theLab School of Fire early registration discount ends today : Session starts January 7, 2012

theLab School of Fire is fueled by deep and prophetic prayer and encounter. Check out these testimonies:

“It was an incredible time at theLab class yesterday. So much freedom! There is so so much breakthrough and clarity happening in my life right now! I am looking forward to even more very soon. God really knew what he was doing when He put me here on this journey with such an incredible group of people!!” Victoria

“The internship has completely changed my life. I have been marked, set free…” Valerie
“I’ve been waiting 36 years to see and experience the awesome power of the fire of God through theLab.” Shelly

“God has brought a shift in every area of my life since starting the internship. It is a can’t miss, mind blowing God encounter that will change your life.” Joshua


Save $200 by applying today. You ONLY have to pay the $25 application fee, and you will lock in the discounted rate when you submit your application before midnight tonight!

Join with a team of burning men & women on a journey into the fire of God’s presence. We believe there is a significant yet hidden company of Believers that God is gathering together to be trained, healed and infused with fire. These mighty people will carry and release the burning of the Holy Spirit into the revival-ready Detroit region…and beyond to the cities of the Earth.

Watch a promo video here: 

Apply TODAY! 


    There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God’s Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.
    The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.
    Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.
    There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.
    You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God’s presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.
    First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you’ll learn how to set the captives free!
    There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.
    Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God’s great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.
    There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.
    There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.

Tomorrow is the deadline : Watch this video and let God speak to you about theLab

theLabXPad180x150facebooktheLab School of Fire: Take three minutes and watch a video that will cause the Holy Spirit to rock you!

theLab School of Fire starts the next session on January 7th, 2012—and the EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT of $200 is only available if you register by TOMORROW!

This is the last time we’ll be offering any discounts. We’ll be moving to a flat rate for the following session.

Most schools like this charge at least $1500, but if you take advantage of the discount by registering by Wednesday, November 30th, the tuition is only $499!

And, if you are a student or minister, you get a 50% discount!

Again, this is the last time you can receive either an early registration discount OR a student/minister discount.

So, head on over to and watch the video in the bottom right corner.

Apply at

This is going to be a season of burning like no other!


ALSO, get ready for a NIGHT OF FIRE this December 11th at Revival Church!

Revivalist Dennis Reanier will be ministering at Revival Church at 6pm , December 11th.

You can learn more about his ministry at

I double dog dare you to dream : Teaching on DREAMCOAT tonight

Threaten the status quo. Get that youthful attitude in your eyes back. It’s time for your dream to rock the culture.

Last Sunday night was extremely powerful. People were absolutely stunned by what the Holy Spirit was doing.

Tonight, we are going after more. Much more.

There are hard core, volatile dreams inside every one of us, and I double dog dare you to start fulfilling them.

Joseph had guts. He knew his destiny and nothing and nobody was going to stop him.

In fact, his obedience in walking out his dreams resulted in his ability to impact the dreams of others. If you have the boldness to live out your threatening dream, God will give you favor as you speak into the dreams of others. Promotion is a byproduct of dreaming.

See you TONIGHT for an extremely prophetic atmosphere of joy, dancing, freedom and revival at Revival Church!

Fiery prayer starts at 5pm and the service begins with roars of intercession at 6pm!

capture-00000488JOHN AND JET ON XPMEDIA

Did you watch yesterday’s XPMEDIA video about inviting theLab to your church and city? It’s a can’t miss video!!

Jet was the star of the show as I talked about his miraculous birth as a revival baby.

Watch it and other videos on our xpmedia channel at

See you tonight!

Fun new xpmedia video with Revival baby Jet : Bring theLab to your city

capture-00000487Jet the revival baby and I discuss the vision behind our ministry of taking the fire of revival to the cities of the Earth.

In the video I was holding Jet on my lap and I said, “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if I brought my revival baby with me when I and the team come to minister in your church?” Jet is really excited! He’s wondering when it’s going to happen. He just asked, “Dad, how many sleeps until we go to a church?”

I love that little guy!

I believe you will be awakened to the vision of burning as you watch this new xpmedia video. We are ready to bring the team to hold prayer events, workshops and revival services to your church—anywhere in the world! You can watch the latest video at

You can learn more and book us at

(You can take a look at the newly designed ministry site… it’s a portal for all of our ventures.)

capture-00000489theLab School of Fire

We are changing the name of theLab Internship to theLab School of Fire—and you are invited to join us in our next three-month session which begins January 7th, 2012. Save $200 if you register by November 30th!

Head on over to and apply today! Only $25 is due upon applying and the remainder is due the first day of classes.

You will be literally changed in such a way that the rest of your life will feel the impact. It is that powerful.

Tear-jerking photos from theLab graduation : Join us for the next internship

The tears flowed as I watched our interns graduate from theLab this past Saturday!

These amazing people transformed into legit carriers of fire—and they have only just begun!

Save $200 if you register for the next internship which starts in January no later than November 30th! Apply at TODAY!


theLab was burning at TheCall last night : Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday

theLab prayed from 10pm-midnight in a concourse at Ford Field—and the fire of deliverance raged!

imageAfter struggling to find a place to pray as a group, we ended up in a concourse and about 50 people exploded in deep groans and roars of the Spirit!

The spirit of prayer landed on me the moment theLab gathered together at TheCall and what followed was indescribable.

The burning I and so many were experiencing was raging all around. There were deliverances and people laid out all over the floor.

I’ll say this, whenever the burning men and women of theLab gather together to pray, the atmosphere simply ignites in something way beyond passion and emotion. God visits in tangible yet invisible power.


In just 45 minutes from now we’ll be in the same place on the concourse behind the Lions Pro Shop at Gate A. Join us at 10am if you can for another round of burning!


Come early for one of the most powerful prayer meetings you’ve ever experienced! We’ll start at 5pm at Revival Church in roaring, groaning, burning and prophetic prayer. The service will launch with that same fire of intercession at 6pm as Catherine Mullins leads us in revival worship.

Matt Sorger will then take over and we will experience an atmosphere of signs, wonders and miracles!

See you Sunday at Revival Church!


theLab at TheCall tonight at 10pm at Ford Field : Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday at 6pm

Meet up with theLab TONIGHT at 10pm at TheCall! We will be at GATE 1A by the Lions Pro Shop!

theLab releases the fire of revival through deep groans of intercession every Friday night at 10pm. God has been blowing our minds by faithfully opening doors at different Detroit region churches every week.

We are boldly calling together 1000 burning men and women of God to travel with us around the city every Friday night.

Learn much more at!


Early registration is almost over! Watch a video at and then save $200 if you register by November 30th, 2011! Go to today!



Sunday is going to be EXPLOSIVE at Revival Church!

Join us at 5pm for some of the hottest, fiery prophetic intercession around! We’ll be preparing the way for the spirit of revival to launch!

Then, at 6pm, Catherine Mullins will be leading us into the burning presence of God!

Matt Sorger follows with a night of signs, wonders and miracles!

Carry Like Mary : theLab channel on is now live

theLabXPad365x285God woke me up and said, “Tell everybody it’s time to carry like Mary.”

I discuss this powerful revelation in the first video on our new channel!

Head on over to and watch the video now! (I replaced the initial video from last night, so if you saw that one, this one is much better!)

You can also watch theLab Internship video there!

To receive new videos as they arrive, subscribe to the rss feed here: 

theLab Internship

ALSO, be sure to watch theLab Internship video and plan on joining the next session which begins on January 7th, 2012. God is blowing us up and burning us alive at theLab!

If you pre-register by November 30th at, you receive a $200 discount! AND, you only have to pay the $25 application fee now! The rest is due when class starts!


Kris Jackson will be releasing fire with us at Revival Church TOMORROW, Sunday, November 6th at 6pm!


Catherine Mullins will be leading worship AND teaching on worship a week from tomorrow, the Sunday after TheCall at Revival Church!

Amy Burton is teaching on wealth, riches and money Thursday-and you are invited!


Amy taught this popular and life changing message of financial freedom at IHOP—and now she’s teaching it in Detroit!

You may be blown away at how simple it is to break out of a poverty mindset and into financial breakthrough. This special class takes place TOMORROW, Thursday, November 3rd at 7pm at Revival Church.

Amy has demonstrated financial brilliance both in our ministry and in our home. Both Revival Church and the Burton family are debt free—and she was able to accomplish this through the simplicity of God’s clear biblical principles.

Amy will discuss:

  • Recognize and renounce the spirit of Mammon (Mammon is a demonic spirit that influences people to love, serve and trust money. Mammon wants to be your master.)
  • How to eliminate worry and anxiety over money
  • How to deal with an “I can’t afford it” mentality
  • Knowing your channels of provision
  • Becoming God’s financial manager
  • How to handle the overflow
  • Prosperity is the opposite of poverty

This is a special Thursday class at theLab, and we are opening it up to everybody! There is NO COST!

Show up right on time at 7pm at Revival Church which meets at The Tabernacle, 14205 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088.


Revival Infographic : Covens in the Church tomorrow

Wonder what it will take for revival to break out? Evan Roberts knows first hand.

FIRST: Audit theLab class COVENS IN THE CHURCH tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am-2pm. Just show up and pay $15 at the door and get ready for a message that will set you free! If you struggle with submission to authority, this class is for you!
