Posts Tagged ‘property’
Manitou Springs Flood and Tornado | RHOP closes in Manitou Springs
Manitou Springs Flood and Tornado: God is orchestrating the advance of revival though we are sad to announce the closure of RHOP in Manitou Springs…
Our team just returned from our third Manitou Springs, Colorado prayer journey this year—and instead of advance, Revolution House of Prayer has been shut down. Only 10 people remained to carry the burden of intercession unto revival, and that burden was too great. A greater army was required, and that army didn’t respond.
I believe it was God’s “Plan B” for the church to close. “Plan A” was simple: soldiers respond in force and pray night and day in this city that is so critical for revival regionally and nationally. Plan A didn’t happen. The goal wasn’t a mega-church as that size of a people would have compromised the mission. The call was for a team of remnant Christians to gather and advance revival through the house of prayer mandate.
Though it’s sad our twelve-year-old ministry closed this past week, we can see God’s redemptive plan in the midst of it.
We were presented with the opportunity to cancel return flights and rent a U-Haul to transfer RHOP’s equipment to Revival Church’s new property in Detroit.
Though we broke down ten times (yes, TEN TIMES!) on the way here, we now have chairs, audio equipment, furniture, coffee equipment and more to help us get started in our new property!
So, as I stated above, the needs have diminished considerably. We aren’t quite there yet…so, your donation will bless us considerably!
You can donate NOW:
My vision for Manitou Springs is increasing, not decreasing.
However, the vision for revival in that region has yet to spread to many others. We held conferences there two separate times this year to rally support and gather the hungry, yet beyond those events, the response was limited.
I can boldly say that the heavily resourced church of Colorado Springs has been missing in action. They must show up for work immediately and send masses of intercessors, revivalists, musicians, leaders and others into Manitou multiple times a week to advance the vision of revival.
If people like Dutch Sheets agree that Manitou Springs may be the darkest city in the nation, why wouldn’t the soldiers of Christ get their boots on the ground and stay until God breaks in? Colorado Springs, you are resourced wonderfully and you are needed for battle.
If I sound frustrated, I am. I unapologetically am. We spent a few months rallying musicians to help lead worship for three nights at our last conference by contacting large and prayer driven ministries in the area. We literally received zero response. We called the pastors of the churches in the region to gather. They did not. We have personally prayed on site in over 100 churches in the Pikes Peak region…we have served with passion with nothing in return expected…well, expect for a fervent spirit of prayer to ignite in those churches.
Again, my heart is to communicate the need, to cast the vision and to sound the alarm. That alarm will continue to sound, though Manitou Springs is now without a governmental prayer covering.
One day before I loaded up the U-Haul truck at RHOP, my father-in-law had a dream.
In the dream I was loading the truck and he saw a flood coming. He said, “John, you have to go! The flood is coming! The water is rising! The time is now! You must get out!”
I continued to get a few more items to throw in the truck before I left.
The next day I did in fact load the truck and we prayed and released Manitou Springs into the hands of God. We prayed for Miles and Jodi and released them from their assignment there as they moved into another.
I sat at the table in my in-law’s house and said, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if a flood actually did come the day after we moved out!”
Crazy happened. The earth groaned. The next day, as I was driving to Detroit, the flood came.
The creek that runs under RHOP is usually only a few inches deep, but less than 24 hours after we left it was over 9 feet deep as mud and water raged past. Miles said it hit the foundation of RHOP, and he’s never seen it anywhere near that high before.
Then, the earth groaned again. The highest recorded tornado in American history landed on the top of Pikes Peak, America’s mountain that sits at Manitou Springs.
Job 27:20 Terrors overtake him like a flood; in the night a whirlwind carries him off.
Pray. Pour money, musicians, intercessors and other resources into Manitou Springs. The Colorado fires were no coincidence. God is calling for the intercessors to rise up.
If this post pulls on your spirit, please contact me. My heart is broken for Manitou Springs. So goes Manitou, so goes the entire Pikes Peak region.
John Burton
New property needed: Revival Church & theLab
Revival Church & theLab University/House of Prayer are looking for a property to house our ministries full time
We currently share a property, and it’s working great, with one exception—we are unable to be in there 24/7! theLab House of Prayer will be functioning most every day, and theLab U will be back in session in July.
Please review our preferences below and let us know if you have a property that may work for us!
We are open to locate wherever the Lord desires. That being said, if we move further than 7 miles away, it would be considered a new church plant vs. a move. The reason? Statistically, people won’t travel more than 5-7 miles to the new facility.
Our current plan of action has us within that distance from our current location at 12 Mile and Dequinder in Madison Heights. (Possible locations include Warren, Ferndale, Royal Oak, Sterling Heights, etc.)
If it’s laid out extremely well, we could get away with 4000 square feet, though we’d be more comfortable with 10,000+ square feet. We must have room for 100+ seats plus a large stage, altar area and sound booth. Additionally, we need an area for children’s classes and a nursery.
The property will have to be zoned appropriately and move in ready (with some minor exceptions). Additionally, we have to consider building codes that may require expensive and time consuming modifications that are appropriate for a church. A property that is already functioning as a church is our best bet. Additionally, the property must be air conditioned and have sufficient parking (at least 30 spaces).
With a small down payment, and the need for a land contract, the total price will have to be no greater than $275,000.
Please contact me at [email protected] right away if you have any leads!
Prophetic House of Prayer: Revelation Driven house of prayer model
House of Prayer: A Revelation Driven House of Prayer model is coming to the Detroit region! You are invited to dive into the fire with us!
First! TONIGHT learn more about the coming house of prayer strategy as I teach at theLab on Revelation Driven Prayer! Perfect timing! You can audit this class for $25. Just show up and pay at the door TONIGHT, Thursday, January 31st at 7pm! (Cash, check, credit card)
Revival Church meets at CENTRAL CHURCH, 1529 E. 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071.
The purpose of this message is twofold:
- Explain the new house of prayer model that’s coming soon to the Detroit region
- Solicit help to find the perfect property to house it
Revelation Driven House of Prayer
Simply put, a Revelation Driven House of Prayer is a house of prayer marked by a sharp and vibrant prophetic fire.
We have experienced absolutely stunning miracles throughout the years when we have employed this revelation driven model of intercession. You can listen to some of the dramatic stories that we lived through in Manitou Springs, Colorado. I shared them Sunday at Revival Church. Listen to the house of prayer stories here:
This house of prayer model embraces various styles of prayer including decrees, soaking, declaring the Word, worship and others. The common thread is encounter and response to the heart of God.
Additionally, there is a mysterious yet powerful balance between brokenness and exuberant joy. Between repentance and freedom. Grief and victory.
Simply know this, it won’t be a despair driven house of prayer! Sadness, depression, frustration, unbelief and hopelessness are not a part of the strategy! Joy, freedom, dancing, victory and bold authority to advance revival in our region will fuel us!
As we advance together, a powerful and constant prophetic atmosphere will be developed, and we will watch miracle after miracle occur as we respond to the revelation God gives us. It will be an adventure to say the least!
The Revelation Driven House of Prayer Plan
While the specifics can change as we get closer to launch, the plan currently includes:
- Revival Church is the foundation on which the house of prayer will exist. The property we find will house both (which are really one, but for the sake of communicating this fresh vision, I’m making distinctions.)
- Two primary weekly encounter services (Saturday & Sunday nights)
- One Revival Church service (Sunday morning)
- Joyful, weighty worship
- Revelation Driven Prayer Monday & Tuesday nights
- Verse-by-verse Bible study Wednesday nights
- theLab Class Thursday nights
- City focused events off site Friday nights
- Daily noon worship & soaking prayer (Mon-Fri)
- This model will be reproduced in our Tribes, and in other cities around the world! We are ready to bring our team to your location to help launch a Revelation Driven House of Prayer!
Property Search
- We are ready to start the new house of prayer immediately. Can you help us find a property? Here’s what we need:
- Within approx 7 miles of our current location in Madison Heights. Troy, Warren, Royal Oak, Sterling Heights and other nearby places could work well.
- At least 8,000 square feet, preferably closer to 20,000
- A large open room that can hold a large stage plus at least 150 chairs
- Parking for a minimum of 30 cars, preferably over 50
- Air conditioned
- Good condition/move in ready
- Offices and classrooms
- Zoned correctly and no modifications necessary to house a church (for example, buildings designed for large assemblies must have a certain type and number of restrooms)
- Approx $2000/month to lease, or a donation of a property to Revival Church
- Could be an existing church (which would be the easiest), a warehouse, industrial property, etc.
Additionally, we are currently fundraising for the new house of prayer. We need to raise an additional $45,000. We are encouraging people to ask the Lord about making a significant, special donation in addition to regular tithes. Get creative in your giving! Real estate, jewelry, vehicles, etc. will help us reach this goal! You can give online at All donations are tax deductible.
Some have made faith pledge, and you can do the same by emailing us at [email protected]. All it would take is nine people pledging $5000 over the next few months! Just mention the house of prayer property in your submission!
prophetic house of prayer teaching
INSANE faith : Can you believe with us for this? Revival Church property vision
Will you join with us in rare, insane faith for a regional center of revival in Detroit?
This is an idea of what I see when I think about the multiple thousands of people who are going to converge in Detroit very soon. They will land in the airport from the nations of the Earth and will be looking for a night and day revival center where they can find healing, fire and life!
In fact, this property is probably much too small, which is why there have been so many prophetic words about stadiums being filled with people as revival breaks out!
The leader of the ministry I established in Colorado emailed me the following today:
Prepare for the explosion. I would pray and look for a big place, big favor and not a big price tag. But look big, pray big, confirmation is coming, ask for it from the Lord. Big big big—press—He's given you guys the faith for it, now is the time.~Miles Anderson
We are praying very specifically for a property like this, and the money to refurbish it, so we can:
- Host the nations in nightly outpouring meetings
- House continual prophetic intercession for revival, Detroit and the nations
- Have classrooms and meeting places for theLab Internship.
- Hold regional conferences with national ministers that God is highlighting in this hour
- Establish REVIVAL WORSHIP where “The Tone of the Groan” Romans 8:26 worship movement is stewarded
- greenfirecoffee: Yep, a full blown coffee shop where people can come and enjoy God and each other night and day!
- Television studio: We are called to release this fire to the nations, and we see a raw, fiery TV program driven by revival worship, groans and prophetic teaching.
- Much, much more including an earth shaking children’s ministry, dorms and outreaches.
We are inviting the region including pastors, ministry leaders, intercessors and others to rally around the vision of a regional center of revival. We are boldly asking you to lock arms with us in the city church.
If you have the resources to finance this project, or a part of it, please contact me. If you have other insights, I’d love to connect! [email protected]
Check it out:
Wildly expectant : We need your help to get into a new property
We are looking to pull the trigger on leasing a different property for Revival Church and theLab—your participation will help determine what type of property we choose.
- Finding a new property (this week?)
- The (huge!) vision
- Amy’s story of giving to a better storehouse (So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.)
We have our eyes on several properties now, and have offers to share them with another church (like we do now).
I’m feeling a very, very powerful swirl of the Holy Spirit today…huge expectancy. So, I thought I’d get you all praying with me. Something unusual is going on!
If you feel God is calling you to give a financial gift toward a new property, now is the time to do that. We’ll be making a decision on where we go soon based where God is leading and on the finances we have to use (possibly this week—we have to be in a new place no later than May.). We are committed to staying out of debt, so we’ll only move on something that we can afford.
As of Sunday, the church only had $130 in the bank, but then the Lord moved nicely and the offering was our largest ever—$2300. So, I think God is really touching some hearts in this area now.
We pay $800 a month to share the current property, and won’t go much beyond that when we move to a new place—unless we receive a significant donation that makes it clear that it would be wise to get something a bit more.
We are called to fulfill a very important mission here in Detroit. Our ministry has a mandate to be a prophetic regional center of revival.
What does this mean? A few things:
- We have regional focus. We envision a team of pastors from all throughout the region locking arms and focusing primarily on strategic regional events.
- We are raising up a team of prophetic messengers and revivalists. theLab internship is helping fulfill the call to create a company of people who will station themselves in the mission command center for Detroit. They receive prophetic data and instructions and communicate it to the pastors and leaders of the region.
- Continual apostolic intercession is a foundational ministry for us. Not only do we want to intercede, but the call is to hear God’s plans clearly, and then respond immediately and appropriately. We’re gathering 1000 intercessors, pastors, leaders and burning men and women of God to pray very aggressively and intentionally on site together each week.
- theLab team is being trained and equipped to carry the call to gather leaders and to host large scale prophetic prayer events. theLab events are purposed to bring in key, anointed national and international leaders to deposit fire into the desperate Detroit region.
Now, to pull all of this off, we need a large campus. A 2000+ seat auditorium plus prayer rooms, class rooms and other facilities will be necessary. At this point, we’re willing to either take that giant leap, or we will take a much smaller incremental step by simply finding a place to meet on Sundays. We’re open to the exact plan of God for us.
We don’t want to go for the campus if we are supposed to share a property, and we don’t want to share if we are supposed to find the campus at this time.
You can donate at
On Sunday, God dropped a timely message into my spirit, just before we received the tithes and offerings. I was reminded of a situation in our household, and then shared a scripture that I’ll pass along to you. Detroit is shell-shocked financially right now, and I’m concerned that people are attempting to entrust their own storehouses (a reaction of fear) instead of God’s risk-free system of giving toward the storehouse of the church (a reaction of faith).
Here’s our story:
First, Amy went to pay the bills, and discovered that we were $630 short. She was very frustrated, and couldn’t figure out why that was. She had to take some money out of our savings (our storehouse) and move it into our checking account so we could pay the bills.
Then, later that day, Skylar found a check for $630 that Amy thought had already been deposited. Well, there was the missing money. So, Amy was about to deposit it into our savings to replace what she had to move over. God then said, “All of your bills have been paid, right?” Hmmm. Yes, it was true. We were not in lack, and we did have an excess of $630. So, Amy decided to give $50 out of her thankfulness.
God then said again, “All of your bills have been paid, right?”
Right there, Amy was faced with her financial nervousness contrasting with God’s clear ability to take care of us—and was convinced of the importance to put our money in the right storehouse. She wrote a check for $500 and gave it to The Fireplace (a revival movement here in Detroit) and put aside another $130 to be used to treat some pastors to dinner.
The money was given to a much better storehouse.
Luke 12:15 And he said to them,”Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully,17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?'18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.'20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
Let me know if you have any thoughts at all.
Important : Vision
I want to cast a regional vision for you, and I’d ask that you pray about how you can participate. If you could FORWARD this to everybody on your list, that would be an amazing help for us!! I’m available to travel and speak on this vision in churches too!
I’d deeply appreciate it if you read through this entire message. It’s exciting!
And, you may know people who have connections and/or resources. Do you have the desire and resources to help launch several churches in the Detroit area? Or, do you know somebody who does? The Revival Church vision is extreme, and it requires extreme plans and extreme participation. This is going to be fun!! People in Detroit will be transformed forever!! Yeah!
We’re looking for a central hub where we’d hold large conferences, have a 24/7 house of prayer, possibly setup a Dream Center style ministry, etc.
FIRST, check this out! Late last night I decided to email some people who have large properties available and boldly asked them to donate them to Revival Church. I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged by two of their responses. There are certainly properties out there waiting for us to find them!
This first one has a 78,000 square foot building for sale or lease (only $4990/month!):
Hello John,
My love for God and the desire to spread Christ's message is great. Unfortunately, my family has $500,000 in debt related to the building that needs to be paid off.It it my desire to have our building used as a center for the spread of the Word. I just haven't been able to see how to do it.
Having worked in Detroit for most of my life, I can tell you there are wonderful people here, and wonderful people who need to be revived.
I do believe our building would make a great new wine skin for the right organization. It's a great location that is easy to get to and has thousands of people a day driving past. It has a good place to meet, reasonable offices and great parking (80 car fenced parking plus street parking). It even has a raised area in one room…great for leading a worship.
I just haven't been able to figure out how to make the whole package work for the groups I've talked with. Maybe I (old wine skin) have not been flexible enough, have not opened my ears and stretched my mind. Differing from one of your talks, I don't need common sense, but instead uncommon sense.
It might be good to see the building to know if it fits into what is God is reveling to you…or it might spark another revelation…maybe not including us but something much greater.
And this one is also very interesting:
Thank you for your request. I unfortunately am not in a position to be able to make such a gift. The building most likely would not be suitable either. Wrong zoning and not enough parking would only be a few issues.
I wish you success in finding what you are looking for. Be persistent. Those arrangements are possible. In another line of work, I am currently working for a charity, reviewing the feasibility of the charity accepting the gift of a 100,000 square foot building for their operations.
There you have it. Will you partner with us? You can contact me directly at [email protected] or 313.799.3473. You can donate online at
Thank you! I can’t wait to hear from you! And, BY ALL MEANS, forward this on to all of your friends!!! They may have the connection we’re looking for!!