Posts Tagged ‘warren’
New series starting tonight! 20 Elements of Revival at the School of Revival
Join us locally or online TONIGHT at 7pm for the beginning of our brand new series 20 ELEMENTS OF REVIVAL!
Discover how to live in a state of white hot, continual revival—and how to see it spread into a city wide inferno!
Join us locally in Detroit for prayer, worship, teaching and then a time of discussion:
theFurnace is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091
If you aren’t near, you can watch online beginning at 7pm at
You can download tonight’s notes to follow along as you watch HERE.
The contention of this book is simple: The extreme manifest presence of God is the biblical norm for New Testament believers. We label it many ways: revival, an outpouring, renewal, and certainly different moves of God have distinct flavors to them. However, regardless of the descriptive term we attach to it, we simply are not experiencing it. As we investigate a simple and powerful formula for revival, we will find ourselves deeply provoked and advancing with extreme momentum toward the goal of a city-wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
20 Elements of Revival- I just finished reading 20 Elements of Revival. Everyone should read this book! I wish I had the cash for a case of this book. Seriously! I keep thinking of more people who NEED a copy of it! It’s very, very, very rare for me to feel this way about a book other than the Bible. -Kathi
Just finished reading the two books you gave me…and I am buzzing in the Holy Spirit! My wife and I had an hour conversation about the depth of their implications. You have nailed it my friend. I have met few people who have put all this together….and I am in awe and grateful. I want all our leadership team to especially read 20 Elements of Revival. -Tim
School of Prayer Tonight at 7pm | Also, is terrorism in the USA closing in?
Discover how to pray, walk and live in the Spirit TONIGHT at the School of Prayer! Join us for teaching & intercession at 7pm!
If you are in the Detroit region, join us at 7pm!
theFurnace is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091.
If you are from another region, you can watch live online at
In light of everything that’s happening in the world right now with ISIS and the advance of terrorism, I’d like you to read what I consider to be one of the most important prophetic warnings I’ve ever received:
As I sat up high at Comerica Park last night watching a Tiger’s game, I saw a mural on a building that God revealed to me when I first visited Detroit.
I had a dream, and afterwards I visited Detroit to minister, and then saw the mural of jumping whales which was a key part of the dream.
It’s a warning dream, and Detroit must respond in repentance and intercession—as must the nation. Here’s the picture I took last night at the game and also the dream. (This is taken from the chapter in my book The Coming Church titled Their Freedom is Your Mission.)
A Troubling End-Time Dream
Here is a clear example of a sharp, prophetic message. Will we respond to the call or casually watch from the sidelines?
It would be nice if all of our dreams, visions and communication from God had the feel of running and dancing through a field of daisies, but it’s more important that we receive accurate data than imaginary, feel good stories.
This dream was anything but candy canes and ice cream. To date, other than my encounter with Hell in the early 1990s, I’ve never received such an urgent and troubling dream of God.
The first scene in my dream represented a typical American day. I was in my basement in a really comfortable leather recliner, sitting in front of a large television. I was excitedly watching my favorite NFL team, the Chicago Bears, play in a nationally televised evening game. I was thoroughly entertained and was settling in for a great night of football.
The scene then suddenly changed. I found myself in the captain’s seat of the largest commercial airplane I’d even seen. In fact, this jet was capable of holding over 1000 people. Everybody in the airplane was excited and ready for the journey—and they were all blood-bought Christians. They represented an end-time remnant being prepared by God for the days ahead.
Amy Burton TONIGHT: Discover powerful steps to financial prosperity
Amy Burton will be teaching TONIGHT at 7pm on financial prosperity and debt free living!
Discover practical and spiritual steps that will bring your finances into order and set you up for financial breakthrough!
Revival Church is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091.
If you aren’t local to Detroit, you can listen LIVE at at 7pm ET!
Halloween: Warfare prayer tonight and a teaching you can download now
Fiery warfare prayer, worship and celebration TONIGHT at the Detroit Prayer Furnace at 7pm!
I dusted off an old teaching of mine form 2005 titled, Halloween: The Invitation, and you can listen to it here:
In that teaching I deal with some very dark realities that are connected to this holiday—realities that we all must understand.
Tonight, we will be gathering together—moms and dads, kids and anybody who is ready to exalt Jesus Christ!
It starts at 7pm. The Detroit Prayer Furnace is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091.
Opening Night at Revival Church tomorrow, Saturday, July 13th at 7pm!
Experience an atmosphere of intimacy, intercession and passionate teaching in our new prayer-fueled setting in Warren!
Tomorrow is a special night and YOU are invited to celebrate with us!
Revival Church is serious about seeing prayer returned to first place in the church—and in the main church service.
Tomorrow night you will experience a fiery atmosphere of intimate prayer and passionate decrees just before I bring a message on our eternal perspective. We can be intimate with Jesus FOREVER—starting NOW!
The coffee will be ready at 6pm, and you can enjoy it with friends, or you can bring it into the Prep Room for fiery pre-service prayer!
Revival Church is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091.
We are adding three BRAND NEW prayer and teaching nights to the calendar!
■ Mondays Night Teaching on Historic Revivals • 7-9pm • Beginning July 15th
just what did it take for revival to break out through some of history’s most remarkable leaders?
■ Tuesday Night Teaching on Intimacy & The Tabernacle • 7-9pm • Beginning July 16th
This 13-week class will transform your life!
On Tuesday nights we will peer into God’s incredible passion to commune with His own people as seen through the design and structure of the Tabernacle. Each detail in the cloth, the furniture, the spices, the offerings and priests of the Tabernacle foreshadow what was to come in Jesus Christ. Get a copy of, “Seeing Christ in the Tabernacle” by Ervin Hershberger for $4.99 on Amazon Kindle and read the first chapter, “Ark of the Covenant” as we explore these amazing images of Jesus Christ.
■ Wednesday Night Bible Study • 7-9pm • Beginning July 17th
“I have written to you, young men (and women), Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
And you have overcome the wicked one.” – 1Jn 2.14b
As I prayed for God’s direction for the Wednesday night Bible study, I heard one simple 1-syllable word in my spirit…”strong”. It’s so easy for many of us to hear a good word or a good teaching and we receive it with great emotion. And it’s great to receive the truth of God’s Word with joy. The truths regarding His unending love and mercy and even His redemptive judgments are great liberators that set our hearts free and on fire.
But when the circumstances and storms of life come and challenge what we believe, the truth of God’s Word needs to be rooted and grounded deep in our hearts. It is only when we understand His Word and His promises in the context of His will and divine purposes that we can effectively stand on them, and stand on them, and persevere, and see His Kingdom established in our lives. It’s when His Word is rooted deep in our gut that we’re able to pray and decree and legislate from our God given authority and status as His sons and daughters.
This is what we’re called to do. We’re called to take a city.
On Wednesday nights, we’re going to go deep. We’re really going to take our time and allow the truth of God’s Word to germinate and take root and get deep into our hearts. Then, when we pray, we will ask for what we desire, and it will be done for us, Jn 15.7.
I’m really excited about studying the Book of Ephesians. And the more I study, the more excited I get. Did you know that the Book of Ephesians is considered to be a NT parallel to the Book of Joshua of the OT? Joshua led the children of Israel into their Promised Land and Ephesians is all about entering and walking in our inheritance in Christ. Did you know that Ephesians is considered the “crown jewel” or capstone of Paul’s theology? Did you know that while Romans was used to spark the Reformation, Ephesians and its central theme of unity in the Body of Christ will be used by God to bring unity to His True Bride before the return of the Lord?
But while the truths in Ephesians have many applications to our church corporately and the regional church we are called to serve, the power and the strength and the might that they convey to the human spirit on a personal level are simply life-changing.
I hope you will join me for a season of strength and “body-building” as we uncover, assimilate and apply the powerful redemptive truths of the Book of Ephesians.
■ Grand Opening Weekend with Richard Crisco! Saturday & Sunday July 27-28, 2013
Learn about the vision of Revival Church & theLab University AND enjoy dinner together on Saturday night at 7pm!
John will be sharing the vision for the ministry and the region on Saturday for a short time just prior to a feast! Bring a main dish AND either a side OR a dessert to share (two total items).
Then, on Sunday, July 28th, we are honored to have special guest Richard Crisco with us at 7pm! This is a weekend you won’t want to miss!
■ Life with John and Amy• 5pm • Sunday, August 4th
Everybody is invited to John and Amy’s house the first Sunday of every month at 5pm!
This is the day we all look forward to each month! We eat together, play games, sit and talk and relax!
Bring your friends and family…the kids will love it!
Our address is: 64639 Tara Hill Drive, Washington, MI 48095
See YOU there!
■ Coming Soon: Reserve a Personal Prayer Room
Schedule 1-2 hour prayer blocks
As a house of prayer for the Detroit region, we HIGHLY value the hours of fervent prayer that are invested.
Soon, you will be able to reserve our prayer room to soak, study scripture, worship and minister to the Lord. Stay tuned!
■ theLab Prayer Events • Different Detroit Region Location Weekly!
theLab has prayed in fervent fire in over 70 Detroit area churches and has been strategically interceding on the streets of Downtown Detroit.
Amy Smith carries this vision, and is currently planning upcoming prayer events that will continue to shock this region! You are invited! Where are we going to be this Friday? Go to and check out the prayer event calendar!
Opening Night is Saturday | Special Prayer Event Tomorrow
Revival Church has moved! Our first service is THIS SATURDAY at 7pm!
And, to kick it all off, we will have a special prayer event TOMORROW, Thursday, July 11th at 7pm in our new building!
We would love to invite you, your friends and family to celebrate with us as we take another step toward seeing night and day prayer grow in the Detroit region.
Revival Church is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091. Visit our site for more info here:
Additionally, our brand new schedule begins this weekend as well:
Prep Room
Saturday 6pm
Prayer drives the ministry, and we would like to invite you to join us for 45 minutes of fiery intercession before the service begins. -
Primary Intercession & Teaching Service
Saturday 7pm
Our services are driven by about an hour of corporate intercession with music playing over us in fast paced, passionate atmosphere of fire.Teachings are finely focused on the topics of revival, prayer, the end-times, intimacy with God and reformation. -
Prayer & Teaching: Historic Revivals
Monday 7pm
Encounter God and minister to him from 7-8pm and then learn about the great revivals and revivalists of history from 8-9pm! -
Prayer & Teaching: Intimacy with God
Tuesday 7pm
Soak in God’s glorious presence from 7-8pm and then discover the deep, intimate heart of God from 8-9pm! -
Prayer & Teaching: Bible Study
Wednesday 7pm
Pray with fire from 7-8pm and then discuss scripture in a small group setting from 8-9pm! -
theLab Prayer Events
Friday 7pm
You don’t want to miss this! Every Friday we are somewhere in the Detroit region leading in fiery prayer! We may be in the streets of downtown Detroit or in a church in the area. To date, we have been in over 70 regional churches to hold white-hot prayer meetings. Simply show up and pray with us! See the calendar HERE for the location of upcoming events.
It gets even better!
Our Grand Opening Weekend is July 27th and 28th!
On Saturday July 27th at 7pm, we will begin with an hour of prayer and teaching, and THEN we will all enjoy a feast together! Bring a main dish AND either a side item OR dessert to share (2 total items).
On Sunday July 28th at 7pm, we are honored to have Pastor Richard Crisco as our special guest.
This will be a weekend to remember!
Big, Exciting & Important Revival Church Announcement!
After four years of sharing a property, Revival Church and theLab are moving into our own building!
And, we are also announcing a BRAND NEW schedule, so read on and get all of the details!
I will be following up on this email with a very special and important message in the next 24 hours.
Please be in prayer and allow yourself to get excited about helping us get setup as a house of prayer.
I will share specific needs with you and you will have the opportunity to donate toward a specific item (kind of like a gift registry!).
**You can now see the needs HERE! (Link will open in a new window)
Our primary service is moving from Sunday evening to Saturday evening!
Our first service in our new location will be Saturday, July 13th at 7pm. Come early for coffee and Prep Room (prayer) at 6pm!
- Saturday 7pm Prep Room 6pm Intercession & Teaching 7pm
- Monday 7pm Prep Room Study of Historic Revivals
- Tuesday 7pm Soaking Prayer Teaching on Intimacy with God
- Wednesday 7pm
Prep Room
Bible Study
- Thursday 7pm theLab Classes (when in session)
- Friday 7pm Prayer & Ministry in the City
Grand Opening Weekend
Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 27th & Sunday, July 28th!
We are excited to have very special guest Richard Crisco with us on Sunday, July 28th at 7pm.
More details to follow.
26091 Sherwood Avenue, Warren, MI 48091
So, you are tired of church as usual? OK! Get ready!
Revival Church and theLab are focused on white hot prayer and equipping of hungry, remnant Christians. Our new property is set up more like a school than a church. In fact, very interestingly, a previous business in the building was a lab! How fitting is that?
You will have a unique opportunity to connect with a small group of Believers who are passionate about large scale revival—and who are devoted to learning how to pray, discovering intimacy with God, encountering the Holy Spirit and preparing for ministry.
We can’t wait to get started on July 13th! (In the mean time, we are still meeting on Sundays in our current location. See you this week!)
theLab is joining with TheCall Strike Force Friday night in Dearborn
theLab will be in Dearborn Friday from 10pm-midnight with TheCall Strike Force!
FIRST: TONIGHT at 7pm at Revival Church my amazing wife will be teaching for the first time! She will reveal some amazing revelation regarding financial freedom. This is open to the public and there is no cost! Just show up! We meet at THE TABERNACLE: 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088.
TheCall Detroit 11.11.11
TheCall Detroit is right around the corner, and we will be in one of the nation’s most strategic cities tomorrow, Friday, November 4th with TheCall Strike Force.
theLab will give leadership in burning prayer as we join forces with other fire breathers as the worship team plays behind us.
This will be a powerful and strategic night of preparation for a historic night at TheCall which is just a week away!
The location is:
Springwells Fellowship
14900 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, MI 48126
(next to McDonalds)
KRIS JACKSON at Revival Church!
THIS SUNDAY at 6pm, Kris Jackson will be bringing a message of city transformation and fire to Revival Church!
Spread the word and come early if you can. Fiery, prophetic pre-service prayer starts at 5pm.
We’ll have a night of freedom in the fire from beginning to end!
International evangelist/ Bible teacher Dr. Kris A. Jackson and wife Debra have touched America and several foreign nations with the Good News of Christ’s saving, healing and delivering power. For nearly thirty years they have served successfully in ministry as pastors, evangelists and church planters, conducting revivals, inter-denominational crusades and camp meetings from coast to coast.
Kris Jackson Ministries is based in Branson West, MO near America’s show capital, Branson. Kris is an artist, both with words and paint brush, an accomplished guitarist and author with more than a dozen books to his credit, such as “Jump-Start the Heart”, “Blueprint to the Blessing”, “Mystery of the Third Day”, “Maker’s Match” and “Psychology of the Psalms” to name a few. Kris holds ThD and PhD in Religion degrees from North Carolina College of Theology.
End Time revival is the Jacksons’ daily pursuit, with meetings characterized by heart-searching repentance, cutting-edge Bible revelation, and an undeniable sense of “Holy of Holies” Glory. Thousands have come to Christ, received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and received healing in KJM meetings.

![]() | Revelation Driven Prayer |