What racial problems in Detroit? : The most important event

Detroit City Strategy: The most important event of the week is NOT our Sunday service.

slide2-900x580As much as I LOVE Sunday night services at Revival Church (and, yes, I mean LOVE!), they are not the most important events of the week.

For those that are interested in city-wide revival, transformation and real unity there is no match for Friday night’s prayer events that travel the city of Detroit.

*Tonight is extremely special. After Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons minister the fire of revival at The Crossing (the conference starts at 6:30pm), we’ll take over and continue in burning groans and cries of intercession!

10pm TONIGHT: The Crossing 31590 Grand River Ave.Farmington MI, 48336

Detroit: theLab Friday Prayer Events—A movement unlike any other

theLab is an apostolic and prophetic movement in the Detroit region that is working WONDERS. In fact, it has been so powerful that a school of ministry has been birthed out of it! theLab School of Fire is shocking and rocking a lot of zealous, emerging history makers!

Since January, 2011 theLab has been in around 50 different churches in the Detroit region. That means that 50 churches have been rocked by the life and fire of the Holy Spirit in unusual fashion.

The grace that’s on this movement is remarkable. Astonishing. The call is for EVERY pastor, leader, intercessor, revivalist and burning man and woman of God in Detroit to gather together every Friday night from 10pm-midnight. This is a city movement of fire for the entire city church of Detroit. I’m sounding the alarm. Who will respond?

Joel 1:14 – The Message® (MSG)
Declare a holy fast, call a special meeting, get the leaders together, Round up everyone in the country. Get them into God’s Sanctuary for serious prayer to God.

What racial problems in Detroit?

Since before I moved to Detroit I’ve heard about the severe racial tension that plagues this region.

Since a growing team of burning revivalists and I have been traveling the city every Friday night for over a year, both in urban and suburban churches, my testimony is:

I sense no racial tension whatsoever. None.

We pray in fire together. We love God together. Black. White. There is unity. There is no division. NONE.

And, it’s extremely easy. No working things out. No focus on past racial violations. Just freedom.

Off the Radar

I know what you are probably thinking. I’m not seeing all of the other churches and ministries that are steeped in division and racial strife.

I know they are out there, but the prophetic word is this:

They are off the radar.

The next move of God that is drawing very near in Detroit DOES NOT include them—unless they simply repent, pray, humble themselves and join the movement of revival in Detroit.

Repentance will put them right back on the radar of God’s city church mission in Detroit. It’s that easy.

I will make this as clear as I can—division, jealousy, bitterness and resistance in any form, whether it’s racial, theological, relational or otherwise will take us off the radar. We will miss the outpouring. The fear of the Lord should be striking every one of us right now.

Those who are divisive and resistant are simply being replaced by a fresh army of revivalists and a new city church of power in Detroit.

I believe the days of attempting to unite the old guard in Detroit is over. Seeking cohesion between the pastors here is an honorable mission, but that season is coming to an end as a willing remnant takes their place. This simply means that the mission is switching from reconciliation to advance. It’s time to take steps.

The good news is that at any time, those off the radar can willingly step right back onto it. It’s that easy. But, the pillar of fire is moving, so they better do it quickly.

A 1000 person army in Detroit : Tonight at 10pm

theLab is burning TONIGHT at 10pm!

Spread the word and sound the alarm! We’ll be encountering God tonight at theLab!

Drive save and come burning hot TONIGHT at 10pm! (FYI, we don’t ever cancel for weather, so bundle up and come on out!)

Head over to www.revivallab.com for a map and directions.


Are you one of one thousand who are being gathered in Detroit?

Every Friday from 10pm-midnight we are responding to the most important call of the week—to travel to a Detroit region church and pray with groans of intercession that shock the atmosphere!

This is a key army in the strategic mission of city transformation and full-blown revival in Detroit.

Don’t sign up. Show up. We’re looking for the zealous and faithful warriors who will bring their fire on the road with us each week.

If you plan on coming I’d love to meet you! Contact me at [email protected]!


Dreamcoat teaching tonight at Revival Church : Get ready for a night of vision and freedom

Are you ready to become a dreamer who threatens status quo? I’m teaching on Dreamcoat TONIGHT at Revival Church!

theLabXPad180x150facebookFIRST: Have you applied for theLab School of Fire? The next session starts January 7th! Visit www.revivallab.com today!

Prayer starts at 5pm as usual, and the service begins at 6pm.

DON’T arrive late… the most important part of the service is the first five minutes as we cry out with groans of intercession together!

Here’s a sneak peek of what I’m teaching tonight:

1. Many would say that Joseph was foolish because he shared this seemingly self-centered dream with his family.

a. I disagree- when a dreamer allows himself to be released to dream, he understands the responsibility associated with the dream

b. He moves ahead boldly- unafraid of man’s reaction.

c. It’s time we threaten people’s status quo with God sized dreams! Who’s mediocrity are you threatening?! Start with yours!

2. Joseph’s brothers now started plotting to kill him.

3. Gen 37:18-22 (NKJV) 18 Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him. 19 Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming! 20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!” 21 But Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands, and said, “Let us not kill him.” 22 And Reuben said to them, “Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit which is in the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him”—that he might deliver him out of their hands, and bring him back to his father.

4. Here comes that dreamer- lets kill him!

a. Key verse!

b. We must dream and we must not fear what man can do to us!

c. Luke 12:4-5 (NKJV) 4 "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!

d. John 12:42-43 (NIV) 42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.

e. But- Joseph was a dreamer!

i. What an amazing reputation to have!

ii. Joseph could have easily given up his dream because his enemies were family.

iii. He could have surrendered to their rejection and simply handed over the dreamcoat.

1. You’ll never amount to anything.

2. You don’t have what it takes.

3. Nobody in your family has ever been successful.

4. Joseph’s hurt was probably deep but he didn’t surrender his dreamcoat!

5. After all, his father gave it to him!

iv. It had to be stripped from him!

v. Gen 37:23 (NKJV) 23 So it came to pass, when Joseph had come to his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the tunic of many colors that was on him.

vi. Gen 37:24 (NKJV) 24 Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it.

vii. Now, Joseph was stripped of human recognition of his special favor.

viii. And, he was alone.

ix. And, he had nothing to sustain him- no water.

x. All of this is good! Because, God’s dream in a dreamer cannot be stopped!

theLab School of Fire early registration discount ends today : Session starts January 7, 2012

theLab School of Fire is fueled by deep and prophetic prayer and encounter. Check out these testimonies:

“It was an incredible time at theLab class yesterday. So much freedom! There is so so much breakthrough and clarity happening in my life right now! I am looking forward to even more very soon. God really knew what he was doing when He put me here on this journey with such an incredible group of people!!” Victoria

“The internship has completely changed my life. I have been marked, set free…” Valerie
“I’ve been waiting 36 years to see and experience the awesome power of the fire of God through theLab.” Shelly

“God has brought a shift in every area of my life since starting the internship. It is a can’t miss, mind blowing God encounter that will change your life.” Joshua


Save $200 by applying today. You ONLY have to pay the $25 application fee, and you will lock in the discounted rate when you submit your application before midnight tonight!

Join with a team of burning men & women on a journey into the fire of God’s presence. We believe there is a significant yet hidden company of Believers that God is gathering together to be trained, healed and infused with fire. These mighty people will carry and release the burning of the Holy Spirit into the revival-ready Detroit region…and beyond to the cities of the Earth.

Watch a promo video here: http://vimeo.com/27407425 

Apply TODAY! http://www.revivallab.com/internship 


    There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God’s Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.
    The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.
    Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.
    There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.
    You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God’s presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.
    First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you’ll learn how to set the captives free!
    There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.
    Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God’s great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.
    There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.
    There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.

theLab was burning at TheCall last night : Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday

theLab prayed from 10pm-midnight in a concourse at Ford Field—and the fire of deliverance raged!

imageAfter struggling to find a place to pray as a group, we ended up in a concourse and about 50 people exploded in deep groans and roars of the Spirit!

The spirit of prayer landed on me the moment theLab gathered together at TheCall and what followed was indescribable.

The burning I and so many were experiencing was raging all around. There were deliverances and people laid out all over the floor.

I’ll say this, whenever the burning men and women of theLab gather together to pray, the atmosphere simply ignites in something way beyond passion and emotion. God visits in tangible yet invisible power.


In just 45 minutes from now we’ll be in the same place on the concourse behind the Lions Pro Shop at Gate A. Join us at 10am if you can for another round of burning!


Come early for one of the most powerful prayer meetings you’ve ever experienced! We’ll start at 5pm at Revival Church in roaring, groaning, burning and prophetic prayer. The service will launch with that same fire of intercession at 6pm as Catherine Mullins leads us in revival worship.

Matt Sorger will then take over and we will experience an atmosphere of signs, wonders and miracles!

See you Sunday at Revival Church!


theLab at TheCall tonight at 10pm at Ford Field : Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday at 6pm

Meet up with theLab TONIGHT at 10pm at TheCall! We will be at GATE 1A by the Lions Pro Shop!

theLab releases the fire of revival through deep groans of intercession every Friday night at 10pm. God has been blowing our minds by faithfully opening doors at different Detroit region churches every week.

We are boldly calling together 1000 burning men and women of God to travel with us around the city every Friday night.

Learn much more at www.revivallab.com!


Early registration is almost over! Watch a video at www.revivallab.com and then save $200 if you register by November 30th, 2011! Go to www.revivallab.com/apply today!



Sunday is going to be EXPLOSIVE at Revival Church!

Join us at 5pm for some of the hottest, fiery prophetic intercession around! We’ll be preparing the way for the spirit of revival to launch!

Then, at 6pm, Catherine Mullins will be leading us into the burning presence of God!

Matt Sorger follows with a night of signs, wonders and miracles!

INSANE faith : Can you believe with us for this? Revival Church property vision

Will you join with us in rare, insane faith for a regional center of revival in Detroit?

imageThis is an idea of what I see when I think about the multiple thousands of people who are going to converge in Detroit very soon. They will land in the airport from the nations of the Earth and will be looking for a night and day revival center where they can find healing, fire and life!

In fact, this property is probably much too small, which is why there have been so many prophetic words about stadiums being filled with people as revival breaks out!

The leader of the ministry I established in Colorado emailed me the following today:

Prepare for the explosion. I would pray and look for a big place, big favor and not a big price tag. But look big, pray big, confirmation is coming, ask for it from the Lord. Big big big—press—He's given you guys the faith for it, now is the time.~Miles Anderson

We are praying very specifically for a property like this, and the money to refurbish it, so we can:

  • Host the nations in nightly outpouring meetings
  • House continual prophetic intercession for revival, Detroit and the nations
  • Have classrooms and meeting places for theLab Internship.
  • Hold regional conferences with national ministers that God is highlighting in this hour
  • Establish REVIVAL WORSHIP where “The Tone of the Groan” Romans 8:26 worship movement is stewarded
  • greenfirecoffee: Yep, a full blown coffee shop where people can come and enjoy God and each other night and day!
  • Television studio: We are called to release this fire to the nations, and we see a raw, fiery TV program driven by revival worship, groans and prophetic teaching.
  • Much, much more including an earth shaking children’s ministry, dorms and outreaches.

We are inviting the region including pastors, ministry leaders, intercessors and others to rally around the vision of a regional center of revival. We are boldly asking you to lock arms with us in the city church.

If you have the resources to finance this project, or a part of it, please contact me. If you have other insights, I’d love to connect! [email protected]

Check it out:


New teen internship : theLab Internship 2012 Schedule :


2012 sessions: Jan 7-Mar 31 | apr 28-jul 21 | aug 25-nov 17 | teen session jul 28-aug 18

Click here for the schedule
Click here for the class list

Join with a team of burning men & women on a journey into the fire of God’s presence. We believe there is a significant yet hidden company of Believers that God is gathering together to be trained, healed and infused with fire. These mighty people will carry and release the burning of the Holy Spirit into the revival-ready Detroit region…and beyond to the cities of the Earth.

The internship will be fueled by deep and prophetic prayer both in a small group setting and as we move out together to intercede in churches throughout the region.


Debriefing, training and intercession

theLab Intercession Event

Primary teaching session

Revival Church pre-service prayer

Revival Church service

We will also be involved in special revival and prayer events in the city. Interns will be expected to serve at these events.

Find more info at www.revivallab.com or email us at [email protected].

Powerful teaching video : Prophetic Authority

The faith in the room was pulled on during this powerful and challenging teaching—watch now!

imageWe are called to move from a life of low level prophetic influence, to a much more effective level of prophetic authority. Discover how in this teaching, Prophetic Authority. You can watch the video or listen to the audio at http://media.johnburton.net.

I received several comments about this teaching. It really hit home and impacted people deeply.

Here are some quotes from the video:

  • When our prayer moves into the place of deep groaning, we move from intercession to legislation.
  • Our natural analysis that fuels our prayer and our prophecy is locking us into a lesser life.
  • Doubt fueled prayer actually causes more damage than good.There's power of life & death in the tongue.It would be better not to pray at all.
  • Unbelief can cancel out even the most accurate and weighty prophecies and plans of God.
  • Regarding petition: we should stop wasting time in prayer trying to convince God to do something we don't believe he'll do.
  • If we don't deal with unbelief, our ministry will actually transfer unbelief to others, which will result in them being condemned. (Mark 16)
  • In a day when we're trying to get the church praying more, there's actually a deeper imagegraduation into a life of less petition.
  • Unbelief keeps us from moving from having mere influence to a place of operating in great authority.

AND, don’t forget to submit dreams, visions and prophecies to www.detroitprophecy.com!

Wildly expectant : We need your help to get into a new property

We are looking to pull the trigger on leasing a different property for Revival Church and theLab—your participation will help determine what type of property we choose.


  • Finding a new property (this week?)
  • The (huge!) vision
  • Amy’s story of giving to a better storehouse (So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.)

We have our eyes on several properties now, and have offers to share them with another church (like we do now).

I’m feeling a very, very powerful swirl of the Holy Spirit today…huge expectancy. So, I thought I’d get you all praying with me. Something unusual is going on!

If you feel God is calling you to give a financial gift toward a new property, now is the time to do that. We’ll be making a decision on where we go soon based where God is leading and on the finances we have to use (possibly this week—we have to be in a new place no later than May.). We are committed to staying out of debt, so we’ll only move on something that we can afford.

As of Sunday, the church only had $130 in the bank, but then the Lord moved nicely and the offering was our largest ever—$2300. So, I think God is really touching some hearts in this area now.

We pay $800 a month to share the current property, and won’t go much beyond that when we move to a new place—unless we receive a significant donation that makes it clear that it would be wise to get something a bit more.


We are called to fulfill a very important mission here in Detroit. Our ministry has a mandate to be a prophetic regional center of revival.

What does this mean? A few things:

  1. We have regional focus. We envision a team of pastors from all throughout the region locking arms and focusing primarily on strategic regional events.
  2. We are raising up a team of prophetic messengers and revivalists. theLab internship is helping fulfill the call to create a company of people who will station themselves in the mission command center for Detroit. They receive prophetic data and instructions and communicate it to the pastors and leaders of the region.
  3. Continual apostolic intercession is a foundational ministry for us. Not only do we want to intercede, but the call is to hear God’s plans clearly, and then respond immediately and appropriately. We’re gathering 1000 intercessors, pastors, leaders and burning men and women of God to pray very aggressively and intentionally on site together each week.
  4. theLab team is being trained and equipped to carry the call to gather leaders and to host large scale prophetic prayer events. theLab events are purposed to bring in key, anointed national and international leaders to deposit fire into the desperate Detroit region.

Now, to pull all of this off, we need a large campus. A 2000+ seat auditorium plus prayer rooms, class rooms and other facilities will be necessary. At this point, we’re willing to either take that giant leap, or we will take a much smaller incremental step by simply finding a place to meet on Sundays. We’re open to the exact plan of God for us.

We don’t want to go for the campus if we are supposed to share a property, and we don’t want to share if we are supposed to find the campus at this time.

You can donate at www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/donate.


On Sunday, God dropped a timely message into my spirit, just before we received the tithes and offerings. I was reminded of a situation in our household, and then shared a scripture that I’ll pass along to you. Detroit is shell-shocked financially right now, and I’m concerned that people are attempting to entrust their own storehouses (a reaction of fear) instead of God’s risk-free system of giving toward the storehouse of the church (a reaction of faith).

Here’s our story:

First, Amy went to pay the bills, and discovered that we were $630 short. She was very frustrated, and couldn’t figure out why that was. She had to take some money out of our savings (our storehouse) and move it into our checking account so we could pay the bills.

Then, later that day, Skylar found a check for $630 that Amy thought had already been deposited. Well, there was the missing money. So, Amy was about to deposit it into our savings to replace what she had to move over. God then said, “All of your bills have been paid, right?” Hmmm. Yes, it was true. We were not in lack, and we did have an excess of $630. So, Amy decided to give $50 out of her thankfulness.

God then said again, “All of your bills have been paid, right?”

Right there, Amy was faced with her financial nervousness contrasting with God’s clear ability to take care of us—and was convinced of the importance to put our money in the right storehouse. She wrote a check for $500 and gave it to The Fireplace (a revival movement here in Detroit) and put aside another $130 to be used to treat some pastors to dinner.

The money was given to a much better storehouse.

Luke 12:15 And he said to them,”Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully,17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?'18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.'20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

Let me know if you have any thoughts at all.
