Photos : Why I love Revival Church

I’m overwhelmed! Here’s some of the reasons that I LOVE Revival Church!

Here’s why I love my church!

  1. People are consumed with hunger for God! I love you all!!!
  2. We had at least 50 people flood into the chapel AFTER last night’s service for personal prophetic ministry! I didn’t leave the building until 11:30pm! (By the way, after EVERY SUNDAY SERVICE we’ll have prophetic ministry available! Spread the word and get ready to be blessed!)
  3. theLab Internship is blowing my mind! God’s grace is fueling this school of fire!
  4. theLab graduation party was WILD! I cried and cried!
  5. People were sloshed on the asphalt outside of a church the other day until 1:30am…God visited and we are going for more!
  6. People have no patience for hype or exaggeration. They expect God to out do their wildest imaginations!
  7. The vision for revival in Detroit is insane! People are burning with passion for what is happening here!
  8. People are really, really, really getting dramatically healed and delivered. I can’t get enough of it!
  9. The way people roar in prayer before each service is crazy extreme!
  10. Every service just rocks me! They keep getting wilder and more powerful!
  11. We are encountering some amazing pastors every Friday night when we travel throughout the city and pray in their churches.
  12. My amazing friends…every one of you who are running this amazing race with me!


theLab Internship RSVP deadline : The Fireplace TONIGHT

If you are craving encounter with the fire of God and to discover how to release the burning to the nations, theLab Internship is for YOU!

[FIRST—The Fireplace is coming back to REVIVAL CHURCH TONIGHT at 6pm! Get ready to be burned by the Holy Spirit as special guest Brian Simmons prophetically calls this city into its destiny!]


If you are interested in attending theLab Internship INFO MEETING, you MUST RSVP by THIS WEDNESDAY!

Go to and fill out the form.

Join with a team of burning men & women on a journey into the fire of God’s presence.
We believe there is a significant yet hidden company of Believers that God is gathering together to be trained, healed and infused with fire. These mighty people will carry and release the burning of the Holy Spirit into the revival-ready Detroit region…and beyond to the cities of the Earth.

RSVP for a fun and info-filled potluck dinner and meeting at
The meeting will be held on Saturday, March 26th at 6pm at Revival Church in St. Clair Shores.
The internship will be fueled by deep and prophetic prayer both in a small group setting and as we move out together to intercede in churches throughout the region.

YOU MUST RSVP for the info meting by this Wednesday by visiting and filling out the form.


Debriefing and intercession

Debriefing and Intercession

theLab Intercession Event

Primary teaching session

Revival Church


There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God's Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.

The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.

Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.

There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.

You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God's presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.

First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you'll learn how to set the captives free!

There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.

Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God's great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.

There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.

There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.

Characteristics of prophetic people


God has a new heart for us that cannot be offended, an “unoffendable” heart. Beloved, possessing an unoffendable heart is not an option or a luxury; it's not a little thing. Consider: Jesus warns that, as we near the end of the age, a majority of people will be offended to such a degree that they fall away from the faith.

I have been casting a very costly vision for revival in Detroit. I have a great friend in Ireland who was with me in Colorado Springs when Secret Prayer was functioning. Like we are beginning to do now in Detroit, we prayed in a different church every Friday night in Colorado Springs from 10pm to midnight. It was a powerful movement. Strangely, after dealing with the topic of offense the last few days here, my friend just so happened to mention it as he was encouraging me in this new city prayer strategy:

Expect a good offended carnal Christian sorcerer's curse to fly your way, but just cancel it and move on. If they're really seeking God's power, they'll eventually repent and come back. If they don't then they're not seeing themselves properly within the context of the Body at large, and won't be able to support the necessary ministry to the whole body that the Spirit's going to stir up.

Offense is one of the primary issues that pulls people out of position. It’s a very serious issue. When the challenge increases, when the prophetic message strikes a nerve, a soft heart will respond in joy while an offended heart will often respond quite differently. A prophetic call is actually holy communication, it’s a message that has attached to it the expectation of response.

What often happens first when a heart is offended is that the enemy will fight this call to action, this holy communication, with silence. Dialogue, discussion, prophetic response, revelation, etc. will cease as it gives way to an underground movement of murmuring. The Absalom spirit is often awakened right at this point.

Of course, silence isn’t always indicative of offense taking root. Some people are simply wired differently, or are slower to respond, or need additional time to process the call. However, I do believe you can look at the broader picture and if the large scale communication drops at the point of prophetic communication, it would do you well to gather the intercessors and to pray against that spirit.

There is a desperate cry from a remnant for the bar to be raised, for the prophets to step up and unapologetically call the body to the cross and into a culture crashing reality. Just today, someone said to me (slight paraphrase), “John, you just have to go! Lead in the fullness of your mandate, you have to be released and not held back.”

I want to exhort you to move with great passion, from a place of extreme challenge and full of the Spirit of God. To continue doing what we have been doing while expecting a different result is insanity. We must have reformation in the structure of the church—and the cost will rock us to our very core.

Note that this is a prophetic call, a prophetic ministry, a prophetic movement and it’s led by prophetic people. To run a race like this one requires that you understand the characteristics of prophetic people. This will help with understanding the call and what the focus and flavor of the mission is.

Definition of a prophetic movement: People who are uniquely called as spokesmen for a cause; advocates; a vehicle to advance a movement

Characteristics of Prophets/prophetic people:

l. Strong Personality  
        Innately the prophet has a strong personality. I have never
met a true prophet who didn't have, in secular terms, a type A
personality. Prophets are usually intense about most things and
are always intense about their walk with God. That is why
prophets often have difficulty understanding those who are less
than 100% committed to the Lord.
2. Direct - Issue Oriented 
        A prophet is very issue oriented and sees things in black or
white. For him there is very little gray and most things are
either right or wrong.  Hence, a prophet will not easily
compromise on an issue. Nor does a prophet have a lot of mercy
for those who can't or won't measure up to the austere standards
of God as he sees them. Again, the mature prophet has love and
cares about God's people. But does he have mercy? Not much! I
always visualize Amos holding the plumb line as God's
stereotypical prophet. (Amos 7:7-9). The plumb line is
representative of God's righteousness on any given issue and, to
the prophet, all things relating to that issue are to be measured
against that plumb line. 
3. Strong in Prayer 
        The prophet is given to much prayer. The true prophet has a
real burden, not only for God's will, but for His people as well,
both those saved and those not yet saved. This inevitably leads
to a strong intercessor's prayer burden for people and issues.
Remember, the prophet is intense and this intensity flows over
into his or her prayer life.
4. Outward Life in Order 
        The prophet generally has his outward life in order. Since
the prophet sees matters in black or white, he is much less
likely to become ensnared in outward sins such as adultery,
cheating on his taxes, etc. However, there are two big, covert
sins with which a prophet must continually battle. They are pride
and judgementalism. As God matures His prophets, this pride and
judgementalism gradually diminishes, but they are always a
potential snare for the prophet. These two sins are Satan's most
effective weapons against the prophet.
5. Authority and Power 
        A prophet, when moving in the prophetic call, will move with
great authority and power. When God delivers His word through a prophet,
it is God's power and authority that is manifested, not the
prophet's. Those who have a discerning spirit will know when the Lord
is delivering His word through someone be it spoken forcefully or given
in a whisper.
6. Prophets are Poor Long-Term Counselors
        Prophets generally do not make good long-term counselors.
They lack the patience and mercy necessary for this kind of
counseling. A prophet is much more inclined to spend some time
with a counselee, give that person the word of the Lord, then
become impatient if the counselee continues to drift in his sin
or shows a lack of commitment to correct a failing.
7. Spiritual Gifts Accompany a Prophetic Call 
        The mature, called prophet will exercise many of the
spiritual gifts enumerated in I Corinthians, chapter twelve.
Though the prophet may operate all of these gifts at some time in
his or her ministry, the gifts most often manifested are the
prophetic word, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and the
discerning of spirits. The prophet often is the first to spot a
demonic presence in a person or circumstance. Further, signs and
wonders such as healing, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and
the breaking down of demonic strongholds are often seen in the
prophetic ministry.

Let’s discuss this tonight on theLab.

God is the fuel behind Facebook’s success

Why is Facebook so successful? Could it be because of God himself?

Now, before you come out of your religious skin, or if the thought of God having any role in the success of something online makes you laugh, read just a little further.

It’s been said that we are living in an ever increasing social culture. Of course, we have social networks like Facebook, social media like YouTube and social shopping through Groupon.

Yep, this culture is social—but, I would propose that we haven’t transitioned into a social people, but rather something huge has happened in this generation that has facilitated the opportunity to visit a common craving that people have had since the very beginning—love.

Facebook is exploding because of people’s desire to be loved. People want to belong, to fit in, to matter—even if they matter to total strangers. Strangers, that is, except in what has become a very real and meaningful world online.

God is love. It was his idea. Love is so prevalent in the mission of God that it actually defines who he is. He isn’t in support of love. He isn’t simply loving. He is love.

And, every person who has ever been born has the same passionate desire—to find that all powerful force. People want to be loved.

We know in Scripture that it’s not good for man to be alone. All of creation was breathed into existence with that reality in mind. God is all about social networking… but his plan goes well beyond a human connection between strangers. There’s much more than sometimes interesting (sometimes ridiculous!) status updates.

The desire is real. The need for acceptance is strong. The hunger for kindness and a caring friend is extreme. And, if we simply believe, simply take a step toward the Lover of our souls, we won’t have to settle for the lesser things.

The sexual revolution was fueled by the mantra, “If it feels good, do it.” Today we can click on whatever or whoever we can find online that provides a momentary fix or a low level connection—a connection with something or someone who just doesn’t have what it takes to satisfy.

Yes, I believe Facebook’s growth is due to the love that God intended for all of us to experience. However, the only way to fall head over heals in very real, experiential and life-changing love is if we meet the one who by his very nature IS love.

That man is Jesus. I’d recommend ‘friending’ him.

God is the fuel behind Facebook’s success

Why is Facebook so successful? Could it be because of God himself?

Now, before you come out of your religious skin, or if the thought of God having any role in the success of something online makes you laugh, read just a little further.

It’s been said that we are living in an ever increasing social culture. Of course, we have social networks like Facebook, social media like YouTube and social shopping through Groupon.

Yep, this culture is social—but, I would propose that we haven’t transitioned into a social people, but rather something huge has happened in this generation that has facilitated the opportunity to visit a common craving that people have had since the very beginning—love.

Facebook is exploding because of people’s desire to be loved. People want to belong, to fit in, to matter—even if they matter to total strangers. Strangers, that is, except in what has become a very real and meaningful world online.

God is love. It was his idea. Love is so prevalent in the mission of God that it actually defines who he is. He isn’t in support of love. He isn’t simply loving. He is love.

And, every person who has ever been born has the same passionate desire—to find that all powerful force. People want to be loved.

We know in Scripture that it’s not good for man to be alone. All of creation was breathed into existence with that reality in mind. God is all about social networking… but his plan goes well beyond a human connection between strangers. There’s much more than sometimes interesting (sometimes ridiculous!) status updates.

The desire is real. The need for acceptance is strong. The hunger for kindness and a caring friend is extreme. And, if we simply believe, simply take a step toward the Lover of our souls, we won’t have to settle for the lesser things.

The sexual revolution was fueled by the mantra, “If it feels good, do it.” Today we can click on whatever or whoever we can find online that provides a momentary fix or a low level connection—a connection with something or someone who just doesn’t have what it takes to satisfy.

Yes, I believe Facebook’s growth is due to the love that God intended for all of us to experience. However, the only way to fall head over heals in very real, experiential and life-changing love is if we meet the one who by his very nature IS love.

That man is Jesus.

New! The Thinning of the Veil Conference with Michele Perry!

First—Let’s soak, dance and drink in THE RIVER at Revival Church tonight at 6pm! Come early for prophetic prayer at 5pm!

Second—Several have asked for info on how to support Michele Perry in Sudan and how to purchase her book. Visit her site here:


The Thinning of the Veil Conference with Michele Perry at Revival Church

For those of you who were with us last weekend when Michele Perry ministered supernatural love, you are in for a significant second wave of power this October!

And, for any of you who missed it, just ask anybody who attended, you’ll be convinced that you simply don’t want to miss this upcoming conference!

Why the name, The Thinning of the Veil? Michele and many others are experiencing a much greater ease at walking and operating in the supernatural realm. Encounters with God seem to be increasing in regularity as revival draws near. We want to equip you and impart into you the life of Jesus and this Heavenly reality.

Head over to and register EARLY for The Thinning of the Veil Confe2rence with Michele Perry at Revival Church.

The evening sessions will be FREE (registration is still required however), and the Saturday all day workshops will be available for you for a small registration fee:


  • Now through June 30th- $20 per person
  • July 1st – September 30th- $25 per person
  • October 1st – October 28th- $30 per person
  • At the door- $35 per person

There will be NO children’s ministry during the Saturday workshop.

There will be children’s ministry during the evening sessions.

Here are some photos of last weekend’s event with Michele Perry:




image image


What a night! Praying in tongues as a primary church strategy

Hi Revival Church team!!! Thank you SO MUCH for my birthday card and gift!!! You know my love language!!!

Last night’s “Bring your blanket to church” soaking event was PHENOMENAL from beginning to end! WOW! We’ll be doing it again next week! Invite EVERYBODY you know!image

There are some key truths that will assist our ministry and any other as we advance into uncharted territory.

In order to move forward, it’s going to take quite a unified advance… I’m praying about what this looks like, and one significant step I’m calling the entire church into is:

  • Praying non-stop in the Spirit together for one hour from 5-6pm on Sundays.

The groans, the flow of intercession as the Spirit prays through us is critically important… and it’s also important that we do it as a unified team.

I understand that ‘life happens’ to all of us, and it’s so easy to get hit… the enemy is nasty and very active… and based on my own experience in seasons like this there are two mission critical areas that tend to take the hit first:

1. Prayer

2. Unity

We have to jealously guard against anything that would hinder either of these focuses. We need to be proactive and preemptive.

We have to be very intentional in loving each other deeply and holding hands in prayer-fueled advance. If we do this, life will be amazing and we’ll blast through barriers with ease.

The very first element in our strategy (20 Elements of Revival) is agreement in the place of prayer. Revival and mission advance can’t happen if either of those two elements are minimized.

I’ll include chapter one from that book below…

It’ll give us a good picture of the importance of being together in fervent prayer continually. If you haven’t read the entire book, I’d strongly recommend you do asap.

**We can be in the building Sundays before 5pm (in fact, we need help at 4:30pm setting up)… and then dive into praying in tongues together right at 5pm.

**For those of you who are in the i1 or i2 intercession team… PLEASE ensure you are on the call every Monday night at 9pm.

If you have thoughts, words, dreams, visions, etc. please let me know!! You are the best of the best! Thanks for all you do and for who you are!!!!

Here’s chapter 1:

Element One

Acts 2:1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

            The way this ancient and emerging Church was birthed is the way it was meant to continue.  God drew zealots together to actively wait. 

            As we step through these twenty elements, it’s critical to prayerfully consider the step-by-step process.  It is flexible enough to allow God to infuse your Church growth experience with your own DNA, yet the underlying principles simply must not be violated. 

            This first element is the most critical, yet is probably the most neglected.  In the pursuit of establishing a new Church, or in the development of an existing one, the pure adrenaline of it can cause us to become impatient.  This first Church could not have been planted from a human perspective.

            Good teaching, proven programs, intimate small groups, evangelistic crusades and other methods would not work at this stage of the process.  These are actually parts of future elements that will take root and develop further in the Church planting process.

            So, what is this first element? 

Element One- Agreement

            The verse tells us that they were ALL in one accord AND in one place.  This depicts a mature and hungry team of radically devoted believers who understand the massive commitment it will take to fulfill the mission. 

            To launch, there must be a strategic team of mission-minded owners of the vision. 

            A tragic mistake that is often made at this initial phase of ministry is the improper focus on relationship.  Fellowship will become a staple of the Church experience well into the process, but to entrust the strategy of fellowship as a foundational element at this phase will result in failure, stagnation and a lack of power.

Being in agreement is very different than being in fellowship. An attitude of agreement results in corporate strength that will bust through many barriers the enemy will set up in the early stages. 

            A strategy of fellowship alone is incredibly susceptible to offenses taking root, gossip, frustration, disagreement and the fostering of an Absalom spirit.  Fellowship is simply not strong enough to be a foundation of a local Church.  Agreement, however, easily is.

            I’ll often hear pastors state that they are launching a new Church on a foundation of fellowship.  They have a plan of worshiping together, inviting friends and developing a new community.  Of course, the heart behind this is wonderful.  Strategically however it simply rarely works.

            This first element of agreement breeds the second element that we’ll discuss further in a moment.  The second element is extreme devotion of time.  We’ll notice that the first Church was together every day.  Why?  Because that was how it was birthed.  In order to capture God’s heart, hear His instructions, nurture unity and become alert to the directives of apostolic leadership we must be together nearly continually. 

            If we are fellowship minded, this type of commitment will rarely last. Desire for fellowship is inward focused primarily, but an attitude of agreement causes us to look outward.  To be agreed and unified toward an impossible goal that God has presented to the team will both require and result in a continual pursuit of that goal together.

            I often teach that if we are to experience revival, we must do now what we will be doing when revival breaks out.  A revival atmosphere results in people craving to be in the Church building night after night.  Prayer and worship and breaking under the presence of God never end.  If we are contending for that, we must start the process now.

            I find it amazing that Churches are eliminating services in response to a very demanding American lifestyle.  If we are to experience revival, we must fight that spirit and once again, as in the previous generation, be in the Church every time the doors are open- and the doors should be open night and day!

The Experience

            At the risk of getting ahead of myself, I want to share now what we are contending for.  The biblical norm for believers is to experience the weighty presence of the Holy Spirit regularly.  The normal experience for a Sunday service, for example, is for us to walk in the door and immediately become influenced by an atmosphere of fire.  Brokenness, tears, drunkenness in the Holy Spirit, prophetic unction, repentance and other manifestations should be the expected reality day after day.

            We have become satisfied with teaching services, song services, social gatherings and other activities without the baptism of fire that should be burning through them.

            I often discuss what I call the ‘money changer principle’.  Churches, both new and mature, often have an imbalanced focus on satisfying the needs and desires of the members.  Church growth strategies dictate that we must have certain things in place if we expect people to want to come to our Church.  So, from the outset, our minds are tilted toward drawing the crowds and in order to do that we ask the question, “What will cause people to come, stay and get involved?”

            May I offer that this mind set must change if we are to experience God the way He wants to be experienced.  The money changers’ table was overturned by Jesus.  He was indignant.  He stated clearly that the temple was to be a House of Prayer.  What was the sin of the money changers?  They went into the temple with the expectation of leaving with more than they entered with.  The temple is to be a place of sacrifice!  We are to have the expectation of leaving with less than we entered with!

            If we as leaders understand this, we will have no problem requiring much from those who are joined with us in mission.  We are truly called to die.  That perspective must be embraced and shouted from the rooftops.

            Let’s look at an interesting passage of scripture.  Keep in mind as you read this that Peter was the ‘rock’ on which the Church was birthed.  Jesus was making a severe statement not only to Peter but also to the upcoming Church.

Matthew 16:21-25 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”

            Note an very important statement that Jesus made:

            “You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

            Peter unwittingly renounced the cross.  Jesus rebuked him in this famous conflict to ensure that the generations to come would be sure to embrace what Peter renounced- daily death under the weight of a cross.

            This was exceedingly critical not only for Peter and not only for the generations, but primarily for the structure that Peter represented.  The Church. 

            As we launch or redevelop our Churches according to this New Testament paradigm we must be sure that we avoid a structure that appeals to man ahead of God. Jesus told Peter that he was an offense to Him.  Why was he an offense?  After all, he wanted Jesus to be safe and comforted.  The boldness that we saw in the garden as Jesus was being led away to his destiny with the cross showed itself in this instance as well.

            We don’t know what other inner struggles Peter may have been dealing with, but we do know that Jesus didn’t like his reaction to those struggles. He stated clearly that to be mindful of man ahead of God was offensive.

            Our Churches must be setup to primarily minister to God on a foundation of prayer, sacrifice, offerings and service.  When someone comes into our Church as a visitor they should witness a radical atmosphere of extreme commitment, passion and mission-driven fervor.  Instead of forming materials that emphasize what the visitor can expect from their new Church those materials should highlight what their new Church expects from them!

            Churches are missional organizations.  They exist to accomplish a mission- and to equip the saints to ensure that mission advances with precision.  We must be mindful of God and the vision he has given that Church.


            I won’t go into much detail here, but I believe the concept of vision must be addressed at least to a point.  Agreement will not last without a vivid and easily communicated vision.

            I was leading a prayer event at a Church in the area on a Friday night earlier this year.  One of the other leaders who was with me that night asked the pastor what his vision was.  When it was obvious the pastor was struggling with this question we asked if he had anything written down so we could come into agreement with them during our prayer time.  He went searching for something to give us, and finally found a brochure that described the Church’s mission.

            Vision for our mission should consume us night and day.  If we do not lead from a place of vision, we will go nowhere.  If we don’t have vision, we need to ask some hard questions.  Are we the one to lead the Church?  What alternate role may God be opening up to us? 

            The process of gaining vision might include something as simple as praying and fasting on a mountain somewhere for three days.  God desires every one of us to have clear vision- but to receive that vision takes an absolute dedication to being with God, hearing His voice and obeying.  Yes, our dreams and desires may be threatened when God starts talking, but as we walk in the direction of God’s voice, we will shake nations!

            Simply, if we don’t have vision, we may need to step down.  However, if we do have vision, stepping down won’t even be an option.  There is a job to be done!

            A trap that captures many men and women of God is to step into a leadership role based on gifting instead of vision and calling.  Someone who has a pastoral gifting may not be called to lead a Church at all.  A teacher may be called as a small group leader or a lecturer or an author.  Or, that person may indeed be called to lead a Church, but if that is the case, vision must burn like a fire in their bones!

            I’ll finish this sub-point by saying this- vision is very specific and personal.  Vision is not a quote we hang on the wall in our sanctuary like, “Our mission is to grow closer to God and each other”.  Vision is precise and seemingly impossible to fulfill.  It will cause great excitement and scrutiny to be aroused at the same time.  It will usually include geographical information, statistical goals, clear transformational ideas and a laser focus to fulfill that mission.  This doesn’t mean it won’t be ambiguous at times- the larger the vision the more difficult it may be to put into words.  However, there is an end goal and everybody under our leadership will be willing to pay its great price- and they will celebrate when we arrive together.

            So, we discovered a lot in this first verse of Acts Chapter Two.  Everybody had a clear vision, was perfectly agreed and together continually.  The cost was understood at the very beginning- what was coming required strict adherence to God’s structural plan by everybody involved.


Church planters-
if your team is radically agreed to pursue the fulfillment of a vivid vision for their region, then by all means, keep reading!  If there are some in your midst who are wondering what is in it for them, then remain in this phase until you have 100% participation.

Existing Church leaders-
Your evaluation may be a bit more difficult, especially if you are significantly developed.  First of all, don’t be afraid to violate existing structures in the fear of losing people.  A great reformation is coming to the earth that will cause Church as we know it to be shaken to its core.  Do you have an atmosphere of extreme agreement and passion for a clear and precise vision?  Is there great expectancy of what is to come and great commitment to the realization of that dream?  If so, let’s move on!

Everybody else-
Are you involved with your current Church for the right reasons?  Would your pastor be able to say that you are one of his most loyal and faithful partners in ministry?  Do you embrace the vision to the point of extreme participation and lifestyle change? 

Superheroes aren’t supposed to die- an article about my dad

This article will be included in a Branson, Missouri area newspaper that my dad wrote for:image

Superheroes Aren’t Supposed To Die

The mystique and allure of superheroes is their seeming immortality. No matter what evil villain appears and no matter the level of their insidious attack, there’s always a miraculous victory that ensures there will be another comic book issue, another blockbuster movie. The good guys always win.

Superman and Spiderman are assured of many centuries of battle after victorious battle. Shoot, even Indiana Jones keeps coming back for more!

Why is this? Superheroes aren’t supposed to die. A defining attribute of a superhero is their bulletproof exterior that covers a tender heart for mankind.

Countless people have contacted me with their testimonies of my dad’s soft, compassionate heart. I have been so blessed to watch my superhero in action for the last forty years. His passion for people was second to none.

My dad was my superhero—and, on Good Friday, 2010, my superhero died.

Robert Burton absolutely had superpowers. He used them all the time, and many people have been saved because of them. What were they? Mercy. Compassion. Love. Faithfulness. A continual sense of humor.

Here’s a testimony from someone about one of my dad’s many victorious battles against the forces of darkness:

"All I can tell you about Bob Burton boils down to this: In two short years of knowing him, he accomplished what an army of people, including my wife, attempted for decades, and failed: he brought me to Jesus. All of the others pushed, but Bob led. He led with love, and understanding, and tolerance and with patience. Lots of patience! He was a kind, kind man, who gave of himself so that others could have a piece of him to hold onto through this sometimes difficult life. And he did that with love, and gladness in his heart.”

The reason this testimony was possible, the reason why we all can be free, why we can also win battle after battle against life’s villains, is because my dad also had a Superhero. His Superhero also died on Good Friday.

Jesus died.

The result? We all have the opportunity to be endued with Superpower, with the Holy Spirit. We all can love and heal and touch terrified, desperate people who have been abused by a very evil enemy.

Jesus also rose from the grave. He is now alive and active. Extremely active. And, because of that resurrection, my dad is also alive and active right now with Jesus in Heaven. Many people who are still on the Earth are alive and active because of my dad’s willingness to carry Jesus and walk in resurrection power everywhere he went.

A Very Special Part of the Story

As I mentioned above, a key superpower my dad wielded was his sense of humor. He had joy and expressed it continually.

I was sitting in a Starbucks here in Grosse Pointe, Michigan connecting with a young, emerging leader in our church. As we were concluding our meeting I received a text message from a friend of the family in Branson:

Praying for you, your mom, Mike and all the family… Bob was an awesome demonstration of God’s grace and love…

Was? Bob ‘was’?

I felt the color leave my face and chills instantly flooded every part of me. I knew Dad was having some struggles with his health, but I wasn’t expecting a text message like this.

I called Mom and she immediately asked, “Are you coming?”

Oh no.

I said, “What do you mean?”

“Dad died.”

What? How could this be? I drove home and parked in the driveway as Mom and I talked about what happened, what needed to happen, when we should drive down to Branson.

Then, suddenly, God did something very special for me—something I’ll never forget. He disconnected the call with my mom, it dropped in the middle of our conversation, and a moment later my phone rang and I saw my dad’s picture pop up on my phone. My dad’s cell phone was calling me.

More chills.

I answered and the nurse was on the line. She said my dad wanted her to get me on the phone. “Ummm… OK.” I said.

The next voice was indeed my dad’s. His superpowers of joy and sense of humor touched me yet again. “I’m calling from Heaven.”

What? Dad? What’s going on?

He said, “I’m still among the living. There was a miscommunication regarding my condition, but it won’t be long.”

I said, “Dad, this is like the Twilight Zone! Wow. Should I come on out to see you?”

In his normal, selfless manner he said, “Nah, just pray.”

I told him I loved him and that was it. It was the end of a brief but precious phone call with the man who impacted my life more dramatically than I could ever explain.

We immediately packed and drove to Springfield to see him in the hospital.

By then he was not communicating very well, but he did say, “I love you.” He also said, several times, “Mom.” His tender heart, his superpowers of mercy and love, were still shining through. He wanted to ensure the love of his life here on the Earth, my mom, who had been mostly bed-ridden for over 30 years, would be very well taken care of.

I learned that his last phone call with my mom was filled with tears and he told her how sorry he was that he was leaving her. He was so sorry that he wouldn’t be there to care for her any more.

That was on April 1, 2010. April Fool’s day. It would have been an appropriate send off if this master of the superpower of humor departed on that day. However, I believe God wanted to make a larger statement about his life of consecration and surrender to the Lover of his soul, Jesus.

He held on and passed away the next morning—Good Friday.

Yes, superheroes do die. But the greatest heroes actually die well before they leave the Earth. As we take up our cross, die daily, surrender all and follow Jesus, many villains will be defeated and many special people will find the abundant life they so desperately desire.

Thanks Dad for your life. I can’t wait to see you again.

You can view a special website in honor of Bob Burton at Please submit any stories, testimonies, photos or other information about him by filling out a form on the site. You can also donate toward the care of Bob’s wife Barbara.

What does God want for Christmas?

What a question!

I can hear people responding, “Uh, hello! He’s God. He can have everything He wants!”

Well, I know that God deeply craves a very real, reportable, experiential relationship with you and with me.  Does He have that?  Continually?

I’m confident Jesus yearns for us, via the enabling of the Holy Spirit, to actually love each other, to tend to one another, to really ‘do life’ together.  (John 17:20-23)

We know the Bible tells us that God desires that no one perish (die without an intimate relationship with Him), but that we would all have abundant life.  Do we all have this seemingly fleeting abundant life?  No.  Do some live and die without knowing God? Sadly, yes.

There are many passionate, fiery people in Michigan that I’ve been connecting with that are hungering more than ever for an outpouring from Heaven.  We are contending for God’s dreams to come true—for very powerful joy, peace, strength and life to flood the people of this region.

I don’t know about you, but yesterday’s religious activities, formulas and hoops to be jumped through just won’t cut it anymore. We must experience God! He is not to be distant, confusing or more like a fable than a friend.  He is real and he is alive!

He likes you and me! He loves it when there is legitimate connection.  This is the way to live!  It’s one thing to know about God.  It’s an entirely different thing to know God!  To be transformed by Him!  This is what it’s all about! 

Imagine a people who continually encounter the Lover of their souls.  That’s a primary, all consuming desire of God.  He loves us so deeply and wants to us to know Him so exhaustively. 

What a Christmas that would be for our wonderful Savior.

I say, let’s do it.  Let’s give God a Christmas to remember.

(This is an article I wrote for the Grosse Pointe News)