Posts Tagged ‘revival church’
Extremely powerful videos : Catherine Mullins, groans and roars, teaching
You will be shocked to life as you watch several new teaching and worship videos including Catherine Mullins at the Revival Church relaunch!
FIRST: Invite every burning and hungry person you know to Revival Church TONIGHT! We are in an unusual season of extreme Holy Spirit activity, and we are expecting miracles and fire beginning at 5pm in prayer, and then 6pm in the service!
All of these videos and audios are ready NOW! You can also download the notes and follow along as I teach on The Tone of the Groan, Did God Actually Say? and other life-transforming topics.
The last two weeks at Revival Church have literally been indescribable. Groans and cries and baptisms in fire have been a common theme as people have been discovering wild and abundant life in the Spirit!
Head on over to now and get rocked, drunk in the Spirit and set on FIRE!
Revival Church Relaunch : Moving to Warren : Catherine Mullins
May 15th is my birthday and all I want is revival and a huge gathering to worship together with Catherine Mullins! (OK, I want an iPad too!)
I have invited hundreds of Detroit region pastors to join with all of us Sunday evening, May 15th in our NEW LOCATION in Warren! Spread the word and lead the charge of revival with us!!
We are RE:launching and RE:establishing as a RE:gional center of RE:vival!
I’ll be sharing more details TONIGHT during our main Sunday evening service at Revival Church AND I’ll be teaching on EXTREME POWER!
The call is for an explosion of life, power and prophetic unction of the Holy Spirit to rock us all.
As we advance by moving into Warren, we are believing for fresh connections, fresh power and fresh grace to see the mandate of regional revival come to pass.
Some of our team was ministering with Todd Bentley this weekend, and they received powerful words…that were right on!
AND, I was prophesied over powerfully by key apostolic leaders in Detroit on Friday night! The shaking has commenced!
Get ready, we are in a VERY active and volatile season in Detroit.
See you tonight…and certainly on May 15th! YOU will make my birthday one to remember!
Our NEW LOCATION is at THE TABERNACLE at 14205 12 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48088
(just 7 miles from our current location!)
Wildly expectant : We need your help to get into a new property
We are looking to pull the trigger on leasing a different property for Revival Church and theLab—your participation will help determine what type of property we choose.
- Finding a new property (this week?)
- The (huge!) vision
- Amy’s story of giving to a better storehouse (So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.)
We have our eyes on several properties now, and have offers to share them with another church (like we do now).
I’m feeling a very, very powerful swirl of the Holy Spirit today…huge expectancy. So, I thought I’d get you all praying with me. Something unusual is going on!
If you feel God is calling you to give a financial gift toward a new property, now is the time to do that. We’ll be making a decision on where we go soon based where God is leading and on the finances we have to use (possibly this week—we have to be in a new place no later than May.). We are committed to staying out of debt, so we’ll only move on something that we can afford.
As of Sunday, the church only had $130 in the bank, but then the Lord moved nicely and the offering was our largest ever—$2300. So, I think God is really touching some hearts in this area now.
We pay $800 a month to share the current property, and won’t go much beyond that when we move to a new place—unless we receive a significant donation that makes it clear that it would be wise to get something a bit more.
We are called to fulfill a very important mission here in Detroit. Our ministry has a mandate to be a prophetic regional center of revival.
What does this mean? A few things:
- We have regional focus. We envision a team of pastors from all throughout the region locking arms and focusing primarily on strategic regional events.
- We are raising up a team of prophetic messengers and revivalists. theLab internship is helping fulfill the call to create a company of people who will station themselves in the mission command center for Detroit. They receive prophetic data and instructions and communicate it to the pastors and leaders of the region.
- Continual apostolic intercession is a foundational ministry for us. Not only do we want to intercede, but the call is to hear God’s plans clearly, and then respond immediately and appropriately. We’re gathering 1000 intercessors, pastors, leaders and burning men and women of God to pray very aggressively and intentionally on site together each week.
- theLab team is being trained and equipped to carry the call to gather leaders and to host large scale prophetic prayer events. theLab events are purposed to bring in key, anointed national and international leaders to deposit fire into the desperate Detroit region.
Now, to pull all of this off, we need a large campus. A 2000+ seat auditorium plus prayer rooms, class rooms and other facilities will be necessary. At this point, we’re willing to either take that giant leap, or we will take a much smaller incremental step by simply finding a place to meet on Sundays. We’re open to the exact plan of God for us.
We don’t want to go for the campus if we are supposed to share a property, and we don’t want to share if we are supposed to find the campus at this time.
You can donate at
On Sunday, God dropped a timely message into my spirit, just before we received the tithes and offerings. I was reminded of a situation in our household, and then shared a scripture that I’ll pass along to you. Detroit is shell-shocked financially right now, and I’m concerned that people are attempting to entrust their own storehouses (a reaction of fear) instead of God’s risk-free system of giving toward the storehouse of the church (a reaction of faith).
Here’s our story:
First, Amy went to pay the bills, and discovered that we were $630 short. She was very frustrated, and couldn’t figure out why that was. She had to take some money out of our savings (our storehouse) and move it into our checking account so we could pay the bills.
Then, later that day, Skylar found a check for $630 that Amy thought had already been deposited. Well, there was the missing money. So, Amy was about to deposit it into our savings to replace what she had to move over. God then said, “All of your bills have been paid, right?” Hmmm. Yes, it was true. We were not in lack, and we did have an excess of $630. So, Amy decided to give $50 out of her thankfulness.
God then said again, “All of your bills have been paid, right?”
Right there, Amy was faced with her financial nervousness contrasting with God’s clear ability to take care of us—and was convinced of the importance to put our money in the right storehouse. She wrote a check for $500 and gave it to The Fireplace (a revival movement here in Detroit) and put aside another $130 to be used to treat some pastors to dinner.
The money was given to a much better storehouse.
Luke 12:15 And he said to them,”Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully,17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?'18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.'20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
Let me know if you have any thoughts at all.
theLab Internship RSVP deadline : The Fireplace TONIGHT
If you are craving encounter with the fire of God and to discover how to release the burning to the nations, theLab Internship is for YOU!
[FIRST—The Fireplace is coming back to REVIVAL CHURCH TONIGHT at 6pm! Get ready to be burned by the Holy Spirit as special guest Brian Simmons prophetically calls this city into its destiny!]
If you are interested in attending theLab Internship INFO MEETING, you MUST RSVP by THIS WEDNESDAY!
Go to and fill out the form.
Join with a team of burning men & women on a journey into the fire of God’s presence.
We believe there is a significant yet hidden company of Believers that God is gathering together to be trained, healed and infused with fire. These mighty people will carry and release the burning of the Holy Spirit into the revival-ready Detroit region…and beyond to the cities of the Earth.
RSVP for a fun and info-filled potluck dinner and meeting at
The meeting will be held on Saturday, March 26th at 6pm at Revival Church in St. Clair Shores.
The internship will be fueled by deep and prophetic prayer both in a small group setting and as we move out together to intercede in churches throughout the region.
YOU MUST RSVP for the info meting by this Wednesday by visiting and filling out the form.
Debriefing and intercession
Debriefing and Intercession
theLab Intercession Event
Primary teaching session
Revival Church
There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God's Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.
The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.
Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.
There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.
You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God's presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.
First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you'll learn how to set the captives free!
There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.
Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God's great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.
There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.
There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.
Amazing : One full hour of prophesy about the Detroit revival
Brian Simmons received one full hour of prophesy from Che Ahn and others about the revival in Detroit. He’ll be sharing it tomorrow at Revival Church!

Revival fire just fell in Detroit! Can hardly get out the door!
Are you one who has be contending for revival in Detroit? The fire is falling!
People are flying in and driving in from great distances for the Detroit Outpouring!
Tonight was burning. People were trembling, weeping and breaking into freedom. There was extreme ministry and powerful manifestations going on in the foyer!
Brian Simmons posted to Facebook:
Revival fire just fell in Dtroit! Everyone screaming – “I will not turn back!” Strongholds we look you in the face and say “you're coming down!” Fire, tears, shaking, laughter, holy glory!! Kids laid out on the floor shaking and crying! Can't hardly get out the door!
As I shared in my previous post, I’m so deeply grieved that so many precious precious people are simply missing this event! This is historic…a time for the whole church of Detroit to be together in one place!
Leonard Jones, a world renowned worship leader with MorningStar Ministries will be with us along with revival worship leader Aaron Crider. Then, Brian Simmons will leading us into the third night of the outpouring!
It’s taking place at Revival Church at 24036 Greater Mack Road, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. Fiery intercession starts at 5pm and the service starts at 6pm!
The ministry’s next phase : Developing our team
The vision is becoming more focused and we’re gathering together an expanded ministry team.
I have been trembling and awakened to a new place since the first of the year—since we have gone to a new place in prayer at Revival Church. I am SO EXCITED about the testimonies that are arising from theLab and other ministries. People are COMING ALIVE!!!!!
The purpose of this message is to call together an expanded and deeply connected and focused team of revivalists to join us in the ministry.
I’m raising up a brand new ministry team.
Some of you have been with us for quite some time—and I’m asking for you to sign up again… for a brand new and intense phase of ministry.
Here’s what the plan is:
- The Revival Church/John Burton Ministries team will be deeply involved in the dynamic and continually developing mission together several times a week.
- theLab—This is the primary mandate at the moment and must be the main focus for all of us. Those running with us as a part of the ministry team will be traveling from church to church together every Friday night. Additionally, it’s imperative to make every noon prayer meeting that you can. Keep in mind, I’m calling EVERY pastor, intercessor, revivalist and burning man, woman and child of God in Detroit to be at EVERY Friday night prayer meeting. We certainly need as close to 100% participation from those connected to Revival Church and our ministry as possible. We are modeling a part of the reformation in the church for the rest of the city.
- 1000 Intercessors—As we all do this together, we’ll be sounding the alarm for every person in the Detroit region that’s called to initiate revival to also attend theLab. We’ll be modeling this lifestyle of intercession and urgency to the region and all spreading the word and calling the 1000 leaders into position. The call isn’t to ‘sign up’ but to ‘show up’.
- Ministry Events (other venues)—An important element of the vision is to take the fire into other venues. The ministry team will be with me as I minister in other churches to impart the burning of the Holy Spirit, to cast the vision of theLab and the 1000 Intercessors and to pray throughout the event as I speak. This morning at Salt River was an excellent example. It was powerful and we had some of the people ministering revival as a part of the service. However, we were under manned. We’ll have to become more strategic as we plan on future events. It’s important for the entire team plus the entire church body to stay together to advance the cause of revival. **My heart was to have every person associated with Revival Church with us this morning to encourage Salt River… many people were missed… it wasn’t the same without you!!!
- NOTE: I need people to step up to handle certain roles such as marketing, setting up speaking engagements, working on travel arrangements, intercession, etc.
- NOTE: The next ministry event that we need every team member to serve in is the Fire in February event in Dearborn. We’ll be launching the event with theLab style fiery prayer and intercession. With only 60 people or so at Revival Church, we absolutely need every one to show up for each service. REGISTER at
- Ministry Events (hosted by theLab)—This is a huge vision and it will require a huge team. Right now we need the team (which should be at least 30 people strong) to form and get to work searching for property, hosting prayer events, connecting with potential guest ministers, networking with other churches in the area, etc. Everything from small conferences to large stadium events will need everybody to work hard together.
- Revival Church—This is the briefing for the rest of the week. What is happening at theLab and at ministry events will be briefed on here, prayed through, etc. Additionally, the call to action will be sounded here and we’ll all ensure we’re on the same page and ready for our instructions and assignments for the rest of the week. This will be a place of wild and free worship, zealous prayer and clear impartation.
Contact me at [email protected] or 313.799.3473 to discuss your participation. This new team includes people that have been on my staff for quite some time and it will include many others who are ready to clear their calendars and invest with passion into the pursuit of revival in Detroit.
Two videos : A Casual Approach : Prophetic warning
Watch two brand new videos—theLab vision explained AND a teaching on prophetic warning and a casual response.
Amos 3: Will a trumpet sound and the people not be afraid?
Last night at Revival Church rocked us.
As a prophetic center of revival for the region, and as a ministry that has our finger on the prophetic pulse of the nation, God is starting to release key strategies to us.
Watch TWO VIDEOS that deal with this issue.
First, head on over to and check out the new video on the sidebar where I explain the critical prophetic mandate for the pastors, leaders and intercessors in Detroit to gather together every Friday at 10pm.
Then, watch the teaching on A Casual Approach to a prophetic warning from last night’s service.
You can watch that teaching at
You can also subscribe to the RSS feed at
The teaching notes are also there for you to follow along with.
Revival Church Family Dinner tomorrow : theLab : Don’t sign up. Show up.
A whole city weekly prayer event—theLab. Don’t sign up. Show up.
FIRST—Sunday evening (tomorrow!) immediately after the service at Revival Church, we’ll be enjoying a POT LUCK DINNER! Everybody bring TWO dishes: A main course AND either a side OR a dessert.
This is the perfect Sunday to bring your friends and family!
People may wonder how to sign up to be one of the 1000 intercessors that being called to cover Detroit. There is no sign up. You simply show up. This whole city weekly prayer meeting takes place every Friday from 10pm-midnight.
What’s the plan?
It’s simple. EVERY pastor, ministry leader, intercessor, revivalist and burning man, woman and child in the region (should be thousands!) shows up every Friday to pray together from 10pm-midnight.
A key component is radical participation by the pastors. In a radically divided city, we are breaking down those walls by supporting other pastors and blessing them in fervent prayer.
Check out every week for a map and directions to the next event. It’s been POWERFUL to say the least!
Seeking early adopters : Breaking away from the marginal Christian experience
The call at Revival Church : Three burning focuses will help rip the Christian church out of a marginal, stale state into a tremble that never ends.
I’m waiting.
I’m looking.
The strategy of God in this nation requires people who refuse to live according to a skewed Christian experience that has suffocated the church into a near flat line.
As a leader with a humanly impossible mission to call together people who will form their entire lives around the prayer room and the activity of the Holy Spirit, I find myself waiting and looking as I sound the alarm for the willing ones to move into position.
A radical response will result in a nuclear explosion of shock and awe that the nations of the Earth will witness—and then tremble.
My current city of Detroit must wake up. The church must destroy the habit of a casual response to a terrifyingly urgent call to repent, to respond immediately and to follow the feverish pace of the Holy Spirit toward revival.
During a prayer & whiteboard session on Monday, God refined the burning focus of the Detroit mission. We are intent on calling people together to participate in the mission at Revival Church… and the call is unapologetically and necessarily extreme:
The focus every day at Revival Church is to develop a culture of revival. The presence of God simply must press against us at every turn. It’s hard to believe that church services actually are allowed to continue without it! How can we teach and worship without the fire of God burning in our midst?
This culture is impartation and refreshing driven—meaning, God desires to impact, heal, deliver and pull destinies out of every one of us. Additionally, this focus results in communities of fiery love. People who are intentionally committed to one another… people who become family…who go deep in relationship and Holy Spirit fueled love.
Also, a key focus of this ministry is taking the fire of revival to the cities of the Earth. (If you are ready to book me, go to Teams of revivalists will be moving out with me as I minister in churches, at conferences and other events. We desire to train and coach others into a vibrant culture of wild revival.
The second strategy of our ministry is all about reformation. Revolution.
Understand, the Sunday style of ministry must end. The 24/7 church must emerge. Now.
People who are used to living their lives throughout the week and attending church for a couple of hours on a Sunday morning must brace for an abrupt shock to their systems. A Kingdom perspective is being imparted into the forerunners who will be leading the church into it’s new reality.
Today, the church tends to be focused on feeding people… tomorrow the focus is for the people to feed God. To minister to him. To pray.
Today, the church gathers together, on average, 2-4 times a month. Tomorrow, people will be together several days a week.
Today, people tend to seek out teaching. Tomorrow, they will receive equipping and instruction with an expectation of response…ministry…action.
There are a lot of changes coming, and the call is now for the early adopters to respond and change their lives unlike few are willing to. At Revival Church, we are setting up shop to appeal to these early adopters.
The entire church and Christian experience must be driven by the voice, activity and revelation of God himself.
It must become normal for every Believer to be a person of extreme, zealous and fiery prayer as their primary activity in life. The church must embrace this primary mandate. Revival Church certainly does.
As prayer becomes the primary reason we gather together in the church, and the number one activity of our lives, we’ll hear God’s instructions clearly and continually.
Revival Church is called to be a prophetic revival center for the region. We must hear God. We must have people in our midst who are zealously on their face in night and day prayer. This is non-negotiable.
I’ll say it very clearly. If Detroit is to experience Kingdom normalcy… a revival culture… drastic and momentous change must come now.
Are you hungry enough for such a drastic interruption in your life? Are you willing? OK, let’s go. It’s time.
So, what’s the minimum call for this new-form mission at Revival Church?
- Be early for prayer every Sunday at 5pm
- Make it extremely rare to miss a Sunday evening service.
- Nurture a life of radical prayer, study in the Word and pursuit of God’s presence.
- Participate in theLab, our weekly 8:30pm Monday radio show at
- Participate in all, or as many as possible, of our weekly prayer meetings at IHOPE. We pray at noon every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
- Be extravagant tithers and givers
- Be an extreme communicator—participate in theLab, email us about what God’s revealing to you regarding the mission, be in contact with leadership and share your heart as often each week as you can.
- In order to understand the Revival Church vision, read John’s books, starting with 20 Elements of Revival (
The 24/7 church is emerging, and we’ll soon find ourselves in corporate ministry together at least 20 hours a week on the low end… and this transitional call of less than 8-10 hours a week will help ease our way into that new structure.
I’d love to hear from you! Are you ready to join the wild Revival Church family of revivalists? Contact me directly at [email protected].