Wiser Than The Witches

Wiser than the Witches

This Halloween season we must be aware of the enemy's schemes. 

When planting our first church in one of America's darkest regions in the Rocky Mountains, where witchcraft and paganism saturated the atmosphere, it took us three years to learn how to fight. We were not wiser than the witches.

Over the years in that Spirit-driven, prayer-fueled ministry, we experienced many supernatural attacks, visits from witches and organized efforts to stop us.

Shortly after we planted the church, our oldest son was admitted to the hospital with a severe asthma attack. It was October 31st. One year later, on Halloween, he was admitted again with yet another asthmatic episode. Finally, when he was rushed to the emergency room and admitted for a third straight year, on the 31st of October, it hit me. This is no coincidence. It was an organized, strategic, deliberate witchcraft attack.

so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” (2 Corinthians 2:11, ESV)


To be wiser than witches requires us to level up in our authority. While, of course, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood (people), witches and others who embrace demonic ideologies do allow themselves to be used by the enemy to curse God's people. 

Awareness of schemes and open doors will give us opportunity to interceded for the witches who have been so terribly deceived so we can focus our assault on the devil. Of course, it's quite common to open doors to the enemy with no human mediator like a witch involved at all. We are all at risk.

Especially during the month of October, when the activity of the enemy is extreme, it's imperative that we stay alert, repentant, full of grace, with our lamps filled with oil.

ONE. Christian Curses

If, according to Scripture, “the curse without cause shall not come,” when there is cause we can be sure curses will hit with great and terrible force.

It's possible Christians are hurling more curses into the atmosphere than all the witches in our nation.

Though we are commanded to bless and not curse, gossip is rampant. Shaming and cursing political opponents, especially this time of year, are non-stop. Villainizing all who disagree with our spiritualized opinions on social media flood our streams. Speaking death over our own lives and the lives of others is common. 

The Bible reveals that, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

There's power of life and death in the tongue.

Our unholy, unconsecrated thoughts will ultimately make it out of our mouths, often as curses that have devastating impact.

TWO. Celebrating Halloween

Dabble with the demonic, party like the pagans, dance with the dead and come dressed for the occasion.

The world's largest coven meeting is about to commence, and shockingly many Christians will be in attendance. 

It's stunning that blood-bought, Spirit-filled Christians would ever slap the label, “innocent fun” on this most wicked of days. Most would argue that we are saved, covered by the blood and that we have no fear regarding simple costumes, candy and parties.

However, the blood of Jesus doesn't grant us immunity. It grants us authority. 

If we are participating in, enjoying and affirming death, demons, darkness and witchcraft, we have lost our authority against the wicked entities behind it all.

We are opening doors that give the enemy direct access to demonize our children and those we love when we celebrate this most wicked of days in any manner. Evil isn't innocent just because we invite children to the party.

Instead of harvest parties, trunk or treat or other Christianized alternatives, let's teach our children about exposing darkness. 

How's this for a Halloween alternative? A fiery, Holy Spirit-filled prayer meeting. And, yes, bring the kids.

THREE. Emotional Crisis

In nearly three decades of ministry, I've witnessed, time and again, solid, anointed, amazing people “swirl out” emotionally. All sorts of feelings overwhelm and overtake them. Rejection, fear, depression, anxiety, despair, sadness and other emotions, at the least, can cause people to retreat into their caves, ready to surrender.

We must be wiser than the witches, ready to go to war against the devil and discern the season we are in.

Instead of retreating into a cave, run to others who can stand with you, pray with you, love you, challenge you and, if necessary, cast some demons out.

FOUR. Media and Entertainment

Whether it's impure music, horror movies, sexual immorality, foul language or unrighteousness promoted on screen as entertainment, doors fling wide open and the enemy can quickly and easily demonize. 

If there's one idol that must be destroyed in this nation, it's entertainment. Specifically, media. It's a killer. 

And no, as already discussed, you can't “handle it just fine.” You lose all authority to stand against the wicked schemes of the enemy if you are enjoying them. 

To those who say, “nudity (or other sins) in movies doesn't offend me,” who cares about what offends you? The Holy Spirit is offended and I'm certain a large portion of your troubles in life come as a result of not understanding that. 

FIVE. Prayerlessness

One of the greatest weapons against the schemes of the enemy is fiery, Spirit-filled, prophetic prayer. Tongues of fire will help fill lamps and strengthen us in ways that little else can.

Those who aren't absolutely consumed with a spirit of prayer will typically struggle, especially during the month of October when the enemy is so active.


Humility, non-stop prayer, intimacy with Jesus and the Word of God exploding in and out of us all work as guards against demonic attack. Holiness, forgiveness, grace and love will further your strategy and enable you to stand in the face of occult activity. 

I've heard it said that we need to put on our armor every day. I disagree. I would question why they are taking it off every night. Put it on. Keep it on. Pray continually. Fight the devil. Close open doors.