Are Sleeping Christians the Greatest Threat to Revival?

27 Points of Revolution

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Chapter one of my upcoming book, 27 Points of Revolution: A Call to Personal Revival

A Call to War

“The dead are no threat to the enemy. The sleepers are an ally.”

War cries of victory resound from the hoards of Hell when their adversaries slumber. Truly, to be fully dead is less of a concern to the enemy than those who casually saunter through life.

Quite literally, the greatest allies of the kingdom of darkness are not witches, Satanists, murderers or abortionists (though they are on the list), they are sleeping Christians. Lukewarm, careless people who acknowledge Christ and pretend to enjoy allegiance to Jesus, unknowingly spread an eternally deadly virus through an Ichabod church. The glory of God has departed.

If you are looking for a quick and easy guide to experiencing some mystical, satisfying “buzz” called revival, you should stop reading right now. This is an invitation to accept the call to such a radical devotion that the wicked world in which we live begins to tremble.

This most certainly is a call to war. 

Before you dismiss the war-talk as nothing other than hyper-Charismatic rhetoric, give me another moment to explain just how important it is.

Many Believers today are on a journey to the mythical land of ease. They look for the teachings, philosophies, paradigms and communities that best embrace their determined desire to see burdens removed.

The mere thought of battle is enough for many to shut down. The allure of emotional, spiritual and physical comfort is too strong. 

Most can endure for a while, but many end up pulling back or falling away when the battle intensifies. They leave churches, quit praying, lose their passion and turn focus on themselves and their comfort.

If we have any hope of city-wide or national revival, much less personal revival, warfare will forever be required. There are devils to fight, cultures to shift, darkness to invade and religious spirits to confront. 

Before we can truly focus on revolution and revival in the church, we must learn how to engage in war in our own lives. Before we fight against territorial schemes and see shift come to churches and cities, we must fight the imps. 

This testing ground will determine whether we mature into mighty soldiers and lethal weapons in the hands of God, or if we just wait out our years on the earth, searching for self-satisfying and elusive comfort and ease.


I often wonder if we truly understand the immeasurable joy, freedom, glory and abundant life that result from victory in battle. I’m sure we don’t.

Even the concept of revival is lost on those who are ready to take a spiritual nap. A collective, “Meh,” is heard when prophetic warriors sound alarms and cast vision for a massive end-time outpouring. Too many people just don’t care.

Messages that communicate the benefits immediately available to us are quite popular. Spiritualized “get rich quick” programs that communicate promises of breakthrough will draw a crowd. But what about messages of warfare? Few are signing up.

Yes, we need to seek revelation on strategies for personal revival and revolution, but it’s not a quick fix system. We will be challenged and we must respond.

The first step is to cry out to God for a softened heart and a passion for revival. You can no longer seek the easy route. The road to supernatural fire and all-encompassing revival in your life, your family and your city is steep, difficult and lined with enemies determined to take you down. True warriors will look at the challenge and charge ahead. I declare that you are a warrior. You will experience battle after battle and victory after victory. Why? You are coming more alive with an unrelenting zeal for the Holy Spirit. You will not be stopped. 

Yes, you were born for war.