to Ford Field in Detroit will have have free parking for TheCall gathering so get there early to secure a spot
- You can direct other questions you may have on TheCall to and we will have someone address them.
Smithton Outpouring Event Sunday at Revival Church with JD King
THIS SUNDAY JD King from World Revival Church of Smithton Outpouring fame will be fanning the flames at Revival Church!
I’m going to include an article in a moment that will cause you to come alive.
JD King is a great friend and a brilliant revival mind. He just got back from Bethel and is feeling something very real and powerful is going to land at Revival Church Sunday.
You will glean so much from him as he shares key revival principles. I just got off the phone with him and he casually shared a few things that are right on:
- Revival almost always starts with a small flicker. JD believes many small flames of revival have ignited in churches and cities all over the world, but there weren’t people interested in stewarding it. That resulted in fizzle after fizzle as the flames went out. Azusa, Smithton and other revivals started with small groups of people who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Evan Roberts was turned down by his pastor the opportunity to preach so he burned in front of 6 youth for three hours—and they finally caught the fire and the rest is history!
- Be prepared for the revival to ignite in a single hot spot in a city, as opposed to expecting it to uniformly and spontaneously launch in a wider area. Stewarding revival is a massive undertaking, and concentrated and organized local leadership will be a strength as the masses converge.
- Signs and wonders are extremely important, but developing a culture of revival oriented leadership is at least as important. Gathering and equipping a leadership team is needed to withstand the weight of a massive outpouring.
Come at 5pm for a critical and exciting time of prophetic intercession and then at 6pm we will start the night full of faith for healings and miracles!
Here’s the article on the Smithton Outpouring:
SMITHTON, Mo. (ABP)–It's Saturday night at Smithton Community Church, and the outpouring service is starting to sizzle. The floor shudders from the impact of worshipers leaping in unison as they sing along with a loudly electrified praise band.
At a signal to pray, hundreds of hands shoot up like football referees signaling a touchdown. During corporate prayer, the congregation pulses with an unintelligible drone of voices.
Through body-wracking spasms, breaking voices and tears, worshipers testify from the stage and the floor. They tell of deliverance from alcohol, from bitterness, from suicide, from skepticism.
Pastor Steve Gray shouts a scorching sermon on the need to bind the “strong man,” Satan. Too many churches are preaching a selfish, self-centered, self-esteem gospel, Gray says. “Satan loves a selfish place, because he's selfish!”
Suicides, drugs and divorces didn't used to happen among church people, Gray remarks. “What's out there has gotten in here.”
Gray wonders: Could the “Smithton Outpouring” be happening because the church of this day can't last much longer? He points out that in Bible times, the Jews were the people of God. Today, Christians are the people of God. Then and now, something happened; something went wrong.
“Jesus is back on the scene again, and he's going after Satan like he did before! God wants to bring the kingdom into our midst. He's gonna free some people!” Dozens of visitors stream forward near the end of the four-hour service. One member gets in a visitor's face to pray with fist-shaking fury; another stands behind to catch him when he collapses backward. Someone else drapes a blanket over the prostrate form.
One of those “slain” in the Holy Spirit rises after a short time and returns to her place near the wall. Asked to describe her experience, she simply smiles and replies, “I was with God.”
Three years ago, a revival broke out in Smithton. As a result, this Central Missouri community–population 532–has drawn tens of thousands of visitors from across the United States and from other nations. The “Smithton Outpouring” has been described in magazines and on television nationwide. People have used words like “Pentecostal,” “charismatic” and “full gospel” to describe the worship service, Gray said. “If anything sets Smithton Community Church apart, it's that we're believing that the kingdom of God is happening now.”
Kathy Gray admits the worship style at the non-denominational church can be shocking to those who aren't familiar with it. But she and her husband contend that practices such as speaking in tongues and being “slain in the Spirit” are innocent and harmless.
This is especially true, they say, when you compare them to other activities seen in many churches–gossip, manipulation, power struggles, love of money. No one's afraid of those, the Grays contend. Before people react negatively to charismatic practices, Steve Gray suggested, they should ask themselves why they're not reacting similarly to backbiting, pride and other things the Bible clearly says to avoid. People from nearly all denominations have come to Smithton, Gray noted. “There is a group within them whose hearts are crying out for more.”
A large part of this church's ministry is to Christian believers who haven't gotten the help they feel they need in their own churches.
Gail Collins, who was raised a Southern Baptist, started attending the Smithton church 10 years ago. She remembers well the day in 1996 when revival broke out.
“When the power of God came in, I got set free from a lot of those things I couldn't change,” Collins said. Her love for God deepened. “He enlarged my heart and gave me a strong desire to be a complete servant.” The power of the Holy Spirit isn't new, Gray said, but had been lost. “We're regaining what was lost through tradition, wrong ideas, wrong thinking. That's why it's available, because it was never supposed to go.” Worship services in churches often represent what happened to someone long ago, he noted. It was fresh then; it's stale now.
Just as the beaten man in the story of the Good Samaritan did not get help from the Levite or the priest, Gray said, people today are not getting help from churches. “They're being told they are found, but they can't find God. So they come here to this unlikely place that doesn't fit the story.”
Gold dust, wonders, miracles, signs and revival in the cities of the Earth
This is a remarkable video of a manifestation of gold dust at Bethel Church’s Open Heavens Conference!
Church it’s time to contend for a culture of supernatural life that’s filled with wonder!
Check out this video of a visible cloud of gold during a fire tunnel at Bethel Church’s Open Heavens Conference in Redding, California. It was posted by their Youth Pastor, Tom Crandall.
Mark 16:17-18 (ESV) 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Repentance? I believe so. We have done a great job of talking about the Kingdom, but have been satisfied with a lack of demonstrating the Kingdom. There must be a movement of repentance in the church for this reality. God must grip our hearts!
As Christians, we have no option to remain removed from a supernatural life of signs, wonders and miracles. We are mandated to experience God in this fashion as a normal part of our ministry.
It’s sadly rare to find a church that highlights a culture of miracles, but that is going to change. If we want revival, it must.
Bizarre and monumental phenomenon’s are coming to the church, and I am convinced that Detroit will be one of the forerunner cities. The glory cloud of God will be visible in this city!
I was amazed several times over two specific weekends when many people noticed a visible glory cloud at Revival Church. Then, I found out that it was also at Pastor Joe Sazyc’s church in Dearborn Heights.
Get ready church for a reformation of understanding of what it is to know God, to encounter him and what it is to go to church! The masses are coming and they aren’t coming for one of our nice church services! They won’t settle for anything less than the tangible, weighty glory of God! I won’t either!
Barbara Yoder: Important opportunity for Revival Church to raise $1000 to sow into TheCall Detroit on 11/11/11
Barbara Yoder shared a key message to the churches of Michigan to sow $1000 into TheCall Detroit on 11/11/11
I’m so blessed at the heart of giving at Revival Church!
Amy and I are continually excited about the culture of faith here that will end up impacting the economy and history of revival in Detroit!
Barbara Yoder is calling for 1000 churches to sow $1000 into TheCall which will be held at Ford Field in Detroit on 11/11/11.
This resonates in my spirit, and I want to boldly invite you to give today toward this life altering event.
You can give online at
Be sure to LEAVE A COMMENT to indicate you are sowing toward TheCall. Everything that is raised with that comment will go toward TheCall.
If we raise more than $1000, the excess will be donated there as well.
Our heart is for the city church of Detroit to explode! Revival is coming and as we invest in the process we are sure to experience blessings beyond our wildest imaginations!
Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
INSANE faith : Can you believe with us for this? Revival Church property vision
Will you join with us in rare, insane faith for a regional center of revival in Detroit?
This is an idea of what I see when I think about the multiple thousands of people who are going to converge in Detroit very soon. They will land in the airport from the nations of the Earth and will be looking for a night and day revival center where they can find healing, fire and life!
In fact, this property is probably much too small, which is why there have been so many prophetic words about stadiums being filled with people as revival breaks out!
The leader of the ministry I established in Colorado emailed me the following today:
Prepare for the explosion. I would pray and look for a big place, big favor and not a big price tag. But look big, pray big, confirmation is coming, ask for it from the Lord. Big big big—press—He's given you guys the faith for it, now is the time.~Miles Anderson
We are praying very specifically for a property like this, and the money to refurbish it, so we can:
- Host the nations in nightly outpouring meetings
- House continual prophetic intercession for revival, Detroit and the nations
- Have classrooms and meeting places for theLab Internship.
- Hold regional conferences with national ministers that God is highlighting in this hour
- Establish REVIVAL WORSHIP where “The Tone of the Groan” Romans 8:26 worship movement is stewarded
- greenfirecoffee: Yep, a full blown coffee shop where people can come and enjoy God and each other night and day!
- Television studio: We are called to release this fire to the nations, and we see a raw, fiery TV program driven by revival worship, groans and prophetic teaching.
- Much, much more including an earth shaking children’s ministry, dorms and outreaches.
We are inviting the region including pastors, ministry leaders, intercessors and others to rally around the vision of a regional center of revival. We are boldly asking you to lock arms with us in the city church.
If you have the resources to finance this project, or a part of it, please contact me. If you have other insights, I’d love to connect! [email protected]
Check it out:
What I see : A massive ministry center of revival in Detroit
Are you ready to be a part of what many believe will be a world impacting center of ministry in Detroit?
I had no idea what I was getting into when God moved us from Kansas City to Detroit. Sure, I knew it was about revival. I also understood that the coming outpouring would impact this region and even well beyond. But, I was nowhere near being able to comprehend what would actually come to pass.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (ESV) 9 But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— 10 these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
The Spirit searches the deep things of God, and then reveals and imparts those things to those he loves. Man, that absolutely wrecks me!
I am convinced that the coming revival in Detroit will bring the shock and awe of the mysteries of God that mankind has never imagined.
I do my best to avoid cheesy movie quotes in prophecy. However, I just couldn’t deny that God was talking to me.
God had been highlighting a vision of a massive movement and center of prophetic and revival focused ministry. I saw a regional center of reformation, revival and equipping very much like The Ramp in Hamilton, Alabama being established in Detroit. Keep in mind that I didn’t know much about The Ramp, which is led by Karen Wheaton, as God was speaking that name into my spirit. I wasn’t out to copy another ministry that was enjoying success. There was something else to this. God was calling me to plant a large center of revival that would draw thousands of people into God’s holy fire.
During prayer before a service at Revival Church approximately a year ago the Lord spoke that famous movie quote to me, “John, if you build it, they will come.”
It was a very heavy and exciting word. Well, things got very interesting as the service got started that night. Someone wandered in late and stood up in the service to get my attention. He looked at me and said, “John, God wants you to know that if you build it, they will come.”
The trembling commenced. He had no idea what happened in the prayer room, and he had no clue that I had a mandate to launch a new ministry. God had my attention.
I started connecting more with The Ramp online just to catch a glimpse of their flavor and focuses, as well as checking out the practical nuts and bolts of launching and running a ministry like that.
The vision we have here in Detroit is certainly unique as we focus on the groans of intercession, preparing for revival on a city and then international level and raising up carriers of fire who will take the burnings of God to the nations.
However, there are many overlapping circles of vision that are undeniable, and the driving force (the Holy Spirit) is the same. God is looking for reformers who will rock the nations.
At one of the events at The Ramp, Dutch Sheets said:
“You crave His presence, but you loathe the average church service. You are part of the reforming generation.”
That’s it! God is gathering similar people here in Detroit—loathers of mediocrity.
- The Culture: If you read my book 20 Elements of Revival, you will have a good idea of what we’re going after. The culture in this emerging ministry is one of extreme fire, burnings and groanings of intercession, going after manifestations of healing and deliverance and the development of leaders who will impart this to the nations of the Earth.
- The School: Of course, theLab is blowing everybody’s mind right now! This school of burning was dramatically prophesied over us by Jeff Jansen just before launch. He said I’d be writing books and we’d be launching schools (plural!) of the Spirit. We’d be taking people into the place of encounter and into heavenly experiences. It’s been prophesied that we’d take caravans of revival into the cities of the Earth. This is a huge part of this mission, and I envision a large campus with hundreds of students being equipped and released.
- The Events: An attention grabbing series of prophetic words has us focused on praying in a huge property. People that we meet keep prophesying that they see theLab and huge events in stadiums. One person said it will take a stadium to hold the events and the school at theLab. You’d be stunned if you knew how many times I’ve heard this. We desire to bring in people like Dutch Sheets, Bill Johnson, Rick Pino, Catherine Mullins, Brian Simmons, Cindy Jacobs, Heidi Baker and others who share our heart for revival. I’m praying for a 2000+ seat auditorium plus a campus with classrooms for schools of worship, prayer, etc. that will house our daily activities—and then favor with stadiums when we hold regular (monthly?) events.
- The Nations: theLab will be sending teams to cities to establish schools and hold revival focused events.
- Gather your family, friends and everybody you can on Sunday nights at Revival Church. As a regional center, we are thrilled when other pastors and people join with us when their church isn’t holding a service. At Revival Church you will gain the traction necessary to see the vision and see how you can lock in with this revival movement.
- Pray with us every Friday night from 10pm-midnight as we travel the Detroit region. This is the anchor of the ministry and you will immediately catch a powerful glimpse of our passion.
- Give financially. We are literally looking for extreme miracles of millions of dollars to get this ministry center developed. Additionally, there’s big plans to develop the school further, to launch into other cities and to continue writing materials. You can give online at, or if you want to discuss a broader financial partnership, just contact me at [email protected].
So, get ready! The harvest is coming. That means hundreds of thousands or more people are coming to Detroit! Are we ready to receive them?
We at Revival Church and theLab are doing our part!
Love you all!
Tonight: Brian Simmons and Catherine Mullins–Passion and Fire Conference
Experience a night of fire first with Brian Simmons & Catherine Mullins THEN with theLab as we pray from 10pm-midnight!
The conference and theLab prayer event BOTH take place at The Crossing in Farmington, Michigan TONIGHT!
A Culture of Healing : Sunday at Revival Church
The nations will be converging in Detroit because of phenomenal and unusual healings.
FIRST: Spread the word! Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons will be at Revival Church NEXT SUNDAY, September 25th at 6pm!
I shared a prophetic word with a mighty woman of God recently and she instantly came alive as it was a direct confirmation of a word she received. What is that word?
People from the nations of the earth will begin hearing about an extreme level of healings taking place in the midst of a historic outpouring in Detroit. Many of those people will find themselves on an airplane flying to Detroit and will be shocked to find themselves suddenly healed the moment they step foot on the ground at the Detroit airport.
There is a tragic theological misunderstanding running rampant in the church today. It is presumed that we are in a holding pattern of sorts waiting for God to show up and bring revival,work miracles and transform the Detroit region. The thought is if we pray enough, repent enough, work enough, etc. then God will finally be able to move, finally be able to heal.
This mindset can keep the church on the wrong side of the starting line of this great and important journey of revival. We are waiting for the starting gun from heaven to sound as we wait motionless for the beginning of the race. The problem with that? The gun sounded 2000 years ago.
This is extremely good news! Frustration can set in when we find ourselves waiting and waiting and working and wondering when God is going to actually move. But this revelation should propel us into wildly expectant, supernatural and miraculous Kingdom activities. We can and should experience mass healings, deliverances, citywide blessing, revival, exuberant joy and freedom in our lives and in Detroit right now!
When Jesus told us as he was hanging on the cross that it is finished, he knew what he was talking about. It's important that we don't minimize the cross by presuming that we must do something extra in order to qualify for Kingdom blessing.
Sunday evening at Revival Church I’ll be teaching on a Culture of Healing.
We aren’t waiting around hoping that something happens. The command of Jesus is to heal the sick. We’re not waiting for him to do it, he’s finished. It’s our turn to change the world, and we are responding with a vengeance against disease and sickness.
The greatest enemy to a culture of healing is a culture of confusion regarding God’s desire to heal. If we believe God is not willing to heal, that confusion will keep us inactive. I find it interesting that so many believe God doesn’t desire to heal, yet Jesus himself commanded us to do it!
Dr. T. J. McCrossan – “When unbelief kept Christ from healing the sick on earth, it will surely do so today.”
Mark 16:17-18 (ESV) 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Matthew 10:7 (ESV) 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
We are to preach and heal and cast out demons and raise the dead! We have no option!
For me, if I’m outside of a culture of healing, I’m outside of obedience.
So, come hungry and expectant. Bring your desperate friends and family. Bring them into a culture of healing tomorrow at Revival Church.
And, don’t forget, personal prophetic ministry follows EVERY Sunday service at Revival Church! If you need some personal impartation, this is for you! : We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
Burning ones in Detroit : A school of fire : $200 discount
theLab is a school of the Holy Spirit that’s raising up burning ones for Detroit and the nations of the Earth.
There are a few key strategies for releasing revival in the city of Detroit that we are deeply involved in—and you are invited to run with us at theLab.
Everybody involved with theLab is stunned at the grace and miraculous power that has landed here. The spirit of revival is truly visiting us and we are inviting Detroit and the nations to burn with us.
Host theLab Team in your church
Invite our team to facilitate a powerful school of burning in your church. We are available to travel domestically or internationally and hold weekend, seven day or one month long sessions. We will prophetically impart the fire and life of God into those who register for the school. We’ll train in revival, prayer and city impact and look forward to investing deeply into everybody!
theLab Prayer Events
Pray Magazine interviewed me about prayer-fueled city strategies and I made a simple yet powerful point:
It’s impossible to hate or compete with other pastors if you are praying blessing and the life of Jesus into their lives.
This is the Friday night strategy. I’ve heard much about the struggles within the landscape of the church in Detroit. The fastest road that I’ve discovered to legitimate unity between pastors and churches is prayer. As we call pastors to host us, and then travel with us each Friday, we are developing key relationships and breaking through division.
We are calling together 1000 people to pray with us and the pastors of Detroit every Friday night from 10pm to midnight. Check out the schedule and location of the next prayer event at our newly redesigned site: The favor of God is on this prayer movement as doors of churches across the region are opening to a growing team of prayer warriors!
theLab Internship
Can you help us spread the world all the way around the world about the next internship at theLab?
After our first two sessions which have been made up mostly of people local to the Detroit region, we are encouraging people from other cities and nations to join us for three months of trembling, burning and training in revival.
Head on over to and investigate the vision, the classes and the testimonies of people who have been previously equipped.
The next session begins on January 3rd, 2012. It’s not too early to apply!
The cost of the internship is $699, which includes books, event fees, classes and the internship experience.
If you register by November 30, 2011, you qualify for the early registration discount of $200!
PLUS, if you are a student (ages 18-25) or a minister, you get an additional 50% discount!
Apply today at
If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].
There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God’s Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.
The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.
Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.
There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.
You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God’s presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.
First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you’ll learn how to set the captives free!
There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.
Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God’s great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.
There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.
There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.
Carry Like Mary : New Labreport shirt design : Expecting
We are called to carry the presence of God in purity everywhere we go—just like Mary carried Jesus.
Check out this brand new design, available in several high quality men’s and women’s styles.
Guys, do you have the guts to wear this shirt that announces that you are expecting? Can you answer the question, “So buddy, just what’s in there?”
The answer? The burning presence of the Creator of the world!