Posts Tagged ‘monitors’
Three prophecies about video : You can help
The outpouring is drawing close in Detroit—and we’re ready to chronicle it all!
We have received three very specific prophecies about a video documentary on the revival that’s coming to Detroit and Revival Church.
- Michele Perry of Iris Ministries Sudan was with us this past weekend, and she was adamant that we needed to start recording our events.
- A ministry partner of Georgian Banov was with us and prophesied that he saw film crews in our building recording what God was doing in the revival.
- Another friend of the ministry saw the same thing… and felt a documentary, before and after the outpouring begins… must be made.
So, we need to get video setup in our services!
A lot of people have asked me when we’d start recording our services, and I believe now is the time.
We need some help from you.
In addition to a quality video camera with an audio input and the ability to connect to a laptop for live streaming, we need monitors for the worship team (God is growing our worship team!).
This should cost no more than $1500 total. We’d like to get the equipment this week… can you help us by making a donation?
We’d be so thrilled if you could! These are exciting times and we want to display God’s love and power to as many people as we can all over the world!
You can donate at
Thank you very, very much!