Posts Tagged ‘revival church’
Church Leadership: Doctrine and theological differences: How to stay unified and true to the vision of the church
Church Leadership: Can we stay unified when there are core doctrinal differences in the church?
I originally shared this with my Revival Church senior staff. I’ve communicated what I’m about to share with my various ministries throughout the years, and it’s been incredibly helpful to keep us on track toward revival.
I then realized that this would benefit not only my senior staff, but the greater body of Believers. This will help senior leaders and also those in the body who might may struggle with differing doctrines and focuses.
For example, IHOP and Bethel have some foundational theological differences, mostly surrounding eschatology, yet they remain great and close friends in the mission of Kingdom advance. We should all have the same heart and spirit within us.
Bill Johnson mentioned a key difference between prior church generations and what God’s doing now. We used to gather around doctrines. Movements launched around people adhering to same Christian theologies. Now, movements are launching as people gather around fathers and apostolic leaders who have a bold Kingdom vision and a mission. That is right on. Brilliant.
Here’s what I sent to my second tier of leaders at Revival Church last week:
Hi Team!
I shared this with the senior leadership team recently and wanted to also get it in front of the rest of our amazing team! This will help you navigate through challenges with differences of vision and doctrine that arise as you meet and lead people in the church.
I've always shared this at various times in my ministries, but this is the first time I've done so at Revival Church:
- As our church grows, we will see MANY differing doctrines in our camp. I've been around this mountain more times that I can count.
- I've had Calvinists demand I study with them and change the official position of the church in favor of their doctrine.
- I've had strong grace doctrine folks want us to change our position.
- I had a guy hand me a huge manuscript he wrote that details why apostolic ministry is no longer for today and didn't approve of my focus on it in the church.
- I've had anti-spiritual warfare people share their positions. Anti-manifestation people shared theirs. Others don't believe Christians can be demonized. Others are pre-trib, others post-trib, others KJV only, etc.
- Others have shared their critiques regarding our vision, ministry emphasis, over-emphasis on one thing, under-emphasis on another, and on and on and on.
The emails I've received over the last 21 years could fill a book!
In every one of the above situations I listened openly and honored them in their personal pursuits, but I did not allow them to distract my primary focus. I did not allow them to compromise the mission we were on. They may not have realized it, but I had already processed through the positions they hold to and had made my doctrinal and ministry decision long ago.
I love this principle:
Someone once said, “I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.”
We as leaders have to use great caution and wisdom in the way we handle such matters. Confusion, distraction, division and disunity can creep in overnight if we aren't careful.
“In Essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love.”
This is a key principle for us. The essentials, or the absolutes of scripture, are the classic, foundational Christian doctrines that cannot be violated. If one were to not adhere to an essential, an absolute, then that person would not be a Christian. For example, it’s mandatory for salvation that we agree that Jesus is God. However it’s not mandatory for salvation that we agree in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. One is an absolute, or an essential, and one is not.
With that in mind, here are the protocols that we must adhere to at Revival Church and theLab. This has been our standard everywhere we've been in ministry and it will help us here as well:
- Have clarity on what the doctrinal positions of Revival Church are and always commit to unity regarding them.
- While it's expected that leaders will hold to differing positions at times (non-absolutes), those positions must not be communicated to others in the church. A good way to handle this situation is: If someone asks you what your opinion on the end times is, for example, you could respond, “The church's position on this is Apostolic Premillennialism and I support them fully.” Now, I also value your personal processing through such situations. It's healthy to do so. If you want to discuss your position with me one-on-one, I'd love to do that at any time.
- Don't ever teach on a topic that is contrary to the position of the church.
- Always have the heart of a protector over senior leadership and the doctrines and vision of the church by voicing support and unity even if your personal doctrines/vision differ.
- If you want to discuss differing viewpoints, always approach me first, and then leave it to me to invite other leaders/people into the discussion if I feel led.
You'll notice that I rarely request feedback among leaders on doctrinal opinions, especially in a group or public setting. That's intentional for the sake of unity. I already know that we'll differ doctrinally. I often tell people, “The debate between Calvinism and Arminanism (for example) is not a new one. I don't have time to recreate that wheel of debate. Research the debated positions online yourself. I adhere to the Arminian position.” I don't let that distraction derail me.
Titus 3:9- But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.
Let's commit to this so we don't have splinter movements within the body.
It’s better to be unified yet disagreed on non-absolutes of scripture than it is to be divided in our search of affirmation of our biblical positions.
John 17:20-21 (ESV) 20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
Philippians 2:1-3 (ESV) 1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Ephesians 2:19 (ESV) 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
While we can all hold to differing non-absolutes of scripture, this doesn’t mean that we won’t be running in a specific direction on a specific track here at Revival Church. We honor those who have differing positions, but we also honor the clear vision and mandate that God has given us as a body. That vision and mandate does include a specific doctrinal focus and position.
For example, we are a church that openly encourages the practice of praying in tongues. We love and honor those who don’t pray in tongues, yet we aren’t going to eliminate our focus on the gifts for their sake. We know we will run with a certain tribe of people, and that’s OK. That vision is worth protecting.
Please always approach me with any teaching topics that you'd like to present in the church before you teach them. With new people coming in it can be easy for new leaders to presume I'm in agreement with something when I actually am not. A simple bulleted outline is all I need, and I trust you have clarity on the vision of the church and won’t teach in opposition to that.
There's no single stream that I'm 100% in agreement with (that would be weird!)… some of IHOP I agree with, some I don't. Some of Bethel I agree with, some I don't. Some of the Word of Faith I agree with, some I don't. Some Baptist doctrine I agree with, some I don't. And on and on!
Here's a great article on how to differentiate between absolutes and non-absolutes of scripture. I gleaned it from Ted Haggard in his book Primary Purpose:
When discussing ministry doctrines, styles and focuses, it’s important that we identify exactly where the particular topic rests within the whole spectrum. Let me explain. I believe there are several different levels in which we can examine structure or style of ministry. Most church bickering and splits would be eliminated if we understood this. Unity would thrive and the Great Commission would be more quickly achievable. Watch the progression from Absolutes of scripture to Interpretations and beyond:
- ‘Absolutes’– Every Christian church must agree on the absolutes. If a church doesn’t accept an absolute, it would certainly not be considered Christian. Absolutes include the fact that Jesus is God, he rose from the dead, salvation only comes through him, there is one true God, Jesus is coming again, sin separates us from eternal life, etc. We can never sacrifice an absolute. We must never waiver from our position here. Churches that accept the absolutes can get together for prayer, fellowship, etc. In Colorado Springs we had the nations largest National Day of Prayer event. Thousands got together to pray for our city in a downtown park. We all agreed on the absolutes.Example of a violation of an absolute: An Arlington, Virginia, minister said, “We have closed our minds to such trivial considerations as the question of the resurrection of Christ. If you fundamentalists wish to believe that nonsense, we have no objections, but we have more important things to preach than the presence or absence of an empty tomb 20 centuries old.”
- ‘Interpretations’– Next on the list, resting on the foundation of absolutes, are interpretations. These are scriptures, that we form opinions or sometimes even doctrines on. They are always taken within the context of the passage. They are fairly focused ideas, but since they are interpretations, there can sometimes be disagreement. The problem is when we allow this disagreement divide the church. Examples of interpretations can be- everybody is meant to speak in tongues, pre-trib rapture, etc. Since these aren’t absolutes, it’s ok to disagree. It’s tragic when people deem certain movements and people as ‘false’ because they disagree with them over interpretation.
- ‘Deductions’– Deductions are broader and more general than interpretations. You can arrive at a deduction when you read a larger portion of several passages of scripture. Doctrines should never be made on deduction alone, but there is much liberty to allow your ministry to include deductions as long as they agree with and enhance the absolutes. As with interpretations, it’s certainly negative to identify deductions as un-biblical when they in fact don’t contradict an absolute.
- ‘Subjective Opinions’– Broader still, subjective opinions are arrived at by individuals that experience certain insight when searching the scriptures coupled with living out what they find. Of course, subjective opinions must always agree with absolutes and must not contradict scripture or they must be thrown out. Subjective opinions my include teaching that hymns are more effective than contemporary worship or that we should dress like the culture that we are trying to minister and relate to them on their level. This is where ministry style can have a lot of freedom to experiment by trial and error. Discovering what works best in your situation at this level should never be accepted as absolute truth, or even as a deduction.
- ‘Personal Preferences’– Personal preferences may have less to do with controversial scriptural matters and more to do with personality, likes and dislikes. For example, a minister may prefer to have a robed choir every Sunday while another may prefer a single barefoot guitar playing worship leader straight out of the 70’s. Another example would be to take tithes and offerings by passing a plate rather than having the congregation bring the tithe to the front of the sanctuary and lay it on the altar. The Bible is usually silent on such preferences.
- ‘Feelings’– Feelings would include simply what we like and don’t like. Can you believe there have been church splits on this level??! What color the carpet, or whether to use hymnals or a video projector has more to do with atmosphere than with anything else.
- ‘Cultural Norms’– This simply has to do with the style and system of a particular culture. For example, you may find loud ‘Amen’s!’ in an Afro-American church while it may be more subdued in another style of church. You will also find a lot of cultural difference between different denominations and different socio-economic classes. If every church were a hooting and hollering roller coaster ride, then there would be a large segment of society that would not be reached, and vice versa.
Sometimes scripture doesn’t demand something be done a certain way. If we all focus on the absolutes and resist creating divisions based on lower levels, we will certainly have a powerful army ready and equipped to accomplish the Great Commission. Someone once said, “I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.”
Understand, I am all for discussion. Iron sharpens iron. But sometimes, the scripture remains silent or vague. As long as we do everything we can to create healthy churches, we have a lot of freedom to work it many different ways.
Wonders at Revival Church in Detroit: I knew something was different when I walked into the auditorium
At 11:30pm I finally went home—after a night of wonders in the form of gold dust and encounters in a fire tunnel!
When I walked into the auditorium after pre-service prayer, I knew something very different was going to happen Sunday night. The spirit of revival was most definitely there.
I’ve experienced the manifest presence of God in extremely heavy forms many, many times over the last two decades—and I can easily say Sunday night was the heaviest its been since I’ve arrived in Detroit.
The combination of so many red hot burning people praying with passion an hour before the service starts plus the most anointed, powerful worship team I’ve ever had along with a sharp, prophetic message of Kingdom advance and a bold mandate of taking the city of Detroit equals an atmosphere of extreme Holy Spirit activity!
The place was absolutely electric! People have been driving from over two hours a way just to get a taste of God with us at Revival Church!
Revival is starting to pop!
Just when you thought the service might be done, and after the personal prophetic ministry was coming to an end, God started manifesting again!
One of our key leaders was in a God induced trance and was encounter flame carrying angels. Gold dust was covering people. One young lady kept having it appear in her scalp and the crowd rushed around her to see—and then exalted God and thanked him for his touch!
Finally at 11:30pm I hit the road totally shocked and rocked by the power of God. Amazing.
Spread the word. God is up to something very, very special and rare at Revival Church. Wow.
Get ready for a weekend of fire!
Our great friends Catherine Mullins and Brian Simmons will be back in Detroit February 3rd-5th!
Dreamcoat teaching tonight at Revival Church : Get ready for a night of vision and freedom
Are you ready to become a dreamer who threatens status quo? I’m teaching on Dreamcoat TONIGHT at Revival Church!
FIRST: Have you applied for theLab School of Fire? The next session starts January 7th! Visit today!
Prayer starts at 5pm as usual, and the service begins at 6pm.
DON’T arrive late… the most important part of the service is the first five minutes as we cry out with groans of intercession together!
Here’s a sneak peek of what I’m teaching tonight:
1. Many would say that Joseph was foolish because he shared this seemingly self-centered dream with his family.
a. I disagree- when a dreamer allows himself to be released to dream, he understands the responsibility associated with the dream
b. He moves ahead boldly- unafraid of man’s reaction.
c. It’s time we threaten people’s status quo with God sized dreams! Who’s mediocrity are you threatening?! Start with yours!
2. Joseph’s brothers now started plotting to kill him.
3. Gen 37:18-22 (NKJV) 18 Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him. 19 Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming! 20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!” 21 But Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands, and said, “Let us not kill him.” 22 And Reuben said to them, “Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit which is in the wilderness, and do not lay a hand on him”—that he might deliver him out of their hands, and bring him back to his father.
4. Here comes that dreamer- lets kill him!
a. Key verse!
b. We must dream and we must not fear what man can do to us!
c. Luke 12:4-5 (NKJV) 4 "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!
d. John 12:42-43 (NIV) 42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
e. But- Joseph was a dreamer!
i. What an amazing reputation to have!
ii. Joseph could have easily given up his dream because his enemies were family.
iii. He could have surrendered to their rejection and simply handed over the dreamcoat.
1. You’ll never amount to anything.
2. You don’t have what it takes.
3. Nobody in your family has ever been successful.
4. Joseph’s hurt was probably deep but he didn’t surrender his dreamcoat!
5. After all, his father gave it to him!
iv. It had to be stripped from him!
v. Gen 37:23 (NKJV) 23 So it came to pass, when Joseph had come to his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the tunic of many colors that was on him.
vi. Gen 37:24 (NKJV) 24 Then they took him and cast him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it.
vii. Now, Joseph was stripped of human recognition of his special favor.
viii. And, he was alone.
ix. And, he had nothing to sustain him- no water.
x. All of this is good! Because, God’s dream in a dreamer cannot be stopped!
Donate to Revival Church by December 31st : 2011 tax write-off
Last chance to apply a donation to your 2011 giving statement!
The new year is almost here!
This is your last chance to apply your giving for 2011. Any items that you would like included in your 2011 contributions statement must be post-marked or received by the end of the day on Saturday, December 31st.
Please Note: If you send a check it must be post-marked by December 31st. You may also give online until 11:59pm on December 31st. Simply visit
Contributions received during Sunday night's service will be included in your 2012 giving statement.
Thank you for your amazing faithfulness to this ministry of revival in Detroit!
I double dog dare you to dream : Teaching on DREAMCOAT tonight
Threaten the status quo. Get that youthful attitude in your eyes back. It’s time for your dream to rock the culture.
Last Sunday night was extremely powerful. People were absolutely stunned by what the Holy Spirit was doing.
Tonight, we are going after more. Much more.
There are hard core, volatile dreams inside every one of us, and I double dog dare you to start fulfilling them.
Joseph had guts. He knew his destiny and nothing and nobody was going to stop him.
In fact, his obedience in walking out his dreams resulted in his ability to impact the dreams of others. If you have the boldness to live out your threatening dream, God will give you favor as you speak into the dreams of others. Promotion is a byproduct of dreaming.
See you TONIGHT for an extremely prophetic atmosphere of joy, dancing, freedom and revival at Revival Church!
Fiery prayer starts at 5pm and the service begins with roars of intercession at 6pm!
Did you watch yesterday’s XPMEDIA video about inviting theLab to your church and city? It’s a can’t miss video!!
Jet was the star of the show as I talked about his miraculous birth as a revival baby.
See you tonight!
Sunday Revival Double Header : Join revivalist and author John Burton on the road
The Revival Church worship team and John Burton will be on the road this Sunday morning and at Revival Church Sunday evening!
We are very intentionally developing a culture of portable revival and our plan is to take the masses with us on the road as we carry the fire to other cities and churches.
YOU are invited to join us on our journeys!
Travel to Attica (only about 40 minutes away from Revival Church) and help us release the fire of revival into an amazing church!
The service starts at 10am and the address is 4411 Newark Rd., Attica, MI 48412.
THEN, the fun has barely begun as we continue in the flame Sunday night at Revival Church!
Join us for wild and burning pre-service prayer at 5pm and dive into the furnace as worship begins at 6pm.
See you Sunday!
A wave of revival hit Revival Church : Revival Church moving or switching nights
The thought of having a church service without the manifest glory of God just doesn’t make sense.
We’ve been declaring an atmosphere of signs and wonders, and last night at Revival Church several experienced gold dust. Someone who had it manifest in the children’s ministry just posted on Facebook:
I still have it on me! It comes and goes……its wild!
The packed out church was covered with the fire and glory of God as Catherine Mullins and Matt Sorger released the life of Jesus.
This atmosphere must be stewarded… and the company of burning ones at Revival Church are invested in this magnificent process of fire in Detroit!
I continue to be wrecked by the fear of the Lord. It’s increasing. As the pressures of revival increase we must understand that the only way we’ll stand is if we fall to our knees.
Let’s continue to embrace holiness and humility as we strategically go after God unlike any time in our lives. The times are quite serious and we can’t casually handle the fire.
We have adopted what we consider to be the best advice for launching a full scale revival. Evan Roberts, the great revivalist, said:
"Congregate the people who are willing to make a total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s promises. Hold daily meetings.”
We have already assembled the best team of emerging leaders I’ve ever been associated with—but we are just beginning!
The call is to gather the hungry and surrendered and pray. There is a groaning intercession movement that has already started to take Detroit by storm in theLab, and you are invited to join the ranks! Learn more about the strategy to see revival engulf Detroit!
Visit both and for info on how to connect in theLab prayer movement and in Revival Church
This is the next step in our strategy, but we need your help! Our host church is starting their own Sunday night service the first of January, which means we have a decision to make.
The ultimate goal is to secure a property that can hold thousands for major prophetic/revival conferences and events along with room for dorms and theLab internship. If you have ideas, I’d love to talk. I can connect you with the team involved in our property search. When we have our own property, we will be able to start developing the 24/7 church. Not only will there be daily meetings, but there will be hourly events around the clock. Imagine continual teaching in one room, non-stop groans of intercession in another and fiery revival services in another!
Since we only have a little over a month for something to happen, it looks like we may end up moving from Sunday night to Saturday night beginning the first week of January, 2012. So, clear your calendars now for this shift!
If you want to save $200 on the next internship session, you have to register by November 30th! Go here:
After TheCall Event : Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday
The team at Revival Church is BURNING and extremely expectant for a very real and tangible outpouring tomorrow night.
FIRST: Check out our new xpmedia video on THE SHEEP STEALING MYTH! Head on over to
Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins will be ministering, and they both have full liberty to go as deep as God leads them. I'm expecting an extremely unusual atmosphere tomorrow night with legit signs and wonders overtaking us.
At 5pm you are invited to dive into a thundering culture of prophetic prayer as we prepare for the service. We will be releasing fire through the roars and groans of intercession. The night really begins at 5pm, and when you experience that hour of passion you will understand what I mean.
The night will launch at 6pm with sounds of revival and shocking cries of freedom! Catherine Mullins will captain a powerful season of prophetic worship with a breaker anointing coarsing throughout.
I spent some time with Matt Sorger today, and he's ready to minister the fire of God at Revival Church. Come expecting a visitation and a revelation of the power and love of Jesus.
After the service our team will be ready to prophesy over every person that's interested! This has become a very popular part of our culture as God ministers in a one-on-one setting. Just stay after the service and enjoy God's messages of love for you!
Check us out online at and we'll see you tomorrow night!
14205 12 Mile Road
Warren, MI 48088
Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins Sunday : XPMedia video-The Coming Church
Matt Sorger and Catherine Mullins will be at Revival Church THIS SUNDAY at 6pm!
FIRST: The latest XPMedia video has been uploaded! Check out a short discussion on extreme reformation that’s coming to the church. I talk about my vision and my upcoming book THE COMING CHURCH.
There’s a fierce invasion from Heaven coming to the church, and in the vision I saw a fearful, burning crater that was coursing with searing lava.
Head on over to and watch it now! (I’ll include the first chapter of my book at the end of this message!)
Immediately after TheCall, the fire will continue to intensify at Revival Church as Matt Sorger and our good friend Catherine Mullins will be at Revival Church!
Our amazing worship leader Valerie Ladendorf was ministering with them along with John Kilpatrick, Barbara Yoder and others in New York last week and she was casting the vision of what God’s doing in Detroit and in Revival Church.
They are both extremely excited and expectant of what is going to happen at Revival Church Sunday night!
If you want to experience a ‘crater culture’ (watch the video and you will understand!), come early at 5pm for burning, prophetic prayer as we prepare for a night of fire!
The Coming Church Every church, every pastor and every Christian will tremble as God invades the landscape of the church.
~ One ~
The Encounter
Spiritual encounters, whether they are visions, dreams or visitations can go a long way in preparing individuals, groups, and even nations for the otherworldly, dramatic and critical shifts that God is setting into motion. Of course, we know in scripture that spiritual things must be discerned spiritually, and it’s important to understand clearly what’s being communicated. We also know that all dreams, for example, are not necessarily spiritual dreams. That must be discerned. I challenge you to stay up until 3 AM and then eat a bucket of hot wings, a can of Mountain Dew and a half a gallon of ice cream and see what kind of crazy images dance around in your head when you finally fall asleep. Experiences like that won’t shake nations. However, the encounter I had absolutely must.
I had a vision of the soon coming church. For me, a spiritual revelation, a message delivered directly by the Creator of the world, is usually very easy to discern. It’s rare that I have to go to someone seeking out an interpretation. The scene and the message are almost always extremely vivid and revealing. I immediately understand what the players and the atmosphere and the story line are attempting to communicate to me.
This particular encounter was no different – in fact, it was so striking, fearful, engulfing and overpowering that the imagery and message will keep me trembling in my spirit forever.
In order to appreciate the magnitude of the message that was communicated to me in the vision, it will be helpful to understand the context. If you can imagine, at least to an incredibly small degree, the picture of the church that God himself sees, it shouldn’t be a stretch to realize the picture of the church that we see on the Earth clearly cannot match up. Meaning, when God drew up the glorious church leading up to its launch in the book of Acts, that diagram that was before him looks little like the church we see today. God’s church looks little like the church we have come to know.
Acts 2:1-3 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
Do me a favor and read that passage in Acts chapter 2 one more time. I want those three verses to dive into your spirit and shake you up. When God started diagramming the church, this is what he envisioned — this is where he started. When you compare this passage of Scripture with descriptions of the modern-day church as we know it, it seems like were comparing apples and oranges.
I’d like to ask you to read the passage one more time. As I’m writing this, I feel the Spirit of the Lord starting to burn in my inner man. Let me pray for you right now just before you read it again:
Mighty God, I pray the burnings of your Spirit would be transmitted into your friends heart. Give them a glimpse into the supernatural yet strikingly real realm of the church. Give them the capacity to release old paradigms, structures, traditions, mindsets and cultures as they come alive to the reality of the church as you see it. Amen.
Okay, go ahead and read the passage in Acts chapter 2 one more time.
Acts 2:1-3 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.
Is it becoming a little bit easier to understand just what the church should look like? You see, as God designed and then launched the church, it was literally blowing and burning and every one of them in that upper room experienced it. As we begin to embrace the truth that passages like this are not science fiction, and that they communicate actual phenomenons that are to be normal for us as Believers, it will become easier to leave behind what we know and press toward the soon coming church. We will suddenly find ourselves so deeply dissatisfied that any thought of maintenance becomes quite insane.
Now, keep in mind that this fiery reality was communicated to us by Jesus, by the Word. This passage is the Word of God, not simply a descriptive, historical report. So, God’s plan is for the church to be a supernatural raging furnace of Holy Spirit activity.
I have heard it said that the only thing more powerful than the Word of God is tradition. The traditions of man overpower the greatest power in existence — Jesus Christ himself. Do you feel the weight of that? Is it possible that we need to embrace the fear of the Lord again? The thought of allowing man-made concepts, structures or agendas to push aside and nullify God’s plans seems ridiculous. Yet it happens with stunning regularity every day all over the world.
Mark 7:13 …making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down…
Of course it’s true that the definition of the church cannot be limited to one perspective of one segment of the greater structure. It is certainly true, as is revealed later on in Acts chapter 2, that the healthy church will include wonderful fellowship, breaking of bread, powerful preaching, discipleship, evangelism, prayer and other critical activities. However, what we see in the church today is a lot of activity, even good activity, but usually without the tangible burning and blowing of God’s Spirit.
The Crater
If you take a look at the cover of this book, you will see a futilely poor attempt at visually communicating what I experienced in my vision. In the vision, I found myself in a dramatic, apocalyptic scene. Everything seemed to be colorless, or at best a variety of dark blues, grays and greens. The ominous clouds matched up with the dark and wild landscape all around me.
Directly in front of me was the focal point of the vision, a tremendously massive crater. I can’t begin to describe in human language the overwhelmingly weighty, urgent, and fearsome atmosphere that gripped me and demanded my complete attention. I was trembling as I looked at the edge of the crater in the distance. As I slowly walked toward the gigantic hole in the ground, I knew I could not approach it casually. The fear of the Lord surrounded me. I couldn’t imagine what type of alien invasion could have created an impression this deep in such solid ground. The force had to have been greater than anything my human mind could comprehend.
As I was analyzing the drama that I was experiencing, God revealed to me that the crater that I was drawing near to was the church. The church? My mind certainly couldn’t even begin to analyze what that meant, but my spirit was raging. My mind presumed I should be looking at a small, white church building with a steeple, but that was not at all what my eyes were seeing.
My spirit was provoked and alive, but I knew that those who were more logical than spiritual in their life experience would most probably resist what is just over the horizon.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Note, this doesn’t mean the unsaved, it means those who are naturally minded. That’s a lot of Christians. Here’s what Paul says next:
1 Corinthians 3:1-2 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able;
I continued to tremble as the increasingly intense, colorless atmosphere engulfed me, and as I ever so carefully, fearfully, yet with intense curiosity approached the edge of the church, the crater.
Again, I realized I couldn’t casually participate. This was a very clear message that I was receiving. The days of casually connecting in the church were over. The shaking and trembling rocked my whole being as I approached this invasion of Heaven into Earth.
Once at the edge, I was stunned and my senses were overwhelmed as I looked at what seemed to be alive. While everything else around me was gray scale, I saw vivid, bright and glowing hues of orange, yellow and red and a prism of colors in between. The bright, colorful, burning lava was living and active. It was moving, coursing throughout the crater. My trembling intensified.
Carry Like Mary : theLab channel on is now live
God woke me up and said, “Tell everybody it’s time to carry like Mary.”
I discuss this powerful revelation in the first video on our new channel!
Head on over to and watch the video now! (I replaced the initial video from last night, so if you saw that one, this one is much better!)
You can also watch theLab Internship video there!
To receive new videos as they arrive, subscribe to the rss feed here:
theLab Internship
ALSO, be sure to watch theLab Internship video and plan on joining the next session which begins on January 7th, 2012. God is blowing us up and burning us alive at theLab!
If you pre-register by November 30th at, you receive a $200 discount! AND, you only have to pay the $25 application fee now! The rest is due when class starts!
Kris Jackson will be releasing fire with us at Revival Church TOMORROW, Sunday, November 6th at 6pm!
Catherine Mullins will be leading worship AND teaching on worship a week from tomorrow, the Sunday after TheCall at Revival Church!