Tonight: An otherworldly encounter in store for the Detroit region
Last night we experienced a sudden shock in the spirit realm, and the critical next step comes tonight at Revival Church.
TONIGHT: I’d like to invite EVERYBODY in the region to join us for an hour of white hot prophetic intercession for the service TONIGHT at 5pm!
Brian Simmons carries an otherworldly anointing that provokes people into extreme encounter with the Holy Spirit.
The service last night was indescribable, but suffice it to say, a new wine is being poured out that will mark the church more significantly than Azusa did.
A strange, troubling and wonderful disturbance is coming to the church—and most will flee, while a rare remnant responds to the call into a mysterious new life.
Those who have been looking to the church experience and to God himself for personal benefit are at great risk of rejecting this new wine movement that will mark the end-time church.
The seeker sensitive movement results in the satisfied masses participating in church. A movement of fire & wine results in a dissatisfied remnant participating in revolution.
Tonight, this new wine will be eagerly received as Detroit is prepared for radical renewal.
Revival Church meets at 6pm at CENTRAL CHURCH, 1529 E. 12 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071.
theLab & 1000 Revivalists
We are working on the next phase of strategy for theLab—and let me just say that it’s going to be a thrill ride.
We’ll be launching teams of people who will grow together, plant together and start fires together in Detroit and beyond.
Stay tuned.