Posts Tagged ‘thelab university’
Exciting news: Revival Church moving into next phase of the vision
A new globally focused experience awaits you at Revival Church THIS SATURDAY EVENING!
With the new book The Coming Church now available, the time is right for Revival Church to shift gears into its next season.
I continually hear about people’s frustration with “church as usual” and the hunger for a more fiery, passionate atmosphere is increasing around the world.
Over and over I hear from people from other cities and nations who say, “John, I’m craving an experience of fire like you have in Detroit!”
That experience is about to go up about ten levels.
A brand new flow.
The culture at Revival Church, theLab University and the Detroit Prayer Furnace has always been driven by passionate prayer and encounter with Jesus.
That will remain as our service structure changes fairly radically beginning this Saturday. Church as usual it is not!
After a short (5-10 minute) welcome we will launch into our service. The environment will be intense and engaging as we gather together and being with worship and intercession. It will be interactive and full of fire!
Once or twice we will have rapid fire prayer, and also, once or twice, we will have short 10-15 minute messages.
The entire hour will be intermixed with worship, prayer, decrees, teaching and more.
After the hour is up, the rest of the night will be worship and intercession with occasional exhortations!
Our goal is not to build up a large local body, but rather to impact Detroit and the nations with an anointing that breaks yokes and messages that rock nations. We are continually receiving feedback from other nations about our ministry, and we want to minister to them in a more effective way. Media will help us do that.
The reason for the hour time-frame is so we can create a fast paced, edgy, prophetic and professional broadcast that will be available around the world.
The cameras will role beginning after the welcome until the end of the first phase, one hour later.
The rest of the night the cameras will be off as we continue in intercession and worship.
Understand, our goal is not to have a low quality video of a church service. It’s to create an intimate, personal, vulnerable view into the culture of fire at Revival Church that so many are craving.
Our belief is that potentially millions will be impacted and set free from our “studio of intercession” in Detroit.
The cameras and equipment are not here yet, so this week and the weeks to come will be perfect opportunities to get comfortable with the new format and to work out the kinks.
Come expectant and bring as many people as you can find. We are believing for 40+ hungry, prophetic voices to emerge in our local context—voices that will be heard around the world!
Everything else that you know and love about Revival Church remains the same.
- 6pm War Room intercession (some of that will be videoed and archived)
- Children’s ministry
- Life with John and Amy (this Sunday at our house!)
- Prayer watches
- Etc.
We are pricing equipment now. The cost for studio quality equipment (cameras, boards, computers, etc.) that will allow us to stream live, with full effects, will be significant.
Additionally, we need studio lighting and décor to make our building TV ready.
We will also be producing studio shows (in addition to live services) and hitting the streets to capture prayer throughout Detroit and on the road as we travel.
Contact me directly at [email protected] if you would like to make a financial contribution (tax deductible). We must raise funds for all of the equipment needed, so anything you can do would be great!
See you Saturday for the launch!
The vision of theCore | One opportunity of many for significant end-time leadership at the Detroit Prayer Furnace
An end-time army of burning ones are coming together to serve with passion in Detroit!
Give leadership to the prayer movement in Detroit
The vision is hot and ready for you jump into. We want to help you understand the vision and what you can expect.
Habakkuk 2:2 (ESV) And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
The following is required for everybody who participates in theFurnace, theLab or theCore:
- A high standard of holiness
- Financial partnership (tithe)
- 6pm Saturday War Room Prayer
Who is theCore for?
Burning men and women of God who are desperately hungry, disciplined and available to commit at a high level.
At the Detroit Prayer Furnace we have three specific opportunities for you to lock into a lifestyle of prayer and ministry. Is theCore right for you? Maybe and maybe not.
Here are the three ways you can connect:
If you simply want to connect with other fire-breathers and involve yourself in a fiery culture of intercession and prophetic ministry, theFurnace is for you.
theFurnace is an extremely important part of our culture, and some of our most effective leaders may land here instead of theCore. Why? Because we highly value marketplace leaders and others who have more limited availability due to their assignment in the workplace or their place in life.
Anybody can start in theFurnace at any time, and even stay there without ever participating in theLab or theCore. Simply communicate your desire to lock in with our team, agree to the minimum commitments (see above) and burn with us as often as you can each week!
theLab University is a school of fire that prepares people for Holy Spirit baptized ministry.
We strongly encourage everybody in our community to enroll in theLab University. This is a focused, intense training environment that will unlock your destiny and set you ablaze!
theLab will also instruct you in the core values of the Detroit Prayer Furnace, the vision and how to best engage in our unique culture.
Everybody interested in joining theCore, a team of 40+ leaders in the Detroit Prayer Furnace, must successfully complete one three-month session of theLab.
You can get more info here:
theCore is made up of leaders and emerging leaders who have successfully completed theLab, and who have the desire to serve on a focused, consecrated and submitted team of end-time warriors.
The vision is white hot—this team will be locking arms with fellow soldiers in continual prayer, training emerging leaders, carrying the fire to the cities of the Earth and modeling Acts 2 unity and consecration.
theCore Commitment
Keep in mind, for the sake of continuity, unity and corporate strength, we have unapologetically and intentionally raised the bar of commitment very high for this team—with very little, if any, flex.
Our target size for this team is only 40. We consider theCore to be our primary leadership team who serve under our senior staff, and, with this in mind, the commitment is the same as senior leadership.
Most people at the Detroit Prayer Furnace will serve with joyful passion in theFurnace. Some will get equipped in theLab. Few will choose to participate on theCore.
theCore is made up of ministry leaders who are able to consider this commitment primary over employment and other endeavors. Keep this in mind as you chart out your connection plan at the Detroit Prayer Furnace. You may not be able to join theCore due to other life focuses, and that is OK! theFurnace is an excellent place for you to connect AND you can participate in nearly every ministry and event that theCore does—just at your own pace.
While the commitment at theCore will work best for those who don’t work at all, there may be, depending on the specific situation, enough flex built in to the schedule to allow for some outside employment if necessary.
Keep in mind that local travel is required when the team is involved in regional events. These events can take place at any time, which is a key reason extensive availability beyond our regular weekly schedule is required.
- The full time commitment works out to be approximately 12-14 hours a week.
- The part time commitment works out to be approximately 9-10 hours a week.
Opportunities for those on theCore include:
- leading prayer watch teams
- teaching
- developing ministries
- leading traveling teams
- advancing the prayer movement
theCore team is firmly devoted to consecration and modeling the lifestyle of an end-time forerunner.
theCore commitment includes:
- FULL TIME: Four prayer & ministry events per week
- PART TIME: Two prayer & ministry events per week
- A high standard of holiness
- 5pm Saturday meeting
- 6pm Saturday intercession
- Monthly small group at John and Amy Burton’s home
- Traveling locally (and further if available) for ministry events
- Financial partnership (tithe)
- Continuing education
If you want to join theFurnace, theLab or theCore, we want to hear from you! Please email us at [email protected] TODAY! We will give you info on how to get started.
Of course, you don’t have to participate at any level! If you simply want to enjoy our events, come on out!
Opening Night at Revival Church tomorrow, Saturday, July 13th at 7pm!
Experience an atmosphere of intimacy, intercession and passionate teaching in our new prayer-fueled setting in Warren!
Tomorrow is a special night and YOU are invited to celebrate with us!
Revival Church is serious about seeing prayer returned to first place in the church—and in the main church service.
Tomorrow night you will experience a fiery atmosphere of intimate prayer and passionate decrees just before I bring a message on our eternal perspective. We can be intimate with Jesus FOREVER—starting NOW!
The coffee will be ready at 6pm, and you can enjoy it with friends, or you can bring it into the Prep Room for fiery pre-service prayer!
Revival Church is located at 26091 Sherwood, Warren, MI 48091.
We are adding three BRAND NEW prayer and teaching nights to the calendar!
■ Mondays Night Teaching on Historic Revivals • 7-9pm • Beginning July 15th
just what did it take for revival to break out through some of history’s most remarkable leaders?
■ Tuesday Night Teaching on Intimacy & The Tabernacle • 7-9pm • Beginning July 16th
This 13-week class will transform your life!
On Tuesday nights we will peer into God’s incredible passion to commune with His own people as seen through the design and structure of the Tabernacle. Each detail in the cloth, the furniture, the spices, the offerings and priests of the Tabernacle foreshadow what was to come in Jesus Christ. Get a copy of, “Seeing Christ in the Tabernacle” by Ervin Hershberger for $4.99 on Amazon Kindle and read the first chapter, “Ark of the Covenant” as we explore these amazing images of Jesus Christ.
■ Wednesday Night Bible Study • 7-9pm • Beginning July 17th
“I have written to you, young men (and women), Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
And you have overcome the wicked one.” – 1Jn 2.14b
As I prayed for God’s direction for the Wednesday night Bible study, I heard one simple 1-syllable word in my spirit…”strong”. It’s so easy for many of us to hear a good word or a good teaching and we receive it with great emotion. And it’s great to receive the truth of God’s Word with joy. The truths regarding His unending love and mercy and even His redemptive judgments are great liberators that set our hearts free and on fire.
But when the circumstances and storms of life come and challenge what we believe, the truth of God’s Word needs to be rooted and grounded deep in our hearts. It is only when we understand His Word and His promises in the context of His will and divine purposes that we can effectively stand on them, and stand on them, and persevere, and see His Kingdom established in our lives. It’s when His Word is rooted deep in our gut that we’re able to pray and decree and legislate from our God given authority and status as His sons and daughters.
This is what we’re called to do. We’re called to take a city.
On Wednesday nights, we’re going to go deep. We’re really going to take our time and allow the truth of God’s Word to germinate and take root and get deep into our hearts. Then, when we pray, we will ask for what we desire, and it will be done for us, Jn 15.7.
I’m really excited about studying the Book of Ephesians. And the more I study, the more excited I get. Did you know that the Book of Ephesians is considered to be a NT parallel to the Book of Joshua of the OT? Joshua led the children of Israel into their Promised Land and Ephesians is all about entering and walking in our inheritance in Christ. Did you know that Ephesians is considered the “crown jewel” or capstone of Paul’s theology? Did you know that while Romans was used to spark the Reformation, Ephesians and its central theme of unity in the Body of Christ will be used by God to bring unity to His True Bride before the return of the Lord?
But while the truths in Ephesians have many applications to our church corporately and the regional church we are called to serve, the power and the strength and the might that they convey to the human spirit on a personal level are simply life-changing.
I hope you will join me for a season of strength and “body-building” as we uncover, assimilate and apply the powerful redemptive truths of the Book of Ephesians.
■ Grand Opening Weekend with Richard Crisco! Saturday & Sunday July 27-28, 2013
Learn about the vision of Revival Church & theLab University AND enjoy dinner together on Saturday night at 7pm!
John will be sharing the vision for the ministry and the region on Saturday for a short time just prior to a feast! Bring a main dish AND either a side OR a dessert to share (two total items).
Then, on Sunday, July 28th, we are honored to have special guest Richard Crisco with us at 7pm! This is a weekend you won’t want to miss!
■ Life with John and Amy• 5pm • Sunday, August 4th
Everybody is invited to John and Amy’s house the first Sunday of every month at 5pm!
This is the day we all look forward to each month! We eat together, play games, sit and talk and relax!
Bring your friends and family…the kids will love it!
Our address is: 64639 Tara Hill Drive, Washington, MI 48095
See YOU there!
■ Coming Soon: Reserve a Personal Prayer Room
Schedule 1-2 hour prayer blocks
As a house of prayer for the Detroit region, we HIGHLY value the hours of fervent prayer that are invested.
Soon, you will be able to reserve our prayer room to soak, study scripture, worship and minister to the Lord. Stay tuned!
■ theLab Prayer Events • Different Detroit Region Location Weekly!
theLab has prayed in fervent fire in over 70 Detroit area churches and has been strategically interceding on the streets of Downtown Detroit.
Amy Smith carries this vision, and is currently planning upcoming prayer events that will continue to shock this region! You are invited! Where are we going to be this Friday? Go to and check out the prayer event calendar!
A special & important message for those interested in the house of prayer and revival
As promised, here is information about a special opportunity to invest in the prayer movement!
If you missed it, read about the exciting news we announced yesterday HERE! Revival Church and theLab University have a new home!
Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly. 1 Chronicles 29
We have connected with many amazing people around the world who are contending for a movement of prayer that initiates revival and transformation.
We now have an opportunity to invest into that passion!
Revival Church and theLab University are moving into our new mission base in the Detroit area. The mission is significant, and our army is small—so we are reaching out to that army AND to those around the world to help us get moved in and functional in our new property.
We have broken down the needs, placed a dollar amount on them, and made it easy for you to cover the cost of that purchase!
View the needs and donate here:
Needs include everything from children’s materials to signage to furniture to sound and lighting equipment.
Your donation will help enable us to:
- Provide a place for the Detroit region to gather and pray seven days a week
- Equip end-time intercessors, revivalists and prophetic messengers at Revival Church and theLab University
- Equip children to know God deeply, pray and prophesy
- Provide teachings online for anybody around the world to experience
- Much, MUCH more!
We are about to move into a feverish month of preparation—and your donation this week will help us do all we need to do before the first service on July 13th.
Thank YOU for your heart and passion for revival!
If you prefer not to designate a specific item to donate toward, there is a place on the form to choose the amount of your donation and allow us to apply it to whatever is most pressing.
Donate TODAY:
Read the following passage on passionate investment in the place of prayer:
1 Chron 29:1 And David the king said to all the assembly, “Solomon my son, whom alone God has chosen, is young and inexperienced, and the work is great, for the palace will not be for man but for the Lord God. 2 So I have provided for the house of my God, so far as I was able, the gold for the things of gold, the silver for the things of silver, and the bronze for the things of bronze, the iron for the things of iron, and wood for the things of wood, besides great quantities of onyx and stones for setting, antimony, colored stones, all sorts of precious stones and marble. 3 Moreover, in addition to all that I have provided for the holy house, I have a treasure of my own of gold and silver, and because of my devotion to the house of my God I give it to the house of my God: 4 3,000 talentsa of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and 7,000 talents of refined silver, for overlaying the walls of the house,b 5 and for all the work to be done by craftsmen, gold for the things of gold and silver for the things of silver. Who then will offer willingly, consecrating himselfc today to the Lord?”
6 Then the leaders of fathers’ houses made their freewill offerings, as did also the leaders of the tribes, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, and the officers over the king’s work. 7 They gave for the service of the house of God 5,000 talents and 10,000 daricsd of gold, 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of bronze and 100,000 talents of iron. 8 And whoever had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of the Lord, in the care of Jehiel the Gershonite. 9 Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly.
Big, Exciting & Important Revival Church Announcement!
After four years of sharing a property, Revival Church and theLab are moving into our own building!
And, we are also announcing a BRAND NEW schedule, so read on and get all of the details!
I will be following up on this email with a very special and important message in the next 24 hours.
Please be in prayer and allow yourself to get excited about helping us get setup as a house of prayer.
I will share specific needs with you and you will have the opportunity to donate toward a specific item (kind of like a gift registry!).
**You can now see the needs HERE! (Link will open in a new window)
Our primary service is moving from Sunday evening to Saturday evening!
Our first service in our new location will be Saturday, July 13th at 7pm. Come early for coffee and Prep Room (prayer) at 6pm!
- Saturday 7pm Prep Room 6pm Intercession & Teaching 7pm
- Monday 7pm Prep Room Study of Historic Revivals
- Tuesday 7pm Soaking Prayer Teaching on Intimacy with God
- Wednesday 7pm
Prep Room
Bible Study
- Thursday 7pm theLab Classes (when in session)
- Friday 7pm Prayer & Ministry in the City
Grand Opening Weekend
Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 27th & Sunday, July 28th!
We are excited to have very special guest Richard Crisco with us on Sunday, July 28th at 7pm.
More details to follow.
26091 Sherwood Avenue, Warren, MI 48091
So, you are tired of church as usual? OK! Get ready!
Revival Church and theLab are focused on white hot prayer and equipping of hungry, remnant Christians. Our new property is set up more like a school than a church. In fact, very interestingly, a previous business in the building was a lab! How fitting is that?
You will have a unique opportunity to connect with a small group of Believers who are passionate about large scale revival—and who are devoted to learning how to pray, discovering intimacy with God, encountering the Holy Spirit and preparing for ministry.
We can’t wait to get started on July 13th! (In the mean time, we are still meeting on Sundays in our current location. See you this week!)
Julia Palermo | Intercession and Equipping Center
God spoke to Julia TODAY to drive from KC to Detroit IMMEDIATELY!
I’ve never been involved in such an exciting shift in ministry as the season we are in at Revival Church.
The next TWELVE MONTHS of deep teaching has been set, and our role as a regional intercession and equipping center is increasing in focus.
Julia will be releasing decrees this Thursday, and will also be teaching on Friends of the Bridegroom this Sunday!
Keep her covered in prayer as she travels on this important assignment…she is wholehearted in her desire to serve the mission in Detroit!
Revival Church meets at CENTRAL CHURCH, 1529 E. 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071.
Have you seen the new video for theLab U?
Watch it here:
Apply TODAY!
Colorado Springs conference! Catherine Mullins & theLab U This Thursday through Saturday
Register TODAY! Catherine Mullins and theLab University team will be in Manitou Springs Thursday through Saturday!
Evening sessions are FREE, but registration is REQUIRED!
On opening night, Catherine Mullins will be leading in intimate worship and I’ll be bringing a prophetic message: God 2.0
- Learn more about Catherine Mullins here:
- Learn more about theLab University here:
theLab University is coming to the Colorado Springs region this summer!
Experience six months of fire, encounter and equipping in the spiritually strategic city of Manitou Springs, Colorado.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED even for the free evening sessions.
The events will be held at RHOP, 12 Old Man’s Trail, Manitou Springs, CO 80829.
The theme: Equipping end-time prophetic messengers to prepare the way for revolution in the church.
There is a coming burning church that will reveal to us the shock and awe of the glory of God. The call to participate in this last days movement of revival is a weighty call indeed. Discover your key role in The Coming Church and how you can prepare to carry the life, love and fire of God into a desperately wicked culture.
thLab University is a powerful and unusual ministry experience that will result in freedom and equipping. Each monthly three-day event will include morning and afternoon workshops, personal prophetic ministry and training in prophetic warfare and intercession in the streets of Manitou Springs.
The evening public worship and training is designed for maximum impact as we encounter God in a deep place of intimacy and embrace the urgent and sober call as forerunners.
- theLab University full six month session: $100
- Individual weekends (all sessions in any given month): $30
- Thursday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Thursday 7pm: Worship with Catherine Mullins + Teaching (FREE) (The Coming Church)
- Friday 10am: Workshop (positioning ourselves to receive revelation)
- Friday 2pm: Prophetic Impartation & Activation (personal ministry & spiritual adventure in Manitou Springs)
- Friday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Friday 7pm: Worship with Catherine Mullins + Teaching (FREE) (Revelation Driven Prayer)
- Saturday 10am: Workshop (the urgency of the hour)
- Saturday 2pm: Prophetic Impartation & Activation (personal ministry & spiritual adventure in Manitou Springs)
- Saturday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Saturday 7pm: Worship + Teaching (FREE) (Carrying the Fire)
Next Week! Catherine Mullins: theLab University Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs
FIRST: Have you applied for theLab School of Fire ONLINE? You can do so here:
I wanted to connect to make you aware of a very exciting and strategic series of events that’s coming to the Colorado Springs region.
God has been dramatically dealing with several people from Detroit and Kansas City to come as carriers of fire to Colorado six times in 2013.
Folks are taking off work and paying their own way to come, and serve the Pikes Peak region.
Since we are not local, we will need quite a bit of help spreading the word, gathering the intercessors, connecting with pastors and preparing for our first event in May.
Can you help? Evening sessions are FREE and we are also encouraging people to register for the entire weekend which will include prayer and workshops.
- Pastors: Can you gather people from your church and sphere of influence and register as a group?
- Intercessors: Start praying for these six weekend events and spread the word across the region.
- Everybody: Use social media and any other method to get the word out.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I can’t wait to arrive in Colorado next week!
John Burton: [email protected] • 719.231.6000
Catherine Mullins: theLab University Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs
theLab University is coming to the Colorado Springs region this summer!
Experience six months of fire, encounter and equipping in the spiritually strategic city of Manitou Springs, Colorado.
The theme: Equipping end-time prophetic messengers to prepare the way for revolution in the church.
There is a coming burning church that will reveal to us the shock and awe of the glory of God. The call to participate in this last days movement of revival is a weighty call indeed. Discover your key role in The Coming Church and how you can prepare to carry the life, love and fire of God into a desperately wicked culture.
thLab University is a powerful and unusual ministry experience that will result in freedom and equipping. Each monthly three-day event will include morning and afternoon workshops, personal prophetic ministry and training in prophetic warfare and intercession in the streets of Manitou Springs.
The evening public worship and training is designed for maximum impact as we encounter God in a deep place of intimacy and embrace the urgent and sober call as forerunners.
- theLab University full six month session: $100
- Individual weekends (all sessions in any given month): $30
- Thursday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Thursday 7pm: Worship with Catherine Mullins + Teaching (FREE) (The Coming Church)
- Friday 10am: Workshop (positioning ourselves to receive revelation)
- Friday 2pm: Prophetic Impartation & Activation (personal ministry & spiritual adventure in Manitou Springs)
- Friday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Friday 7pm: Worship with Catherine Mullins + Teaching (FREE) (Revelation Driven Prayer)
- Saturday 10am: Workshop (the urgency of the hour)
- Saturday 2pm: Prophetic Impartation & Activation (personal ministry & spiritual adventure in Manitou Springs)
- Saturday 6pm: Prep Room (prophetic intercession)
- Saturday 7pm: Worship + Teaching (FREE) (Carrying the Fire)
- May: Thu 5.16.13 – Sat 5.18.13
- June: Thu 6.13.13 – Sat 6.15.13
- July: Thu 7.18.13 – Sat 7.20.13
- August: Thu 8.15.13 – Sat 8.17.13
- September: Thu 9.19.13 – Sat 9.21.13
- October: Thu 10.17.13 – Sat 10.19.13