New teaching video and notes : Razor Sharp Faith

We debuted our new camera at Revival Church last night… check it out!

[Pastors-some of you have asked for a video of my teaching… in preparing for booking me to minister in your church. Here you go! Contact me… I’d love to travel to your location and encourage your church!]

While many in the church are holding back and waiting for a change in their circumstances, God is calling us to boldly go where no man has gone before!


It’s a season of bold and risky advance… or, in other words, it’s a season of faith.

Faith is an action word… it’s not simply a disposition or a way of believing.

The call is for all of us to intentionally move to that realm… and when we do we’ll suddenly find ourselves with story after story to tell of miracles, signs and wonders.

Head on over to and watch our very first sermon video at Revival Church! (Yeah, it’s slightly jerky at times, and audio is coming out of only one channel… but it’s pretty good for our first attempt!)

New teaching video and notes : Razor Sharp Faith

We debuted our new camera at Revival Church last night… check it out!

While many in the church are holding back and waiting for a change in their circumstances, God is calling us to boldly go where no man has gone before!


It’s a season of bold and risky advance… or, in other words, it’s a season of faith.

Faith is an action word… it’s not simply a disposition or a way of believing.

The call is for all of us to intentionally move to that realm… and when we do we’ll suddenly find ourselves with story after story to tell of miracles, signs and wonders.

Head on over to and watch our very first sermon video at Revival Church! (Yeah, it’s slightly jerky at times, and audio is coming out of only one channel… but it’s pretty good for our first attempt!)

A school of revival : Video is here : Participate in a massive drama

The prophecies have been clear, and now video is here!

Have you ever wondered how the Brownsville revival broke out? Or Azusa, or Toronto?

Of course, we have some great historians that have done a good job of breaking this down for us, but… what if…

…what if there was a video record of the teachings and calls to action that preceded an outpouring?


Imagine 50 years from now in a school of revival somewhere in the world… possibly in a village in Africa or a homeless shelter in a city in Europe… or in Bible colleges… countless hours of video was being studied and the teachings implemented in their own pursuit of revival. Wow!

So, this massive drama is before us. Thanks to Revolution House of Prayer in Manitou Springs, Colorado, we have the camera. The services and events at Revival Church will be recorded starting this Sunday, and our prayer is that many people around the world, both now and after the revival lands, will glean key strategies from them.

Three key people prophesied that news cameras would be in our building recording the revival. But, they also prophesied that we needed to have cameras in the building BEFORE the revival so a before and after documentary could be produced.

Now, we still do have needs to take this media missions ministry to the next level. Can you help?

  • A second camera ($500)
  • A video board (?)
  • Monthly broadcasting on ($250/month)

You can donate at Send an email to me at [email protected] to let me know that your donation is specifically for the media ministry.

You can watch a quick video that I took at

Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube videos… these are taken ‘on the go’ and I talk about the messages that God’s burning in my heart in the moment.

My next book is almost done : Pharaoh in the Church

The follow-up to Covens in the Church is almost ready to send to print

Covens in the Church is a book that has set a lot of people free, and my prayer is that Pharaoh in the Church will have the same effect.pharaoh

The first book was targeted at the body as it presented the case for humility and submission to authority as it relates to mission advance.

Pharaoh in the Church is directed at pastors and leaders. It’s a call to relieve the body from making bricks and building the kingdoms of man and to take on the mantel of Moses. It’s time to lead the church into a time of reformation that very possibly may have greater impact than the reformation that launched under Martin Luther.

I’m also considering redesigning both book covers. I may, and I may not… what do you think? Take a look at both here:

Here’s a portion from the book:

A Shocking Shift in the Church

Its days are numbered.  I don’t know what that number is, but it isn’t large.  In fact, the beginnings of change are here.  You can feel the temperature fluctuating as the days are suddenly growing shorter.  We’re in a transitional season that will ultimately result in the rebirthing and reintroduction of a long forgotten biblical structure– the church.
    This change, as I stated in the introduction and thoroughly investigated in the sister book Covens in the Church, is not, as many believe, an exodus from the relationship with Christian leaders, but it is most certainly an exodus.  In fact, it’s an exodus that will either invigorate or irritate leaders across our nation. 
    You see, there is a God-ordained and God-initiated revolution taking form.  It is quite simple to understand that resistance to God’s process is always a tragic mistake and that embracing God’s process always guarantees success (God never fails).  Revolution, by definition, is drastic and momentous change.  It’s shocking and it’s shaking.  It will rock every one of us as the process unfolds before us, but those who will trust God’s wisdom will survive–and thrive as humble, faithful and tested men and women of almighty God.

Exciting opportunity : : Patricia King : Impacting the world

Most of you have heard about the unusual prophecies about capturing Revival Church ministry on video.

First, here’s a couple powerful testimonies:

Last night your message was incredible!  I was trembling the whole message and my spirit was coming alive!  It was so strategic and powerful!  There was such anointing and life on your words.  It was like an arrow being shot in the spiritual realm and I could feel a shaking!  I could see the heavens shifting and also an agitation and rumbling in the enemy's camp.  I believe that we haven't even grasped (yet) all that took place and happened last night! Just thought I would share that with you!  I am so stirred up! –Ruth

i listened to sundays message again. im so messed up, tears, groans, trembling (can barely type) such an anointing…o god, give us your heart and let us take heed to the call to prayer. i see us on the verge of a deep valley (the glory) (the radical call) god is saying just take the step down and let go. make the changes and you will see my glory manifest in detroit! –Michele

Listen to Sunday’s sermon that launched so many into freedom… “A Spirit of Insignificance”…don’t miss it! Head on over to!


Three prophecies from reputable people including Michele Perry and an associate of Georgian Banov felt it was imperative that we start capturing the ministry on video. Cameras will be videoing the outpouring after it begins, and it’s important that we record what leads up to it on this side of revival.

We have an amazing opportunity to broadcast on one of the world’s premiere outlets—!

Patricia King’s is a major broadcaster of ministries like Patricia King, Mark Chironna, Billy Graham & Franklin Graham, Marilyn and Sarah Hickey Ministries, James Goll, Bobby Conner, Sid Roth, Heidi Baker, Brian Lake, Georgian & Winnie Banov, Randy DeMain, Joshua Mills, Jason Westerfield, Lance Wallnau, Wesley & Stacey Campbell, Matt Sorger, Che Ahn, Ryan Wyatt, John & Carol Arnolt, Faytene and many others. is currently reaching 130 countries and generating approximately 30-50 million hits per month!

As a church, we’re at a place where we must find new partners to help some of these ministries come to being.

We need your help—we can’t proceed until finances have been secured:

  1. Cameras and equipment. We should be able to have what we need for around $1000.
  2. broadcasting. This costs $250/month. That’s it. No setup or any additional costs. (You can setup recurring donations online)

You can donate at Feel free to send us an email letting us know that your donation is specifically for this video ministry at [email protected].

I’d love to broadcast the powerful things God is doing at Revival Church around the world!

I’m alarmed : Hungry yet sleepy, scattered and distracted : The core call for Christians in this hour

This prophetic analysis is specifically for the Detroit region, yet I’m confident it has impact in cities around the world.

[Don’t miss Aaron Crider Sunday night at Revival Church! This is most definitely a critical weekend as we gather together and advance toward revival!]

Aaron Crider was sharing with us at dinner after an amazing night of worship about the lifestyle to expect imagewhen revival breaks out in Detroit.

For six years he and his wife were invested in the Brownsville Revival. They would be at the church by 5pm each night and wouldn’t leave until after 1am… EVERY NIGHT except Sunday and Monday! Then, he’d wake up after 3-4 hours of sleep to get up for work by 6am. Work would finish at 11:30am and he’d go right to school. After school it was time for another revival service.

He said that every day 2,000 people would line up at 7am—for a service that started at 7pm! Every day!

This type of investment, of this level of focus is will become the norm for those involved in revival in Detroit.

Let me continue with a simple statement: The core call for Christians in this hour is to gather. To be together. Continually. We must daily build the house of God with fiery devotion.

When I arrived in Detroit a year and a half ago I immediately discerned an atmosphere of extreme hunger. The feel of breakthrough was in the air.

My guess was that it would be easy to sound the alarm, call the hungry to gather together in pursuit of the meal of a lifetime (revival) and the masses would quickly unify, come together and pray. I envisioned a movement of builders, of blue collar zealots who would lock arms and work with passion, together, day after day until the foundation for revival was built.20 Elements of Revival Box

2000 years ago, in a historic moment of desperation, a key event unfolded. The disciples were about to experience the rocking of the Earth by the Holy Spirit as revealed in Acts 2, but they had to do two things in order for this to happen:

  1. Gather together
  2. Pray

It was a similar call that Jesus had for the disciples in the garden. Stay awake, gather together and pray.

It’s the same strategy for us today.


There are hungry people in Detroit, but I sense that hunger is being overcome by a sleepy, scattered and distracted people. Let me say this clearly: Right now, the mission of revival in Detroit absolutely has to be primary for every Believer in the region!

We must be together—continually. We absolutely have to pray.

The new reformation that’s coming to the church that will result in a Brownsville style 24/7 level of participation must be introduced now. We must rearrange our lives around the mission, and build.

The first two elements in my book 20 Elements of Revival are:

  1. Agreement
  2. An extreme devotion of time

As we’re locking arms, building together, praying in the Spirit and developing a new culture of daily participation in the church we’ll find revival rushing closer at warp speed.


It must become normal, very quickly, for churches to be filled to overflowing as people gather to pray several nights a week. It’s time to resist the urge to scatter. We can’t be distracted by lesser things. We must wake up and understand the magnitude of the mission. This is an all hands on deck all the time season!


Yes, I’m alarmed, but I’m also encouraged. That alarm is sure to wake up a ready remnant that will break through the religious system and build up the walls of this city with passion.

If you are one who is ready for reformation, you call is simple. Be in the church every time the doors are open. Contend for the doors to be open even more than they are! Then, pray and build the House of the Lord.

If we can begin to see a pattern of daily gathering and fervent prayer through the region, we’ll actually be able to watch the wave of revival come crashing over us.


The dream is clear—we want to see an army of people explode a movement of night and day prayer, facilitate regional, large scale prophetic events, raise up a team of revivalists to take the fire to other cities and initiate the culture of revival as we help establish the 24/7 city church.

Can you give 10-20 hours a week to this vision? Contact us. We’re ready to see revival come, and we need the laborers to handle the harvest.

John Burton ministering at 24FLOOD in Dearborn Friday

24FLOOD is a prayer ministry right in the heart of the Islamic capital of America


I’ll be there praying along with everybody else for the fire of revival to arrive in this region.

Around 9pm I’ll be speaking about this coming move of God and I’d love for you to join me!

The prayer meeting starts at 8pm and ends at around 1am. Come for as much as you’d like.

Let’s see revival hit Dearborn and the entire Detroit region!

Location: Dearborn Heights First Assembly of God, 5650 S. Telegraph Rd. (Just north of 94)


Listen to a critical message for Detroit : theLab tonight at 8:30pm

If you were at Revival Church last night, you know the severe and weighty call of God that’s being delivered to the church of Detroit

I’m asking everybody associated with Revival Church to listen to this message and forward it to as many friends as possible. This is a severe and serious call as we prepare for revival.

You can listen to the message, which is titled, “An urgent call to gather and pray for revival,” at

Then, tonight at 8:30pm we’ll all be together for theLab radio show. Please spread the word about this show and call in early so you can participate in the call.

To listen, go to or call 323.679.0954.

Lastly, we were able to purchase monitors for the worship team thanks to your financial help. We now need to raise money for our video equipment. If you can give, please do so at

Thank you! See you tonight on the show!

Same feeling as Brownsville : Revival Church plans : Tonight at 6pm

We have dreams and plans to expand and spread the influence of the Holy Spirit

My son Skylar said something out of the blue the other day.

“Dad, I think Revival Church is going to really grow now.”

The power and the momentum around here is awesome!

An amazing guest worship leader that was with us last weekend told me,

“This is the first time since I was at the revival at Brownsville that I’ve felt this type of Holy Spirit activity. The same experience is in the room tonight that was there when revival hit.”

I’ve been in ministry for nearly 18 years, and last Sunday’s service has to be in the top five. The way God moved at Revival Church is awe inspiring.

The most amazing thing was the lingering, hovering mist of God’s glory that has been showing up visibly for the last few month or so. Last weekend, when I just looked at it, I was overcome!

At the end of last week’s service (the service that just wouldn’t end!), it felt like an angel, or God himself, took out my legs. I jerked and trembled the rest of the night as I laid on my face. I continued to experience this power of God for the next few days.

Our current strategic plans to initiate revival are very simple. Gather together often, pray and worship and have a resounding ‘yes’ in our spirits for the activity of the Holy Spirit.

We’ll be doing this again TONIGHT… in just four hours! Join us tonight at Revival Church!

ALSO—we’ll be taking a special offering in response to some very strong prophetic words. We need to start chronicling on video what God is doing at Revival Church. Our worship team is also growing, and we are in immediate need of three monitors. Approximately $1500 should cover this first step. If we go with a two camera setup, which does provide a lot of flexibility, we’ll need at least double.

This will enable us to record the amazing moves of God, and also to archive our teachings on video. A lot of people from around the world have requested this. As soon as we have a building with internet, we’ll stream the services live.

We are on the hunt for a new building so we can expand into a 7-day a week ministry of prayer and revival. Would you pray with us as we seek the right location? We need favor and a lot of participation in order to make this move.

Can you plan on participating in tonight’s special offering? You can also give online at


Last chance to register : Michele Perry : Discover the supernatural

Michele Perry has arrived in Detroit! She’s getting ready for a powerful encounter with God and with YOU!

This amazing powerhouse for God will be introducing us to the invisible, supernatural realm of God—a place that few Christians truly experience!
Registration is FREE for the evening sessions, and only $20 for the Saturday workshops.

Registration is REQUIRED… so head on over to right now!

We can’t wait to see you TOMORROW EVENING at 7pm at Revival Church!

Here’s the schedule:


Friday (FREE, registration required)

  • 7pm

Saturday (Special workshops, payment and registration required)

  • 10am-noon: Connecting with the supernatural/hearing the voice of God
  • Noon: Lunch (on your own)
  • 2pm-3pm: Driven by revelation
  • 3pm-4pm: Changing a regional atmosphere/carrying God’s presence

Saturday (FREE, registration required)

  • 7pm

Sunday (FREE, registration required)

  • 6pm