Posts Tagged ‘ozarks’
The Very Best Sex: Discovering a New Sexual Paradigm in a Vile Culture

A defiled, confused version of sexual satisfaction bombards our culture. It's time for a new sexual paradigm.
So, I told my wife I was writing an article on sex. She laughed and said, “You don't know anything about sex!” After my crushed ego was healed (not really), I laughed right back and said, “I know! But, people need to hear about the amazing resource we discovered this weekend!” So, with that in mind, if you are a married, Christian couple, read this. All of it. You'll thank me! You can listen to a podcast on this topic here… Then, I want to encourage you to jump at the chance to participate in a retreat at Focus on the Family that my wife Amy and I attended this past weekend. Discovering Passion: Keys to Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage at the Focus on the Family retreat center in Branson, Missouri was phenomenal! It was eye-opening, fun and refreshing. In fact, our previous retreat several months ago was so life-changing, that we had to come back for more! You can read about that powerful experience in a Charisma News article HERE. God is ready to breathe life into your marriage and into your sex life. Healing awaits. A life of intimacy and adventure is God's desire for you and your spouse!SANCTIFIED LUST?
21 I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual immorality, and sensuality that they have practiced. 2 Corinthians 12:21 (ESV)Why are Christians tapping into the same evil seduction in the realm of sex that a vile, defiled and confused culture is? Sex between a married Christian couple should be absolutely nothing like the spirit of lust and sexual deviation that drives unbelievers, yet sadly, many Christian married men and women seek to “lust their way” to satisfaction.
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28 (ESV)Christians have all too often been duped by the same crafty demonic spirit that the world has. The enemy has a grand scheme and is uniquely anointed to bring all-consuming destruction to people, both in and out of the church, by promoting a twisted, demented and extremely seductive spirit of lust. The passion surrounding sex for Christians, while sometimes bridled, seeks to satisfy the same desires that those who are outside of Christ do. This is why pornography among Christians, and even among pastors and Christian leaders, is so widespread.
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (ESV)The focus is on an intense yet momentary experience instead of a much more satisfying, intimate and holy union between two people. “Sanctified lust” is not what God has planned for Believers. There is something so radically, wonderfully and mysteriously different for God's people in the area of sex, yet so few discover it. We, as godly men and women, are privileged in ways the world is not. If we have a true revelation of marital intimacy, we will be determined to give and receive love in ways the world could never understand. It's holy. It's pure. It's passionate.
Christian marriages are regularly marred by self-focused arguments surrounding sex. The smiling faces you see on Sunday mornings are often experiencing wounding, rejection, frustration, temptation and confusion about their sex life. Churches are historically ill-equipped at addressing this issue, and this must change. Further, churches are equally flawed regarding ministering to teens and singles about sex. This issue has very destructive earthly consequences, and it also has horrifying eternal repercussions. To ignore what is possibly the number one issue of morality and wholeness in the church is a catastrophic move by most of today's Christian leaders. I propose appropriate yet direct and regular conversations, in safe settings, and with great integrity, on the topic of sex. If pornography is a daily struggle for many (most?) in the church, sex must be a teaching and equipping topic continually. If marriages are tense and often falling apart over this issue of sex, if husbands and wives aren't intimate and coming together as one as God intended, the church must step up to the plate. I believe resources like we discovered at Focus on the Family can help churches in very specific and effective ways. Discussion was direct. Sexual situations were addressed without hesitating to speak plainly. I believe Christians are yearning for this, yet they have not had an outlet or resource to help them with their extremely sensitive and vulnerable questions. Too often they turn to secular culture for insight.A NEW PARADIGM: ONENESS
24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. Genesis 2:24-25 (ESV)As my wife and I discovered at this amazing Focus on the Family retreat, which, by the way, was led by remarkable and highly qualified counselors including a Christian sex therapist, the pursuit of “oneness” is a much higher goal than a series of short lived, euphoric encounters. The holiness, selflessness and deeper love experienced in the pursuit of oneness will make the demands and desires for a simple act of sex nearly grieving. The loss experienced when oneness isn't the intent of being together is tangible. Of course, I can never do justice to the revelation we received during this retreat in a short article. I can simply say that my eyes were truly opened and there was language given to what previously felt like a nebulous, unintelligible truths about God's amazing gift of sex. Questions were answered, vulnerable discussions were had, tears were shed and legitimate excitement about a brand new chapter in our marriages hit us all.
6 How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all your delights! Song of Songs 7:6 (ESV)The act of marital love, when done as Believers with the Holy Spirit indwelling us, is absolutely nothing like what we see in our sexualized culture today. The adventure, the romance, the experience brings never-ending new layers, depths, revelations, joy, fulfillment and fun! The weekend ends with a session on “Affair Proofing your Marriage,” followed by “Leaving a Legacy of Sexual Wholeness.” God has called us to victory in this area, and that victory will be felt through your family line for generations to come! I want to encourage you to consider attending this marriage-altering weekend retreat at Focus on the Family right here in our hometown of Branson, Missouri. You don't have to live your life fighting about sex. Rejection and anger is not your portion. Freedom from sexual frustration and disappointment awaits. Indescribable intimacy with your spouse and a brand new, God-ordained sexual journey is worth the small price you have to pay to attend this weekend in the beautiful Ozark Mountains.
Special LIVE CoFI Group videos this weekend
In lieu of a regular CoFI Group teaching, I’ll be ministering LIVE from Poplar Bluff, Missouri tonight and tomorrow!
I’m excited to be speaking at the BULLHORN CONFERENCE at from Moriah Ranch in Poplar Bluff, Missouri this weekend—and YOU can watch starting TONIGHT at 6pm CDT!
To watch, simply go HERE at 6pm Central time!
Of course, if you are in the area, come on out for a powerful three services and practical prayer workshops!
Friday July 10, 2015 6:00PM
Saturday July 11, 2015 1:00PM & 6:00PM
Moriah Ranch Prayer Center (The Conference Center)
727 Ridge Avenue Poplar Bluff
Read the prophecy that was given the last time I was at Moriah Ranch:
I feel the lord saying this location will be a bullhorn for the nations. This is a very clear word of the lord that I’m having right now. A bullhorn for the nations there will be messages come out of this place that other regions have rejected. And do not presume your voice to be quite.
Do not presume your voice to be insignificant. Obey my word and speak the word of the lord. And when that pure word comes out of you I will shout it to the nations for you.
I feel such a weighty sobriety about this. I feel god is waiting for a voice that will say the things that will get them kicked out of most churches, that will say the things that will cause their finances to come to a stand still- say the things that will cause them to be mocked and persecuted. He is looking for a people that are not trying to survive on this earth and pay bills and build a reputation. He’s looking for a people that will die that will be humble who will surrender all, who will open their mouths and shock the nations who will deliver people from sure torment in hell.
I hear the lord saying that before revival breaks out there is going to be a great calibration to the truth of the word of God that has been hidden under a bushel. Now is the time to shout the message to shine the light that will blind the eyes of so many that are not willing to see. There will be response by a ready remnant and a hungry people who will finally meet Jesus that they’ve only yearned for.
About Moriah Ranch:
Moriah Ranch is a beautiful working cattle ranch located at a gateway to the Ozark Mountains near Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Since the fall of 2009 the ranch owners, Jerry and Sandra Murphy have dedicated special areas of the ranch for prayer, praise and Christian fellowship. Its wonderful to see so many different people come to the ranch to pray and give praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. In June of 2010 we opened the gates for a five day prayer gathering during what seemed to be the hottest week of the year; however people came from several states and even other countries to pray. Some camped in tents and campers on the ranch while others spent the hot summer nights in local hotels with air conditioning, but all who came, stayed and prayed were truly blessed! When you approach the ranch property you will see three white crosses that speak loudly of the great price Jesus paid for our sins, and in the heart of the ranch just above the Indian Creek is our Prayer Altar where you will sense a “Shalom Peace” that passes all understanding of men. The Holy Spirit has spoken to us again to “open the gates” and once again to invite those people, who are called by His Name, to humble themselves and seek His Face and turn from their wicked ways in order that we hear from heaven and see our land healed. We welcome you to visit the Prayer Altar anytime to Pray, Praise & Worship.