An Open Letter to Normal Christians

An Open Letter to Normal Christians

Delay is no longer an option.

The term normal Christians is in no way meant to be disparaging. It's defining.

For the sake of this letter, a normal Christian would be someone who faithfully connects in a church, develops life-giving relationships with other Believers, gives joyfully, loves to worship and has a desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Further, they may be in the Spirit-filled camp or may align with any number of additional authentic, Christian expressions. These are people many would consider the spiritual backbone of society. Some may be candidates to serve as elders, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders and pastors. This healthy, vibrant church crowd has a significant measure of devotion, or at least wild curiosity.

However, such a devotion to their “Jesus experience” isn't enough. This is the purpose of this letter.


There's a difference between our personal journey and our ministry. Now is the time for ministry. Revival needs you.

We are on a rescue mission to save multitudes from the torments of Hell. When this is what drives us, it becomes quite clear, quite fast, that personal edification and satisfaction once or twice a week won't suffice.

The experience God has for all of us eclipses the “church as usual” paradigm that nearly every Christian is familiar with today. A massive, all-encompassing reformation, a radical revolution, is required.

Revival is not a meeting under a tent and it's not a pie-in-the-sky dream. Revival defined is simply biblical normalcy. When we are living a biblically normal life, the fireworks start exploding all around.

You weren't born to stop short at a church commitment, bedtime prayers and a nice, safe, Christian life. Simply, you weren't created to be normal.


In this hour when normal, average Christianity will compromise the advance of revival and the salvation of millions, I must challenge you to radically, comprehensively reconsider your spiritual life. Everything must change.

Satisfaction with the present is fatal to the future. ~Glen Berteau

While the church you attend might not be ready to cater to the hungry, desperate remnant, you have no choice but to join the ranks of the radicals. Burn hot, contend in fervent intercession, discover your spiritual gifts, shift atmospheres and unite with a Gideon's army to route the enemy and call down fire from Heaven!


Again, this letter is being written to normal Christians. It's time to awaken the Jesus freak within and live a life worthy of a bloody cross and an empty grave.

It's time to lay down the dream of finding a happy church experience where the baristas know your name. The call of all in this desperate and glorious hour is to die to self, take up our cross and burn with Holy Spirit fire. No longer can we be satisfied with lesser things. The deep is calling and we must respond.

If your church doesn't provide the opportunity to rage on fire like this, then, don't jump ship. Stay faithfully connected while you add to your weekly schedule prayer meetings, prophetic gatherings and city-focused missions. Find a tribe that will not stop until full-blown revival, reformation and revolution strikes your city.


Ben Johnson, the new Head Coach of the Chicago Bears, announced to his team, without apology, that they must get comfortable being uncomfortable.

For too long the church has been about us. Our experience, our satisfaction, our enjoyment, our promotion, our ministry, our connection, our growth. A shocking shift that's coming to the church is a disruptive departure from the tired, powerless norms of the previous generations. The remnant must arise and the focus now becomes an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the region.

The only way to see this come to pass is if we cancel the “sail away party” on the cruise ship and enlist on the battleship. You are a soldier not a tourist. You're on a mission, not on vacation.

No longer is the church to meet our demands and expectations. We are there to meet the demands of the mission. Blood, sweat and tears will flow as we pray continually, walk in the spirit, burn white hot and run toward a fulfilled assignment.


The severity of the season demands all hands are on deck and ready for war.

Instead of Ted Talk-style encouraging nuggets of truth to help us get through the upcoming week, pulpits must erupt with prophetic revelation as anointed men and women of God equip the saints for battle. The goal isn't to alleviate stress. It's to become specialists, Navy Seals, Green Berets, people who have the skills, devotion and passion necessary to look wickedness in the face and blast the light of Jesus into dark, demonized territories.

This means we must gather frequently, pray strategically, grow in the prophetic, understand our authority and advance in our supernatural superpowers. This type of life starts on our own, in our prayer closets, but it can't end there. The corporate assault necessary against the kingdom of darkness requires a unified advance. This is why this letter is so critical. You can't be normal. You can't be average. You can't do it alone. You are needed in the war room and on the front lines.

So, all who are living a predictable, typical, normal, average, tired life that looks no different than the way most every other normal Christian is living, pray for shift.

A mighty shockwave will indeed impact you, shaking you off your feet and driving you to your knees. If God is to manifest today, we cannot remain the same. Today's church shows little blood, bruises, tears or desperation as a result of the cross they supposedly carry. Most don't even bear a single splinter.

You were called to be different.

5 Ways Pastor-Led Churches Hinder Revival

5 Ways Pastor-Led Churches Hinder Revival

Reformation of systems and structures must come if we hope to host revival.

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I've spent years traveling to churches all over the nation and have been blessed to get to know some incredible pastors. They are hungry for revival and are willing to allow God to move any way necessary.

It's also true that many who hold the office of Pastor either unwittingly or intentionally disrupt the pursuit of revival in their city. They simply aren't gifted or wired to understand the demands of revival much less the strategy to launch and sustain it.

I strongly believe we must embrace a shift away from pastor-led churches as apostolic and prophetic leaders advance the city-church toward an outpouring. The systems and structures must change dramatically allowing those with the gift of shepherding to eliminate the burdens of senior leadership.

What follows is a general analysis of the status of the church. By no means do I presume every pastor fits into this mold, but the definition and design of this spiritual office has its limits. Every biblical office and gift does. This is why reorganization is necessary as the entirety of the five-fold ministry begins to function together.

5 Ways Pastor-Led Churches Hinder Revival

ONE: They promote comfort over crucifixion

Those with a strong, dominant pastoral gifting with a mercy gift to match are keenly focused on protecting the flock. They easily tap into the hearts of the people they care for and typically desire to remove any sense of danger or discomfort.

Pastors are absolutely brilliant when functioning as nurturing shepherds. They are at their best when imparting into people one-on-one or in small groups. However, as apostolic catalysts for revival, their weaknesses become clear.

Instead of unapologetically calling people to “come and die”, their rallying cry is often to “come and find life.” Of course, abundant life is a clear benefit for every Believer, and there are countless other truths that reveal the joy, peace, freedom and wonder of a life in Jesus. These truths must be preached.

The problem is that advance toward revival is one that requires all who sign up to surrender as martyrs. The cost is extreme and the discomfort intense. A “happy family” style church gathering just won't cut it.

TWO: They are resistant to change

Pastors know that most people find comfort in consistency. A volatile, ever-changing church culture disrupts the peace and predictability that attracts increasingly stressed-out people.

The counsel is to steer a church like a cruise ship, not a speed boat. No quick turns or abrupt jolts. Many pastors will take several years to work into significant changes. Unfortunately, revival can't wait that long.

True apostle and prophet-led churches may introduce major transitions several times a year. Week to week the focus can dramatically change.

It's common to move from unplanned seasons of deliverance to strategic intercession to mass repentance—all in the same month. The activity of the Holy Spirit, prophetic revelation, attacks of the enemy and other happenings demand quick reflexes.

THREE: They lack an apostolic viewpoint

There are many leaders who are hybrids. Pastor/apostle, pastor/teacher, etc. However, those who are solely pastoral often have a difficult time grasping the ministry of apostles and prophets. As a result, their church is usually devoid of these influences.

Further, their daily focus is not the city. It's their own local church. This may be one of the greatest hindrances to revival due to the regional nature of outpourings. People who are pursuing revival in their own local context don't understand that God's eyes are on the city. In Scripture the church is not defined by street corner. It's defined by the city or region.

Advance toward revival absolutely demands that we mostly focus on the area outside the walls of our church. This tends to be difficult for pastors as their hearts are more connected to the people close to them than the multitudes beyond their reach. Apostles tend to come at it from the opposite direction. They see over the horizon and have a passion to equip a few carefully selected firebrands for the mission.

FOUR: They avoid alienating people

Apostles and prophets are eager to take the Gideon approach, eliminating 99% of those who are unready or unwilling, and advance with the remnant, the one percent who are willing to respond with precision.

Such an approach terrifies many pastors. The thought of losing people causes them to lie awake at nights. When people leave their church, depression can set in. The fear of loss consumes them. Promoting a purging of the sheep makes no sense to most pastors. Even if it does, they fight it at all costs.

The truth is that millions of people are waiting for a refined, holy, surrendered church army to get into position. Apostles know the mission can't be fulfilled with the wrong people. Of course, Apostles who have the heart of God are not cruel during the purging, but they allow the people to choose if they are willing to pay the price or not. Pastors usually don't even give people the option. They want everyone happy, relaxed and unpressured.

FIVE: They lack regional authority

By design, pastor's focus and authority is on the micro level. They are not often equipped or authorized to administer the church of the city. As I said before, some are hybrids, but for those who are not, frustration will come fast when they try to lead a region.

Pastors should certainly be connecting with apostolic city leaders, strategically planning how to advance toward revival. Pastors play a significant role in the process as they train and nurture people and make them ready for battle.

It's critical for all pastors, all local churches and all home churches to be deeply invested in the revival strategy in the city. There must be clarity on their specific role, on what other city leaders to connect with each week and on the overall vision as communicated through key city prophets and apostles.

When governmental order is restored in the church of the city, local churches will have burdens lifted and new strength will come. Regional revival is the goal of every church and the only way to experience it is if we are rightly positioned.

Prayer-Driven vs. Worship-Driven Churches: The Great Debate

Prayer vs Worship

What's on people's church shopping lists?

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The validity of “church-shopping” is a discussion for another day. Suffice it to say, people do it, and they have their lists.

Powerful worship, excellent teaching, a powerful youth ministry and dynamic children's ministry are in the top ten, if not the top five of all-time desires in a church experience. After all, what else is needed? You have deep, overwhelming, supernaturally charged worship and excellence in teaching and family ministries. Based covered.

Oops. We forgot something. Don't fret, though. It's been forgotten for quite some time, especially in today's church.

Intercession. Tongues of fire. Contending in unified decrees, declarations, warfare and passionate eruptions of oracles from heaven. You know, prayer.


In my early years of ministry, I was never asked about my prayer life or intercession strategies when interviewing for open church staff positions.

Many pastors (thankfully, not all) are uncomfortable in the prayer room and will either eliminate it from the culture of the church or minimize it to something less threatening. At best you'll find a group of faithful warriors praying in a glorified janitor's closet down a dark hallway in the church prior to the service. The pastor doesn't typically lead the meeting, much less attend it or even promote it.

If worship is strong and teaching is effective and other ministries are growing, all is well. Sure, they may say prayers at times, but a firehouse of burning intercession is a foreign concept.


ONE: It's all about the experience

If we aren't careful, worship can become more about us than about Jesus. As I'm writing this, I'm pumping my spirit with worship music. Like many, I absolutely love anointed music whether it's in my headphones or in the sanctuary. It's enjoyable. It's edifying. It's emotional.

Prayer, on the other hand, can often be difficult. The cost is greater and the energy necessary to push through can be extreme. Of course, there are different modes of prayer including soaking, meditation, petition and others. From my experience, the greatest impact both for the church and for the individual comes when there's a healthy dose of strategic, informed, prophetic intercession, decrees, declarations and warfare. The breaking power of such prayer is intense.

The tender connection with the Holy Spirit that we might get with musical worship often shifts to a raging internal fire that demands mountains be moved and darkness be invaded. Of course, we aren't choosing between worship and prayer. We need churches to be driven strategically by both with prayer as the foundation.

TWO: There's a lack of equipping in prayer

Worship is easy to understand. Surrender, love, adore and exalt as some beautiful and anointed music fills the room. I'm not saying it always easy to enter in, but the concept of worship is easy to grasp.

The purpose and function of strategic prayer? Not so much.

We need training in what I call Revelation Driven Prayer. How do we hear God's voice? How do we declare prophetically what he's saying? What do we see in Scripture? How should we not prayer? What are the roadblocks?

Exhausting, right? As a prayer freak, I'll admit that it can be a battle. Often it's a war. I've wasted a lot of time and energy in prayer over the years by not praying correctly. If prayer is to be foundational in our churches, equipping in prayer must be equally foundational.

THREE: There's no vision

The concept of “having a vision” isn't something many people think about. Often, people go to church largely based on their desires, not their God-given vision for advancing the Kingdom. Again, they want a satisfying experience with great worship and great ministry. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, though it's tragically limiting. There's so much more.

When prayer-driven churches gather, the focus isn't mostly on giving the people a nice Sunday experience. They have gathered with war in mind. The vision is too intense to be okay with anything less than conquest. Plundering Hell and contending for revival consume their thoughts. Such a vision demands prayer at a level few would ever sign up for.

FOUR: Prayer can be deflating

Regular people don't want to be part of a church that struggles to punch through into the miraculous. Remnant Believers do, however.

A vision of intercession has built into it a resolve to keep pressing, keep prophesying, keep standing in faith until the breakthrough comes. If quick growth, instant wonders and visible impact are required to stay faithful in the place of prayer, most will quit. This is why churches often have to keep the hype going. We need the dopamine hits and the adrenaline rush every Sunday.

FIVE: Tongues are rare

Groans of intercession are required if we want to pray, walk and live in the supernatural. This type of corporate expression is rare as pastors accurately predict that many would run for the exits should it explode in the church.

The Holy Spirit must be invited to rage in our gatherings again! Baptisms in power must be non-stop as people become infused with an other-worldly language of intercession!


I've campaigned for churches to eliminate all ministry for at least six months – except for prayer. Bring the worship team down from the platform. Call the youth and children into the auditorium. Shut down everything except for fiery, prophetic prayer in every service and see what happens.

When we return prayer to first place in the church, everything else will start to calibrate with God's design and the power of the Holy Spirit will again manifest.

How to contend in earth-shaking intercession without getting bored, tired and discouraged

Revelation Driven Prayer

Could you not pray for one hour? ~Jesus

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Prayer doesn’t typically come naturally. Actually, it comes supernaturally, but even so, there is a learning curve.

At Revival X, I am excited about the opportunity to help train hungry people in the art and science of impactful, fiery, powerful and supernatural intercession. Once we are struck by the shock and awe of prophetic prayer, we will crave interacting with God night and day.

Could you not pray for one hour? The obvious answer is no. The couldn’t. Or, actually, they didn’t. They could have. They should have, but the impetus was not there. The passion had faded. The urgency was gone. Carrying the burden of another requires we are impacted by the Spirit of God at a pretty deep level. This is what makes an intercessor.

This isn’t an involved teaching on the matter (that will come on Tuesday nights at Revival X!), but these are some simple tips and truths that will help make intercession much more enjoyable and meaningful. We’ll want to pray, without ceasing, as Scripture directs.

Eleven tips: How to engage in impactful, supernatural, prophetic and addictive intercession


Burdens for intercession become weighty and tangible when we understand, adopt and own the assignment. What is the purpose of your intercession? Is that purpose captivating you? If not, go to battle over your mind and emotions and avail yourself to the Spirit of God. 

The assignment might be naturally obvious, like praying for someone to be healed. Or, it may be sudden and unexpected. There are times I’m awakened in the night with a celebrity on my heart. It’s typically someone I never spend time thinking about, and I know the Lord has asked me to stand in the gap for them. 

Understanding God’s assignments in prayer will also relieve us of other prayer focuses that aren’t as pressing or timely on God’s agenda. It takes some discipline to stop praying for what we want to focus on to make room for what God is doing. Doing so is the first step toward intercession that’s fueled by God’s supernatural grace.

When we become “assignment-driven” instead of “issue-driven” in our lives, our prayer lives tend to erupt.


Prayer becomes a frustrating exercise of futility if we don’t understand our authority. If we don’t know without question that we cause things to happen simply by declaring and decreeing, commanding and enforcing, then we’ll fizzle out after just a few minutes of tiring prayer.

However, when we acquire a revelation of just how potent and powerful our words are, and how atmospheres and enemies have no choice but to submit to our Spirit-revealed directives, everything changes! We become super-charged, supernatural agents of the King. 

We move mountains. We cast out demons. We war in the Spirit. We dictate breakthrough. We condition atmospheres. We truly are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


Bold tongues originating from the depths of our inner man should be erupting out of us from the beginning of the intercession session to the end. If I had to put a percentage on it, I’d say 95% tongues, 5% English. The Spirit knows exactly what needs to happen through our legislation. The most efficient way for him to move is praying in tongues. There is no comparison.

The Bible talks about groans “that can’t be uttered.” These are overwhelming spiritual unctions that overwhelm and overtake us as we take on the Holy Spirit’s burden. There is no need for words and there is no need for intellectual understanding when this occurs. We can rest easy knowing that God is actively, literally and immediately moving. Faith explodes through tongues and groans.


The Bible is true. It’s mandatory that we absolutely, without any doubt or hesitation, fully and completely believe it. We must never condition Scripture with our experiences, disappointments or personal insights. The Word of God rules.

When we believe Scripture at this level, our minutes of prayer can easily launch into hours. 

Grab hold of a single scripture or a passage and decree it. Declare it. Enforce it. Meditate on it. If you aren’t seeing a particular biblical truth manifest in your life or in a situation, go to battle. Proclaim the truth to the enemy. Proclaim it to yourself. Command your mind and emotions to align with it. 

When you are done, find another scripture and do it again. Another hour will pass before you know it.


It’s safe to say that a lot of prayer that’s offered up every day, possibly the majority, is little more than asking God for stuff as we wonder if he’ll answer. This is a recipe for intercessory failure. Our faith plummets. Our hope fades. Our relationship with God is negatively affected because we don’t truly understand his desire for us.

The easiest way to know God’s will is through the Word of God. If he wrote it, he means it. Review the previous point and get excited about all of the promises in Scripture that are chiseled in stone. God means what he says.

In specific situations that the Bible may not cover (like what job to take or how to spend our money), the next point will help. Suffice it to say, intimacy with Jesus is key. As we learn to hear God’s voice, our prayer time will take a dramatic shift. No longer will we gaze up into heaven wondering where God is and what he wants. We’ll move right past that point and have great confidence in our prayer. It will shift direction from asking God to commanding situations. We will be a walking, breathing, supernatural command center, enforcing God’s will, not aimlessly wondering what it is.

And, during the “in between,” the times between our intercession and the clear revelation of God’s will, pray in tongues and declare Scripture. Enjoy Jesus. Develop intimacy. Correct wrong theology (like God is resisting you, or that he doesn’t love or like you). Simply know that Jesus is interceding for YOU nonstop!


Prayer that isn’t infused by the Spirit of prophecy is doomed. It really is. We must learn how to receive revelation. This is a massive topic that can’t be even summarized here. However, we need to know that God is talking and the things he’s saying are weighty. Our job is to receive the transmission and respond accordingly.

It’s critical to flow prophetically during intercession so we get the right job done the right way. We don’t want to pray for something that God is actually opposing. We don’t want to focus on a point that God says to put aside. This is where tongues helps (a lot). God will suddenly and overwhelmingly impact us with skyrocketing faith on a matter. He will tell us what to decree and how to contend. His will becomes obvious. What’s on his heart in the moment overtakes our heart. When the prophetic meets intercession, miracles happen. This is where the realm of wonders exists.


When we pray, and when the prophetic is hot, miracles, signs, wonders, healings, revelations and great faith result. They become quite normal. 

The key is that we must stimulate our faith and develop extreme expectancy. Tongues helps. Scripture helps. Prophecy helps. Embracing our assignment helps. When all of this is working with synergy, the Spirit of God will often manifest. 

A prayer-life without unwavering expectation of supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit is a prayer-life that’s truly on life-support. 


When all of the above points are in play, they will ultimately expose the activity of the enemy. When that happens, we must fight!

Understanding our authority will make this an obvious next step. It becomes clear that the enemy has been working hard behind the scenes (and often right on stage) to steal, kill, destroy, disrupt, discourage and stop God’s activity in our life and situation.

The prophetic is an invaluable tool as it shines a bright light on the darkness. The enemy can no longer hide. However, it’s absolutely critical that we engage in serious warfare. The enemy doesn’t like the light, but he’ll gladly stand there exposed if he knows we aren’t going to do anything about him and his schemes.


If there anything that will kill a life of prayer it’s petition. 

Yes, there are times to petition God. Scripture is clear about this. However, when we become petition-dominant in our prayer, our faith plummets. So much of what people petition God for has already been settled and revealed in Scripture.

So much more would be made known prophetically if we had fine-tuned that spiritual skill. Remember, part of our responsibility in prayer is to discover what God’s will is. Very often, his will is ready to be revealed, or at least the part that we need to know in the moment is. We just need to find it. Most often, petition is not the quickest way there.


If I had to guess, nine times out of ten people pray about themselves or issues that directly impact them. There’s a time for this, but it’s certainly not ninety percent of the time.

Intercession demands we take on the issues on God’s heart. Keep in mind the assignment most usually will be mission oriented. Our call is to pray for souls, to contend for revival, to push back the enemy, to stand in the gap for others, to invade the darkness, to heal the sick, and on and on.

Intercession that’s focused outward is exponentially more potent than prayer for ourselves. Again, there’s a time to pray for our own situation. Even daily we can give time and energy to this. We can go to God with our desire for personal growth, concerns, questions and other such communication. We just need to know that staying in that place will drain us and weaken our faith. We were created to advance and to fight for others.

This is one reason why I personally feel prayer meetings at church shouldn’t focus much on their own church. Church growth, church needs, church challenges, etc. can be hit briefly in prayer, but don’t dwell there. Camp out on intercession for the city, for revival, for transformation and for regional and national issues.


No matter the struggle, no matter how silent God seems to be and no matter how ineffective you feel your prayer is, do not stop. Go deeper. Go longer. Pray more deliberately. Intercede with passion. 

You have to practice prayer continually in order to break through into new realms, new experiences, new victories and new revelations of how God moves through our intercession.

Simply know, God absolutely, without question, hears you, is moving through you and is training you as a mighty warrior of atmosphere-shifting intercession!


Game changer! The most incredible, instructive and distinctive reading on prayer I’ve experienced in a long time. The writing is simplistic, refreshing and applicable. Every faithful Christian should read this to be renewed and empowered! ~Walkbyfaith

If, throughout the Bible, God causes men and women to do things that defy human logic, why do we default to common sense when making decisions in our lives? If God told Gideon to secure only 1% of his army to go into battle, which obviously defies solid and time-tested military wisdom, why don’t we consider that God may also cause us to advance in our lives via nontraditional and even bizarre means?

Job 11:7 “Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?”

The message of Revelation Driven Prayer will help launch you into the unusual and deep things of God that he has prepared specifically for you.


BREAKING: Jeff Jansen Scrutinized for Trump Prophecies, Dismissed from Church Leadership

Controversial prophetic leader Jeff Jansen is under fire this week.

Newsweek brought a controversial viewpoint, one held by many Christians (and refuted by many others) to the forefront yesterday. “What's coming can't be stopped,” Jansen said in a Facebook video on Tuesday. “There's all kinds of amazing things that are happening, and I'm talking about President Trump. I'm talking about him coming back into power.… I'm talking about everything that God promised, back-to-back terms.” While many who have dug their heels into the ground regarding the certain re-election of Donald Trump have quietly stopped pushing their agenda, Jeff Jansen continues to stand firm. Other ministers have issued apologies for missing the prophetic mark but there are some, Jeff included, who are not shying away on what they feel is inevitable—the heroic return of Donald Trump. Newsweek followed up with another report today, “Evangelical Christian pastor Jeff Jansen, a self-described “prophet,” said that he is “quadrupling down” on his prophecy that former President Donald Trump will be reinstated—despite his previous prediction that this would happen by the end of April failing to materialize.” I've often wondered just what benefit there is to predicting certain things such as who the next President will be. Understand, I fully affirm legitimate prophetic ministry. I'm convinced we need to hear God's voice more, not less. In fact, God will be revealing extremely important information to those who have an ear to hear as we move deeper into the End Times. Key revelation will be needed so the church can respond in strategic intercession and move into position to battle the enemy and advance the Kingdom. Without divine communication, God's people will be at a great disadvantage. We can be sure those who are tuned in to the evil one will respond with precision to his commands. That being said, the barrage of prophecies about Donald Trump have resulted in some really bad fruit and widespread division among Believers. I honestly can't think of any healthy, beneficial result of forcing these so-called prophecies into the mainstream conversation. Are we looking for an I-told-you-so moment? I know many are. They point their fingers and puff out their chests as they proclaim, “Just wait, you'll see. The prophets were right and you will be exposed as one who is lacking faith, naturally minded and listening to the voice of the enemy.” I know that sounds extreme, but that sentiment, if not those very words, is being relayed. Those who disagree with the prophecies are outed as doubters, enemies of God's plans. I'm so appreciative of Dr. Michael Brown's leadership in releasing the Prophetic Standards Statement. It's time for calibration to God's Word in the prophetic camp. The “thus sayeth the Lord” approach to prophecy is often damaging to those who are listening, and watching, and waiting for the word to come to pass. Quite often, it does not and the level of faith of those who are tainted by the unnecessarily bold prophecy plummets.


To say Jeff is under fire this week would be an understatement. I believe it's necessary to emphasize how important it is to pray for Jeff. We all know, regardless of his situation, Satan is looking to devour him. We shouldn't be doing the same. Love-driven intercession for Jeff, especially right now, is mandatory. Yes, it's appropriate to address the issues that Jeff is bringing front and center, and it's right to confront any trouble that results. This is a seriously critical season of learning for the church, and we need to allow the Holy Spirit to recalibrate us. Unfortunately, people God loves can often be spotlighted during such seasons. Our response must include sobriety, fervent prayer, introspection, repentance and a determination to undergird those in challenging seasons. The enemy wants to crush Jeff. God wants to bless Jeff. In possibly unrelated news to Jeff's controversial prophetic views, Newsweek reviewed a message received by those connected with Global Fire Church. Jeff's information seems to have been removed from the church website and his wife, Jan Jansen, is now listed as the Senior Leader. “It is with deep sorrow that Jeff Jansen has been asked, by his board, to step down as Co-Senior Leader of Global Fire Church, and from Global Fire Ministries due to unscriptural and unbiblical behavior. He was asked to step down in April, and this was made public to the church body on May 2, 2021. A statement was released to partners and friends on May 5,” the email said. “Rather than submit to the process of healing and restoration, Jeff recently made an intentional decision to leave his wife and family to pursue his own desires. He remains unrepentant and unremorseful,” the ministry said. The statement noted that any further actions or statements from Jansen should not be associated with Global Fire Ministries. Many years ago I had a significant “God moment” that was nothing short of miraculous, and Jeff was instrumental. I had the opportunity along with a few others to connect with him in his hotel suite in the Detroit area. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say that God dramatically impacted my life through Jeff. The reports from this week are grieving to my spirit and I hurt for him and his family. Unfortunately, we as Christians have the responsibility to react and respond, and if necessary, warn about trouble. Certainly, we also have the responsibility to pray. We don't know what's going on inside of the heart of those who are in the midst of trial. We are left with the call to analyze fruit. Bad fruit doesn't make someone bad. It doesn't make them unredeemable. Quite the opposite. Those are the very ones God desires to reveal his love to in an even more powerful way. Of course, this part of the comments by Global Fire Church is quite disturbing: “Rather than submit to the process of healing and restoration, Jeff recently made an intentional decision to leave his wife and family to pursue his own desires. He remains unrepentant and unremorseful.” If true, Jeff is without question disqualified from ministry. In fact, his soul is in jeopardy. Satan is raging and the church must respond in love and en force! The takeaways to all of this include the need to cover (not cover up) our brothers and sisters in Christ. We as the church must endeavor for prophetic accuracy and conformity to biblical protocols. We should understand the times we are in volatile. We have no option to dabble haphazardly in the prophetic. We need to embrace humility. Intercession must skyrocket. I'd like to conclude by saying I'm praying that Jeff is well, the reports are not accurate and that concern is unwarranted. If his prophecies come true, we should celebrate. If the situation in the church and with his family is other than is being reported, we can rejoice. We need more bold prophetic leaders right now, and for many years, Jeff Jansen has been one of them. At this point, however, it seems all of us, Jeff included, should seek God's face and allow him to refine, redefine and renew us. A humble, repentant heart is necessary if we are to endure what is to come. Photo credit: “play of light in santhome church” by VinothChandar is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Where can I find an on-fire church…with no tongues?”

The scourge of yesterday's seeker sensitive movement has infected today's mainstream church.

A question was posted to a local Facebook group, and while I applaud anyone's desire to be involved in an on-fire church, the request revealed something troubling.

“Where can I find an on-fire church…with no tongues?”

That was the question.

The answer? Nowhere.

Such a church doesn't exist. The concept is quite impossible.


Of course, it's entirely possible to find a church that is vibrant and passionate about Jesus without the gift of tongues in operation. There are many such places where you can connect, grow, and enjoy godly relationships. You can serve, go on mission trips, study the Bible together and experience an emotionally satisfying community of faith. There are such churches represented by most every authentic Christian denomination (or non-denomination).

However, the individual wasn't asking about vibrant churches. They specifically sought out an on-fire church. I maintain my contention that it is impossible to find a church that's authentically on fire without tongues manifesting.

“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1–4, ESV)

There is an immeasurable difference between a vibrant community of faith and one that's marked by the fire of the Holy Spirit. When a church is birthed and bathed in fervent, supernatural prayer, and unlimited room is given for the Holy Spirit to blow and burn in their midst, the resulting fire is indescribable. Incomparable. Other-worldly.

To be on fire is not to be emotionally excited. To be consumed by biblical fire is a spiritual reality. The Spirit of God breathes in and through us and ignites a supernatural flame that defies description.

Simply, there is an anointing that rests on churches that embrace the gift of tongues. You'll notice in the passage of Scripture above that tongues of fire rested on everyone there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they all spoke in tongues.

I'm not going to dive into a teaching on the different types of tongues, but to briefly address those who are convinced that the Bible teaches that “all don't speak in tongues,” suffice it to say that there are multiple types of tongues. All can speak (or sing) in the personal gift of tongues. Not all, however, operate in other types of tongues such as “tongues and interpretation.” I'd encourage you to study out the differences.

An on-fire church is an Acts 2 church where all have the opportunity to be baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit. In fact, a true on-fire church will manifest groans of intercession and a supernatural release of God moving through all in attendance. 

“…but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:26–27, ESV)


I contacted two churches in my area that by all appearances were full of life and devoted to Jesus. I watched some of the worship online and people were legitimately engaging with lifted hands and at least a measure of visible passion. What I'm trying to communicate is that they appeared to be Spirit-filled churches.

I scoured their websites looking for a statement of faith or any evidence that they affirmed the gifts of the Spirit. I found nothing that remotely gave me confidence that I'd be stepping into an on-fire, Charismatic church should I choose to visit.

So, I emailed them. The first church copied and pasted their vague beliefs from the website I already studied. Here was my reply:

Thanks! Can you let me know your stance on the gifts of the Spirit? For example, during your services do people pray or sing in tongues? Are their words of knowledge? I appreciate it! Blessings to you all!

I never heard back from them.

The second church never replied at all.

Very interestingly, the first church was quick to reply to the Facebook post this article is about. “Where can I find an on-fire church…with no tongues?” A representative from the church claimed their church fit their requirements perfectly. Many other suggestions of other churches were offered as well. 

I find it even more disturbing that churches that presume to be Spirit-filled are all too often minimizing the gifts of the Spirit and even forbidding the gift of tongues during the service. The seeker sensitive paradigm has overtaken many churches as they seek to make everybody as comfortable as possible. 

The opportunity to engage in worship at many Spirit-filled churches has been reduced to fifteen or twenty minutes. I've visited churches that don't allow the people to go deep in the place of worship, to cry out, to repent, to groan in intercession or to encounter the Holy Spirit due to ridiculously short services. In fact, it's more common than ever to sing for fifteen minutes while being forced to listen to an often dry, tedious sermon that lacks any measure of anointing for nearly an hour. This is grieving! 

Pastors, you might notice that the rise of 24/7 prayer and worship is capturing people's hearts. However, you aren't going to find a 24/7 preaching and teaching movement. Both are important, but we must understand priorities. A foundation of fervent intercession and deep, supernatural worship is mandatory if the Word of God is going to have fertile soil to grow in.

From my book The Coming Church:

As we become supernaturally changed in a place of extreme intercession, worship will change significantly. It will be supernaturally driven. There is a new sound coming to worship, and it’s not simply a new style. There is a supernatural, otherworldly groan of intercessory worship that will explode out of the entire body as a new breed of trembling worship leaders lead the way into the shock and awe of the glory of God. We will no longer simply sit in a pew or stand with a raised hand while a familiar worship song is sung. The prophetic, groaning sounds of Holy Spirit-facilitated worship will make it normal to shake and fall to our faces as we cry, “Holy!” The natural, logical sing-a-longs will be no more. We will have a hard time standing as man’s karaoke gives way to God’s Shekinah and Kabod glory that takes up residence in his Church. Worship teams will practice less and pray in the Spirit with tears in their eyes more. Today, along with most other expressions of church life, worship is at least slightly and sometimes extremely marginalized for the sake of the less adventurous attendee. Since most people tend to be adverse to more supernatural forms of worship, and many would leave if the atmosphere became too uncomfortable, the majority has been winning. I’ve said it countless times, and have written before that I refuse to tone down the activity of the Holy Spirit out of respect of those less hungry. How is it that the naturally-minded majority has supplanted the supernatural remnant in the Church? How is it that burning, raging, intercessory worship that’s driven by the groans of the Spirit himself are not appreciated enough to risk losing people from our churches.

In the coming Church, it will be normal for people to hit their faces and tremble and cry holy as the fire of God’s presence rages! Do you see why we can’t formulate low level, seeker focused worship services that can be fully understood naturally?

Yes, people are drawn to churches that provide healthy community, excellent children's ministries, skilled musicians, engaging teaching and effective programs. However, this isn't the picture of an on-fire church. Not even close.

We need the raging, searing and fearful glory of God to burn through our services. The gifts of the Spirit must manifest and a supernatural tremble needs to strike us all. The shock and awe of the Holy Spirit should drive us all to our knees as we quake under his power.

What many are calling an on-fire church and what is authentically an on-fire church couldn't be more opposite. It's time for another Acts 2 outpouring to hit our nation.

From my article, “Seven sure-fire ways to end boring, predictable church services,” I'd like to suggest just what an on-fire church might include:

  1. Lengthy sessions of corporate praying and singing in tongues
  2. Embracing a vibrant prophetic culture
  3. Encouraging people to release prayers, decrees and declarations on the mic during service
  4. Inviting people to make biblical declarations
  5. Promoting prophetic art, flagging, dance and other expressions during the service
  6. Providing prayer for deliverance, healing and freedom
  7. Expecting manifestations of the Holy Spirit and refuse to shut them down

I'll leave you with one of my favorite descriptions of an on-fire church from over a hundred years ago:

An Azusa Street report:

…disgraceful intermingling of the races…they cry and make howling noises all day and into the night. They run, jump, shake all over, shout to the top of their voice, spin around in circles, fall out on the sawdust blanketed floor jerking, kicking and rolling all over it. Some of them pass out and do not move for hours as though they were dead. These people appear to be mad, mentally deranged or under a spell. They claim to be filled with the spirit. They have a one eyed, illiterate, Negro as their preacher who stays on his knees much of the time with his head hidden between the wooden milk crates. He doesn't talk very much but at times he can be heard shouting, “Repent,” and he's supposed to be running the thing… They repeatedly sing the same song, “The Comforter Has Come.”

All who are in touch with God realize as soon as they enter the meetings that the Holy Ghost is the leader.

A Call To Reformation In The Broken Prophetic Movement

Extreme reform must come to the out of control prophetic movement.

I believe we must see a radical increase in authentic prophetic ministry. While there are issues and extremes in today’s prophetic movement, the truth is that most churches are woefully shallow or outright resistant when it comes to developing a prophetic culture.

An electric, supernatural and stunning spirit of prophecy should be energizing our church services. The Holy Spirit is moving powerfully and it’s critical that we tap into what he is doing and saying.

“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19–21, ESV)


The famine of the Rhema voice of God in so many Christians and churches has been a burden of mine for decades. Unfortunately, it seems some have tried to fill that void with either unhealthy, unbalanced or outright unbiblical prophetic practices. Reform is needed.


Have you ever heard someone in church belting out a revelation that starts something like, “The Lord is saying to you…” or for some of our more traditional Pentecostals, “Thus sayeth the Lord…”

Yeah, this has to stop.

People are sharing prophetic words as if they are guarantees. They fail to consider the myriad of variables that come into play regarding a prophetic word. People are mortal. They can make mistakes.

Further, prophetic words are always conditional. People have a role to play. A failed response can result in a word that doesn’t come to pass.

Also, hearts can change. Someone can fail to measure up to the demands of the word. They can reject the word. They can fall into sin. On and on.

Prophetic guarantees can do great damage to people’s faith. I’ve known people who have made very costly life decisions because of a prophecy. They have quit their jobs, sold their homes, moved across the country, married the wrong person, and on and on simply because they received a prophetic guarantee. Like I said, this has to stop.

A better way to say it would be, “I sense the Lord is saying,” or “Be sure to pray over this and weigh it carefully. I feel God is saying…”


“but test everything; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21, ESV)

The Bible clearly requires all prophetic words to be tested, weighed and judged.

“Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said.” (1 Corinthians 14:29, ESV)

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…” (1 John 4:1, ESV)

It requires humility to invite a thorough critique when releasing a prophetic word. Instead of a prophetic guarantee, we should be submitting our divine revelation for consideration. We should invite people to analyze it, to pray over it and to judge it. If people did this with each word they communicated, it would remove much of the stigma surrounding the prophetic movement.


Has anybody else grown tired of the circus-like, crystal ball-style fortune telling in so much of the prophetic today?

Understand, I absolutely do believe in foretelling, in revealing future events as the Holy Spirit gives the revelation. The Bible is filled with such prophetic information and authentic foretelling absolutely happens today.

That being said, there has become an unhealthy obsession with gazing into the future. It’s time for a fresh, anointed prophetic climate to emerge that is driven by forthtelling, by a Rhema revelation of timeless biblical truths. We need prophetic preachers who breathe fire as they release oracles from Heaven that erupt right out of the Bible. The Word of God must again be primary.


As someone who affirms the need for a radical increase of true prophetic ministry, you might be surprised that I rarely get excited or uptight about a prophetic word.

This is true when the word is for me personally and it's true if the word is a public word.

Why? It's simple. Prophetic words take time to unfold. Also, they are often flat out wrong. If they are true, I need to discover what my role is and how I should steward the word. There is process.

It's not like winning the lottery or finding a genie in a lamp.

Does this mean I don't prepare if a prophetic word is given to warn me? No way. I prepare as the Lord leads, but I don't get spun out about the word or overly obsessed with the word.

Does this mean my faith isn't encouraged if a positive prophetic word is given to me? Nope. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. The Rhema, prophetic word of God.

However, you'd be shocked at how many positive, encouraging words I've received that have never come to pass. Good people were attempting to bless me but wrongly labeled their encouragement as prophecy.

Prophecy can be wrong no matter how convinced we are that God said something. We can interpret incorrectly. We may miss the analysis. We may not rightly steward the word. We might wrongly discern the timing.

The prophetic is less like a fortune cookie then many realize.


The Old Testament “stone them if they are wrong” mindset needs to finally come to an end. In the New Covenant prophecy is markedly different. While a prophetic word can certainly be extremely weighty, it’s never complete. In fact, prophetic data comes not in the form of a bellowing, clearly heard and perfectly understood voice erupting out of a burning bush, but rather as abstract, nebulous impressions and sensations.

Consider dreams. They require interpretation. So does every other type of prophetic impression. Today, it’s not difficult to be deeply intimate with Jesus, living a life of prayer, humbly surrendered, wholeheartedly given to God’s call on our lives and also mistaken about a prophetic word. We need to give people grace when they miss it.

Yes, as I have already said, grace will be more easily extended when the prophets stop slapping a “thus sayeth the Lord” on every word they deliver.

And, yes, we also need a more solid system of accountability. What happened to those who prophesied that COVID would be gone nine or ten months ago? What about other failed words that go unjudged and are long forgotten? There’s a healthy way to handle this. Ignoring it isn’t the answer.


If you hang on to prophetic words without weighing them, and shame those who are in fact weighing, you have no idea how biblical prophecy works.

There is no medal of honor given to those who are unmovable regarding prophetic words. Scripture, in fact, requires that we are flexible as the outcome of prophecies can change depending on many different variables.

There has been a spirit of mean unleashed this past year by those who have white-knuckled grips on prophetic words about the election and other key issues. Dare to weigh the words, as the Bible commands, and question them in the slightest, and you better duck. Some uber-spiritual people will launch assaults questioning your faith, your spirituality and even your salvation. It’s disgusting.


If the person delivering the word isn’t burning hot in the furnace of intercession day after day, their word cannot be trusted. Throw it out. If it’s truly a word of God, it will jump right back into play and it will be undeniable. However, I’ve found it to be quite rare that a prophecy can be truly trusted if it’s not birthed from the place of intercession.

There are other measures we can take to see the prophetic become healthy and effective, but if we can start with the above, the prophetic culture this nation so desperately needs will become vibrant, anointed and accurate again.

2020: The Year Hate Made the World Go Round

Alyssa Milano

Hate has become the emotion of choice for a lot of people this year – including a whole bunch of Christians.

It’s more evident than ever just how toxic our culture is. 2020 has been quite the litmus test for love and civility.

I was recently interviewed about a recent article I wrote for The Stream titled Is Today’s Prophetic Movement Fake News? In the midst of a discussion on the unhealthy nature of much of today’s prophetic movement, I noted that I’m concerned that the church has wasted the opportunity that 2020 has provided us. The church’s often volatile reactions to the pressures of this season have been telling. People from all sides, the left, the right, the saved and the lost have been spewing poisonous personal revelations about everything from masks to freedom to Trump to equality. No, there’s nothing wrong with holding to a strong opinion on important matters. We’d be socially dead if we didn’t. However, the moment we villainize, attack, shame, cancel and blacklist those who disagree with us is the moment our true, dark hearts are revealed.


I wrote an article for Charisma Magazine on January, 2nd 2020, just as the year was beginning and well before true concern for COVID-19 had arrived. Few knew about the coming pestilence, or at least the severity of it. I re-read the article and got chills. The call was clear: adopt humility, fervent prayer and a radical devotion to holiness in our pursuit of Jesus as the plagues and pestilence visit us:

2020 is here. Does God have good plans for His true, remnant church? Sure. However, His true church isn't primarily concerned about that. Those aren't the words they want to hear. They are in tune with the assault of the spirit of the age, with the immorality in the land, with the abominations that both the world and the church are in alignment with and with possible judgment and wrath that can strike our nation if we don't turn. They are crying out for God to prophetically speak about this stuff. They want to be warned, and they want to share those warnings with the world.

I'm not saying the following passage is a prophetic word, but it sure is a much better exhortation than many I'm reading concerning the new year. I propose we do this:

“When I shut up the heaven and there is no rain, or when I command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence on My people, if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer of this place (2 Chron. 7:13-15, MEV).

I’d encourage you to read the entire article here.

On December 19th, 2019, I posted to Facebook:

So much of “prophecy” today is utterly useless, a distraction and often dangerous as it leads the immature and those who can't discern into false hope and down wrong paths.

I don't know how often I read prophecies on Facebook that cause me to say, “My time was just wasted. I didn't need to know that, even if it is true.”

While so much of prophecy today is an embarrassment, we must respond to the true call of the Spirit of God in this hour. Humility, love, prayer and holiness are most certainly part of that call.

In the face of the greatest global chaos in any of our lifetimes, the church should have been leading the way by calling for solemn assemblies, heart-wrenching prayer meetings and whatever else must happen to see a move of God overtake us. Instead, too many have become enraged, offended and puffed up at political leaders for restricting their freedoms and shutting down the churches. Why? So they can get back to their tired, predictable and mostly powerless 90-minute karaoke sing-a-long’s and story telling sessions?

“Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. Alas for the day! For the day of the LORD is near, and as destruction from the Almighty it comes.” (Joel 1:14–15, ESV)

Before you become unglued (yet again), allow me to make a point. I too have opinions and strong beliefs. I firmly believe the Bible out ranks our governmental officials. When God in his Word commands us to meet together, we meet together. We should do it safely and with wisdom, but, in my opinion, I am convinced that we should be gathering together. However, if we rise up in pride against supposed tyranny just so we, in a spirit of independence, can have our way (in the guise of protecting our Constitutional rights) then we have failed. Rebellion can never be a Christian’s weapon against our oppressors. Today we have companies of arrogant, spiritualized rebels, defying authority in the name of God, as God himself resists them.

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry…” (1 Samuel 15:23, NKJV)

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6, ESV)


2020 is the year of losing friends, or at least a time when we learned just who our true friends were.

Social media has allowed for the unleashing of all types of self-important proclamations. Don’t dare have an opposing opinion about masks, our President, racial issues, our freedoms, the Constitution or pretty much anything else unless you want to be assaulted in the comments. It’s disgusting. No matter how righteous your pursuit is, handling it without love, honor and respect will nullify it.

I’m stunned most every day at how rude blood-bought Christians can be, especially on social media. Have you not encountered the love and the fear of the Lord? I mean, really had an overwhelming encounter where our omnipotent, holy and all-consuming God laid you out? If not, I propose you cease all of your attempts at heroism in our social fabric and hit your knees. Cry out to God with raw, guttural groans. Repent. Yearn for his presence and his glory to saturate you. Ask for your hip to be taken out and for a tongue of fire to ignite over you. Honestly, little else matters.

That brings me to those of you who have had such encounters, yet you still don’t know how to love. Stop everything. Learn to love. I’m not talking about the sappy, passive, new age, beta-male style “kindness” that is being promoted (mostly by unbelievers) all over the world. In fact, check out one of my most popular articles, The Great Love Deception, to understand just what I mean and what I don’t mean when I mention the world love. False love is truly on the rise and we must expose it and promote true, biblically defined love.

From the article:

Philippians 1:9-10 (MSG) 9 So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings 10 so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of…

We are to learn to love appropriately. This scripture is a critical exhortation! Why? It means there are inappropriate ways to love. There are deceptions that feel right, but are poor representations or even counterfeits of truth.

As God’s love begins to manifest in such amazing, deeper ways at the end of the age, we have to be aware that the enemy will work hard to redefine, misrepresent and twist true love. He has a castrated version to offer us.

I’ve run into several people, many who were once grounded Believers, who have bought into this supposed new revelation of love, and the stench is putrid. Supposedly Donald Trump is the candidate of arrogance, division and hatred while Joe Biden promotes humility, unity and love. People who wear masks are the poster children for true love while those who are anti-mask are selfish and hateful of others. Those who make such claims are delusional beyond belief. (On the contrary, those who refuse to wear masks when required and pout like children when pressed on the matter have no idea what love looks like either. Neither do those who cancel everyone in their lives who don’t support Donald Trump. I could go on and on.)

Love can (and often should) be very direct, unrelenting, unapologetic and aggressive. However, it must be done with grace, honor and respect. The alternative? Well, 2020 has taught us that anything from riots to destroying people’s lives when we disagree with them is on the table.


Yes, we as Believers are watching the world, and weeping. The vaccine has arrived, and now people are shaming whoever their political enemies are for being among the first to take it. It’s yet another opportunity for them to accuse their foes of killing grandma.

Both the left and the right, and Hollywood and Nashville, and every other sphere of influence in our nation have been guilty of hatred. The right assaults Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Alyssa Milano and many others on a daily basis. Of course, the left attacks with vengeance Donald Trump and anyone who even whispers a minute amount of support for him or his policies.

Yet, more sadly, the world is watching the church. And, with some notable exceptions, I believe the church has failed miserably this year.

Where is the anointing? The power? The undeniable, supernatural love? Too many of today’s Christians have chosen social justice over holy justice. We need an other-worldly move of God to absolutely crush our nation. Where are God’s people who are truly repentant (and repenting), who are rending their hearts, who are interceding for their enemies instead of bashing them?

Where are those who are more interested in the salvation of Washington D.C. and Hollywood then they are in campaigning for the restoration and protection of their personal freedoms? Are there any who, while still maintaining concern for the direction of our nation, will focus mostly on contending for their enemy’s souls?

Can you imagine what would happen if some of our nation’s influencers had a genuine, undeniable, supernatural, life-altering visit by a holy, burning God?

I suggest the following passage of Scripture would make an excellent focus of intercession for those who have yet to experience God in this way:

“Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last,” (Revelation 1:12–17, ESV)

An encounter like that would fix, overnight, the tyranny in California and New York. It would change politics, media and the landscape of our entire nation in a moment.

More than fighting our oppressors, let’s truly pray with passion for them. Let the tears flow. Cry out. Pursue love. Go hard after legitimate revival. Start a revolution.

If you'd like to kick start your intercession, leave a 60-second prayer for Alyssa Milano at

Photo credit: “File:9.12.15AlyssaMilanoByLuigiNovi1.jpg” by Luigi Novi is licensed under CC BY 3.0

Originally published by The Stream.

Is Today’s Prophetic Movement Fake News?

No matter what ultimately happens with the election, we need reformation in today's prophetic streams.

I've hesitated writing this article for several weeks. The reason? I'm placing myself right in the crossfire of the prophetic zealots (of which, ironically, I am one) and those who are fed up with the mystical, self-serving foolishness that's rampant today. I'm in that group too. Truly, it's a no-win situation. However, ministry isn't about winning. Ministry is about communicating truth so the Kingdom of God can most powerfully advance. So, onward. It's important for you to understand that I have been embracing the prophetic for years. My entire life has been marked by strange and glorious supernatural occurrences. God's leading has been nothing short of remarkable and miraculous. I'm humbled and in awe. I believe that God speaks, moves and interacts with every Christian who has an ear to hear. The wonders that so many experience on a consistent basis are not only dramatic, but they are required if we are to move in the direction the Spirit of God is leading us. Without hesitation I admit to endorsing the often bizarre, sometimes confounding and always stunning biblically-based prophetic ministry. Honestly, it would be impossible for me not to. I've written about my personal, humanly impossible, logically indescribable prophetic happenings in several of my books. I can't doubt.


With that, I'm also disturbed by the butchering of prophetic ministry today. Before you attempt to offer me a high-five in celebration of finding another who is bent on exposing today's false prophets, you need to hear me. Let's deal with the elephant in this article. Several high profile prophetic leaders have boldly predicted another four years for President Trump. You need to understand that I personally know some of these people, and I've been following the ministry of several others. To call them false prophets based on the current state of our nation's affairs alone would be ridiculous. These men and women of God are so pure, so passionate about Jesus and radically locked-in to God's heart. They are also imperfect. Let's settle something right now. Missing a prophecy does not deem one a false prophet. As I stated above, that is ridiculous. There's a difference between false prophecy and poor prophecy. False prophecy is demonic while poor prophecy flows out of imperfect children of God at times (just as poor teaching, poor pastoring and poor evangelizing does). Of course, at the writing of this article, the election isn't settled. President Trump could very well be re-elected, even at this late stage in early December, 2020. This would, I suppose, vindicate the prophets. But do they need vindication?


Old Testament prophecy and New Testament prophecy are markedly different. In the Old Covenant, a small handful of prophets received occasional, clear, precise messages from God. In the New Covenant, every Believer in Christ, including those who hold the office of Prophet, can hear God's voice. However, while Old Testaments prophets received messages, today we perceive God's messages. Today, prophecy is intuitive, often abstract and, in most cases, it must be learned. Quite often, prophetic signs, dreams, visions, impressions and other spiritual data must be interpreted. It also must be weighed, analyzed and prayed through. The Holy Spirit brings the understanding to the precise parts of the divine message entrusted to us. That process can result in accidental errors. Prophecy is tricky. We need to exhibit both faith and humility. Admitting there is a chance we might be wrong either partially or completely isn't exhibiting a lack of faith. I don't believe we should ever give a “thus sayeth the Lord” when prophesying. We should say, “I sense the Lord saying,” or “I have a strong impression that…” Why? We can miss it. Prophecies in Scripture are absolute. Prophecies today are not. Further, prophecies not found in the Bible are conditional. We have a role to play in the outcome. All of this is why I believe declaring a prophecy that is not found in Scripture to be one hundred percent certain to come to pass is inappropriate and irresponsible.


This brings us to the necessary reformation. Are there foolish, self-satisfying people growing a pseudo-prophetic ministry that's fueled by the enemy? Absolutely there are. Are there others who are immature in their understanding of the prophetic, and as a result are out of step with true biblical prophecy? Yes. Has the prophetic become way too dominant in some people's lives, to the exclusion of basic, orthodox, historical Bible truths? Most definitely. (Though I'd suggest there are way more who have excluded a true, biblical, prophetic lifestyle in favor of dry, dead religion.) Simply, is much of today's prophetic ministry that's flourishing all over social media fake news? It is. I'll introduce some sub-points that should at least get us thinking:


Predictive prophecy (foretelling) often leaves me asking a question: why was it necessary to share that message? What is the purpose? Understand, it's just a question. There may be a legitimate answer. Of course, Scripture is filled with predictive prophecies. Yet, there must be a reason God would reveal this information to us. Why did we need to know that President Trump would supposedly win the election? What is that purpose? On one hand, it could be to bolster a prophets resume of successful predictions. Is there another hand? Maybe. But we really need to know what's in that hand. What is our role in response to the prophetic word?


I personally believe all prophecy not found in Scripture is conditional. I believe it was designed this way by God as a catalyst to rally the troops. For example, if the prophets are revealing that Trump was God's choice, what must the church do to advance that agenda? Prophecy that is devoid of a strategic call to action is at least suspicious. Prophetic messages should provoke a response, whether it's a warning or revelation of God's heart or an uncovering of the enemy's plans, we as hearers of the word need to know how to proceed.


Personally, I am significantly more impressed with prophetic preaching, forthtelling, than I am with foretelling, revealing future events. Understand, I affirm and value both, when handled well. But, give me a Leonard Ravenhill any day over one of today's pop prophets. Forthtelling always has a fiery, urgent and unapologetic call to action. Unfortunately, too many of today's foretellers are more excited about their ability to craft the perfect fortune cookie message than they are revealing the depths of God.


I dealt with this above, but I wanted to put it in the list of thought provokers. When I hear someone declare that “God said” and that what they heard is perfect, complete and guaranteed to come to pass, I change the channel. We prophecy in part. We see in part. We understand in part. And, guess what? We are fallible humans. We can miss it. Again, New Testament prophecy is intuitive. I'm not saying it can't have a measure of clarity. It absolutely can. I'm not saying it can't be overwhelming, weighty and convincing. It can. In fact, we need to live in the realm of the weighty much more than we do today. The prayer rooms should be soaked with sweat and tears from the brows of the prophets. However, we aren't privy to an unmistakable voice booming out of a burning bush. The Holy Spirit is the one brooding and impressing upon God's people mysterious and often illogical messages that require discernment, prayer and interpretation to grasp.


I posted the following to Facebook recently: What percent chance do you give Trump being reelected at this stage of the game? (If you say 100% or 0%, you are delusional. I'm sure you are nice, but still delusional.) Needless to say, a bunch of delusional friends responded! (I say that with a friendly smile on my face.) There are so many factors at play in the prophetic that we can rarely if ever proclaim that a prophetic word is certain to come to pass. Remember, prophecy not found in Scripture is conditional. It's an invitation, not a guarantee. Several promoted the idea that thinking anything less would be a violation of faith. This is not true. We have a part to play. This is what happens when “thus sayeth the Lord” style prophecies are accepted as the norm. They can seduce people into a false sense of comfort as they sit back and wait for it to come to pass.


Anybody who has adopted a prophetic lifestyle knows that prophetic words must be warred over. Simply receiving and believing is far from enough. Satan is exceptionally skilled at disrupting the plans of God in our lives. When we simply receive and believe, we are playing right into the enemy's hands. We must go to battle! Presuming a prophecy will come to pass without a sword in our hands is akin to wishing upon a star.


There are many other factors at play including timing, sin in the lives of the prophets, fear, doubt, presumption, etc. I feel some great first steps in reforming the prophetic would include:
  • Prophesying from a place of fervent, Spirit-driven intercession.
  • Considering the purpose of the word.
  • Majoring on forthtelling, minoring on foretelling.
  • Communicating prophetic strategies, not just a prophetic word.
  • Inviting the word to be weighed.
  • Admitting when you missed it.
  • Giving grace to those who missed it.
  • Avoiding presumptive prophetic guarantees.
Photo credit: “Fake News – Person Reading Fake News Article” by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Originally published by The Stream.

Exposing A Wicked Lockdown Spirit

There is a supernatural force behind the lockdowns and a prophetic people must expose it.

3  And Ahab called Obadiah, who was over the household. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly, 4  and when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave and fed them with bread and water.) 1 Kings 18:3-4 (ESV)

While some may argue the merits of a lockdown as a natural, physical defense against the spread of a virus, I propose there is a very deliberate, strategic demonic strategy to shut down the churches and to shut up a prophetic generation. If the enemy can cause us to flee into our caves, and focus on natural survival, he wins.

This lockdown spirit (no, Lockdown isn't its name, it's simply descriptive of the spiritual assignment that very real, intelligent and wicked evil spirits are implementing) has convinced blood-bought Christians to cower, to willingly hide and to embrace restrictions as evidenced by the prophets in the caves living as prisoners on bread and water.


The Bible tells us that spiritual things must be discerned spiritually (1 Corinthians 2:14) and that natural man cannot receive revelation at this level. It's not possible. Dealing with this or any crisis requires we elevate above the obvious. It doesn't require prophetic revelation to respond naturally. King Asa chose to seek after doctors instead of the Lord (2 Chronicles 16:12), and that natural response resulted in his death. Supernatural attacks require supernatural resolutions. Yes, wash your hands and listen to what the doctors say, but understand your solution will come from a much higher source.

There is a weighty, suffocating blanket that has rested upon this nation, and the resolve to keep advancing, working, producing and dreaming as visionaries of God is surrendering to this overwhelming spiritual pressure. Instead, people are shrinking back, laying down their assignments and “sheltering in place” as the enemy turns his slow prowl into a full-on, ravaging pounce on those who presumed themselves to be safe. They are not safe. A church that's not on the offensive has no defensive solution to what Satan brings. A shield alone is insufficient. We also need the sword. A prophetic voice is mandatory as we stand in great, unmoving, Elijah-level faith.

A hiding, relaxing, cowering church that is taking a wait-and-see approach clearly reveals an alliance with a soothing, seducing spirit that has offered a numbing sedative and a promise of protection. A refusal to struggle only makes the spider's mission to drain you of your sustenance that much easier as you rest in its web.


10  As the LORD your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my lord has not sent to seek you. And when they would say, ‘He is not here,’ he would take an oath of the kingdom or nation, that they had not found you. 1 Kings 18:10 (ESV)

The false prophetic systems of our day should be keenly aware of God's people, and we will know this is true when they resolve to seek and destroy not only our churches and our message, but our very lives. Elijah was a heavily sought after man, an enemy with a prize on his head. The kingdoms and nations all knew of Elijah's threat and they sought to neutralize him.

In fact, Elijah not only threatened nations and kingdoms, he threatened the people of God who were hiding in the caves. I find it interesting that the Bible reveals that they were limited to groups of fifty. We see this very strategy being implemented in today's crisis as church meetings, depending on the locality, are often limited to 10, 25 or 50 (or zero). I also find it interesting that most churches are absolutely okay with this spiritual lockdown, just as Obadiah and the prophets were in Elijah's day.

When anointed men and women of God raise their voice and refuse to be locked down, silenced or limited by the fearful taunts of governments, the religious, the media, plagues, demons and other false-prophetic voices, Christianity as a whole will be targeted.

Obadiah and the prophets of God were terrorized, terrified and in hiding. Obadiah himself was so timid that he resisted the instructions of God's messenger, Elijah. His fear of death was real and his strategy of hiding in caves seemed to be the safest and most obvious solution.


30  Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come near to me.” And all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that had been thrown down. 1 Kings 18:30 (ESV)

Instead of Obadiah's plan to hide away, Elijah came from the opposite direction. Instead of eyes not being able to see timid prophets cowering in caves, Elijah said, “Come near to me.”

He refused to allow Ahab and Jezebel to usurp the authority of God and to allow for one moment more the assaults against God's prophets. All eyes were on Elijah as he restored the altar and called down fire. The result was a declaration that the Lord is God, the destruction of the false prophetic system and the end of the drought. Refreshing rains came to all.

38  Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39  And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The LORD, he is God; the LORD, he is God.” 40  And Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.” And they seized them. And Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slaughtered them there. 1 Kings 18:38-40 (ESV)


We need every Believer in Jesus to come out of the caves, to renounce a slumbering and fearful spirit, to break off the lockdown spirit and to arise in the face of the prophetic wickedness that threatens God's people night and day.

It's time for Spirit-filled people to move in great authority and to command plagues, viruses, politicians and the spirit of the age to bow at the feet of Jesus! We will be silenced no longer! The spirit of Elijah will shame the spirit of lockdowns and timidity and restore the altar of the Lord in our nation!

When this happens, after ravings and violence, the enemy will finally shut up. The politicians and media will go silent. They will have nothing to say as their cries fall on deaf ears as their gods abandon them. Only people who operate in the spirit of Elijah can cause this to happen! Are you ready? Mighty voice of God, it's your time!

27  And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” 28  And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them. 29  And as midday passed, they raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation, but there was no voice. No one answered; no one paid attention. 1 Kings 18:27-29 (ESV)