Video and photos : The Detroit Outpouring meetings have been extended to 21 days

The leadership of The Fireplace decided, after feeling the increasing whirlwind of God’s presence, to extend the meetings to 21 days!

[You’ll want to watch a video of passionate groans and cries from last night’s event…I’ll include the link below.]

Teams of reinforcements should be arriving in Detroit soon—evangelists, intercessors and others who are craving the fire of revival that Detroit is now experiencing!

Last night’s event with Leonard Jones, Aaron Crider and Brian Simmons went to another level of burning—and we are barely beginning.

People have been praying for this in Detroit for years…and now we have the opportunity to steward it.

I’m encouraging every pastor in Detroit to lead their congregation to these meetings every night they can. Put all programs, small groups and other ministries on hold. The regional emphasis must trump the local focus right now.

I shared last night that we must guard against disunity that comes in the form of a loose commitment. We must pay the price of revival… and, like Acts 2, the small down payment we all must make is simply to be together continually and to pray. They cancelled life in the upper room for 10 days before the fire fell. We need to do the same.

We also must guard against the spirit of unbelief. Is God not God? Then we should easily expect that he does ‘God type stuff’ as a part of his daily routine.

Check out this video of groans and cries of people at the altars last night at The Fireplace.


