1000 Prophetic Intercessors : Revival Church Detroit Strategy
Our intercessors, ministry staff and I are deeply in the place of prayer in our current season concerning the advance of LIFE and the power of Jesus in Detroit.
This will be no small movement. Mega. That’s the word that God has burned in my spirit. We have an opportunity to dream and see well beyond our own abilities right now—God is provoking many in this region to awaken, move into position and cry out for fire from Heaven!
The Revival Church strategy continues to unfold, and it has become clear that the foundation of night and day prophetic prayer all across the region must be developed—and quickly. It’s time to decree and declare in unity. The groans of our spirit must roar out in unison!
Romans 8:22-23 (ESV) 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Romans 8:26 (NIV) In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
There are three types of people we are seeking to identify:
- People who will be uniquely connected with Revival Church team on Sundays and other key times of the week to prophetically pray and advance the mission. They will additionally help serve and give leadership to our satellite churches and ministries in the area, our traveling revival team and other Revival Church entities.
- People who are connected primarily with other ministries of the city church of Detroit, and want to be counted among the 1000 prophetic intercessors.
- People from other parts of the nation and the world who sense a calling to contend for revival in Detroit and desire to be a part of the 1000 intercessors.
All three groups will be intentionally connected with the Revival Church team via a weekly interactive radio show. That show currently airs on Mondays at 8pm EST at
Additionally, the 1000 intercessors will receive “Rhema style” prayer points each week as we receive them in prayer. They will also be responsible to report back any prophetic data they receive concerning the mission.
Revival Church is a prophetic and apostolic ministry that has a mandate of helping facilitate revival. As a prophetic revival command center we desire to communicate with other likeminded leaders and help develop strategy for our area.
Revival Church itself will have a central hub, a command center. Out of that central ministry, our plan is to launch satellite churches and ministries in several different sections of the Detroit region. While we will develop according to God’s timeline, our vision is to see twelve or more churches planted throughout Detroit. As a multi-site ministry of night and day prayer for the region, and as we work closely with other churches and ministries, we will develop the reach and the leadership necessary to cover Detroit in continual intercession, ministry and the fire of revival.
If you would like to consider joining with us at any of the levels, we would love to connect. If you are a ministry leader and would like to consider working with us as a partner ministry, let us know. Our heart is to develop a “Revelation Driven Network of Ministries” all around the world.
You can email me at [email protected] or call me at 313.799.FIRE.
Let’s see Detroit experience a fiery outpouring of the Holy Spirit right on schedule!
John Burton
Special prayer for Detroit TONIGHT
FIRST: Let’s spread the word about the vision of Revival Church! Point your friends to our new welcome magazine! Send Facebook status updates, tweets, emails and whatever else you can to get the word out! I did the hard part (designed it!) 🙂 and now I need your help! Point people to
SECOND: In lieu of our Wednesday prayer meeting, join me online for a LIVE video broadcast! We’ll gather a larger group together for prayer, discussion and teaching at 7pm every Wednesday. Just head to!
I’ll be at a special prayer meeting tonight (Friday) from 11pm-1am, and would like to invite you to join me!
I’ll be at IHOPE as usual at 7pm, and will then head on over to the prayer meeting.
Here’s all the info that I received:
Dear Praying Friends,
Bishop James Williams has asked me to lead a prayer time called Midnight Cry at Spirit and Truth Ministries this Friday at 11:00 pm til about 1 am. You can read the details below. This is an important opportunity to seek God for the metro region.
I would love for you to come and join in this united calling out to God. This "city" church is enlarging its vision for the whole region. I SOO appreciate Bishop Williams larger than normal desire to see God affect the region and build bridges to the suburbs! Will you encourage him by standing with him and the sweet people of Spirit and Truth?
The details are below. Let me know if you can go. Feel free to extend this invitation to others.
Eric Moore
Greetings Eric and thank you for consenting to share with us this coming Friday in our Midnight Cry prayer service. The month of January is our Month of Outpouring. It is a time of consecration when we come together to worship and pray and to hear prophetic direction from the Lord for the course of the new year.
This year we are having special services every Sunday afternoon and the Midnight Cry services every Friday at 11:00 p.m. Scriptures tell us that Paul and Silas prayed at midnight from the Roman prison and God responded by opening the prison doors and loosing their bonds. We expect God to open doors and loose bondage over His people in this new season.
We really have no set agenda. Last week for example, each of our Intercessors, who have been given specific assignments to cover individual ministries of the church, were given opportunity to lead prayer in their specific areas of responsibility. Then, we heard from a visiting evangelist and a visiting Bishop. I gave some closing words of prophecy and prayer and we were done.
I'm looking for you to help us expand our prayer beyond our ministry and our people and help us pray strategically over this region. You and your guests are free to move as the Spirit leads you. I'll begin and we'll just move from there. We're usually done about 1:00 a.m. but that's not set in stone – a little before or a little after is fine.
Hope this helps. See you Friday.Blessed to Prosper in the Year of Harvest (Lev.25:22; Ps.126:1, 5)
Bishop James A. Williams, II.
1335 Oakman Boulevard, Det. MI 48238
Newspaper article : Are we ready for some wonders?
NOTE: Watch the video at the end of this message and forward it on to as many people as you can. We are in urgent times.
Here’s the latest article that I just submitted for the paper in Grosse Pointe:
Are we ready for some wonders?
When we consider the Bible to be only a history book, or a collection of wisdom and inspiring stories, it quickly loses its luster. However, when we understand that the Word of God is alive, everything changes!
I’m probably like most of you—I have no desire to waste time in religious activities that have the smell of death of them. I don’t want to pray, study or go to church if I can’t tap into the very real, tangible experience of the living God.
When we can open that ancient Book and the words start dancing on the page, everything changes! Knowing God in deep intimacy through prayer, impartation of the Word of God and continual interaction with the Lover of our souls makes live amazing!
Check out this verse:
Joshua 3:5 (ESV) Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Wonders. I want that. Can you imagine what the one who created everything seen and unseen in a moment might consider a wonder?
If we looked at the Bible as only a story book, this verse would mean nothing! It would only have value within its own story there at the edge of the Jordan River a long time ago in a far away place. But when we realize that God still works wonders, and he is quite ready to trump what he did even in that dramatic story as the Israelites were finally about to enter the Promised Land, it launches us into a life of passionate pursuit!
Check out this related passage:
Exodus 19:9-11 (ESV) 9 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you forever.” When Moses told the words of the people to the Lord, 10 the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments 11 and be ready for the third day. For on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.
God loves to move dramatically in our lives! I don’t know about you, but I continually crave encounter after encounter. I want to live a consecrated life, a zealous and holy life. Drawing close to God and agreeing with his plans to pour out His Spirit will result in a life that is beyond description.
Let’s do it. Let’s sanctify ourselves, fall deeply in love with Jesus and experience the wonders of God!
Drunkenness and moves of God : Online radio show TONIGHT!
TONIGHT at 8pm EST (in about 30 minutes!) we’ll be discussing extreme moves of God.
Head on over to and listen in!
And, if you’d like to participate in the show, please call (646) 478-4408.
We are preparing for a massive move of God, and we are in the beginning states of that outpouring here in Detroit.
Let’s pray with passion, declare the plans of God and talk about what God’s up to!
See you in a half-hour!
Extreme Breakout : ElijahList : John Mark Pool
FIRST- Have you seen the Brit Hume video where he at the Fox News desk suggested that Tiger Woods become a Christian? It’s amazing. Check it out here.
Now, check out this prophetic word by John Mark Pool for the new decade, and how some key issues that we’ve been proclaiming here in Detroit are in the report.
You can see the original article on the ElijahList by clicking here.
Here’s some portions from the word that hit home here in Detroit along with some of my comments:
However, God does not want His own family to reside in the "natural" mind that is at war against our spirit being.
Last night at Revival Church the call to move into a continual supernatural life was burning in me. We must learn to see, walk, hear and operate in the invisible realm.
…there are three main components the Lord told me we will overcome in the year 2010:
• We must possess and abide in a land we have conquered.
• We must occupy our land by "title deed" ownership rights.
• We must realize our identity in God to rout our enemy.
This issue of authority has also been very prominent with us. As we advance within the realm of our apostolic authority, we will possess, abide and occupy. We’ll rout the enemy over Detroit… but only as we continually initiate change through obedience and prophetic declaration.
2010 is the year to breakout of the ‘naturally minded' wilderness.
We are being repositioned into the vision of perpetuating our eternal purpose spiritually.
Now we will allow the Lord to change our hearts into hunger for the supernatural destiny. This means we will indeed become more "super" natural beings than carnally existing citizens dwelling on earth as though it were our only motivation for living.
Be prepared to have strong supernatural desires overwhelm your natural mind.
America is About to Be Financially Restored. God wants the economy to be restored to the Christians whom He had to know He could trust! World financial leaders will become astounded how much Israel will now play into this "financial restoration" of the USA.
Yes!! I’ve been saying a lot recently that there will be reports that the economy of Detroit and Michigan restored due to biblical principles. God and His Church would receive the recognition for the coming great turn around.
Detroit—will be moved by Hollywood as never before. Detroit will begin a new dance and a new sound from Heaven. It will glorify God in the streets of the city and spill into other major city streets across our country. Motown is going to become God's town!
That sounds familiar!
Let’s get into position and intentionally advance according to God’s design!
“This has the makings of an outpouring”-Jeff Garvin
“This has the makings of an outpouring.” During an unusual and weighty flow of worship last night at Revival Church, Jeff Garvin walked over to me and said that. The feel of a legitimate outpouring was flooding the church.
Words cannot describe the new sound and the supernatural Force that was engulfing the church last night. God was moving—and it wasn’t until midnight, five hours later, that we finally made it out of the building.
I’d encourage you to arrive early TONIGHT, at 5pm, for a powerful release of prophetic declaration at the pre-service prayer meeting. Then, we’ll move into a third and final night of ministry with Jeff Garvin at 6pm.
Forward this to everybody in the Detroit region that you can. Encourage pastors, leaders, intercessors, the lost, the hungry and every other person you can to be in the building TONIGHT!
Come very expectant… Revival Church is a ‘whatever’ church, and this is a ‘whatever’ season. God has full liberty to move us, heal us, deliver us and impart into us at any point of the service. Whatever he wants.
Get ready for the surprise of your life!
Meeting in the First United Methodist Church building at 24036 Greater Mack, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Birthing prophetic words : Jeff Garvin tonight at Revival Church
First, DON’T MISS Jeff Garvin TONIGHT and TOMORROW at Revival Church!
Last night was OFF THE HOOK. Jeff ministered in power at IHOPE… it was standing room only and we were there until after 11pm trembling in the presence of God!
Visit for directions. It all starts at 7pm tonight and 6pm tomorrow. PRAYER (hard core, Spirit-fueled prayer!) starts one hour early each night– everybody invited!
Second, we are developing a prophecy news and analysis community. You can get a sneak peek at Let us know what you think of the design.
Wednesday night at Revival Church during a prayer meeting the prevailing theme was ‘birthing’. We have moved into the very late stages of the pregnancy, and the birth is coming- and fast.
Then, this word arrived:
"Shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?" says your God. Enter IN to the birthing process, and bring a full delivery, the full manifestation of His purpose NOW.
The above picture is me delivering Jet.
Here’s the story:
We had lost four babies in a row to miscarriage and were pregnant again. We started to receive some semi-generic words about the baby and revival. Then the words started to get a bit more specific. The last word was something like, “John, when you are in the delivery room something is going to happen that will be symbolic of how God will use you in revival.”
So, the day came, and the last thing I was thinking about was prophecy! The baby was almost here when the doctor, who had delivered the four losses, looked at me and asked, “John, do you want to deliver the baby?”
I had probably 30 seconds before the baby was to arrive. I didn’t have gloves on. I was just dressed in jeans and didn’t even have time to wash my hands. I moved into position as the doctor moved to the side. He gave me a 20 second lesson on how to deliver a baby. How to pull the head, how to catch the baby, to prepare for it to be very slippery, etc.
So, in the next seconds it happened just as the doctor said. It was spectacular. The nurse said that was only the 2nd time in her 15 years at the hospital that she saw a doctor let the father deliver the baby.
Afterwards God got my attention. He said, “John, revival is coming, and, just as your miracle baby was delivered into your hands, revival will be delivered into your hands. It’s precious. You will be trained by the Holy Spirit in the moments just prior to its arrival. You won’t be ready, but I’ll make you ready. It will be messy and slippery. Meaning, don’t try to grab it too hard. Keep your hands open and carefully hold on to it.
Well, then a few years later something else happened. I was at an amazing service at IHOP where God was breaking out. Someone, who had been on the platform throughout the service, came down to me during the ministry time. I had never seen him before. He said, “I was watching you from the platform, and, though I’d never seen you before, you were in a dream I had recently. I saw caravans of revival moving out into the cities of the earth, and then back again. I saw you in the midst of that.”
I thanked him, and then about 15 minutes later, someone else whom I had never met came over to me. He had just been at Lakeland. He asked if he could prophesy over me, and he proceeded to do so for about 30 minutes. The heart of his message was, “I see the fire of revival in your hands, and you are carrying it to the cities of the earth, and then returning home again. Then heading back out.”
Revival is coming. We MUST be in position!
This email was sent to me today:
As I was driving home tonight I began praying in the Spirit and had some mild groanings but then my body began to bear down and start pushing like I would in labor.
The Lord reminded me of my first few births where I got very nervous about pushing and sort of "freaked out" and would ask my doctor/midwife to coach me along because I didn't feel I knew how to do it without them. The last midwife I had, I told her how I wanted her help and didn't like the pushing process very much but she forgot I had asked that and left me to listen to my body to know what to do.
So the Lord said to me, do not rely on man when it's time to push. He said do not "freak out" my Spirit will lead you, my Spirit will lead you, my Spirit will lead. My Spirit WILL NOT fail you, it will not fail you, it will not fail you! My Spirit is one with the Father and we are to keep FOCUSED, we are to persevere and not grow weary. As we remain connected to his Spirit, the Spirit will bring forth the delivery at the right time.
My doctor intervened in the birthing process to try and bring the baby forth quicker but my midwife showed me how to use the PAIN for my benefit in bringing forth the baby without intervention. His Spirit wants to show us this. He wants to use all the moanings, all the groanings, all the shouts, all the declarations, all the prayers, all the tears, all the laughter for his purposes in bringing forth a FULL delivery. None of this is in vain but all part of the birthing process.
The Lord said in the birthing process we MUST drink of his Spirit. We must remain full of HIM.
So our eyes are completely FIXED on Him because He's our teacher and we're to be CONSUMED with Him, because He's the source.
There’s more, but for now that should be enough to move us into position. We must be alert… God is coming in power!
Jeff Garvin Friday-Sunday
First, a new audio teaching has been uploaded- it was quite a powerful night at Revival Church this past Sunday. At one point people were groaning and crying out, “Jesus!” The anointing was heavy, deliverance was happening suddenly in the middle of the teaching. Head over to It’s titled Six Enemies of Fulfilled Destiny Part 3.
I BELIEVE you very well may experience spontaneous personal deliverance, suddenly, as you listen to this message. I think it's funny when I get engulfed by the Holy Spirit when I listen to my own recorded teachings- and this happened as I was listening as I was lying in bed late Monday night.
It’s almost time! Jeff Garvin will be with us for THREE NIGHTS beginning tomorrow, Friday, December 4th!
Invite everybody you know who needs a powerful breakthrough into the presence of God. Jeff operates in a very strong anointing of prophecy and healing.
Jeff will be at:
- IHOPE ( on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4TH at 7PM (come early to get a seat!)
Interesting prophetic insight : Detroit, Michigan : Time Magazine
The week of a key ministry event with Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder and other prophetic leaders in Ann Arbor, I received a strong prophetic word regarding Detroit. Time Magazine just reported on an element that I mentioned in the prophecy.
Here’s the word I received:
“Now, now, now! The church must arise and strategically contend for reformation and restoration in Detroit and throughout Michigan.” The Lord revealed that there is a “race of rooms” in this region. There are strategic and brilliant secular people gathering in a board room, strategically thinking, brain storming, discussing and making plans for the new economic structure in Detroit. I saw them in suits and ties sitting around a large board room table. I also saw another room. It had no table, but the walls were covered in LCD screens and white boards. There were several people on their knees groaning and crying out for breakthrough, for revelation from Heaven. This was a war room.
The race of rooms is between these two gatherings. Which new wine skin, new strategically developed foundation will be implemented?
Church Pierce mentioned something similar as he was sharing. He mentioned that those represented by the board room will ‘win’, will establish for a time. But, the church will initiate reformation shortly thereafter.
I just read the latest Time Magazine article on Detroit. Check out some of it and notice the similarities to the prophecy I received:
What do you get when you mix 60 Millennials, a dozen of Detroit's brightest thinkers and lots of coffee?
The potential to solve some of the city's policy problems.
This past weekend, I attended a conference that sparked some incredible discussions about Detroit, the region's significant challenges and what they both need to do to create lasting change.
The regional workshop is part of a year-long initiative, in which Roosevelt Institute members from across the Midwest will focus on creating actual public policy proposals for Detroit and the surrounding cities.
About 60 MSU students came together in suits, ties and dresses to talk about Detroit.
Detroit was a “magnificent middle-class society. Detroit has been devastated. People did this. It was not an act of God.”
Read more:
Rick Joyner and Larry Jackson will be here this weekend to help give direction to the church, to intercession and strategic advance in Detroit.
Many people are converging here. One of my intercessors saw four large (the size of a 747) eagles, each one looking different, but they each had a serious, determined look in their eyes. The flew from the four corners of the nation and converged in Detroit. These are prophetic/apostolic people that God is gathering to bring the sledgehammer to the demonic strongholds in Detroit. Reformation and revival is coming.
The times we are in are more important than any of us realize.
So goes Detroit, so goes the nation. This call is for every person to contend, pray and declare the Word of the Lord over this region.
John’s interview on the Miracle Channel : Watch tonight
I was interviewed back in October on Canada’s largest Christian television network, The Miracle Channel. It was an awesome experience.
I talked about my book Revelation Driven Prayer on an hour long episode of The Bridge.
You can watch the show as it airs tonight at 10pm Eastern. Head on over to and click the ‘Watch Us Online’ banner on the top right.
You will also be able to view the archive starting tomorrow by going here:
Let’s pray that this message of encountering God reaches millions of people and impacts them powerfully.
ALSO: I’ll be preaching tomorrow (Friday) at IHOPE at 7pm. Come on out for a night of intercession, prophecy and fire!