Posts Tagged ‘universalism’
Staying Saved: Fear, Trembling and Enduring to the End
Many previously authentic disciples of Jesus are now singing, “I once was found and now I'm lost.”
Christians are falling from the faith at a pace I haven’t seen in my fifty plus years on the earth. From disillusionment to deconstruction to surrendering to habitual sin, people are giving up on God (or completely redefining Him).
The slow fade from being wildly alive in Jesus to abandonment of faith is a strange and usually methodical process. The enemy knows how to hit, where to hit and when to hit to bring the most destruction to someone’s relationship with Jesus.
I’ve seen it time and again, and it’s tragic. Those who slip, slide or full-on fall away have had their lives infiltrated by wicked schemes of deadly, evil spirits. Imaginations weren’t taken captive and decisions are made from a wounded, disenchanted, disgusted heart.
The fear of the Lord isn’t there. The satisfaction of a life with Jesus eludes them. Joy, peace and victory are nowhere to be found. Supernatural Holy Spirit power is no longer experienced. Faith in the Word of God is gone. Woundedness and despair are intense.
The deconstruction pandemic that’s playing out in this end-time season must be responded to. We can’t allow the enemy to compromise the faith of people that God loves so deeply.
While it would seem the answer would be clear, to burn hot for Jesus day and night, it’s not as simple as that.
I’ve known many on-fire, radically devoted, Holy Spirit-driven, tongue-talking, compassionate, loving, zealots for Jesus who ended up falling away. It’s stunning.
Here’s the question: For those who are currently burning for Jesus, how will you ensure you aren’t the next casualty?
Unsaved Christians
Do we understand the threat of sin in the lives of Christians?
Our journey into a critical revelation of eternity begins here. The casual, presumptive disposition of so many has resulted in a severe threat to their salvation. In fact, the contagious nature of this mind-set puts millions of people at risk. These are people, mind you, who are either convinced or unconcerned about their salvation.
This truth (and it is most certainly truth) is so casually ignored, or so violently refuted, that, as Scripture so tragically reveals, Hell enlarges to hold all who are flooding into it.
There is a glorious salvation to be had, and the enemy has tainted powerful, life-giving theologies in an attempt to counterfeit them—and draw people away from the one true God. God’s passion is for people to be wildly in love with him, and that is what the enemy is afraid of. Instead of radical intimacy and passionate obedience, people are falling for a lesser false-doctrine that communicates God’s apparent affirmation of them and affection for them—and it is resulting in a faux closeness to him for millions of “Christians.”
Our salvation is glorious and it is also weighty. We can’t presume upon it or take it lightly. I suggest it’s possible that most people who are convinced of their position in Christ would actually be in Hell if they died today.
The concept of unsaved Christians seems contradictory. I understand that. A Christian is a follower of Jesus. I am suggesting that there are many followers of Jesus, many who name the name of Christ, who are living their lives following him in an unsaved condition.
A massive and increasing number of Christians have been lulled into a slumber regarding the reality of salvation. They have a reputation of being alive but are dead because of their sin. The common presumption is that if we pray, read our Bible, go to church, and identify ourselves as Christians, then we are automatically exempt from condemnation. The problem? Too many have misunderstood just what it means to be in Christ Jesus. Tragically, it’s true that countless professing Christians are actually living in a place of condemnation because they aren’t truly in Christ Jesus. We can’t just call ourselves Christians and presume that we are truly in Christ.
My life and ministry have been marked by a troubled spirit and an unrelenting passion for extreme surrender, zealous prayer and an unapologetic call for passion, repentance and holiness. I understand just how separated, intense and broken we must be to truly be counted among the saved—or, I at least have an understanding of the type of deception that is causing people to remain careless in their walk with Jesus. To be a true follower of Jesus requires more than many of today’s theologies are communicating, and that does indeed both anger and wreck me. Anything short of radical just can’t be promoted anymore!
Why is my spirit troubled? Because I am convinced that a shocking percentage of professing Christians are on their way to Hell. We must exhort one another into radical faith.
These are people who believe they are in Christ Jesus—but are not—and who are heading to a Judgment Day that will stun them.
Today the world is watching as millions of people are following Jesus with no cross on their backs, and this is the heretical deception that must be exposed. God will, in time, reveal the wheat and the tares.
I'd encourage you to dive deeper into this topic by reading my newest book, Staying Saved. The topic is so critical that I'm making the downloadable version free, with no strings attached.
Go to to download your copy today.
Tainted Love—Texas Assembly of God Church Embraces Inclusion
Another church has been seduced by wickedness, confusing it for love.
“The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Genesis 3:13 (ESV)Eve's passion was for her eyes to be opened and to be wise like God. Sounds good, except that single decision resulted in immediate death for her and billions of others who would follow. Her redefinition of what godliness was paved the way for innumerable people throughout the ages entering into never-ending torture in Hell. Evangelism wouldn't be necessary if it wasn't for Eve. Tragically, another church leadership team has looked to redefine spirituality, and because of the cunning deception of a wicked serpent, they ate of the fruit, fruit that was good for food and a delight to the eyes. Their decision was catastrophic. I've attended Assembly of God churches at various times throughout my life, and I have so appreciated their devotion to holiness and classic, historic, Biblical Christianity. I was stunned to hear about a Assembly of God church in Texas making the decision to fully embrace homosexuality, without apology, becoming what is know as an inclusive church. Eikon Church in Kyle, Texas, led by Pastors Dan and Kelly Matlock has sadly, tragically been duped by modern, cultural arguments and is now fully affirming. On an interior page on their website, suggested resources are provided including a podcast titled How to Be a Girl Podcast: A Christian Family's Story of Raising Their Trans Child, a book titled God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines, a glossary of LGBTQ+ terms and much more. The following is also found there:
In our endeavor to promote unity over uniformity, we’ve compiled these resources that we believe will be helpful as you learn more and lean into conversations regarding our church’s decision to be a fully inclusive church for the LGBTQ+ community.I contacted the General Superintendent of the Assembly of God. Thankfully, he sent me a copy of a statement he released publicly this morning:
As many of you are aware, a certified minister at an AG church in Texas on Sunday announced a departure from the official Assemblies of God position on human sexuality. The Assemblies of God has a well-established process to deal with such departures. Immediately upon first knowledge, the North Texas District initiated appropriate action required in dealing with both the minister and the church. When it comes to matters of marriage, sexual orientation, and gender identity, the Bible is clear. That is why the only acceptable position for Assemblies of God ministers and churches is clearly outlined in this statement: CLICK TO READ THE STATEMENT
In my article The Great Love Deception: A False-Love Movement Is On The Rise, I wrote:Philippians 1:9-10 (MSG) 9 So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings 10 so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of… We are to learn to love appropriately. This scripture is a critical exhortation! Why? It means there are inappropriate ways to love. There are deceptions that feel right, but are poor representations or even counterfeits of truth. As God’s love begins to manifest in such amazing, deeper ways at the end of the age, we have to be aware that the enemy will work hard to redefine, misrepresent and twist true love. He has a castrated version to offer us.Affirming wickedness is the furthest thing from true, holy love. Endorsing homosexuality and welcoming those who participate in this forbidden lifestyle as brothers and sisters in Christ eliminates any hope of deliverance and eternities are put at great risk. Heaven and Hell are very much in play. Their departure from Christian faith is made clear, in bold words, on their website: We believe in and practice full inclusion here at Eikon Church, which means that individuals from the LGBTQ+ community can serve and be involved in EVERY AREA of Eikon Church from serving to pastoring. This affirmation is not only heretical, it's spiritually deadly. This church family will most certainly experience a season of glee where the rush of false-love floods in. Understand, I'm sure these people are caring and tender-hearted and they want every person to feel their affection. The problem is in their theology, and, yes, bad theology can lead to destruction. When the church becomes more about the people than about God, more about welcoming them, affirming them and celebrating them than about worshiping a most holy, fearful God, flaws can be overlooked, sin minimized and wickedness redefined as the purest form of love. Wicked love. I wonder, will the leadership of Eikon Church preach on the topics of sin, Hell, holiness, consecration, repentance and surrender? Or, have they already fallen through the trap door of false-grace and Universalism? The terror of the Lord must hit every church and ever Christian in this hour. God's love is very different than what is humanly discerned. Many question how a loving God could sentence someone to eternal torment. A better question is how a wicked people could ever presume to deserve anything less. God is fearsome, he is holy, and yes, he is love. He is not, however tolerant. He is not affirming of that which he defines as an abomination. He is a good, good Father, and he is also a just, just judge. We need to intercede for the sheep at Eikon Church that are being led into wholesale deception, heresy and undeniable departure from the Christian faith.
20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20-21 (ESV)