

Most prophecy is conditional. We have a significant responsibility to hear God clearly and then to steward that revelation.
Imagine a web-based system that connected people, churches and ministries in real time. A system that receives, analyzes, filters and reports on prophecies, dreams and visions submitted via smart phones, laptops and other devices from around the world.
What if everybody in a church had an opportunity to prophesy during a service? What if all of that data was analyzed and submitted via a report to senior leadership as the service is in progress? What if that same data was compared with other submissions from all over the Earth?
This is the Strategic Prophecy & Intercession Management System. It's awaiting a team of brilliant and Spirit-filled people to take on the project.
If you want more information, or if you have information or contact with people that you feel might be able to assist in this project, please contact me.
John Burton