Posts Tagged ‘demons’
Demons Aren’t Hiding In This Election Season
The demons are here, and I'm not talking about Halloween.
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It's November. The haunts of October are gone, and visions of joy and merriment are upon us as Thanksgiving and Christmas draw near, right? Not so fast. Imps and evil entities are very much among us as America is getting close to matching the supernatural climate of many third-world countries.
Disturbing demonization is openly visible in many places such as Haiti and parts of Africa. The enemy doesn't hide there.
Last night I was flicking through Instagram and was bombarded by not one, but many, videos of left-leaning liberals erupting with animalistic growls and curses. Some of you may have seen similar behavior as it seems to have become fairly normal in this political season. People ripping Trump signs out of the ground and spitting verbal assaults at any who would confront them is happening from sea to shining sea.
Of course, we know about the riots and fires and looting that have been on the increase over the past several years. This is most certainly wicked, evil behavior, but what we are seeing now is different. Manifestations of actual demons have become commonplace.
Many prophetic voices have declared our recent spiritual history has been one of exposure. God, who is as just as he is good, is out to cleanse and purify his glorious church. While this has certainly happened, and has revealed terrible wickedness, I believe it was only the beginning.
The devil is being exposed as well. Whether it's God causing the veil to be lifted between the natural and the supernatural or if Satan has just upped his game, the truth remains. Demons have come out into the open.
Students are identifying as “furries,” crawling on hands and knees. Drag queens have infiltrated public libraries and are indoctrinating the next generation. Twisted demons are among us and it has nothing to do with October 31st.
Many years ago, I felt strongly that we would soon see actual demonization become quite common in the streets, schools, businesses and parks of our nation. People don't know what to make of it other than to accept it as the new normal. To their unrenewed minds, supernatural beings inhabiting people isn't within the realm of possibility. At worst, they might need a mental health check. At best, these are their new crusaders, people who have had enough and who are responding in hatred and rage against the machine.
My wife, two young daughters and I were coincidentally in Philadelphia the day of the Presidential debate. We were greeted with brash signage, high fences, strange individuals and more SWAT and tactical police than you could imagine, walking the streets with assault rifles and body armor.
It was daylight and we felt safe as we passed through to see the Liberty Bell. On the way back, someone yelled out at me. After brief small talk, he began hurling accusations, calling me a homosexual. He then confronted my daughters, asking if anyone ever accused me of being gay. It was time to move on, and when we did, he started shouting loudly through the square, “He's a homosexual! He's a (expletive) homosexual!”
The devil is not hiding.
The church in its current state is nearly hopeless against this bold, new advance of the enemy.
We don't need any more supposed political pundits in the pews. We must have prophets! It's time to equip fire-breathing intercessors, prophetic messengers, deliverance ministers and others who will expose the darkness (though it's exposing itself without much help) and confront the spirit of the age.
All sorts of wickedness is on the rise. We shouldn't be surprised if it becomes culturally acceptable to take abortion to the next level. A spirit of Herod has no problem killing children under the age of two. Why did Herod endorse this? To protect his throne. Don't doubt for a minute that today's demonized political system would affirm such a strategy. Politics is one of Satan's primary vehicles to deliver it's wrath.
The devil is not hiding.
Fiery, strategic prayer meetings must take over as the primary gathering. Sunday mornings must become furnaces of intercession where groans and cries echo. A righteous President will help a little, but that cannot be our focus. It's time for the church to repent, to pray, to rend its heart and to get equipped to fight a hoard of demons who have boldly emerged from their dens.
Wiser Than The Witches
This Halloween season we must be aware of the enemy's schemes.
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When planting our first church in one of America's darkest regions in the Rocky Mountains, where witchcraft and paganism saturated the atmosphere, it took us three years to learn how to fight. We were not wiser than the witches.
Over the years in that Spirit-driven, prayer-fueled ministry, we experienced many supernatural attacks, visits from witches and organized efforts to stop us.
Shortly after we planted the church, our oldest son was admitted to the hospital with a severe asthma attack. It was October 31st. One year later, on Halloween, he was admitted again with yet another asthmatic episode. Finally, when he was rushed to the emergency room and admitted for a third straight year, on the 31st of October, it hit me. This is no coincidence. It was an organized, strategic, deliberate witchcraft attack.
“so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” (2 Corinthians 2:11, ESV)
To be wiser than witches requires us to level up in our authority. While, of course, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood (people), witches and others who embrace demonic ideologies do allow themselves to be used by the enemy to curse God's people.
Awareness of schemes and open doors will give us opportunity to interceded for the witches who have been so terribly deceived so we can focus our assault on the devil. Of course, it's quite common to open doors to the enemy with no human mediator like a witch involved at all. We are all at risk.
Especially during the month of October, when the activity of the enemy is extreme, it's imperative that we stay alert, repentant, full of grace, with our lamps filled with oil.
ONE. Christian Curses
If, according to Scripture, “the curse without cause shall not come,” when there is cause we can be sure curses will hit with great and terrible force.
It's possible Christians are hurling more curses into the atmosphere than all the witches in our nation.
Though we are commanded to bless and not curse, gossip is rampant. Shaming and cursing political opponents, especially this time of year, are non-stop. Villainizing all who disagree with our spiritualized opinions on social media flood our streams. Speaking death over our own lives and the lives of others is common.
The Bible reveals that, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
There's power of life and death in the tongue.
Our unholy, unconsecrated thoughts will ultimately make it out of our mouths, often as curses that have devastating impact.
TWO. Celebrating Halloween
Dabble with the demonic, party like the pagans, dance with the dead and come dressed for the occasion.
The world's largest coven meeting is about to commence, and shockingly many Christians will be in attendance.
It's stunning that blood-bought, Spirit-filled Christians would ever slap the label, “innocent fun” on this most wicked of days. Most would argue that we are saved, covered by the blood and that we have no fear regarding simple costumes, candy and parties.
However, the blood of Jesus doesn't grant us immunity. It grants us authority.
If we are participating in, enjoying and affirming death, demons, darkness and witchcraft, we have lost our authority against the wicked entities behind it all.
We are opening doors that give the enemy direct access to demonize our children and those we love when we celebrate this most wicked of days in any manner. Evil isn't innocent just because we invite children to the party.
Instead of harvest parties, trunk or treat or other Christianized alternatives, let's teach our children about exposing darkness.
How's this for a Halloween alternative? A fiery, Holy Spirit-filled prayer meeting. And, yes, bring the kids.
THREE. Emotional Crisis
In nearly three decades of ministry, I've witnessed, time and again, solid, anointed, amazing people “swirl out” emotionally. All sorts of feelings overwhelm and overtake them. Rejection, fear, depression, anxiety, despair, sadness and other emotions, at the least, can cause people to retreat into their caves, ready to surrender.
We must be wiser than the witches, ready to go to war against the devil and discern the season we are in.
Instead of retreating into a cave, run to others who can stand with you, pray with you, love you, challenge you and, if necessary, cast some demons out.
FOUR. Media and Entertainment
Whether it's impure music, horror movies, sexual immorality, foul language or unrighteousness promoted on screen as entertainment, doors fling wide open and the enemy can quickly and easily demonize.
If there's one idol that must be destroyed in this nation, it's entertainment. Specifically, media. It's a killer.
And no, as already discussed, you can't “handle it just fine.” You lose all authority to stand against the wicked schemes of the enemy if you are enjoying them.
To those who say, “nudity (or other sins) in movies doesn't offend me,” who cares about what offends you? The Holy Spirit is offended and I'm certain a large portion of your troubles in life come as a result of not understanding that.
FIVE. Prayerlessness
One of the greatest weapons against the schemes of the enemy is fiery, Spirit-filled, prophetic prayer. Tongues of fire will help fill lamps and strengthen us in ways that little else can.
Those who aren't absolutely consumed with a spirit of prayer will typically struggle, especially during the month of October when the enemy is so active.
Humility, non-stop prayer, intimacy with Jesus and the Word of God exploding in and out of us all work as guards against demonic attack. Holiness, forgiveness, grace and love will further your strategy and enable you to stand in the face of occult activity.
I've heard it said that we need to put on our armor every day. I disagree. I would question why they are taking it off every night. Put it on. Keep it on. Pray continually. Fight the devil. Close open doors.
The Valley of Slaughter—Fighting Abortion in a Blood Soaked Land
You shouldn’t argue with baby killing demons, no matter how brilliant your defense may be.

4 For they have forsaken me and made this a place of foreign gods; they have burned sacrifices in it to gods that neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah ever knew, and they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. 5 They have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as offerings to Baal–something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind. 6 So beware, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter. Jeremiah 19:4-6 (NIV)There is a battle to be waged against the murderous spirit of abortion in our nation, but many in the church are fighting the wrong fight in this valley of slaughter—and they are losing. My wife and I have lost seven babies, not to the intentional act of abortion, but to the heartbreaking shock of miscarriage and stillbirth. I’ll never forget my wife convincing her doctor to induce labor on what would be the earliest, smallest baby he’s ever delivered naturally. I’ll also never forget the moment that tiny baby was delivered into our waiting hands. She was little. She was perfect. All babies are perfect. All seven of ours most certainly were. In the middle of our losses, Amy and I were in the delivery room praying, contending and crying out that our baby boy would be delivered, alive and healthy. Less than a minute before Jet Samuel Burton would enter the world, the doctor, who was with us through our previous losses, asked me if I’d like to deliver my new baby boy. We switched positions and he took me to medical school—a thirty-second lesson on how to deliver a baby. I was unprepared, but more ready than I can explain. Jet’s head emerged, I carefully grasped it and helped guide him into the world. Emotions were overwhelming. Tears were flowing. Jet was alive. In fact, my miracle baby is sitting next to me right now in Starbucks as I’m writing this. I asked him to smile for a pic as he hangs out with me, watching videos on his phone. Children are precious. All of them. Another picture is of me delivering Jet twelve years ago. I’ll never forget that moment.

The Bible makes it clear that we don’t war against flesh and blood. As gruesome as it is, this symbolic picture becomes very real when we deal with the spirit of abortion. Literal flesh and blood are ripped and spilled every hour. Worldwide, there is an unborn baby violently destroyed every second. Eight-six children are sacrificed to the murderous principality Moloch every minute. The worship is Satanic at a level none of us can truly understand. Moses warned the Israelites about sacrificing to this god. In their rebellion, they rejected the mandate of God. Read this sobering passage of Scripture:36 They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. 38 They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. 39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves. 40 Therefore the LORD was angry with his people and abhorred his inheritance. 41 He handed them over to the nations, and their foes ruled over them. 42 Their enemies oppressed them and subjected them to their power. Psalm 106:36-42 (NIV)

Zachary King, a former high wizard in a satanic church says abortion is a spiritual battle that must be fought with spiritual weapons. “I know abortion is a satanic sacrifice,” King said at a conference on spiritual warfare organized by Toronto-based Serviam Ministries. “Why is the devil intent on killing the unborn?” he said. “Satan does fear certain things. Innocence is one. You can’t get more innocent than the baby in the womb.” “Every hex, we used an abortion,” he told the conference. “The bigger thing you request from the devil, the more you have to do for the devil to get it. … A hex requires an aborted baby.” Indeed, if everyone on Earth marched against abortion, the next day, the abortion centers would still be open, King said. He knew it was a spiritual battle. “It’s spiritual warfare, (but) we fight it physically,” he said. “You cannot defeat a spiritual enemy” with physical weapons. (

While he’s not anywhere near the perfect President, I’m thrilled that President Trump was voted into office and that he’s promoting godly agendas. He addressed hundreds of thousands of pro-life advocates during the March for Life. But, I’m concerned. It seems millions of Christians have traded in the call to intercede and govern in the Kingdom for a vote. For many, it’s now President Trump’s job to deal with abortion. The Supreme Court is looked to as a force against abortion as well. But, what about the intercessors? Where are those who are waging war in the spirit? Understand, the people we are debating are mostly ungodly and even demonized. Using logic against their Moloch anointed mission is futile. President Trump and the Supreme Court are absolutely helpless against such a powerful principality. The church is the nation’s only hope.MOLOCH MUST BE DEFEATED
You’d be shocked at how many professing Christians, including pastors, are unapologetic advocates for abortion. While this is nearly impossible to believe, it’s true that much of the church is actually in covenant with Moloch. Others in the church are doing little to confront this spirit other than voicing their irritation on Facebook. Governmental intercession is nearly nonexistent in today’s church. Manesseh, the king of Judah, instituted pure evil in the temple. Included was a sacrifice to Molech.1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years. 2 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, following the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites. 3 He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had demolished; he also erected altars to the Baals and made Asherah poles. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them. 4 He built altars in the temple of the LORD, of which the LORD had said, “My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever.” 5 In both courts of the temple of the LORD, he built altars to all the starry hosts. 6 He sacrificed his sons in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced sorcery, divination and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger. 2 Chronicles 33:1-6 (NIV)He sacrificed his sons to Molech. God was provoked to anger. America is in this place right now. I’m hoping you can see memes, marches and debates will never defeat a principality as powerful as Moloch. It’s laughable. Again, please hear me. I’m not opposed to voicing truth, to confronting the spirit of the age and addressing evil arguments. There is value in that. There is value in voting righteous people into position. There is value in using logic. But, the value is limited. Alone it’s futile beyond measure. We must see the church lead the nation in repentance, prophetic decrees, governmental intercession and high level spiritual warfare. It’s time for the church to govern again.
It shouldn’t shock us that most of the people who are aggressively promoting murder are those who simply don’t know God. Listen closely to me please. THEY HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED LOVE. They don’t know what it’s like for a Heavenly Father to flood their souls with immeasurable, indescribable, supernatural love. They don’t understand. They are completely limited to their logic, emotions and human wisdom.8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8 (NIV)They cannot love unborn babies because they don’t know God. The only way we can love unborn babies is because of a revelation of God’s love. It’s as simple as that. We must not wrestle against these people. There is a spirit they are aligned with that has defiled them, confused them and desecrated them. It’s that spirit that demands our warfare.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)Too many Christians are wasting time and energy struggling against people while fully ignoring the necessary battle against rulers, authorities, powers and spiritual forces. We know the spiritual armor necessary to fight. A helmet, a belt, shoes, a sword. We also need to pray. Prayer is the forgotten weapon, and without it we cannot win.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers… Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)The flesh and blood of millions of babies cries out. But, it’s not flesh and blood that killed them. It’s a wicked and powerful spirit that has been worshiped in our nation for years. It’s time to:
- Repent.
- War against spiritual forces with spiritual weapons.
- Pray.
In the name of Jesus, I declare we are covered in his precious blood as we wage this war. We reject the spirit of the age that is attempting to seduce us into a state of mindless inaction. We call the church to rise up and lead the nation in repentance, in war and in intercession. Holy Spirit I pray you would anoint your people to pray like they never have before. Forgive us for any and all partnership with wickedness, compromise and apathy. I speak life over our church and over our nation! Church rise up! Amen.
17 no weapon forged against you will prevail… Isaiah 54:17 (NIV)
Four Demon Accusations That Stop Spiritual Warriors
Four Demon Accusations That Stop Spiritual Warriors
Wow! This article by Jonas Clark is right on…and timely! You can see the original article here:
Spiritual Warfare and Prayer
Demon powers know how to stop most Christians. You are not like most Christians. You can see what others don’t. How you see Jesus affects your life. Jesus was a spiritual warrior. After the anointing of the Holy Ghost came on Jesus He rebuked demons, faced Satan, healed the sick, and spoiled principalities and powers. He defeated death, hell and the grave. He is your redeemer and he is risen!
spiritual warfare is part of Christianity and the spiritual warfare is not over. Historically, the rise and fall of spiritual power within the Church of Christ has been related to the acknowledgement and opposition toward demonic principalities and powers. As leaders recognized the spiritual warfare caused by demon powers they equipped believers to use their delegated spiritual authority to fight back. When leaders ignored the dark rulers of this world believers and the Church suffered.
You are in a spiritual war whether you want to be or not. Jesus did not ignore demon powers and he didn’t teach his apostles to ignore them either (Matthew 10:1). The Apostle Paul taught the church in Ephesus how to battle saying,
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand (fight back) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:10-13)
Warriors wear armor. Armor is for the fighting man. Paul likens spiritual opposition to warfare. He teaches five important truths.
- Christ’s followers should be strong in the Lord.
- Be full of spiritual power.
- Recognize devils have wiles or tactics.
- The battle is a spiritual battle not a natural one.
- Spiritual warriors wear God’s armor.
- The battle ready fight back.
The Apostle Paul knew much about the spiritual opposition against him. “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries” (1 Corinthians 16:9). He continually uses warfare terms when teaching and training leaders:
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12)
“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (2 Timothy 2:3)
“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” (2 Timothy 2:4)
“This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare.” (1 Timothy 1:18)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:” (2 Corinthians 10:3)
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. “ (2 Corinthians 10:4)
Paul uses terms such as soldier, fight, weapons and armor. Warfare means “armed conflict against an enemy.” As Christians we understand there are many spiritual enemies of Christ including demons, principalities and powers. Included in that list of spiritual enemies but seldom discussed are the systems, structures, kingdoms, and organizations that demon inspired people build. This is something worth thinking about. Christians should not yoke themselves with systems the demon influenced build like fiat money printing and exotic financial instrument schemes such as junk bonds, abortion clinics and drugs, or thief by political deception. These are the results of demonic influence. Satan’s cohorts come only to steal, kill and destroy. This is one way to identify them.
spiritual warfare is a spiritual fight against a spiritual enemy. Paul identifies those enemies as:
- Spirits
- Principalities
- Powers
- Rulers of the darkness of this world
- Spiritual wickedness in high places
Again, our battle is not against flesh and blood. Our warfare is a battle in the spirit that manifest in the natural. Win spiritually and things get better and better naturally. Lose spiritually and things get worse and worse naturally. This is where the Word of God and battling prayer become vital to the disciple of Christ. There are many different types of prayer. Not all prayer stops demon powers. Mature in the Word and learn how to pray.
Are you afraid to discern the presence of demon activities? Some are. Demons influence people and their activities must be discerned. You can’t stop them by ignoring then. Evil spirits, spirits of infirmity, seducing spirits, spirits of error, unclean spirits, anti-Christ spirits, Jezebel spirits and divination spirits have infiltrated the Church. They target the high places of authority and power. Sometimes these spirits work alone and at other times they network together.
Some have been victimized by evil spirits because they are afraid to judge demonic operations. Apostle John taught to try the spirits. He said, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). As already said spirits work through people. To “try the spirits” means to put them to the test. When you do this devils respond. Here are four things spirits use to stop your spiritual discernment:
- Don’t judge least you be judged.
- Let the one without sin throw the first stone.
- The measure you use to judge someone else will be measured back to you.
- Take the beam out of your own eye first.
The list goes on and on. Did you notice the devil will use the bible to stop bible believing people? Yes everyone should examine their own hearts “first” but spiritual discernment requires sound judgment. You must judge. To judge simply means to make a judgment. Making a judgment “is not” being judgmental. A judgmental person is a fault finder. That’s not what we are discussing.Christians should never be fault finders or false accusers. We are writing about spiritual discernment that affects lives. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, that’s people, but against demonic spirits.
You make judgments every day. You believe what you hear or you don’t. No you are not judging any ones salvation, that’s between them and God, but you are judging what spirit they are flowing in and the fruit of their lives and ministries. Good trees bear good fruit. Bad trees bear bad fruit. This is where shared values and world views come.
Listening to and being around people lets you know what they value. You make judgments during conversation and by watching people’s actions. What do they embrace? Value? Pursue? Talk about? Value based judgment happens every day. Scripture says, “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Shared values draw people together. Those core values govern your life. Values determine your relationships with others. Shared values empower folks to walk together. People fellowship with each other based on shared values.
- What you value you will pursue.
- What you value you will protect.
- What you value you will enjoy.
- What you value you will fight for.
- What you value you will keep.
- Decisions are based on what you value.
Churches are built on shared values, political groups are built on shared values, organizations are built on shared values and relationships are built on shared values. Values differ. You spend time with people that value what you do. That’s human nature. Scripture says we are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple” of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)
How would you know if you are unequally yoked if you don’t’ make a judgment? In this scripture the Apostle Paul was not being judgmental against unbelievers. He was pointing this out for your protection. It is guidance for the sons and daughters of God. Christ authorized you to make judgments about people. Yes he did. Christ said, “You shall know them.” In other words, you shall accurately know them.
“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Matthew 7:16-18)
It is unscriptural for someone to tell you not to judge because the spiritual man judges all things. Scripture makes this clear, “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man” (1 Corinthians 2:15). Did you get that? The spiritual man judges all things. Are you a spiritual man? To judge, Greek anakrinō,means:
- To investigate, examine, enquire into, scrutinize, sift and question.
- As a judge would hold an investigation.
- To interrogate and examine the accused or witnesses.
- To judge, estimate, determine (the excellence or defects of any person or thing.
Christ never taught his followers to ignore demonic spirits. Don’t let demon spirits use their weapons of mass deflection to stop your spiritual discernment. As already stressed, you are not to unfairly judge people, be judgmental, mean spirited and hurtful, condemn people or judge their salvation. This article is about demons stopping a Christian’s spiritual discernment. You must make judgments as you seek to weigh what you hear and what you see against the written Word of God. It takes spiritual maturity to see things as they really are. Demon powers know how to stop most Christians. You are not like most Christians.
Your partner,
Jonas Clark