Fresh church model: intimate setting, passionate worship, quick teachings…

imageGet ready for a new experience at Revival Church TOMORROW at 7pm!

FIRST: Don’t forget we’ll be in Dearborn at the Justice House of Prayer leading in intercession from 8-11pm TONIGHT!

As we prepare our environment for our new media ministry, you will have an opportunity to participate in the development Saturday night!

The service will be intermixed with bursts of worship and intercession, quick exhortations and short teachings—and from beginning to end we will be experiencing the fire of the Holy Spirit!


Our intention is to make the bulk of the service available to our future media audience, and with that in mind we will keep it to about one hour in length.

We will begin at 7pm and end by around 8-8:15pm, at which point the cameras (when we have them!) will be turned off.

You will be free to leave, or to stay with us for an extra hour or so of worship, soaking, personal ministry and occasional extended teachings.


With such a short window at the beginning of the night, you won’t want to miss any of it!

In fact, if you can, show up for prayer in the war room at 6pm!


The room is set up ‘in the round’ and you are encouraged to sit on the floor or in a chair close together with other firebrands!

This will make for an amazing experience both locally and when viewed online!


These more intimate services will have an amazing prophetic flow to them. Prophetic decrees, intercession, worship, dancing, flags and other expressions of the Holy Spirit will be constant from beginning to end!


Instead of worshiping first, then sitting for the teaching, we will be shaking it up.

Teachings will be 10-15 minutes long, and may include either one or two segments. The goal is to keep a powerful flow going!

We can’t wait to see you tomorrow night!

John and Amy





