A 1000 person army in Detroit : Tonight at 10pm

theLab is burning TONIGHT at 10pm!

Spread the word and sound the alarm! We’ll be encountering God tonight at theLab!

Drive save and come burning hot TONIGHT at 10pm! (FYI, we don’t ever cancel for weather, so bundle up and come on out!)

Head over to www.revivallab.com for a map and directions.


Are you one of one thousand who are being gathered in Detroit?

Every Friday from 10pm-midnight we are responding to the most important call of the week—to travel to a Detroit region church and pray with groans of intercession that shock the atmosphere!

This is a key army in the strategic mission of city transformation and full-blown revival in Detroit.

Don’t sign up. Show up. We’re looking for the zealous and faithful warriors who will bring their fire on the road with us each week.

If you plan on coming I’d love to meet you! Contact me at john@johnburton.net!


Ready to join a Detroit revival company?

Here’s a snapshot of the vision and the call for revival in Detroit—join with us as we burn!

imageFIRST: There’s two new designs at www.labreportbrand.com! Head on over there and grab a shirt and declare the healing power of Jesus everywhere you go!

The call for revival in Detroit is both sobering and exciting. We’re calling the Church of Detroit to converge together with us and other revival minded people in pursuit of what could be the greatest outpouring in history. Yes, it’s that big.

First I’ll share what’s coming, and then I’ll relay the big vision that Revival Church and theLab has a mandate to fulfill. You are invited to jump in with us as we build a regional revival center in Detroit!


Most of what is coming is well beyond the scope of our understanding or even our expectancy. However, we know some of what’s on the horizon:

  • Thousands of people will be traveling to Detroit from around the world. The reports of God’s unusual and weighty arrival in Detroit is going to capture the attention of the world. Desperate people will fly here, and many of them will instantly be healed as they step off the plane.
  • Healing will be continual and very easy. One of the primary draws to this region will be the flood of miraculous healings. People won’t even need to go to the altar or even pray for healing at times. It will surprise them as they are in the presence of God.
  • The presence of God will be so extreme that people will literally fall down when they walk through the church doors. People will have to crawl deeper into the sanctuary due to the fearful Kabod of God that engulfs them as they arrive.
  • Mass deliverance will result in hundreds or thousands of people instantly and simultaneously set free from fear, depression, homosexuality, lust, anger and other demon driven issues.
  • Prayer will be the greatest desire and primary activity of every person touched by God. The prayer rooms will be full and overflowing night and day.
  • This furnace will result in cries of repentance as the harvest flocks in to the arms of a loving Father.
  • Local churches will yield to the greater regional Church. The days of burning out trying to build local ministries will come to an end as pastors and leaders instead burn hot leading their people into the regional furnace as it ignites all over the city.


We know there are many new friends and fellow warriors that will be joining with us in the coming days, weeks and months. Prayerfully consider how you might participate with us.

  • Revival Church and theLab are developing as a regional center of revival. We are calling the city church to converge with us in various venues each week as we develop a deeply prophetic command center of revival for the region.
  • We are believing for a large ministry campus that will facilitate this vision. As we keep our finger on the pulse of revival in Detroit, it’s imperative that we keep the ministry manned continually. The masses are coming both for training and for freedom, and when they get here it’s important that they can converge somewhere any day of the week. This campus will serve that purpose. I have heard three stories recently of people receiving FREE properties for their church. I’m boldly asking people with the appropriate resources to consider making a significant donation to Revival Church.
  • 1000 Intercessors. This mandate is clear. We are calling EVERY pastor, leader, intercessor and hungry person to gather literally every single Friday night from 10pm-midnight as we pray in a different church each week in the region. It’s time to awaken and gather together and pray as a city church.
  • theLab Internship is gathering and equipping a team of unique specialists in the Spirit. People who carry and release the burning fire of God into people, churches, cities and regions. The next session starts September 3rd and we’re praying that God provokes people to take a leap into a life of scorching heat in the furnace of revival.
  • The 24/7 church. As stated above, our ministry campus will be open continually. Prayer will arise in one area, training in another and worship in another. We are going after a culture of radical devotion to the pursuit of revival.
  • A regional pursuit. We desire to run this race with many pastors, leaders and others in the region. Our various services and events take place at times that are mostly free. We’re looking for pastors to lead their people on Sunday morning and then join with us on Sunday evening at Revival Church, Friday night at theLab and other events.

There’s much more, but that gives you an idea. We’re inviting people to make Revival Church either their first or second home (if they have another church home) as we function as a regional revival center. A radical devotion to stay connected and to grow fast will do much to initiate the revival in this region very quickly.

If you haven’t read my latest post on the coming change to the church, be sure you do. You can do so here: https://burton.tv/2011/07/21/a-fearful-vision-of-what-the-church-will-soon-look-like/ 

Contact me for more info at john@johnburton.net or just come on out to one of our weekly events! Visit www.detroitrevivalchurch.com for more info!

Impacting Detroit area pastors

I will be sending my new book Pharaoh in the Church to as many Detroit area pastors as I can! The vision for a prayer-fueled city is on the move!

CHECK OUT the flyer at the end of this message! Pharaoh-in-the-Church-Box-Shot-032511YOU can help us reach every single church in the region! The effort to locate and gather 1000 intercessors, plus locking arms with pastors and key leaders of the city, can be realized! Shortly after casting the vision of sharing this burning message with every Detroit area pastor, $700 came in to launch the campaign! God moved fast! This will result in approximately 250 pastors receiving the book. That leaves around 1100 more for us to reach. Each book should cost around $3 to print and mail—you can donate toward as many as you’d like at www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/donate. Please let us know that the donation is for the “BOOKS”. ALSO—there’s a VERY EXCITING opportunity for us to develop a fiery, prayer infused television pilot that we’d pitch to a variety of Christian networks. The prophetic message of revival and revolution can get out to MILLIONS. If you’d like to participate, let me know. I’m working with someone who has big vision and abilities in this area. We looked at one possible venue that could be used to create the pilot. Imagine 30 minutes of our team contending for revival through prophetic intercession, teaching and worship—for the whole world to see! It will be hard core!! Here’s a flyer that I’m including in the package for the pastors. Pray with me that it touches a lot of them deeply!! Revival-Lab-Pastor-Flyer-web

The ministry’s next phase : Developing our team

The vision is becoming more focused and we’re gathering together an expanded ministry team.

I have been trembling and awakened to a new place since the first of the year—since we have gone to a new place in prayer at Revival Church. I am SO EXCITED about the testimonies that are arising from theLab and other ministries. People are COMING ALIVE!!!!!

The purpose of this message is to call together an expanded and deeply connected and focused team of revivalists to join us in the ministry.

I’m raising up a brand new ministry team.

Some of you have been with us for quite some time—and I’m asking for you to sign up again… for a brand new and intense phase of ministry.

Here’s what the plan is:

  • The Revival Church/John Burton Ministries team will be deeply involved in the dynamic and continually developing mission together several times a week.
    • theLabThis is the primary mandate at the moment and must be the main focus for all of us. Those running with us as a part of the ministry team will be traveling from church to church together every Friday night. Additionally, it’s imperative to make every noon prayer meeting that you can. Keep in mind, I’m calling EVERY pastor, intercessor, revivalist and burning man, woman and child of God in Detroit to be at EVERY Friday night prayer meeting. We certainly need as close to 100% participation from those connected to Revival Church and our ministry as possible. We are modeling a part of the reformation in the church for the rest of the city.
    • 1000 Intercessors—As we all do this together, we’ll be sounding the alarm for every person in the Detroit region that’s called to initiate revival to also attend theLab. We’ll be modeling this lifestyle of intercession and urgency to the region and all spreading the word and calling the 1000 leaders into position. The call isn’t to ‘sign up’ but to ‘show up’.
    • Ministry Events (other venues)—An important element of the vision is to take the fire into other venues. The ministry team will be with me as I minister in other churches to impart the burning of the Holy Spirit, to cast the vision of theLab and the 1000 Intercessors and to pray throughout the event as I speak. This morning at Salt River was an excellent example. It was powerful and we had some of the people ministering revival as a part of the service. However, we were under manned. We’ll have to become more strategic as we plan on future events. It’s important for the entire team plus the entire church body to stay together to advance the cause of revival. **My heart was to have every person associated with Revival Church with us this morning to encourage Salt River… many people were missed… it wasn’t the same without you!!!
      • NOTE: I need people to step up to handle certain roles such as marketing, setting up speaking engagements, working on travel arrangements, intercession, etc.
      • NOTE: The next ministry event that we need every team member to serve in is the Fire in February event in Dearborn. We’ll be launching the event with theLab style fiery prayer and intercession. With only 60 people or so at Revival Church, we absolutely need every one to show up for each service. REGISTER at www.awakeningnet.us.
    • Ministry Events (hosted by theLab)—This is a huge vision and it will require a huge team. Right now we need the team (which should be at least 30 people strong) to form and get to work searching for property, hosting prayer events, connecting with potential guest ministers, networking with other churches in the area, etc. Everything from small conferences to large stadium events will need everybody to work hard together.
    • Revival Church—This is the briefing for the rest of the week. What is happening at theLab and at ministry events will be briefed on here, prayed through, etc. Additionally, the call to action will be sounded here and we’ll all ensure we’re on the same page and ready for our instructions and assignments for the rest of the week. This will be a place of wild and free worship, zealous prayer and clear impartation.

Contact me at john@johnburton.net or 313.799.3473 to discuss your participation. This new team includes people that have been on my staff for quite some time and it will include many others who are ready to clear their calendars and invest with passion into the pursuit of revival in Detroit.

Revival Church Family Dinner tomorrow : theLab : Don’t sign up. Show up.

A whole city weekly prayer event—theLab. Don’t sign up. Show up.

FIRST—Sunday evening (tomorrow!) immediately after the service at Revival Church, we’ll be enjoying a POT LUCK DINNER! Everybody bring TWO dishes: A main course AND either a side OR a dessert.

This is the perfect Sunday to bring your friends and family!


People may wonder how to sign up to be one of the 1000 intercessors that being called to cover Detroit. There is no sign up. You simply show up. This whole city weekly prayer meeting takes place every Friday from 10pm-midnight.


What’s the plan?

It’s simple. EVERY pastor, ministry leader, intercessor, revivalist and burning man, woman and child in the region (should be thousands!) shows up every Friday to pray together from 10pm-midnight.

A key component is radical participation by the pastors. In a radically divided city, we are breaking down those walls by supporting other pastors and blessing them in fervent prayer.

Check out www.revivallab.com every week for a map and directions to the next event. It’s been POWERFUL to say the least!

1000 intercessors

We are gathering 1000 intercessors to pray together every Friday night

The mandate to gather 1000 intercessors is becoming more clear, and more critical.

If we handle this well, and are immediate and continual in our response, a culture shocking invasion of the Holy Spirit could actually hit this region.



theLab is the vehicle to gather the 1000 intercessors. We’re not interested in people signing up or in a casual connection to this all encompassing mission. Don’t sign up, but simply show up.

Every Friday from 10pm-midnight we are calling the 1000 intercessors together to pray in tongues for an hour and a half, followed by a half an hour of scripture reading.

We are in a different church each Friday night, and YOU are invited.

imageWhile the time may feel inconvenient, it is also time that is free. It’s wide open. The pastors, leaders, intercessors and the entire city church in Detroit is free every Friday from 10pm-midnight, almost without exception.

As we put corporate prayer, on site, together, at the top of our ‘to do’ list each week, God’s plans can come to pass… and right on time.

Tonight we’ll be in Chesterfield… praying with FIRE!

New video teaching : Intimate Encounter

The cities of the Earth are waiting for the church to encounter God.

There’s an exceedingly urgent prophetic call for churches to become encounter and intimacy focused again. Head on over to media.johnburton.net and watch tonight’s service and download the notes so you can follow along.capture-00000472

This teaching reveals a serious call to reorder our lives, lock arms with other intercession-driven Believers and discover the mandate for intimacy, encounter and taking dominion.

As we do this, entire cities and regions will experience the supernatural wonder of God.

I also discuss the radically serious mandate for 1000 intercessors to gather every Friday night from 10-midnight at theLab. The times are so desperate, and we simply must call every pastor, leader, intercessor and revivalist in Detroit together for deep prayer in the Holy Spirit each week. This intimacy and agreement will result in an explosion in Detroit that’s so needed.

For info on where our next prayer experiment will be, text FOLLOW REVIVALLAB to 40404 or visit www.revivallab.com.

Becoming Unoffendable video : theLab Broadcast tonight

As predicted, last night’s message on Becoming Unoffendable had great impact!

capture-00000444You can watch that video, or listen to the audio right now at http://media.johnburton.net. You can also read along with the notes as I teach.

Also, TONIGHT at 8:30pm theLab Broadcast is on the air!

Simply head on over to http://media.johnburton.net/live right at 8:30pm, and that’s it! The video should be playing.

Spread the word about the gathering of 1000 intercessors in Detroit. We’re looking for 1000 people to travel with us each week as we pray in a different church every Friday night.

I’ll be talking about this and more TONIGHT on theLab Broadcast!

See you there, and be sure to check in and use the chat room!

Important video : New Revival Church prayer : wrecked by a mandate

I’m wrecked by the mandate of revival in Detroit and in the cities of the Earth.

A call for reformation in the church

First, the magnitude of the mission we’ve been called to steward is EXTREME. It requires a massive prayer effort…and that’s just to get us started on the journey.

Until further notice, starting Monday, December 27th, I’ll be at IHOPE-Detroit praying on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from noon-1pm. Let’s see an army of intercessors and revivalists pray together several times a week as we prepare for the coming outpouring.

Speaking of the magnitude of the call, here’s what’s wrecking me and what’s burning within:

  • 1000 Intercessors: In early 2010 God gave me a clear mandate to cast the vision for 1000 intercessors to intentionally and regularly gather, pray, stir the prophetic and release the plans of God into the region. I’m wrecked because of the weight of this call, and because the challenge to see even 10 or 100 people commit to this type of high level assignment is severe. CHUCK PIERCE and CINDY JACOBS sounded the alarm for 10,000 intercessors in each state this past summer. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Detroit must see these intercessors who are revival minded step into place! So goes Detroit, so goes the world. Right now, the call is simple. We need 1000 intercessors to be on the weekly radio show theLab, every Monday at 8:30pm. That’s it. The place: www.detroitrevivalchurch.com/thelab.
  • Reformation: A primary call of our mandate in Michigan is to call the church into a great reformation. The resistance to such a massive cultural change is absolutely insane. The enemy has done a phenomenal job of bewitching so many in the church, and the church and the body is deeply wounded because of it. You can watch a video that I just recorded about this bizarre resistance to commitment and mission in the church here. I’m wrecked because the call is so demanding but the response is so apathetic. I think of forerunner ministries like IHOPE-Detroit who are one of the few who are carrying the call of night and day intercession… and they are led by some of the most wholehearted and precious people I know. Yet, the call for financial support of their critical ministry is met mostly with silence. Reformation is needed. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… the churches must be full of laborers. We are to pray for the laborers to move into position… the harvest is greater than the manpower available to handle it… and that’s an issue!

Leave your comments and let me know what you think. Are you ready to press toward revival with us? Let’s go!