Posts Tagged ‘cindy jacobs’
What I see : A massive ministry center of revival in Detroit
Are you ready to be a part of what many believe will be a world impacting center of ministry in Detroit?
I had no idea what I was getting into when God moved us from Kansas City to Detroit. Sure, I knew it was about revival. I also understood that the coming outpouring would impact this region and even well beyond. But, I was nowhere near being able to comprehend what would actually come to pass.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (ESV) 9 But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— 10 these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
The Spirit searches the deep things of God, and then reveals and imparts those things to those he loves. Man, that absolutely wrecks me!
I am convinced that the coming revival in Detroit will bring the shock and awe of the mysteries of God that mankind has never imagined.
I do my best to avoid cheesy movie quotes in prophecy. However, I just couldn’t deny that God was talking to me.
God had been highlighting a vision of a massive movement and center of prophetic and revival focused ministry. I saw a regional center of reformation, revival and equipping very much like The Ramp in Hamilton, Alabama being established in Detroit. Keep in mind that I didn’t know much about The Ramp, which is led by Karen Wheaton, as God was speaking that name into my spirit. I wasn’t out to copy another ministry that was enjoying success. There was something else to this. God was calling me to plant a large center of revival that would draw thousands of people into God’s holy fire.
During prayer before a service at Revival Church approximately a year ago the Lord spoke that famous movie quote to me, “John, if you build it, they will come.”
It was a very heavy and exciting word. Well, things got very interesting as the service got started that night. Someone wandered in late and stood up in the service to get my attention. He looked at me and said, “John, God wants you to know that if you build it, they will come.”
The trembling commenced. He had no idea what happened in the prayer room, and he had no clue that I had a mandate to launch a new ministry. God had my attention.
I started connecting more with The Ramp online just to catch a glimpse of their flavor and focuses, as well as checking out the practical nuts and bolts of launching and running a ministry like that.
The vision we have here in Detroit is certainly unique as we focus on the groans of intercession, preparing for revival on a city and then international level and raising up carriers of fire who will take the burnings of God to the nations.
However, there are many overlapping circles of vision that are undeniable, and the driving force (the Holy Spirit) is the same. God is looking for reformers who will rock the nations.
At one of the events at The Ramp, Dutch Sheets said:
“You crave His presence, but you loathe the average church service. You are part of the reforming generation.”
That’s it! God is gathering similar people here in Detroit—loathers of mediocrity.
- The Culture: If you read my book 20 Elements of Revival, you will have a good idea of what we’re going after. The culture in this emerging ministry is one of extreme fire, burnings and groanings of intercession, going after manifestations of healing and deliverance and the development of leaders who will impart this to the nations of the Earth.
- The School: Of course, theLab is blowing everybody’s mind right now! This school of burning was dramatically prophesied over us by Jeff Jansen just before launch. He said I’d be writing books and we’d be launching schools (plural!) of the Spirit. We’d be taking people into the place of encounter and into heavenly experiences. It’s been prophesied that we’d take caravans of revival into the cities of the Earth. This is a huge part of this mission, and I envision a large campus with hundreds of students being equipped and released.
- The Events: An attention grabbing series of prophetic words has us focused on praying in a huge property. People that we meet keep prophesying that they see theLab and huge events in stadiums. One person said it will take a stadium to hold the events and the school at theLab. You’d be stunned if you knew how many times I’ve heard this. We desire to bring in people like Dutch Sheets, Bill Johnson, Rick Pino, Catherine Mullins, Brian Simmons, Cindy Jacobs, Heidi Baker and others who share our heart for revival. I’m praying for a 2000+ seat auditorium plus a campus with classrooms for schools of worship, prayer, etc. that will house our daily activities—and then favor with stadiums when we hold regular (monthly?) events.
- The Nations: theLab will be sending teams to cities to establish schools and hold revival focused events.
- Gather your family, friends and everybody you can on Sunday nights at Revival Church. As a regional center, we are thrilled when other pastors and people join with us when their church isn’t holding a service. At Revival Church you will gain the traction necessary to see the vision and see how you can lock in with this revival movement.
- Pray with us every Friday night from 10pm-midnight as we travel the Detroit region. This is the anchor of the ministry and you will immediately catch a powerful glimpse of our passion.
- Give financially. We are literally looking for extreme miracles of millions of dollars to get this ministry center developed. Additionally, there’s big plans to develop the school further, to launch into other cities and to continue writing materials. You can give online at, or if you want to discuss a broader financial partnership, just contact me at [email protected].
So, get ready! The harvest is coming. That means hundreds of thousands or more people are coming to Detroit! Are we ready to receive them?
We at Revival Church and theLab are doing our part!
Love you all!
Important video : New Revival Church prayer : wrecked by a mandate
I’m wrecked by the mandate of revival in Detroit and in the cities of the Earth.
First, the magnitude of the mission we’ve been called to steward is EXTREME. It requires a massive prayer effort…and that’s just to get us started on the journey.
Until further notice, starting Monday, December 27th, I’ll be at IHOPE-Detroit praying on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from noon-1pm. Let’s see an army of intercessors and revivalists pray together several times a week as we prepare for the coming outpouring.
Speaking of the magnitude of the call, here’s what’s wrecking me and what’s burning within:
- 1000 Intercessors: In early 2010 God gave me a clear mandate to cast the vision for 1000 intercessors to intentionally and regularly gather, pray, stir the prophetic and release the plans of God into the region. I’m wrecked because of the weight of this call, and because the challenge to see even 10 or 100 people commit to this type of high level assignment is severe. CHUCK PIERCE and CINDY JACOBS sounded the alarm for 10,000 intercessors in each state this past summer. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Detroit must see these intercessors who are revival minded step into place! So goes Detroit, so goes the world. Right now, the call is simple. We need 1000 intercessors to be on the weekly radio show theLab, every Monday at 8:30pm. That’s it. The place:
- Reformation: A primary call of our mandate in Michigan is to call the church into a great reformation. The resistance to such a massive cultural change is absolutely insane. The enemy has done a phenomenal job of bewitching so many in the church, and the church and the body is deeply wounded because of it. You can watch a video that I just recorded about this bizarre resistance to commitment and mission in the church here. I’m wrecked because the call is so demanding but the response is so apathetic. I think of forerunner ministries like IHOPE-Detroit who are one of the few who are carrying the call of night and day intercession… and they are led by some of the most wholehearted and precious people I know. Yet, the call for financial support of their critical ministry is met mostly with silence. Reformation is needed. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… the churches must be full of laborers. We are to pray for the laborers to move into position… the harvest is greater than the manpower available to handle it… and that’s an issue!
Leave your comments and let me know what you think. Are you ready to press toward revival with us? Let’s go!