Posts Tagged ‘burning ones’
Revival and the Foolishness of Seeker Sensitive Ministries
A move of God in Jesse, West Virginia has left many wondering—how could any pastor promote seeker sensitive ministry?

This is what revival looks like. Surrendered hearts, Holy Fire, relentless worship. Intercession. Chains broken, healing happening, persistent people who are hungry for more. Firebrands. Revivalists. Reformers. Revolutionaries. Pursuing the face of God and His heart. Different states, different intercessors, all coming together with one voice: a cry for the fire of God and revival to hit this land and shake the world. May the flames of intercession never go out in Appalachia! ~Sarah

So how can we shift the Sunday service to a prayer-driven event? It's quite simple:

All you folks who are “super careful” and “discerning” regarding supernatural manifestations like falling out in the Spirit, shaking, etc,… it's clear that some of you aren't being honest. Just admit that you don't like it. It irritates you when you see it happen. The thought of it happening to you freaks you out. Becoming undignified is not an option. My heart breaks for you. Further, for those who say it's not God, that it's a demon, that it's another spirit…remember, if we ask for a fish, God won't give us a snake. And, I believe I remember people accusing Jesus of having a demon. I wouldn't want to be those people. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is one sin that puts you beyond the realm of possibility for forgiveness. What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? It's attributing a move of God to a demon. Of course, true Holy Spirit discernment is fully appropriate, but what many call discernment is little more than suspicious accusation in an attempt to control their spiritual experience and to limit others in theirs. Their eternities are at risk because of it. When God moves powerfully and his undeniable, tangible presence, his anointing, his manifestation, hits you, and you can't stand, you are undone, you are wrecked, you are flowing with love and power, you can barely speak, you are shaking, groaning…would you really suggest that it's a demonic spirit that's behind it? And, another question…WHO IN THE WORLD WOULDN'T WANT GOD TO ENCOUNTER THEM LIKE THAT? The answer: Only those who have not experienced God at that level or those who disbelieve that a supernatural, invisible God can manifest in people's lives. God's glory is real! Millions of people have experienced it. Millions more have not. Tragically, many reject it. When asked to describe what it feels like to be overcome by the Holy Spirit, I received many replies. Here are some of them:I shrunk to the ground on my knees with weeping unable to stand. It was glorious, light and heavy all at the same time. My skin felt like fire but it was beautiful. It feels like I can’t stop shaking… I felt like I went into a bubble. I could see but couldn’t really hear or process what all was going on around me. I was speaking in tongues and had never felt so much love in all my life. It's almost like a cool fire burning right in the center of me. This weekend, at the APC Summit, I had my first fully immersive experience in the spirit where I was entirely consumed. It kind of felt like sleeping, however from pictures and videos posted from throughout the Summit I was actually worshiping and waving flags. I could hear the Father roaring inside of my head. It was the most amazing experience of my entire existence. I was just recently baptized in the Holy Spirit and I screamed and cried for an hour. It was one of the most supernatural experiences of my life! After singing, praising & praying the Lord for a good while, Holy Spirit overwhelmed me. The fiery weight of His presence felt like sustained electric jolt, like touching an electric fence, just without the pain. I had to pull off the road, lay my seat back and allow Him to do His work. His presence felt like it washed over me again and again. I have no idea how long I was there really but was never the same afterwards.And, I simply had to include the following testimony from Brittany. It's a bit long, but please read through it. It will absolutely rock you and drive you to tears of joy! It's true stories like this that keep me contending for freedom in people's lives! Wow!
The first service Saturday was nothing like I had ever experienced, I danced, sang, waved a flag and ran all over the sanctuary. The most unabandoned worship I had ever done! Then all of a sudden as we are listening to our Pastor become overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit, drunk on the Spirit! We started to laugh, everyone! I mean everyone was laughing!! It was said after crying, being sad and angry for so long that laughter was the best medicine. Guess what? It was! Then we prayed and worshiped. A man named Jonathan came up to me, grabbed my hand and said, “that relationship that wasn’t supposed to happen, you have to let it go.” I had never once seen this man, talked to him, he did not know me and I did not know him!!! He was telling me what God wanted me to know! I crumbled to the floor and began to weep the tears that I had been holding onto for the fact I was so ashamed that I had been in a relationship with a woman. Saturday night now was yet again another beast all it’s own!!!!! Hearing prophetic words over our state and the state of Kentucky. Listening to women speak of their states and becoming on fire for revival in our area! Then came John Burton. He was the wake up call I needed, yes I've only been going to church for 7 months, yes my past had always been something I held onto, yes I still have so much to learn. But I have learned so much from the short amount of time I listened to him. That’s why I bought the master collection because I want to fully submerge my life in Jesus. That’s why I also took on John’s challenge and the next 30 days will be nothing but worship music and I’m just cutting out TV all together unless it is faith based. Now onto Saturday night, once John was done speaking he asked if there was anyone that hadn’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues. I hadn’t, I went forward and honestly don’t remember too much from it other than screaming and crying for an hour! It was the most intense, supernatural experience of my life! When I finally did semi come to I was so intoxicated with the Holy Spirit that I could barely walk, I felt weightless and when I began to think about my life before that moment it’s like it’s a blur. Like it really didn’t happen, no anger, no sadness, NO pain!!!! I can think coherent thoughts and I’m so excited to tell my testimony so I can help others went through similar things and know that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel I was living in! Sunday morning comes, we pray, we worship, we lay on our faces, we dance, we kneel, we intercede, we pray for each other. We listened to yet another word from John and then we prayed, we worshiped, we lay on our faces, we dance, we kneel, we intercede, we pray for each other!! You could tell that no one in the room wanted it to end. We had just spent the most amazing 4 days together in the presence of the Lord!!! Of course no one wanted it to end! I figured up roughly 35 hours of worship, pray, given words, and interceding for me!!! It was the most exhausting, exciting, life changing, life altering event of my life! I couldn’t speak or barely move after it was over but if I had been told I could have 4 more days I would have jumped right in!!!! There was also so much more, so much more happen. I wish everyone could experience this! But now that it is over we had to go back to “normal” life right?! NO!!! These past 2 days I have been just as on fire as it was this past weekend, we are forever changed! We are Firebrands! And guess what?! The Summit NEVER ends for Firebrands!!! ~BrittanyAs we have a resounding “yes” in our spirits, as Brittany and so many others do, for anything and everything that God wants to do in and through us, we will be eager participants in the pursuit of revival. God's glory will overwhelm us. The above testimonies cannot be refuted. The supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit will displace a tepid, natural church experience. Ichabod will be replaced by kabod. Freedom will reign. Fire will rage. Intercession will pierce atmospheres. Holiness will become a cherished gift. With holiness in mind, I delivered a challenge during a powerful time of ministry at the altar this weekend in West Virginia:
- Listen to no music but anointed worship music for the next 30 days.
- Watch no media with foul language, coarse jesting, sexual jokes, nudity, etc for the next 30 days.

I’m so glad I bought the whole collection of John Burton's books and audio recordings!!! They are blowing my mind! ~BrittanyPastors, train your people to groan in the Spirit. Turn Sundays into prayer meetings. Blaze the trail toward revival. A quick, shallow, predictable sermon just won't cut it. A little worship and a nice prayer is laughable. Cultivate services where people never want to leave! Where are the revivalists? The intercessors? I'm done with church as usual. I have no desire to minister in dead churches, unless they are ready for awakening. So, yes, I'll go where God says go. I'm thankful beyond words that a door opened to link arms with fiery zealots in West Virginia. “Normal church” is over and I have no desire to come to your region to preach if you are still trying to prop up an old wine skin. Where is my tribe? Where are the burning ones? I'm ready to find those pillars of revival fire and contend together for an outpouring. If you are hungry for this, get ready. God is about to blow up your church. If you'd like, book me and I'll serve your church with passion.
A wave of revival hit Revival Church : Revival Church moving or switching nights
The thought of having a church service without the manifest glory of God just doesn’t make sense.
We’ve been declaring an atmosphere of signs and wonders, and last night at Revival Church several experienced gold dust. Someone who had it manifest in the children’s ministry just posted on Facebook:
I still have it on me! It comes and goes……its wild!
The packed out church was covered with the fire and glory of God as Catherine Mullins and Matt Sorger released the life of Jesus.
This atmosphere must be stewarded… and the company of burning ones at Revival Church are invested in this magnificent process of fire in Detroit!
I continue to be wrecked by the fear of the Lord. It’s increasing. As the pressures of revival increase we must understand that the only way we’ll stand is if we fall to our knees.
Let’s continue to embrace holiness and humility as we strategically go after God unlike any time in our lives. The times are quite serious and we can’t casually handle the fire.
We have adopted what we consider to be the best advice for launching a full scale revival. Evan Roberts, the great revivalist, said:
"Congregate the people who are willing to make a total surrender. Pray and wait. Believe God’s promises. Hold daily meetings.”
We have already assembled the best team of emerging leaders I’ve ever been associated with—but we are just beginning!
The call is to gather the hungry and surrendered and pray. There is a groaning intercession movement that has already started to take Detroit by storm in theLab, and you are invited to join the ranks! Learn more about the strategy to see revival engulf Detroit!
Visit both and for info on how to connect in theLab prayer movement and in Revival Church
This is the next step in our strategy, but we need your help! Our host church is starting their own Sunday night service the first of January, which means we have a decision to make.
The ultimate goal is to secure a property that can hold thousands for major prophetic/revival conferences and events along with room for dorms and theLab internship. If you have ideas, I’d love to talk. I can connect you with the team involved in our property search. When we have our own property, we will be able to start developing the 24/7 church. Not only will there be daily meetings, but there will be hourly events around the clock. Imagine continual teaching in one room, non-stop groans of intercession in another and fiery revival services in another!
Since we only have a little over a month for something to happen, it looks like we may end up moving from Sunday night to Saturday night beginning the first week of January, 2012. So, clear your calendars now for this shift!
If you want to save $200 on the next internship session, you have to register by November 30th! Go here:
Apostolic church planting and regional impact in Detroit and the cities of the Earth
Revival is coming to the Detroit region through focused apostolic teams of burning ones.
In Acts 2, the revival that launched the church was released through an apostolic team of burning ones. People who had come out of an encounter with God that included fire dropping from Heaven onto each of them.
In Detroit, there are many of these types of teams throughout the region. God has worked on establishing them, and they will soon be surprised as fire consumes them, and prophetic boldness explodes out of them as they impart the fire of revival into to Detroit.
I am going to include an article by Bill Click that I received today that’s quite powerful. He talks about the difference between church planting teams and apostolic teams.
When we launched Revolution Church in Manitou Springs, Colorado we knew we weren’t simply planting a church. We were called very clearly to serve revival and Kingdom advance on a city level.
Ed Silvoso said: Pastors, you are called to a vision for the entire city and its workers.
Floyd McClung said: Apostolic teams are focused. They are not satisfied with just over-seeing the affairs of a local church!
We knew this was true in Manitou Springs. The goal was taking dominion, pushing back the darkness and calibrating with God’s plans regionally.
I am confident that one day we will the entire city of Manitou Springs become a missions base! From border to border we’ll see people engaging in Kingdom activity in homes, businesses, churches, etc. For example, there is a railway that takes people from Manitou Springs to the top of Pikes Peak. That will become a Kingdom property as we daily take intercessors up to the top of America’s mountain to pray. There’s also a commercial cave system in Manitou Springs. We will see the caves full of worshipers and others who are going deep in God. I see a continual fire burning there, and it will be extremely easy for people to find healing and life. A true open heaven will hover over that city.
Of course, I see similar realities coming to pass in Detroit and in other cities around the world.
Here’s the article by Bill Click:
Part 1
Bill Click
The purpose of Christ’s coming, crucifixion and resurrection was so mankind could be restored to God’s original purpose (Gen.2:7). The Father originally designed man for fellowship with Him and growth in stewardship of His resources (Gen.3:8; Dt.8:18). We see in Genesis, that when God “breathed” into Adam, what was originally received became polluted because he willfully disobeyed the Word of God (Gen.3:6). At that time, the enemy, Eve, and Adam received distinct judgment for their acts. And since, all mankind has been born in sin and dies (1Cor.15:22; Heb.9:27). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Father’s only way to restore man. This, only through the reconciliation of the cross (Jn.14:6; Col.1:20). A restored people will be those who function in the original intention of the Lord for His church (Eph.3:9-12). And that original intention as seen in Acts featured apostolic teams and ministries who were also fully prophetic in their function and authority (Acts 13:1-4; 14:14).
There is a difference between an apostolic team and what we have commonly come to know as a church planting team. First and foremost, an apostolic team will function in God’s original intention to restore people in fullness to the Father through Christ, while a church planting team will be rooted in establishing a group and/or place for worshipping God, fellowship, and spiritual growth. An apostolic team will be anchored in divine revelation in its identity, function and direction (Acts 13:2; 13:1; 13:4). A church planting team may experience divine revelation, but may be oriented more toward demographics, research, experience, and methods.
An apostolic team will be put together by the Holy Spirit. A church planting team may be assembled from those who are willing and available to work toward such an effort. An apostolic team will function together in a way that complements and builds up each other and multiplies the divine authority to dismantle strongholds and bring people into the Kingdom of God (2Cor.10:1-8). A church planting team may not be focused on giftedness, spiritual authority, or relational cohesion, but rather on the task that demographics, research and methodology lead them to conclude is to be done.
An apostolic team will be directed by the Spirit of the Lord in its geographical or spherical assignment. They may not only find themselves moving into new locales or realms, but also non traditional or parachurch endeavors; those which minister to the “sphere” by using their ministry and spiritual gifts “measure” in more evangelistic ways (Acts 16:6-10; 2Cor.10:8-18). A church planting team might aim at specific social strata also, but will be careful to promote and build its persona as a “church” in the eyes of those it encounters. And it may be intentionally aimed at population centers, places of recent growth, or even the locale of those who are putting together their efforts for the work itself.
Apostolic teams and ministries which have received Christ’s strategy and been made ready will be “sent” and “set” with a specific “measure” to display and establish the Lord’s reconciliation, life, authority, and influence to that “sphere” (Ro.10:15; 1Cor.12:28; 2Cor.10:13). Although influencing social strata and possibly even visibly impacting the affairs of nations, this authority is neither social in origin nor politically intended. Instead, this reign is Spiritual, living in the hearts of individuals and groups submitted to the Lord, having been received and released through the Supernatural Grace of Christ. Because it results from a revelation of “the mystery,” the presence of the Kingdom of God is loosed in the lives of people (Eph.3:3-5; Ro.14:17; Lk.17:20-21).
Apostolic teams are used by God to fully establish Christ’s witness and presence within these “spheres,” restoring them to the degree people can receive what the Lord is offering. This is done as they continually preach and teach the Gospel of the Kingdom, willingly releasing the specific anointing they have been equipped with (Mt.10:8). Apostles do this by simply loosing the Spirit’s flow of the Word of God to unite people with Christ and each other (Ro.8:14; 10:16). Demolishing the demonic strongholds which have kept people bound, Apostles then orchestrate the body’s function, and bring “order” within that dimension (Lk.10:18-20; 2Cor.10:3-5; Tit.1:4ff). They plant their DNA of Christ deep within the soil of their “set” influence, in order to begin a process of rooting, growth, maturity and eventually, reproduction (1Cor.12:28; Mk.4:31-32).
Our tendency today is to intentionally draw people and their resources into activities which build our identity through celebratory gatherings of specific themes. But a true apostolic team’s strategy does not only set itself as the focal point of purpose and activity, but will instead spread divine refreshing, renewal, restoration and reformation beyond “the four-walls.” And over time, this “seed” will permeate every nook and cranny of the specific “sphere” (Ac.13:49, 14-52). The hallmark of truly commissioned apostolic teams will be the permeation of an influence, an audience, or geography with the uniqueness of the Lord through them. This will be how Apostles and their teams know they have persevered in any unique and distinctive apostolic strategy they receive and release.
In the New Testament we see this described by Jesus. In the Parable of the Mustard Seed, the man “threw” the seed into the garden of his sphere and it became a tree which created a habitation for the “birds of the air” (Lk.13:18-19 NASB). Historically, the early church interpreted the “birds of the air” to be those outside Christ. So we can see from this picture how an apostolic team is used to expand the presence of the Kingdom of God. When the anointing residing within a truly commissioned Apostle is >thrown= into the Christ-intended “sphere” of influence, it is planted deeply enough to be covered by the soil. It then begins to germinate in order to take root and break through above the surface: sprouting, blooming, and blossoming into maturity, harvest, and reproduction.
There is much need for reproducing apostolic authority, team work and ministries. But Apostles must “first” seed the garden they’ve been “sent” to and “set” over before they can ever begin to train and release others to do the same (1Cor.12:28; Ro.10:15). As they sow the Word of Christ’s foundation, they open the way for those given to them not only to be gathered, but also identified and processed into their divinely designed purpose and effectiveness as well (Jn.17:9-26). Such purpose and effectiveness always stays with restoring God’s original purpose, fellowship with Him, and growth in stewardship of His resources (Dt.8:18; 3Jn.2). It is as that foundational Word is released that the seed finds the good ground which produces and remains productive (Jn.15:16).
Apostles and their teams do not ask permission to operate in their function of restoring God’s original purpose. They are neither dependant upon a willing audience, nor at first make the condition of their ministry that of being received. Instead, they arrive at the ground of divine placement and begin to propel the seed forward by God’s direction and with the energy of His Right Hand, Jesus Christ (Psa.89:13; 98:1; 110:1-7). And through that powerful release the seed goes deep and the soil covers and nourishes it until it comes forth and produces, providing rest and habitation for those without a place to spiritually nestle and mature (Jn.12:24-26; Php.3:12-16; Heb.5:11-14).
Christ became our nourishment (Jn.6:31-51). He is the “firstborn among many brethren,” meaning that His restoring work transforms us that we become like Him (Ro.8:29). We also, then, are to become nourishment to others. As a result of the apostolic team’s obedience, those ministered to receive the call to be transformed in Spirit, from a lump of meal into nourishing bread (Lk.13:20-21). In time, the bread is ready to be served. Having become readied for use in transforming others, the team is then given a specific “measure” (“3 pecks”) to relationally leaven others throughout the Apostle’s “sphere.” The leavening of others is the result. The loaf which emerges is the life giving presence of the Kingdom not only extended, but increased and even multiplied (2Cor.9:10; Heb.6:14).
Today, we see pressures of all types when it comes to all aspects of our lives with God (Jn.16:33) When yielded to, these can cause us to conclude that any growth from planting or reproduction in ministry must take place for our survival and security instead of for the eternal purposes of God in Christ (Eph.3:9-12). God’s growth in us and reproduction through us are the supernatural results of knowing the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, church is not called to make bread in order to survive. It’s that having become true bread, the result is the making of the same (Lk.6:43). The ongoing presence of those with true leaven activates the process in which lives can be changed and God-ordained potentials can be realized. This is the role of the Apostle and the apostolic team.
Those starving do not even know what they are hungry for until they smell the aroma of what God has for them (2Cor.2:14-16). By the Lord’s grace through the Apostle and apostolic team, those who were once starving become food to those who have yet to taste that which satisfies (Psa.91:16; Pro.13:25; Jn.6:35). And because those who are serving bread are not doing it for payment or reward, there’s no “catch” (2Cor.2:17; Isa.45:11-14). As a result of the Apostle’s obedience to “throw,” there is not just “seed” for the birds who gather, but a tree for them to gather and nestle in as well. And as the church becomes activated as a Divine Bakery, bread for those who flock to the garden is found all over the ground: in relationships, gifts, accompaniments, equipping–all provided by the Spirit through the Apostle’s obedience to the strategy given by Christ.
Simply put, truly commissioned Apostles can’t help but reproduce after themselves as they live life. They produce ones who become living epistles (2Cor.3:3). We see this happening again and again in Acts. But as intentional as it is done by the Lord, it can often seem to occur inadvertently and unintentionally by those participating (Acts 16:12-15). Pentecost, the arrest of Peter and John, the fate of Ananias and Sapphira, even the choosing and deployment of the Seven: none of these were intentional to apostolic extension. But all these resulted in multiplications of people, expanded geographical outreach, and explosions of the presence of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of mankind (Ac.2:41-47; 4:23-35; 5:12-16; 6:6-8).
Today just as in the book of Acts, Apostles are charged to take the high ground of being who Christ has called them by receiving and releasing the revelations He gives. At times, there are many Apostles within a territory and often there are even many strategies in the process of being received and birthed within the same Apostle as well. There should be multiple strategies being received, released, and unfolded within the same territory or “sphere” today. Ultimately, the purpose for the eventual reach of every strategy of advance is the whole earth (Mt.28:18-20; Ac.1:8).
Apostles focus specifically, however, andB even if they do notB are limited to those “recipes” on the “cutting board” of God’s “now” in order to be effective and remain protected (Ac.16:6-10; Heb.11:1). Faithfulness to the purposes of Christ’s strategy is a condition for continuing in authority and fruitfulness. This can be seen in the commissions recorded by Matthew and Luke (Mt.28:16-20; Ac.1:4-8). It is by continued faithfulness to what Christ reveals that Apostles and their teams become and remain effective. Sometimes their impact is highly visible, other times not so much, and at times not outwardly verifiable at all, but leaven accomplishes its purpose (Lk.13:20-21; Isa.55:8-13). Through Christ there will be reproducers who reproduce reproducers that continue reproducing (Mt.28:19; Ac.1:8).
[email protected]
Apostle Bill Click & Prophet Nancy Click are Ordained with: Christian International Apostolic Network, Dr. Bill Hamon, Bishop
RIVER OF POWER MINISTRIES is a continually developing matrix of foundational callings and anointings positioning themselves under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ as released through Apostle Bill Click. To inquire further about a covering or aligning relationship with "RPM" write postal mail to address above or Email us at [email protected]
Burning ones in Detroit : A school of fire : $200 discount
theLab is a school of the Holy Spirit that’s raising up burning ones for Detroit and the nations of the Earth.
There are a few key strategies for releasing revival in the city of Detroit that we are deeply involved in—and you are invited to run with us at theLab.
Everybody involved with theLab is stunned at the grace and miraculous power that has landed here. The spirit of revival is truly visiting us and we are inviting Detroit and the nations to burn with us.
Host theLab Team in your church
Invite our team to facilitate a powerful school of burning in your church. We are available to travel domestically or internationally and hold weekend, seven day or one month long sessions. We will prophetically impart the fire and life of God into those who register for the school. We’ll train in revival, prayer and city impact and look forward to investing deeply into everybody!
theLab Prayer Events
Pray Magazine interviewed me about prayer-fueled city strategies and I made a simple yet powerful point:
It’s impossible to hate or compete with other pastors if you are praying blessing and the life of Jesus into their lives.
This is the Friday night strategy. I’ve heard much about the struggles within the landscape of the church in Detroit. The fastest road that I’ve discovered to legitimate unity between pastors and churches is prayer. As we call pastors to host us, and then travel with us each Friday, we are developing key relationships and breaking through division.
We are calling together 1000 people to pray with us and the pastors of Detroit every Friday night from 10pm to midnight. Check out the schedule and location of the next prayer event at our newly redesigned site: The favor of God is on this prayer movement as doors of churches across the region are opening to a growing team of prayer warriors!
theLab Internship
Can you help us spread the world all the way around the world about the next internship at theLab?
After our first two sessions which have been made up mostly of people local to the Detroit region, we are encouraging people from other cities and nations to join us for three months of trembling, burning and training in revival.
Head on over to and investigate the vision, the classes and the testimonies of people who have been previously equipped.
The next session begins on January 3rd, 2012. It’s not too early to apply!
The cost of the internship is $699, which includes books, event fees, classes and the internship experience.
If you register by November 30, 2011, you qualify for the early registration discount of $200!
PLUS, if you are a student (ages 18-25) or a minister, you get an additional 50% discount!
Apply today at
If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].
There is a rising remnant of prophetic messengers who are consumed by fire and propelled by a burning zeal for advancing God’s Kingdom. Discover more about this critical end-time ministry.
The most critical fuel the church needs to go empower every key ministry is the same fuel we need to launch us in our personal lives. That fuel is the burning desire that results from an intimate encounter with the Lover of our souls.
Offended hearts are imprisoned hearts. This teaching has set many people free, and you will learn how to grow in God without the hindrance of offense slowing you down.
There is a dramatic and wildly dynamic life of revelation that is available to all of us. Learn how to hear God clearly, encounter his heart and advance with a precision focus of prayer and intercession.
You are a carrier of the mighty presence of God. As you pick up the Ark of God’s presence and move ahead through rivers and around imposing walled cities, you will lead the people through their own seemingly impossible situations.
First, you will discover the wonder of freedom from personal struggles, fears and obstacles. Then, you’ll learn how to set the captives free!
There are over 19,000 cities in the nation, and none of them are experiencing the biblical normalcy of revival. You will investigate how to initiate a step-by-step process of transformation and revival in your city.
Many in the church are convinced they do not play a significant role in God’s great plan. That strategy of the enemy will be dealt with directly as we learn how God sees each of us-as mighty people of valor.
There is a baptism of Fire for every Believer in Jesus Christ. Experience this Fire personally and learn how to release as burning men and women of God.
There is a way to interact with authorities in our lives that will result in a great escape into the wilderness of encounter. Learn how you can move out in abundant life and extreme freedom while running well with the leaders God has put into your life.